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Tristan Glory

The man sudden hysterical outburst was unexpected and worrisome leaving the pair tense as they could not tell what Robbie might do next. It seemed he was far more desperate than he thought; one pushed to the brink of cracking mentally and for a moment Tristan was sure this guy was going to attack in the middle of losing it.

Not even noticing that his hand was tightly gripping King's pokeball as if readying himself to call back the murkrow. As a crazy person was the time you threw caution to the wind and went all out before they could do anything dangerous.

Thankfully Robbie seemed to retain his sense of sanity to instead tell his story involving gambling, cheating and...the mob?! The mere mention of that word had Tristan gulping nervously as he forced himself to keep his calm expression and composure though were his hand not occupied it would be shaking. His nervousness easily felt by Princess who inched her way in front of him to protect her trainer if needed.

And as Robbie carried on with his tale, the silver haired teen was still curious about that pink blob and would take this time while the man was monologuing to do a silent scan of it. A flick of his thumb to set it aside for later to read, thankful for his expert skill of texting to do it all with merely his thumb.

Once Robbie finished regaling his story, Tristan would cough against his left fist to clear his throat." Well uh... that's quite the harrowing life you have had there. Though can't say that you didn't do it to yourself, but I feel for you." He said but internally.* This guy is a fucking moron! Like seriously?! Cheating and stealing from the mob? What the fuck did he think was gonna happen?! Shit..if they find out it was me that put an end to this operation...this fucking day!* Stealthily chewing on his left thumb's fingernail to fight back the growing bout of panic sitting like a heavy pit in his stomach.

Even having Robbie willingly surrender did little to help his distraught mind and for a moment had an almost overpowering urge to do like a certain she-beat and deck this guy for being a fucking idiot. God forbid if the mob were to find out about him though with how resourceful and determined they were it was more a matter of when than if.

" Good to see that you are capable of seeing reason. But before we do, I must ask that you hand over any stolen items on your person. I will have Princess retrieve them and once that is done then we can head back. Give no trouble and I might be able to talk with the owners to figure out a way that ends well for everyone." Tristan nodded to Princess after explaining as the Riolu cautiously stepped over to Robbie but made no sign she was going to attack or harm the man.

If Robbie handed whatever he took from the stash without resistance, then Princess would pad back over to Tristan who would start leading the way out the tunnel, making sure to hold the door opened for the limping farmhand.
Tristan Glory

King continued to observe as he was only to act if Robbie did something that might seem bad or dangerous as Tristan told him to do. The bird jumped a bit at the table suddenly being knocked over revealing a hidden cover. Before long he would witness Robbie and the ditto climb their way down into the tunnel and since he was told to follow him, the magenta bird would fly his way in after though not before making sure to wait a bit as he did not want to fly in when Robbie was still on the ladder.

Minutes later, Tristan who was waiting further in the tunnel soon saw glimpses of a flashlight and faint crunch of his feet hindered by the limp. His guess that the man would use this tunnel proved correct thankfully as he waited for Robbie to draw closer until shortly before the man's flashlight gave him away did, he turn on his pokedex's light once more revealing himself and Princess standing at his side.

The bipedal canine took a step forward alert but nervous as she wasn't sure what her trainer was up to but kept herself ready for if the human or that ditto tried to attack.

Then the faint sound of flapping came from behind as King flew into view and upon seeing Tristan up ahead past Robbie, the bird landed a short distance behind Robbie and let out a caw with raised wings to let the man know he was there. Both at the ready to act a moment's notice.

At that moment, Tristan held up his free hand." Stand down you two." He ordered with an expression matching the calm tone albeit with a stern hint to his gaze." First, I wish to state that your thieving is at an end and I'm afraid I can't let you go, Robbie. However.." Holding up a finger signaling for the man to wait before saying or doing anything." I wish to handle and proceed things here peacefully. After looking over the facts and details of the case as well as both the manner you went about this in a way that ensured no one got hurt and the reactions of Princess here." Motioning towards the Rioulu who let out a small bark in response." I have come to the conclusion that you are not a bad person nor doing this out of greedy or malicious intent." He studied the man closely and what he saw was a person he had seen plenty of from his visits to his father's companies or when made to observed the dealings of business.

