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27 days ago
Current I've come down with something. Expect slow response times until further notice.
3 mos ago
3 mos ago
3 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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8 mos ago
The Summer heat makes it difficult for me to think straight. Anyone I'm writing with should expect regular delays on my end until the temperature goes down.


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

"There you are!" A familiar voice called out before the Rodian could respond. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Vanovar was glad for anything that would take his mind off of how much degradation he had allowed to seep in. "I've been lookin' all over for you."

"Ah. I suppose I have been moving about a bit too eagerly now that I think about it." Vanovar said with a tone of apologetic sheepishness.

"You buyin' replacement parts for the ship or somethin'?" Klara asked.

"Perhaps." Vanovar answered. "I only just arrived, so I don't know the specifics of what's in stock here."

"That is true." Skobeloff admitted. "But that doesn't mean your condition should go completely ignored. More often than not, problems get worse when they're ignored." Skobeloff paused then, looking as if he were considering something. After a moment, the trickster continued. "As far as resources go, you're still small enough that you wouldn't need much. And really, all that stuff about things getting bad at some point is just fearmongering for the most part." He said. "As for taking the Crafter's away from those who need it more, that should only be something to worry about if you consider asking one of the older Crafters. If you were to go to a Crafter around your age who knows their way around wood, metal, wiring, and plastic; they'd be able to help you and you wouldn't have to worry about those worse off than you not getting the help they need... And furthermore..." Skobeloff leaned in closer to Coryn then and whispered so that only he could hear. "If the real issue is that you're too embarrassed to ask, don't be. A lotta dragons have limb problems, it's nothing to be ashamed of."

Careful. Sentences like that is how AUs get started.

The day an Alternate Universe forms around a Player Character with a lack of aspirations to godhood in a D&D game happening in an obscure corner of the internet is the day I retire from making statements such as these and abandon all self-respect.
Is there any member of this gosh-darn party who doesn't want to ascend to godhood?!

Fyodor doesn't.

Quick question, are there any resource shortages going on in the Moonlit Isles or are things stable on that front at the moment?
That's twice in a row you've ninja'd me now.
Though he maintained a polite smile as the Rodian spoke to him, Vanovar's teeth clenched tightly behind his lips. Once upon a time, Vanovar would have understood those words perfectly and gladly given an equally fluent reply. Now though? He could only tell that the Rodian was speaking Huttese. 'By the Aurora. Why did I ever think retiring was a good idea?' Vanovar pondered within the confines of his mind, as he tended to do whenever he was reminded of how much rust he had gathered in all his years of idleness.

"I do apologise, but could you please repeat that in Basic?" Vanovar requested. "It has been some time since I last needed Huttese. As a result, I am woefully out of practice."
The water above Jenk continued to roil even as the first two fish he had claimed reached the surface. The goblin had never been under the water for this long. Thanks to the scale, he was barely even feeling the need to inhale when normally he'd have long since become desperate for breath. It was all so new. All so exciting. And that excitement showed in the gusto with which he continued his assault on every fish he could see. Were he not holding his breath, Jenk would be laughing manically as he set about him with the Holy Pitchfork of Fouston. Striking again and again and again at anything that had the misfortune of being within 30 feet of him.

Seems like the dude operates out of the docks/market area. Klara's roughly around there. Down to run duos?

Sounds good to me.
Vinca Rumen. A Rodian trader who dealt in mysteriously sourced goods. Vanovar's search had turned up that name. As had the searches of some of his fellows. Between the mystery surrounding his work and the common interest of the others, Vanovar figured the guy was worth investigating. One quick address search later, Vanovar was off to Vinca's place of business to see what he had for sale.
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