“My Eidolon warps reality around me by imposing my wants on the world."
PLAYER NAME: rush99999
POW: 2 |
ELE: 1 |
GEN: 1 |
GLAM: 3 |
BIZ: 2
DefeatedRESONANT CARD: The Wheel of Fortune
LVL: 1
When you play your resonant card, apply the following Forecast:
“You raise your baton to strike up the band.” Issue one command: everything currently in your zone of influence must follow it, until the assigned task is complete or the scene ends.
When you play your dissonant card, apply the following Forecast:
“Life is a stage, and you’ve forgotten all your lines.” For as long as your dissonant card is in the discard pile, any time you Dazzle someone, do not draw; instead, the GM will act as though you played The Moon.
Good Vibrations: Anyone who has a Tie to you is immune to the effects of your Eidolon if they choose to be and you want them to be.
Static Shock: When you Scrap, if you pair your assault with an insult that hurts worse than the attack, you may draw
GLAM instead of
Bermuda Triangle: When you Face Death, your Eidolon immediately begins warping reality if it wasn’t already, and continues to do so until you wake up or come back to life. If you choose to embrace death, you may declare one location; your Eidolon moves to this location and never moves again, continuing to warp reality in perpetuity.
Take on Me: When you successfully Dazzle someone, your Eidolon will warp reality around them in the same way it does around you. This effect remains for the rest of the scene.
Faulty Meter: When you successfully Dazzle someone, then until the end of the scene, they will not think anything is amiss when your Eidolon warps reality.
Give Peace a Chance: Take the Four Thirty-Three Move from the Virtuoso Playbook, but you activate it by turning off your Eidolon’s power instead of throwing your Eidolon away.
During combat, throw away your Eidolon and make a call to negotiate with your enemies. Draw GLAM, but ignore the Forecast of the card you play.
If you play a positive card, all Eidolons involved in the conflict
become severed until you pick up your Eidolon again.
If you play a neutral card, no Eidolons become severed, but the enemy will stop attacking long enough to hear you out.
If you play a negative card, nothing happens, except that you’ve thrown away your Eidolon.
You may only use this Move once per session.[]
Lightning Rod (Requires Take on Me): Declare the name of one person who has at some point been under the influence of your Eidolon. You may draw
GLAM to have your Eidolon warp reality around them instead of you, regardless of where they are. You may draw
BIZ to have your Eidolon resume warping reality around you.
Vibe Check: When Dredging the Undertow to acquire information about the relationship between two or more people, you may draw
GLAM instead of
Faraday Cage: When in the Undertow, you may draw
BIZ to turn your Eidolon’s zone of influence into a space in which reality is stable and reflects the real world, instead of a space in which reality is warped.
Reflecting Pool (Requires Faraday Cage): When in the real world, you may draw
BIZ to turn your Eidolon’s zone of influence into a space that reflects the corresponding area in the Undertow.
Under My Umbrella: You may draw
POW to transform the border of your zone of influence into a solid barrier. On a positive card, choose 2 of the following. On a neutral card, choose one:
The barrier is sturdy, and impervious to nearly all attacks.
The barrier is transparent.
Your allies can move back and forth through the barrier freely.
You may dismiss the barrier at will.
Sealed Room: Once per session, you can designate one person inside of your Eidolon’s zone of influence. They may not leave the area, and you cannot turn off your Eidolon’s power until you both give the other something they want.
Devil Pact (Requires Sealed Room): When you take this Move, describe a “Devil,” a Shade that dwells in the Undertow. Once per session, you may draw
BIZ to summon it into your Eidolon’s zone of influence. They may not leave the area, and you cannot turn off your Eidolon’s power until you both agree upon a contract with each other.
Superconductor: Once per session, you may choose one character that has a Tie to you and that you have a Tie to. Then, each of you temporarily rewrites your Eidolon Power to something that evokes the Power of the other. Your Eidolon Power reverts to normal at the beginning of the next scene.
Power Cycle: Once per session, you may shuffle the discard pile into the Fate Deck, then discard the same number of cards from the top of the deck (this ticks the Phantom Clock if it is at 6 PM or higher).
Master Moves (Requires Level 5 or higher)
Limelight: The range of your Eidolon’s reality-warping ability changes from 15 Feet to the distance of the furthest person in your line of sight that’s actively paying attention to you.
Give Violence a Chance (Requires Give Peace a Chance): Once per Uptime, when using Give Peace a Chance, your Eidolon Power does not switch off, leaving you as the only person in the scene with access to your Eidolon Power.
Faustian Super Shopper (Requires Devil Pact): Every third time you summon your Devil, you may draw
BIZ to have them act at your behest without requiring anything in return.
1 "Jesse is a useful fixer." 1
2 "Montague is as wise as he is loyal." 2
1 "The Crow is the bane of my existence." 1
1 "Ashley could be an entertaining source of drama." 1
1 "Emily must be shown that I am something far grander than some fraternity tribesman." 1
2 "Because of Mister MegaTen, I can now live out my fantasy of being a Pokémon Trainer." 2