Alright, now I'm back. For real this time.
4 mos ago
I'm backkkk.
6 mos ago
Sorry guys, life happened. Finally have a laptop to use once more. Replies incoming!
6 mos ago
Finally getting back to responding, just bear with me!
6 mos ago
Recovering from Covid and being in the hospital. Hopefully replies tomorrow.
I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.
Dreams: Kat wants to be in a professional dance company, and not one where she gets paid extra for 'favors'.
Dilemma: Young, blonde, skinny dancer from a farm town? Isn't taken seriously. At all.
Katherine Bluebell Scott was born in a small rural town in Alabama to local dairy farmers. She grew up working the land and being homeschooled, as the nearest school was near a hundred miles away from their farm. Day to day life held the same routine: up at the crack of dawn to feed the animals, milk the cows, tend to the land, then school work from her housemaid mother.
The small radio in her bedroom was her only true escape to the world outside their land. Kat would often find herself moving, as if on instinct, along with the melodies. Dancing allowed her self confidence to grow, even if she didn't know what she was doing half of the time. It allowed her to believe in a world where she didn't have to be covered in fertilizer and reek of spoiled milk.
And so, the day she turned eighteen, she packed up all her belongings and gathered up her life savings which to her credit, was not very much. She hopped on a bus and set off to the land of better opportunities: LA.
Yet- it wasn't what she always imagined it would be. The money she had only afforded her a run-down room in a motel for just a few days. Kat desperately needed to find a job. As she scoured the streets, she found several dance companies holding auditions. She was practically laughed out the door the moment she opened her mouth to speak. They didn't want to hear about a fresh-faced county girl with bright dreams, with no experience. Her desperation soon landed her the parking lot of 'The Treasure Chest'- a well sized gentlemen's club. The manager took one look at her and knew she would bring in more revenue.
And thus, Kitty was born. At least she was making good money now- right?
Extra Info: Even though she's a stripper, has never been intimate with a man. Has never touched alcohol. Very deep southern twang.
Ember is always on the go. She is always looking for the next adventure, whether it be a road trip/boat ride/pop-up concert. Headphones are constantly either wrapped around her neck or against her ears. Never afraid to speak her mind, she holds nothing back and seems to not have a brain to mouth filter at times. Always brutally honest, she is not afraid to hurt someone's feelings. Though, what she says is usually never stemmed out of hate- she just believes everyone deserves to hear the truth.
. Concerts . Books . Bargains . . Makeup . Mall . Heels . . Never seen without some type of caffeine . Constantly looking for the next concert. Always seen with headphones .
Spells → Telekinisis- Can move small objects with her mind, yet not strong enough to move people. Helps when getting that VIP backstage pass. Apportation- Can teleport small objects from one place to another. Must be able to see the object, and the place where she wants the object to go.
Weaknesses → Blind as a bat without her glasses. > Mouth of a sailor. > Cannot sit still.
TRIVIA → Always breaks out into song. Full of seemingly useless knowledge of music and bands. Her favorite genre of music is indie pop. Can speak three languages- English, Spanish, and Italian.
+ Discreet | Fearless | Charming | Confident - Sarcastic | Bossy | Impulsive ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ α p p є α r α n c є ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Bex is a complete people person, and always loves to make an entrance. This confidence however sometimes rubs people the wrong way, making her seem arrogant or full of herself. In all actuality, she is down to earth and ready to jump at a moment's notice to help someone in need.
With her air of charm, she loves to dress in clothes that emphasize her body figure, but nothing too inappropriate as she does work with high school students. She is very fond of all things jumpsuits, rompers, etc. It is not out of the norm to see Bex in a denim romper, tank top underneath, and sporting her favorite converse.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
s k í l l s & w є α k n є s s є s ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Strengths ➽➽➽ Mind Reading ; The thoughts of others tend to float their way into her own head, appearing mostly as images. Most of the time, she doesn't realize she's reading a person and has a hard time differentiating between what is her own, and what is theirs. Can focus on one person at a time, but still gets overwhelmed. Is currently working on this power. ➽➽➽ Suggestion ; Not aware she has this power. Is often surprised when people seem to do what she thinks they should do. She mostly just believes that she has some strong common sense, and that people listen to her cause she's usually right. ➽➽➽ Dream/Nightmare Induction ; Very rarely does she push a nightmare onto a person. Most of the time, it's pleasant dreams after hearing of a student's fears and anxiety. All she has to do is brush her fingertips across their head, picture happy thoughts, and a peaceful night awaits. The same is done with nightmares, though she pulls up all the anxiety and fears into their mind for a restless night.
Weaknesses ➽➽➽ Tends to quickly get overwhelmed in a large crowd as multiple thoughts attack her all at once. ➽➽➽ Strong fear of birds. Big or small. ➽➽➽ Despite being charming and confident in her image, she lacks confidence with getting intimate with anyone. Being able to hear all their thoughts about her? No thanks.
