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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Birdboy
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Rala sat back in her chair as the chaos unfolded, it was no longer her job to break up bar fights like this and she did not envy whoever it was right now. As even Jormund stands up with a sudden rush, his seat toppled and the force of it nearly caused his drink to fall off the table. Rala caught it just in time, placing it back on the table. People were panicking, probably even fleeing and Rala knew that what they did here would not bring good tidings from the villagers. Rala moved slowly as she got up but once she did she briskly made her way towards the nearest exit to find the cart. Once she spotted where it was she bolted for it, hoping to get them ready for their departure.

Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Hidden 11 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by rush99999
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It was at this point in time that time slowed to a crawl and the party's surroundings became blurred beyond recognition. Moments that felt like days passed as the blurry world slowly but surely shaped itself into an androgynous humanoid figure with icosahedral eyes. After what seemed like both an eternity and an instant, the figure spoke.

"Enough of dreary gloom and dull repose,
I bid that this display now come to end.
The Master will not brook these bitter shows,
Nor let monotony these moments bend.

Rise, thou wilt, to joyous and vibrant hues,
Transform this dismal day with splendid light.
Let laughter bloom where silence did infuse,
And banish every shadow from the night.

O world, obey my sovereign, mighty call!
For I, with boundless power, now decree,
That mirth and merriment shall conquer all,
And every heart be filled with jubilee.

By my command, the tedium shall cease,
Thus, let this realm rejoice in boundless peace.

Then everything went black.

When the party regained their awareness, they did so slumped over a long line of tables and surrounded by a cheering crowd of tavern goers with Max, Gorgash, and his dire wolf nowhere to be found. Apparently, they had just participated in a drinking contest. And for holding their own for as long as they did, they had earned a night's room and board on the house.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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With a groan the cleric sat up in his chair and started to look around. It had been some time since he the last time he passed out in a drinking contest, at least as far as he could remember. "What was in those drinks?" He grumbled as he rubbed his temples . "I don't think I've passed out that hard since I left home. You all alright?" he asked the others in the group as he slowly started to stand up and check on them.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Cascade felt like she was on a boat in the middle of the stormy sea. She didn't know what happened...did the ship capsize and throw everyone into the churning waters of existence? Whatever happened, she found herself with the party, apparently having participated in a drinking contest. To everyone, she is noticeably swaying, as though her body thinks it's still on the ship.

She asks in a daze, her speech slurring a bit, "...Did someone forget to secure the rigging...?" She couldn't help but wonder in a prayer, "Deep Sashelas, what just happened...? We didn't start a drinking contest...did we...?"

She looks around to take stock of her surroundings, and as she tried to remember the previous events...she remembered that she was standing by the orc who didn't follow Gruumsh anymore! She looked around to see if that orc is still around in this tavern and if he was okay...
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Dark Cloud
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@Lurking Krog

The large grizzled old orc snorted and snored up quite the racket stirring slightly resting his head upon the table where drool had been pooling around his face "-Huh? Wot?" Hammerhand blinked, groaning the hungover orc barely recalled the events of the night. Some lady showed up, or was that just a dream? Hammerhand scratched the back of his neck squinting hard, trying to recount his steps.

Surrounded by at least five empty tankards, resting a hand under his chin he mumbled and counted his fingers before giving up, heaving an annoyed sigh though he did at least recall the dent in the table was something to remember.

"Ha! Bloody ell' now I remember!" the old orc grunted as he struggled to his feet, clapping a large hand on the rock man's shoulder "You nearly put my ead' through dat table!"

Hammerhand laughed heartily, slapping his knee "Can't say I've met a humie or whatever you is whose out drank me or beat me in a good old bout." the large orc smelled of ale and vinegar, but he meant well genuinely impressed by Jørmund's tenacity. "I'd be glad to call ya me drinking brother."
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by LostDestiny
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Aura shot up in her seat only to groan as her head throbbed. "Hells, what happened?" She groaned as she closed her eyes tight in a long, steadying blink. It took her a moment to get her bearings and with the help of Hawk recounting the events leading up to this she sighed. "Ah yup that adds up." She said looking at the tankards around them. "You know when I said loosen up this wasn't really what I meant but I will take it I guess."

