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*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Jenk proceeded through the crowd at a leisurely pace, slower than those committed to racing the dwarf but faster than the elf. As he made his way through the crowd, a sixth sense he had developed for approaching longshanks feet suddenly flared up. "Gah!" Jenk exclaimed as he dodged out of the way a split second before the foot he had sensed came down on the place he had been only a moment before. The goblin looked up to stat cursing at the inattentive longshanks, but the sight that met his eyes left the words stuck in his throat.

Everyone was looking at him. Not just the guy who had almost stepped on him. Not just the people who had likely heard his surprised vocalization. Everyone. Even those who were far enough away that they had no reason to turn towards him. Even those who in fact had every reason not to look away from what their gaze was upon before. This was a sign. It had to be. Jenk had not been simply sent here to learn magic. Divine providence had brought him here to fulfill some holy purpose. And though Jenk did not yet know what that purpose was, the knowledge it was there filled him with DETERMINATION. Jenk quickened his pace a little as all around him returned to their morning business.

When Jenk arrived at the canals, the goblin snickered and shook his head in amusement at the sight of those who had decided to race the dwarf jumping onto and off of the water taxis. He himself stopped at the water's edge and looked at the passing boats. Soon enough, Jenk spotted one that wasn't currently in use. "Taxi!" Jenk called out to this taxi, one hand raised above his head. The others could race if they liked. But Jenk would travel the rest of the way to Alandri's place in style.

"If you intend to run off at least wait until you are sure where we are going." The elf spoke up.

"Jenk help." Jenk added. "Jenk caught what beardy metal longshanks say. Jenk tell you." Jenk then proceeded to give a more easily follow able set of directions to those who intended to race Haibram.
Jenks, the goblin, had suggested a race. She was definitely, 100%, NOT going to be doing that. "If you intend to run off at least wait until you are sure where we are going." She wasn't going to stop them though. Let them have their fun.

It was Haibram that suggested the race, not Jenk.
No! Have mercy, O Great Ones! It was merely a jest!
@rush99999 Would you like to Recall Knowledge to find out how much of Haibram's directions you remember? I'll need your society modifier if you do.

I would indeed like to Recall Knowledge. My Society modifier is +7000.
"I suggest we head towards those canals the teacher mentioned. Our fishwoman should be around there, I imagine." One of the party members, an elf it seemed, suggested.

"Jenk think that good idea." Jenk said with an eager nod. "Pointy ear longshanks very smart." Before the idea could be acted on though, an armored dwarf appeared and challenged the group to a race. Jenk was good at a lot of things, but Athletics wasn't one of them. Before he could say as much though, the dwarf offered Jenk a handshake.

"Name's Haibram." The dwarf said.

"Jenk is Jenk." Jenk said as he shook Haibram's hand. The goblin then tried to decline the challenge again, but couldn't get a word in edgewise before the dwarf was off like the clappers.

“If that man can lead us to our destination, I suggest we follow him." Another of their number - A... human? That's what Jenk's initial thoughts were. But he couldn't help thinking that was wrong. - chimed in.

"You want race, longshanks? That fine." Jenk said. "Jenk no race though. Running make Jenk tired. And Jenk tired already." With that said, Jenk headed off in the direction of the dwarf at a leisurely pace. Knowing he stood no chance in a race against someone robust enough to move that quickly in full plate, Jenk simply opted to remember as much of the dwarf's directions as he could and get there in his own time.
@rush99999 omg he's adorable!

Indeed he is. An aiuvarin heritage can do that to a goblin.
Here's Jenk's token.

I happened across this video and it reminded me of Raella and Arndell.

@Guardian Angel Haruki

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