♥ Tattoos, converse, books, wine ♡ Perfume, fruit, energy drinks ✧ Jewelry, flowers, cards ☒ Sweets, balloons, gift cards
t r í v í α ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ➽➽➽ She can carry a pretty impressive tune. ➽➽➽ Bex runs two miles every day, no matter the weather. One in the morning, one before bed. ➽➽➽ Both arms are covered in sleeves of various skulls, sunflowers, and snakes. ➽➽➽ Has both ears pierced, her left nostril, and a tongue ring. ➽➽➽ Owns fifty-eight pairs of converse. ➽➽➽ The sunbeam snake is her favorite animal.
в í σ g r α p h ч ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Before saving the world
An only child, Bexley was raised by her father. He was the first to instill all the confidence she could ever need and taught her how to fend for herself. They were each others worlds and they lived a comfortable life. As her father was the only therapist in town, he would spend long hours at the office with patients. Bex would sometimes join him, hanging out in the waiting room reading books. One day, she started to have horrible thoughts flooding her head. It didn't make sense to her as she was a very happy child. After a few months of these occurences, she realized they weren't her own. She began to match these thoughts were various patients of her fathers. When she brought this to his attention, he did the unthinkable: he didn't believe her. Bex continued to insist that she was able to read minds and her father's logical mind could not wrap any sense around it. It was then he decided to have his beautiful, vivacious daughter committed.
During her time, she was met with a Celestial and a bond quickly formed. Everything soon fell into place. Instead of letting what her father did consume her, she was extremely grateful to have her power validated. She was soon released on good behavior and continued to train with her Celestial. When the darkness arrived, she knew she had to fight. A horrible battle could be won with a great offense. Bex could read the mage's mind, deducing all of the moves before they were attempted.
After Saving the World
As one of the last to awaken, Bexley found herself in a strange room, no recollection of anything besides what she was named. She surveyed herself in the floor length mirror and had decided that she had to be an extremely badass chick, adorned with her multitude of tattoos and piercings. With that settled, she ventured out to begin her new job of a school counselor for high schoolers, which she soon discovered she was awesome at. The students all felt at ease with the couselor who could settle every fear and anxiety they ever had. Didn't hurt that she was cool as hell and didn't treat them as beneath her, either.
She knew that she should have been more worried that everything in her past was a blur, but as long as everything was working for her in the present, Bex knew that eventually everything would be validated and fall into place.
Several small scrapes across her forehead and the right side of her jaw; large open gash along her right ribs; dislocated right knee.
Appearance Details
Hair: Brown | Wavy, shoulder length | Usually up in a high pony, or just pinned away from her face
Eyes: Hazel
Height: Five feet, three inches.
Body Type: Lean, athletic build.
Makeup Wise: Very rare to use more than eyeliner and gloss. When a special night out, will usually wear a full face, yet light.
Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings: Small tattoo honoring Hermes, the god of speed on her right foot, and the rod of asclepius tattooed on her left foot. Various scars adorning her legs due to her relay days.
Personality Traits
Pros: Team player, adventurous, confident, persistent. Cons: Sarcastic, impulsive, inpatient.
Tasma was born on 22 April 2001 in Gympie, Queensland, Austrailia to single mother and archaeologist Matilda Jones. The young girl routinely occupied her mother on digs where her passion for medicine stemmed. She was determined to help heal people before they ended up as only bones in the soil. In high school, Tas joined track and became fully involved with the relay team, eventually earning a scholarship to USC, the University of the Sunshine Coast where she studies nursing.
Tas didn't really know her father until she turned eighteen. It was on her birthday that she was contacted by Jeremy Huntsworth, a curator for the Oakland Museum of California. He had offered an open invitation for his daughter to visit at anytime. It wasn't until last month that she had finally accepted. After a successful meeting, Tasma boarded the plane back home to school.
Only child to mother Matilda Jones and father Jeremy Hunstworth.
Very new to nursing school, so skills are lackluster. Knows the basics. Zoey Deutch | 20B2AA 'I Hope' by Gabby Barrett
Ember is always on the go. She is always looking for the next adventure, whether it be a road trip/boat ride/pop-up concert. Headphones are constantly either wrapped around her neck or against her ears. Never afraid to speak her mind, she holds nothing back and seems to not have a brain to mouth filter at times. Always brutally honest, she is not afraid to hurt someone's feelings. Though, what she says is usually never stemmed out of hate- she just believes everyone deserves to hear the truth.
. Concerts . Books . Bargains . . Makeup . Mall . Heels . . Never seen without some type of caffeine . Constantly looking for the next concert. Always seen with headphones .