The air Genasi's attention was drawn to the Orc who occupied the table with them as he made a comment to Jørmund. "Whatever he is, is an Earth Genasi." She then pointed toward Cascade, "Water Genasi," Finger moving to Flicker, "Fire Genasi," and lastly she pointed to herself "And last but certainly not least, Air Genasi. Just think of us as super cool elemental people, it's easier that way than explaining the birds and the bees." Taking another deep breath she stood from her seat and stretched. "I think we all could use some food in our bellies. Allow me to go order us some. Would rather not yell right now if I can help it." With that she made her way, slightly unsteadily to the bar to order the best hangover food this Inn could muster for the group of them, Hammerhand included.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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The first word out of Flicker's mouth when they awoke was some sort of curse in elvish. For some reason, they felt very annoyed... no, actually, more than annoyed. They felt angry, but they couldn't for the life of them recall why.

Once they'd processed that bit of emotion, they got themself to their feet and slowly started to take in the rest of the scene, and tried to piece out what had lead them to waking up on the floor of some random tavern. They weren't particularly happy with the conclusion they came to: apparently, they'd gotten roped into a drinking contest with some orc, and for some reason, Flicker themself had ended up participating. Either that, or someone had spiked their drink.

Concerned that they had been both drunk and angry before they had passed out, Flicker quickly started to survey the tavern to make sure they hadn't caused any damage or hurt anyone during the period of time they couldn't remember.

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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Jørmund smiles a bit and passes a flagon of water to Cascade. "First drinking contest? It very much looks like we did." He winced as he moved his left arm to pass the flagon. That and several things were starting to feel sore as well. A few spots his face, part of his jaw, both his fore arms, and his fists. "This will help with the spinning after a bit. That and sit down so you don't fall down."

Jørmund looked over to the orc who was clapping him on the back. "Aye been in a few bouts and more than a few drinking challenges." He said with a wide grin returning the clap on the back with one on the shoulder. "It's nice to find someone who can drink and fight just as well as me. And not be to soured by it afterward. Aura is right however, whatever I am is an Earth Genasi, same as my father."

Briefly he looked toward Flicker noticing thier expression. The cleric's smile lessened as he wondered if Flicker was ok.
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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Cascade blinked at Jormund as he spoke. Apparently he heard her prayer to Deep Sashelas! Very impressive! She accepts the flagon of water, as she answers, still slurring her speech, "Not really, but I guess I drank more than I usually did during past drinking contests back home. Mahalo nui for the water!"

She remained sitting and nursed the water in the flagon, trying to make sure that the room stopped spinning.

She looks to the orc...wasn't she standing by his side a moment ago? Shaking her head, she takes note of Aura telling the orc who was each genasi. She raised her hand at the mention of her being a water genasi. She also noticed how Flicker was looking around. She wanted to follow them, but she remained sitting, since she was still dizzy and recovering from the drinking contest.

She guessed Flicker had very similar feelings.
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Hidden 9 mos ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Chapter Four: Haggling At The Hickory Stump

With all the excitement of the day done, the party retired to their beds soon after for a well earned rest. After a good night's sleep, they left the Manticore's Tale and continued on along the King's Road to Zephyr. As they traveled, the party began to feel the air grow colder and colder despite being on the tail end of Spring. By the time that the party reached a hill that Cascade would know to be hiding Zephyr behind it, the weather had turned uncomfortably chilly for their current state of dress. But as they approached the foot of the hill, something occurred that would make the drop in temperature the second strangest thing to happen today.

Waiting for the party at the foot of the hill were three crates filled with warm clothing. And in front of them, perched upon the stump of a hickory tree, was a tiny red figure waving at the party in most eager greeting. As they drew closer, the party began to make out more features of the waver. Leathery wings. Claw-tipped hands. Horns. Cloven hooves. And most notably of all? A long tail that ended with the venomous, daggerlike point of a scorpionesque stinger.