The man before him was not dangerous or evil, no this was a man who was scared and desperate." Having said that. I wish for you tell me your situation and from there we can perhaps figure out a peaceful conclusion. Or you can choose to try and brute your way through risking the safety of...that pink blob there and possibly a cave in." Motioning the light around the tunnel which undoubtedly was not made to handle shocks." And to show there are no tricks." Taking out a pokeball using it to recall king, the unexpected act making the murkrow gasp in surprise as he now rested within his pokeball.

" There. Now it will be one on one if you decide to battle. I leave the decision up to you, sir." This was a gamble, he knew but felt that for him this was the best approach.

Tristan Glory

Tristan made his way cautiously through the tunnel using the flashlight from his pokedex to illuminate the way. Princess walked closely at his side, but not too closely so as to not accidentally trip each other up as even with the flashlight it was still quite dark. A good look few looks at the walls showed that this tunnel likely wasn't natural and the fact the door was covered up with dirt had him surmising this to be an escape tunnel made or possibly discovered by Robbie and might explain how he has been hiding and sneaking off the eggs undetected.

Unsure of how much time passed as the shuffling of feet and ongoing darkness made keeping track of time difficult but eventually the end of the tunnel was reach with a ladder set before the pair.

From above they could hear faint sounds while Princess could make out that they were the heavy footfalls of a human. A few sniffs of her nose and her ears perked up at the familiar scents of Robbie and king which had the canine lifting up her right paw with perked ears." Rio." she let out in a low bark to which Tristan gave a shushing noise with a finger pressed to his lips.

The silver haired teen had not expected to find himself in such an opportune position having him wonder if it was actually due to his skills as a detective or by sheer dumb luck. For now he chose to go with the latter.

This was an incessantly crucial moment; one he would have to decide how to approach. He could go up there and confront the man, but he did not know what he might find up there or the kind of location or hell if he might have others up there with him. Not to mention the fact that Robbie was likely still in a state of panic and going up now was highly like to result in a battle breaking out of which he could find himself at a disadvantage but most importantly if he has any eggs with him then the risk of them getting damage would be high. Tristan may be spoiled and conceited and completely full of himself and....moving on. One thing he was not was one to be rash and refused to tackle this like a trainer who thinks battles and violence were the only way to handle any disputes. He could picture that hot head he glimpsed charging off like a stampeding tauros or a certain horrid she-beast who, at the mere thought of made his body shudder in distaste.

A feeling that going up now would likely exuberate the situation and with too little knowledge on the situation made such approach too risky. Besides, a number of signs stuck out to him from throughout the case that told him this Robbie did not seem to be a bad person as this whole thievery seemed to not be done out of greedy or malicious reasoning or intent. And the concerned expression evident on her face confirmed his suspicions.

After much thought, Tristan pressed his index left index finger to his lips once more signaling to keep quiet then pointed back towards the way they came. Quietly, he turned to tread his way back through the tunnel with a confused Riolu in tow. After traveling to what he felt to be the half-way point of the tunnel did the teen come to a stop and turned around once more and with a press of his thumb turned the flashlight off letting darkness swallow up the tunnel once more.

All that was left to do was to wait and with the hope King was nearby up there who would know to follow after. He would not handle this like the brutes he has since met.
Tristan Glory

King soon witnessed Robbie enter the cabin in a state of pure panic while shouting out for ditto. The bird nearly let out a caw of shock had he not covered up his beak with his wings when seeing the magenta feathered pink blob ooze its way out from beneath the old sofa. Now the Murkrow understood why his trainer asked him to tail this human. Remembering what Tristan told him, King chose to keep observing to what Robbie would do next.

