Avatar of rush99999


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2 mos ago
Current The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.
9 mos ago
9 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
9 mos ago
10 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Miss Light

As the others continued to question the Doctor, Miss Light decided to start preparing for this gala. If there was an opportunity to look before they leapt, taking that opportunity would be a prudent move. Miss Light made her way into the backstage changing rooms and over to a wrack of formal clothing. She selected a formal dress from the wrack that she would be able to wear over her clown garb without showing any sign that it was there. Setting the dress down on a nearby table, Miss light then took up her backpack from where she had left it, reached inside, and drew out a set of weaver's tools with reverent care. Miss Light then got to work on the dress, subtlety weakening the stitching that held the dress together so that it could be quickly and dramatically torn away should the situation call for such a thing.

Once her work was done, Miss light cast aside her cloak and removed Arkerym from her person. "I have a feeling that swords aren't on guest list." The half-elf said to the hexblade "And with the genasi still out there, well... you get the gist."

'I understand.'

"I'll return to collect you when it is time for the theft." Miss Light said as she placed Arkerym down on the table and picked up the dress. "With any luck by then the genasi will have left."

'I advise thee not to count on it.'

Deciding to leave figuring out how to work around that for later, Miss Light donned her dress and then left the dressing room to rejoin the rest of the party.

"...Why did you take a detour?" Stargaze questioned shortly after Skobeloff spoke.

"I wanted to impress the gliding class we flew past back there." Skobeloff replied, gesturing back the way they came with his tail as he did. "And the view of Yves I got from that updraft was a nice bonus as well."

Skobeloff then fell silent as the others spoke around him. He didn't really pay attention to what was being said though. He didn't have the energy for passive listening at that point and there was no indication that active listening would be worthwhi-


Skobeloff stood corrected.

The little Trickster looked on in amusement as a new arrival came running up to the group before trying to glomp Garrock. Skobeloff had to supress a snicker when Garrock dodged, leaving the new arrival to face plant directly into the ground. As he observed the subsequent exchange between Garrock and the new arrival, who Garrock referred to as Rudrick, Skobeloff finally noticed how similar the two dragons looked. Between that an their familiarity, Skobeloff quickly came to the same conclusion as Fellwing.

"So who's this then, Garrock?" Skobeloff asked Garrock once the two where done talking. "You two seem like you know each other, but I can't imagine why." Similar to Rudrick, it would be easy for everyone to tell that Skobeloff was joking about that last part.
I hope you enjoy your convention and I hope your workplace isn't too inconvenienced by its tax problem.
I've been wanting to make a post for three months now. But I can't do that until Haruki answers my question.
What website did you use?

The same site I used to make Daisy's character sheet.
@TaintedMushroom @Excession

Orbital Boop Cannon fully charged. Locking onto target...

Target locked. Firing sequence initiated. Orbital Boop Cannon firing in five.. four... three... two... one...

'Snouthold' is great. That is it's canonical name now, thank you Rush.

No problem.

But what exactly is Skobeloff trying to sieze a position on right now? I'm a little confused.

Skobeloff seized a position that gave him a good view of Yves, granting him +1 ongoing to roles that would help with. Such rolls might include surveying an area on the island's surface. (Having already seen it from afar, Skobeloff would have a few ideas on where to start looking.) or traversing the wilderness of Yves. (A bird's eye view of the island's wild places could have revealed a path or two.)

In the time between the conversation about the unicorn and the group's arrival at the Semscale stronghold, they had passed another group in the air. The other group was a class for raw-scaled drakes fresh from the Hatchery to learn how to navigate the wind paths. In a moment of mischief, Skobeloff broke away from his group to catch the updraft that was part of the final test. It sent the Trickster high into the air. High enough that, for a brief and beautiful moment, Skobeloff saw the dragon that Yves looked like when viewed from above. He hung in the air for as long as he could, committing every detail of the sight to memory to the best of his ability. But Skobeloff could only resist the pull of gravity for so long. Eventually, what went up had to come down. And so Skobeloff glided back down, rejoining his group and leaving the now awestruck gliding class in his wake.

Unfortunately for the little Trickster, Skobeloff had underestimated how strenuous that stunt would be on his wings. As a result, he was pretty puffed out when they stopped at the Snouthold.

"I could do with a quick rest." Skobeloff spoke up when Fogdance asked if anyone wanted to stop and the drakes outside his clutch had all finished giving their answers. "After that little detour I took, I'm a bit more out of breath than I would have been otherwise."

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