"Greetings to you, adventurers!" The imp called out happily as the party entered earshot. "Rather cold today, no? Unseasonably so in fact. I guess the Northmen are bringing their problems south with them. But that won't be a problem for you much longer. I have come bearing gifts!" The imp gestures to the creates. "I have here some nice, warm clothing. Enough for you, your wagon horses, and all the denizens of Zephyr. You are welcome to them free of charge as a token of my good will and the good will of my most esteemed master." The imp tilts its head then, leans in with a conspiratorial grin, puts its hand to the side of its mouth and adds. "If you are interested in more than that however, I do have a choice assortment of other useful goodies you'd might like to peruse."
Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Flicker had been keeping to themself after the group's impromptu drinking contest. The whole situation had been weird, but they doubted they could explain why succinctly to any of their traveling companions. Not without sounding crazy, anyway. So, they'd mostly just avoided talking about it... or talking at all, for that matter.

They did hope however that once they were in Zephyr and things weren't so hectic, they'd have a moment to talk with the more religious members of the party. Various existential thoughts had been bubbling around in their mind for a while, probably as far back as their encounter with Nanna May, and while they could easily just write a letter to their old order, getting a reply would take some time. Besides, Flicker had stopped living with the Order for a reason. They respected the monks and thankful for what they had done for them, but their philosophies just never quite worked for Flicker. Maybe the fire genasi just didn't 'get' it.

Maybe I'm just stupid in general, Flicker thought to themself as they traveled, not for the first time in their life and definitely not going to be the last.

Before they could finish that thought, the party stumbled across some sort of... shop(?) in the middle of nowhere, manned by someone Flicker immediately felt they shouldn't trust. After all, wasn't there some proverb about 'fiends bearing gifts'?

"And who might your master be, exactly?" Flicker asked, not moving to take anything from the imp until they got an answer.
Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by rush99999
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"Forsooth! How rude of me! The cold has made me forget my manners. Forgive this small faux pas and let me introduce myself." The imp said before bowing deeply to the party. "Mar'a'gan Sdrawkcab, that is I." The imp introduced itself. "Humble infernal shopkeeper. Familiar to Nanna May Midnight. And highest ranked of all the imps. At your service." With that said, Mar'a'gan straightened itself and awaited further words from the party.
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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Once the group was traveling again Aura continued her idol chatter. It was, after all, uncommon for the charasmatic warlock to remain quiet for long. When the air began to turn cold Hawk made a point to crawl under her cloak, claiming it was too much for his reptilian form. Aura knew that was not true but she let him remain there in the mean time as they approached the distant figure.

Soon the figure was no longer distant and offering warm weather gear them. A "gift" from the imp's master. Aura was about to inquire about whom it's master was but Flicker beat her to it, ever the cautious individual they were."Nanna May, as in the same hag that let us kill a bunch of people for her? Yea no thanks, I would much rather freeze to death than take anything offered, with kindness, from her. Gifts from beings like that is how one becomes bound to them and I am already bound to a much better option, thank you. Nobody here, or in Zephyr, needs to owe her any favors." There was an unusually cruel bite to Aura's words that the party rarely heard. The air Genasi was usually far more careful with how her words came out, but it seemed she was not hiding her displeasure in this moment.
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by rush99999
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"Hoho! I see you are acquainted with the rules of the Feywild." Mar'a'gan commented delightedly in response to Aura's words. "A useful tool, I'm sure. But one that is not apt for this situation. You need not fear taking these gifts. Nanna May is no longer fey. As a night hag, she is a fiend. The only time she'd be a threat is if she turns you to evil's foul cause. And even then only if she does not find a good use for you aside from what she'd get out of you soul... But I digress. My point is that the Rule of Reciprocity does not apply to these warm clothes."
Hidden 9 mos ago 9 mos ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Cascade had been eager to lead the party to Zephyr, and as she led the way, she eagerly spoke with the party. It seems like she spoke with Aura the most, if nobody else chimed in. However, her cheer does dampen with the noticeable chill in the air. She shudders as she comments, "That's weird, Brah...It's not normally this cold..."

She easily points out the hill and informs the party trying to regain her cheer, "Ah! Zephyr's just behind that hill! We're almost there!" However, that cheer disappears when a certain demonic being makes itself known.