Back at the canal, Tristan was still lying on his back feeling sorry for himself in a pity fest with Princess trying to comfort and console him when her ears perked at the sound of falling dirt. Lifting her head to notice the door and let out a bark while pointing her paw to get her trainer's attention." Princess, can't you see I'm brooding here." He muttered out in a tired voice but the riolu jumped up onto his stomach and barked again with an annoyed huff." Ugh..alright already. What got you all in a tuff." Begrudgingly lifting his head to see half of a wooden door revealed on the part of the wall he had kicked.

Blinking up at Princess and the door with a dumbfounded expression a few times then abruptly the teen stood up prompting the bipedal canine to hop down. She turned to look up at her trainer to see him dusting himself off." Just as I suspected! I had a feeling there was something hidden away and my ploy to be a frustrated teen for in case anyone nearby might mistake me for being up to something shady has worked swimmingly." He gloated shamelessly while fixing his hair as if all of what just happened was part of his plan.

Princess definitely didn't believe him and just stared up at her trainer with annoyed pity before letting out a sigh as she patted at his leg. A pat that Tristan could tell was one done out of pity and disbelief which he coughed to clear his throat." A-ahem. Yes..right. Anyway, now we just need to get the door uncovered and we can see what waits within." Wanting to move on and save face as he saw the dirt that still covered it then looked down at Princess." Hm... Princess would you be a dear? I would help but...I just had my hands manicured this morning and....well you understand, yes?" Smiling down at the blue canine with almost pleading eyes which elicited another sigh from the small mon as she padded over and gave the dirt covered parts of the door a good could of punches from her paws.

"Excellent! I think we've wasted enough time here. Let's get this door open and see what awaits within." Tristan exclaimed; his mood having done a 180 as he made for the door working on opening it though waited before heading through the opening." We do not know what awaits within or if the thief has any other allies so be on guard." Saying this both to Princess and himself as he needed a moment to shake off the sudden bout of nervousness. After a few deep breaths and slow exhales." Shall we?" The two then ventured inside unsure of what lurked within or where it led to.

Tristan Glory

King was worried even landing on the window still would make this cabin topple over with how bad of a state was in. The bird was careful not to move too much as he peered inside only to see nothing of interest besides one of its own feathers? He let out a curious caw wondering if the ditto had been here. Knowing that Robbie would be arriving shortly, the Murkrow decided to remain hidden and wait to see what the human would do.

As Tristan and Princess made their way into the canal ready to take on whatever they might find down there. Except, there seemed to be nothing at all as he soon saw Princess to be at a loss after having lead to one of the walls of the canals." What..that's it?" The rich teen look around in both directions but saw nothing." No..you can't be serious!" Throwing up his arms in exasperation before rummaging his hands through his hair in frustration as Princess let out a whimpering cry feeling like she was at fault for failing his trainer. Tristan took a few deep breaths trying to contain his growing frustration." You did nothing wrong, Princess....you did everything right. Both you and King..it was just me that was wrong." Shifting his hands to rub his face as he let out a growl.

" Wrong...just like always..damn it! This was supposed to be a special day where I become a trainer and..and finally do something to get father to notice me!" He scowled snatching up a rock and tossing it in some random direction with a huff." Damn that prof and that wicked dragon and damn that she-beast and giant!" Shouting his pent-up rage that and shame that had boiled in him for no one to hear but him and Princess who wanted to try and comfort him but the sudden bout of intense anger and shame was a tad strong for the inexperienced canine.

She could only wait for Tristan to get it out and let his strong emotions relent.

Tristan glared up at the sky as if expecting a reply or sign when he saw some birds fly by causing his eyebrow to twitch and face redden." And damn that fucking bird!!" The teen shouted as he spun around to deliver the hardest kick he could at the wall which he instantly regretted as he was hopping back on one foot clutching the one used to kick." Agh, damn it alllll-" His heel caught a rock causing him to trip and fall onto his back with a thump.