Spells → Telekinisis- Can move small objects with her mind, yet not strong enough to move people. Helps when getting that VIP backstage pass. Apportation- Can teleport small objects from one place to another. Must be able to see the object, and the place where she wants the object to go.
Weaknesses → Blind as a bat without her glasses. > Mouth of a sailor. > Cannot sit still.
TRIVIA → Always breaks out into song. Full of seemingly useless knowledge of music and bands. Her favorite genre of music is indie pop. Can speak three languages- English, Spanish, and Italian.
+ Discreet | Fearless | Charming | Confident - Sarcastic | Bossy | Impulsive ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ α p p є α r α n c є ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Bex is a complete people person, and always loves to make an entrance. This confidence however sometimes rubs people the wrong way, making her seem arrogant or full of herself. In all actuality, she is down to earth and ready to jump at a moment's notice to help someone in need.
With her air of charm, she loves to dress in clothes that emphasize her body figure, but nothing too inappropriate as she does work with high school students. She is very fond of all things jumpsuits, rompers, etc. It is not out of the norm to see Bex in a denim romper, tank top underneath, and sporting her favorite converse.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
s k í l l s & w є α k n є s s є s ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Strengths ➽➽➽ Mind Reading ; The thoughts of others tend to float their way into her own head, appearing mostly as images. Most of the time, she doesn't realize she's reading a person and has a hard time differentiating between what is her own, and what is theirs. Can focus on one person at a time, but still gets overwhelmed. Is currently working on this power. ➽➽➽ Suggestion ; Not aware she has this power. Is often surprised when people seem to do what she thinks they should do. She mostly just believes that she has some strong common sense, and that people listen to her cause she's usually right. ➽➽➽ Dream/Nightmare Induction ; Very rarely does she push a nightmare onto a person. Most of the time, it's pleasant dreams after hearing of a student's fears and anxiety. All she has to do is brush her fingertips across their head, picture happy thoughts, and a peaceful night awaits. The same is done with nightmares, though she pulls up all the anxiety and fears into their mind for a restless night.
Weaknesses ➽➽➽ Tends to quickly get overwhelmed in a large crowd as multiple thoughts attack her all at once. ➽➽➽ Strong fear of birds. Big or small. ➽➽➽ Despite being charming and confident in her image, she lacks confidence with getting intimate with anyone. Being able to hear all their thoughts about her? No thanks.
♥ Tattoos, converse, books, wine ♡ Perfume, fruit, energy drinks ✧ Jewelry, flowers, cards ☒ Sweets, balloons, gift cards
t r í v í α ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ➽➽➽ She can carry a pretty impressive tune. ➽➽➽ Bex runs two miles every day, no matter the weather. One in the morning, one before bed. ➽➽➽ Both arms are covered in sleeves of various skulls, sunflowers, and snakes. ➽➽➽ Has both ears pierced, her left nostril, and a tongue ring. ➽➽➽ Owns fifty-eight pairs of converse. ➽➽➽ The sunbeam snake is her favorite animal.
в í σ g r α p h ч ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Before saving the world
An only child, Bexley was raised by her father. He was the first to instill all the confidence she could ever need and taught her how to fend for herself. They were each others worlds and they lived a comfortable life. As her father was the only therapist in town, he would spend long hours at the office with patients. Bex would sometimes join him, hanging out in the waiting room reading books. One day, she started to have horrible thoughts flooding her head. It didn't make sense to her as she was a very happy child. After a few months of these occurences, she realized they weren't her own. She began to match these thoughts were various patients of her fathers. When she brought this to his attention, he did the unthinkable: he didn't believe her. Bex continued to insist that she was able to read minds and her father's logical mind could not wrap any sense around it. It was then he decided to have his beautiful, vivacious daughter committed.
During her time, she was met with a Celestial and a bond quickly formed. Everything soon fell into place. Instead of letting what her father did consume her, she was extremely grateful to have her power validated. She was soon released on good behavior and continued to train with her Celestial. When the darkness arrived, she knew she had to fight. A horrible battle could be won with a great offense. Bex could read the mage's mind, deducing all of the moves before they were attempted.
After Saving the World
As one of the last to awaken, Bexley found herself in a strange room, no recollection of anything besides what she was named. She surveyed herself in the floor length mirror and had decided that she had to be an extremely badass chick, adorned with her multitude of tattoos and piercings. With that settled, she ventured out to begin her new job of a school counselor for high schoolers, which she soon discovered she was awesome at. The students all felt at ease with the couselor who could settle every fear and anxiety they ever had. Didn't hurt that she was cool as hell and didn't treat them as beneath her, either.
She knew that she should have been more worried that everything in her past was a blur, but as long as everything was working for her in the present, Bex knew that eventually everything would be validated and fall into place.
I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I have been role playing for a good fifteen or so years, and am very open to everything. 1x1, casual, advanced. I usually don't make the posts, but I am very active in them. Role playing is my outlet.</div>