Now, as a paladin, she is intuitively aware that demons are not good creatures. However, this one is not attacking? Instead it was offering warm clothes for her, her friends, and for her Ohana in Zephyr? She listens to Flicker and Aura as they spoke up and voiced their doubts. She remembers hearing about Nanna May back at that tavern from the party, which makes their doubts understandable to the paladin.

Still...Cascade stands conflicted. One could see her expression resemble one that a confused golden retriever might have as she thinks over the situation and debating with herself between accepting the gifts and not accepting them. They would help Zephyr, but...would they somehow doom them? If there was only a way to tell...

Thankfully for Cascade, Deep Sashelas seems to have been watching over her, because a small memory comes back to the forefront of her mind, like driftwood on the vast sea of her thoughts.

She mutters in realization, "I'm overthinking this!" She then clasps her holy symbol and channels the divinity into her senses. She is looking attentively at the clothes to see if there is any sort of demonic influence on them that could be corruptive or harmful to the people of Zephyr. But while doing so, she looks at the imp with the memory in mind once again, trying to discern anything familiar about that imp from that night.

She asks warily, "Wait a minute...were you the one spying on us during that attack on the camp?"

Hidden 9 mos ago Post by rush99999
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When Cascade looked upon the crates with her Divine Sense, she saw that the clothing - made from blue-gray leather and white fur - carried no fiendishness. Quite the opposite in fact. Every item that could be found in the three boxes bore a faint celestial aura. Upon redirecting her attention to Mar'a'gan, Cascade noticed that the imp had a fiendish presence to it that was similar to the one she detected at the highwayman campsite. When asked about this, Mar'a'gan gave Cascade an impressed grin.

"Nothing escapes a paladin, it seems." The imp declared. "You have it right. I was indeed spying on you at Nanna May's behest. She sees great potential within your newfound companions. So too does my esteemed master. The latter sees that potential in you as well. And that is why I'm here." Mar'a'gan paused a moment then to extend a hand towards the party, palm facing upwards. "Nanna May sent me to observe your adventures." The imp said before a scroll appeared in its extended hand in a dramatic flash of fire. "And my esteemed master below sent me to offer you gifts and a small deal."
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by LostDestiny
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Aura snorted. "There it is. And what, praytell, might this small deal be?" She squinted at the imp. His words, for once, made her uneasy. Not only did they have genie going to war and potentially keeping tabs on them, but now she learns they also have a fiendish hag and whatever other "master bellow" this imp speaks of. Was this imp the presence she also sensed watching her when she was more or less alone or was it something else entirely?
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by rush99999
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"I mentioned I'm a shopkeep, yes?" Mar'a'gan said. "Well unlike others in my profession, I need potential customers to sign off on some terms and conditions before I can show off my wares." As he spoke, the imp took the scroll between a thumb and foreclaw and wiggled the infernal parchment at Aura in an offering manner. "And before you ask, no, none of these terms or conditions involve selling your soul." Mar'a'gan added. "If you offer, I will accept. But even I have to admit that promising eternal servitude to the Nine Hells upon your death just so that you can browse my goods is a poor trade in every meaning of the phrase."
Hidden 9 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Flicker's face became grimmer with each new sentence out of the imp's mouth, and a strong desire to send the creature back from the hellhole it had crawled out of began to fill the genasi. However, they knew enough about fiends to know that fire was likely to do jackshit, and they didn't really fancy the idea of getting close enough to this creature to punch it, not with that stinger tail and whatever other nasty tricks it might have up its sleeve.

They clenched their fist. "Going to be entirely honest here," they said. They look around at their party members. "And stop me if I'm presuming anything, but, err, I don't think we'd want anything that a fiend could offer. Regardless of deals and trading souls, I'm pretty sure taking anything from you is just... inviting something bad in our general direction." They realised they probably sounding a bit overly superstitious right now, but given everything they had been through recently - and the way that one shopkeeper had reacted when they'd tried to sell the things they'd taken from Nanna May during their first encounter - they felt they had the right to be.
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