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The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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Here are some interactions between my characters, courtesy of the Incorrect Quote Generator.

Sigismund: We need a way to lure in new customers.
Fedya: Maybe we could have some fun, interactive events!
Bartholomew: Serafina bath water.

Serafina: What are the hardest things to say?
Sigismund: I was wrong.
Fedya: I need help.
Bartholomew: Worcestershire sauce.

Sigismund, setting down a card: Ace of spades.
Serafina, pulling out an Uno card: +4.
Bartholomew, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you!
Fedya, trembling: What are we playing?!
Vanovar chuckled as a member of the team arrived late. "As much as I'd enjoy watching this next part, I have a book club to attend." He said as he made to follow Klara. "Good luck, Corporal." With that said, Vanovar followed Klara out of the room and spoke again once he drew level with her. "Flight Lieutenant Alde. That was how you introduced yourself, yes?" Vanovar said, then waited for confirmation before continuing. "I myself am Inquisitor Vanovar Pythis. I look forward to working with you."

Will Captain Crasse be answering Vanovar's question soon? There were other things I wanted to do on the Revenge before Sunday.
"I don't care if you join us or not, just decide quick," Miloh grunted at the new arrivals.

"Now now, Miloh." Grandfather Trafalgar gently admonished the lad. "I know you are eager to get some food, but that is no reason to be unkind to fellow travelers."

“Well, it has been a while since I saw any food.” The young man who had approached them replied. He then paused a moment to glance at his companion in a way that seemed like he was wondering something, before returning his focus to the conversation. “We’ll come!”

"Wonderful!" The old storyteller exclaimed joyously before sniffing the air once more. "The scent is getting stronger now. We shouldn't have much further to go." With that said, Grandfather Trafalgar led the way as he continued to follow his nose to the source of the scent.

“Giant bats, huh? Bonding ritual, you say?” The young man spoke up again.

"Indeed." Grandfather Trafalgar confirmed. "The giant fruit bats that nest in the ruins beneath Nimbuston are half the reason the island's Batrider militia have achieved as much renown as they have. They are a sturdy and robust species, well suited to a wide variety of missions. Especially the pacification expeditions to the Flying Mountains for which the militia is particularly known for. The other half of the secret to this success stems from the rite that will happen today. A strong bond between bat and rider can mean the difference between glorious success and disastrous failure, and these bonds only grow stronger with the passage of time. And so Nimbuston's particular rite of passage was put into practice to ensure that the children of the island bonded with a bat as early as possible."

Just as he finished speaking, Grandfather Trafalgar turned a corner and caught sight of their destination. "Here we are!" The old man declared as he advanced on the food stall.

"Right! How much ya buyin' today, y'all?" The stall vendor asked with a grin on her face and a twirling meat cleaver in her hand.

Grandfather Trafalgar returned the grin and presented the Zenit that he had earned from his storytelling. "We will take as much food and drink as this can afford us." The Ćororo elder said. Once the order had been placed and the vendor set about preparing the food, Grandfather Trafalgar turned to introduce himself to the new arrivals. Only to find that they were no longer present. "What the...?" He asked in confusion as he looked around.Between old age dulling his sense of hearing and how the young man speaking so softly when he had split off, Grandfather Trafalgar hadn't heard the young man's words. And so he hadn't realized that the two new arrivals were gone until he'd looked behind him.
"I have a question, Captain Crasse." Vanovar spoke up, his voice smooth and sonorous. "These few survivors, did they mention anything that might hint at what we should expect from our prey? Whether they are merely the standard fare provided by pirates and Rebels or if we should expect something more?"
Remember if you want information on any given situation, you can post your character guessing, or you can also try to make a roll to see if your character knows more or can get more information on any given situation.

What would a roll of 16 on a Common Knowledge (Galactic Lore) check tell Vanovar about Hasiki?
Upon learning what the task was, Jenk set aside all items that he didn't want getting wet and then dived into the water with the Holy Pitchfork of Fouston in hand. This hadn't been the first time Jenk had gone fishing like this. The magic scale was a first, but everything aside from that was nothing new to him. Gathering fish from any available body of water for the cult's pantry was one of Jenk's favorite jobs back home. Mainly because the Holy Pitchfork of Fouston made things a lot easier. Fish tended to flee whenever something approached too close, so a lot of the difficulty of fishing came from getting close enough to actually catch the fish. But thanks to the Holy Pitchfork, Jenk had no need to approach the fish. All the goblin had to do was thrust the Holy Pitchfork's prongs at the fish and they would be skewered by the relic's divine power. And so it wasn't long before a cloud of red formed in the area where Jenk was hunting. A phenomenon that was shortly followed by a steady stream of impaled fish corpses floating up to the surface.

”Excuse me, but we seem to have wandered into this town by… accident. Might you be so friendly as to tell us where we are, and what’s going on?”

Grandfather Trafalgar turned to regard the speaker and his companion with a friendly smile. "Of course, friend." The old man happily obliged. "You stand currently upon the island of Nimbuston, which floats within the Cell of Everwing. Nimbuston is famed for its Batriders, who bond with their mounts from an early age. Today is the day of the Four Winds Festival. And a part of these festivities is a rite of passage undertaken by any child considered old enough to be ready to bond with their bat. The rite consists of entering the ancient ruins in which the giant bats make their nest, befriending one of them, and then riding them back up to the town."

Grandfather Trafalgar paused a moment to sniff the air then, before turning back to his fellow travelers. "If you have only just arrived here I'm willing to bet you're hungry from your journey." The storyteller surmised. "My companion and I are on the scent of a particularly promising morsel. Why not join us? If you have lost your bearings, I can think of no finer way in which to help you regain them than over a nice meal."
Fyodor Strelnikov

"And from what I've heard, the deities of Tir na Og are some of the more... personable ones, for lack of a better word. They're not actively malevolent or destructive, but they're not overly righteous either. They're not as desperate to impose their will on mortals as some other deities are. They're just there. They're existing, like the rest of us. I think we need more deities like that."

This, more than any other of Ulgad's reasons, struck a chord with Fyodor. He thought of the gods of his homeland. Of the Morninglord, who hadn't answered a prayer in over three hundred years. Of Mother Night, who had forsaken his people and cursed their land for the offences of ancestors centuries dead. How different a place would the land Fyodor had left behind be were its gods like those of the Celtic pantheon?

"I can imagine the advantages." Fyodor said in response to both Ulgad's words and his own mind's question. Fyodor took another sip of wine. As he drank, his mind posed another question. Though Fyodor had no reason to doubt the truth of any answer Ulgad had given, did the gnoll decide to omit a reason or two? He did decide to join the expedition right after hearing that Fyodor had been assigned to it after all. Fyodor didn't bother voicing the question though. Even if his hunch was correct, whether or not Ulgad was keeping a reason secret didn't really matter. Helping those who had been affected by the disappearance was what mattered.

"I think me eyesight's good enough to count as that." Brutrumukk said. "An' if it ain't, Alley-Ya's lookin' fer the cat as well. If I just follow 'er, all should be well."
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