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Current I've come down with something. Expect slow response times until further notice.
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Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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7 mos ago
The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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When Cascade looked upon the crates with her Divine Sense, she saw that the clothing - made from blue-gray leather and white fur - carried no fiendishness. Quite the opposite in fact. Every item that could be found in the three boxes bore a faint celestial aura. Upon redirecting her attention to Mar'a'gan, Cascade noticed that the imp had a fiendish presence to it that was similar to the one she detected at the highwayman campsite. When asked about this, Mar'a'gan gave Cascade an impressed grin.

"Nothing escapes a paladin, it seems." The imp declared. "You have it right. I was indeed spying on you at Nanna May's behest. She sees great potential within your newfound companions. So too does my esteemed master. The latter sees that potential in you as well. And that is why I'm here." Mar'a'gan paused a moment then to extend a hand towards the party, palm facing upwards. "Nanna May sent me to observe your adventures." The imp said before a scroll appeared in its extended hand in a dramatic flash of fire. "And my esteemed master below sent me to offer you gifts and a small deal."
"Hoho! I see you are acquainted with the rules of the Feywild." Mar'a'gan commented delightedly in response to Aura's words. "A useful tool, I'm sure. But one that is not apt for this situation. You need not fear taking these gifts. Nanna May is no longer fey. As a night hag, she is a fiend. The only time she'd be a threat is if she turns you to evil's foul cause. And even then only if she does not find a good use for you aside from what she'd get out of you soul... But I digress. My point is that the Rule of Reciprocity does not apply to these warm clothes."
"Forsooth! How rude of me! The cold has made me forget my manners. Forgive this small faux pas and let me introduce myself." The imp said before bowing deeply to the party. "Mar'a'gan Sdrawkcab, that is I." The imp introduced itself. "Humble infernal shopkeeper. Familiar to Nanna May Midnight. And highest ranked of all the imps. At your service." With that said, Mar'a'gan straightened itself and awaited further words from the party.
Chapter Four: Haggling At The Hickory Stump

With all the excitement of the day done, the party retired to their beds soon after for a well earned rest. After a good night's sleep, they left the Manticore's Tale and continued on along the King's Road to Zephyr. As they traveled, the party began to feel the air grow colder and colder despite being on the tail end of Spring. By the time that the party reached a hill that Cascade would know to be hiding Zephyr behind it, the weather had turned uncomfortably chilly for their current state of dress. But as they approached the foot of the hill, something occurred that would make the drop in temperature the second strangest thing to happen today.

Waiting for the party at the foot of the hill were three crates filled with warm clothing. And in front of them, perched upon the stump of a hickory tree, was a tiny red figure waving at the party in most eager greeting. As they drew closer, the party began to make out more features of the waver. Leathery wings. Claw-tipped hands. Horns. Cloven hooves. And most notably of all? A long tail that ended with the venomous, daggerlike point of a scorpionesque stinger.

"Greetings to you, adventurers!" The imp called out happily as the party entered earshot. "Rather cold today, no? Unseasonably so in fact. I guess the Northmen are bringing their problems south with them. But that won't be a problem for you much longer. I have come bearing gifts!" The imp gestures to the creates. "I have here some nice, warm clothing. Enough for you, your wagon horses, and all the denizens of Zephyr. You are welcome to them free of charge as a token of my good will and the good will of my most esteemed master." The imp tilts its head then, leans in with a conspiratorial grin, puts its hand to the side of its mouth and adds. "If you are interested in more than that however, I do have a choice assortment of other useful goodies you'd might like to peruse."
With any luck, this time will be the time Jub is successful in his efforts.

"...Shmuck?" Brutrumukk asked as the macaw flew away. "...SHMUCK? I'll show you a shmuck you beaky bastard!" With that said, Brutrumukk drew his daggers and charged after the latest bird to rouse his anger in this adventure.
Well well. Things are about to get interesting on both fronts it seems.
No problem.

Just a reminder, you have yet to update Skobeloff's Friendship Gem tracker after he spent one to teleport to Shieldwing.
I'm still interested in this.
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