Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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I rolled a 6.

Brutrumukk turned to regard the newcomers with narrowed eyes. Brutrumukk found it to be a somewhat suspicious coincidence that these two stranger much appeared out of nowhere, immediately brought up that they had lost something at the Witchlight Carnival like almost everyone else in the party had, and were now trying to ingratiate themselves to the group. "Yeah... I think I can say with a fair amount o' certainty that these two are workin' fer the 'ag." Brutrumukk said to his companions.

Brutrumukk isn't a man. He's a bugbear. And even if he was human, he wouldn't be considered a man by most for at least another in game year.

"I can take us closer to the well." Brutrumukk said as he began rowing in that direction. "But I can't turn meself into a deer though. I ain't a druid. Me mum was, but not me."
Large mounds of earth suddenly flew out of the trees and onto the fires that weren't hidden by Cascade's Marine Layer at the time, cutting them off from the air they need to burn and extinguishing them in short order.

With the fires no longer blocking the way, more attackers were allowed to spill out of the woods and onto the battlefield. The Marine Layer and the remains of the tower split them into two groups. Each group then moved to the nearest wagon on either side and tipped it over for use as cover.

One attacker was not like the rest though. This attacker, a tiefling who was missing both horns and tail, emerged from the forest with a crossbow in hand as she took cover behind the dirt-covered debris of the formerly flaming tower. The tiefling took aim at Jørmund and loosed a crossbolt which, thankfully for him, bounced harmlessly off his armor.

@Lurking Krog

Your go.
Now I just want to doodle a picture of Cascade holding back an angry Flicker xD

I certainly desire to check this well.

Have Zavakri mention this IC and Brutrumukk will row the raft over.

The ball is in your court.
As Rala leaves Paxton at the shield wall, the leader of the highwayman defensive line - an imposing warforged wielding a formidable tower shield and a spear with a serrated head - called out once again. "Greenwood! Get Paxton to safety!"

"Right right!" One of the archers behind the shield wall said before dashing out, grabbing Paxton and carrying him off into the camp.

The warforged then looked back at Rala as she hurried off towards the rest of the party. "Help your friends, but don't stay out there too long!" It called after her. "The enemy is numerous and will overwhelm you with weight of numbers if you tarry!"

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