A small cloud of dust settled shortly after as the silver haired teen was left lying on his back panting with his dust covered face wincing in pain." Ugh..just my fucking luck. I just wanted to help the nice couple with their ranch...and because of my dumb decisions the thief has likely made their escape. I've failed that sweet couple...and my favorite designer shirt is all ruined on top of it all." Resting his hands over his face once more to let out muffled scream as his head thumped against the ground.

Lying there panting feeling tired and defeated, unsure of what to do when he felt a small warm embrace against his chest as Princess nuzzled against him trying to offer him comfort. A sharp inhale followed by a slow exhale before Tristan slid his hands from his face to place his right hand on her head petting the mon." I'm glad I have you here with me at least. You did amazing Princess, really...If only your trainer wasn't an idiot." He sighed saying nothing more letting the comforting warmth of Princess wash over him as he tried to figure out what to do as he already dreaded telling the ranchers he likely let the thief get away.
Trigger Warning


Tristan Glory

King followed after the human Tristan told him to tail even while not completely sure why but as he flew a short distant away, he could tell the man was in a clear state of panic. So much so that the magenta bird could literally fly right up next to him if he chose to but decided it safer to keep a small distance. Never know what a panicked man might do. Whatever was going through Robbie's head it was clear he was a man pushed to the brink of desperation and without knowing more, attacking him now would be pointless. A good decision that soon had him unknowingly leading King to some shoddy run-down cabin. The murkrow decided to fly on ahead towards the cabin wanting to check its surrounding to see if there were anything out of place then flew down to peer through any hole or window to see what's inside.

Meanwhile, during this time Tristan was following after Princess who struggled at first to pick up the right trail. But Tristan kept quiet and waited; not wanting to pressure or throw off her focus as this was her first time tracking something by scent for all he knew and rushing her would only throw her off when she was probably reeling from whatever she sensed from Robbie. Still, the silver haired teen could not help but be tense and a bit impatient when time was of the essence. Thankfully though she eventually seemed to pick up on the trail which ultimately led them to a...dried up irrigation channel? And by the looks of it had not seen use in a fairly long while at that. A strange place for it to slip away too as he looked around; initially seeing nothing of the transforming pokemon." Are you sure this the way?" He asked Princess wanting to be sure who gave a small yelping nod of the head in reply." Hm...alright. Let's proceed but stay alert in case this pokemon might try to ambush or flee." Princess nodded and took on a slightly more reserved posture as she continued sniffing out the trail.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: River Port beach

Interactions: Isolde @Blizz Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy Aiden @Potter

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


Four Months Later

The village of Gaurav located directly atop a huge river that spanned for miles had the homes and buildings built around and into the huge trees that had grown for hundreds of years within the river. With heavy thick trees surrounding the village along with mountains to the left and right in an almost bowl like formation offering a natural barrier against outsiders. With trees so tightly packed together and countless paths making traveling through the forest and without a Gauravian as a guide or one with sharply tuned nose made finding the hidden safe paths difficult. An intricately confusing maze-like forest and dense fog that almost seemed alive all worked to deter those curious save for the more recklessly brave or lucky ones to find their way through. As the wolven demi-humans kept to themselves in seclusion; outside forces seldom saw need to bother them though envoys of surrounding kingdoms have sought them out with attempts of alliance only to be kindly refused as Gaurav held knowledge and documents they could not risk those of dangerous or evil intent getting their hands on.

As a village that lives in seclusion most have rumored them to be a hateful and animalistic sort that has gradually turn more beastlike over the years. Such rumors and suspicions have come about purely due to so little information going in or out and their seemingly cold and distrustful disposition as told by the rare fews to have reached Gaurav though said travelers have simply stated them to be more the highly respectful and cautious sort, but through misunderstandings and enjoyments of fantastical myths led to such misconceptions of the Gauravians. And the fact hardly any ever ventured out from the village to quell such misunderstanding and rumors did not help.

And as Menzai was the only Gauravian the group of humans who were still wholly new to the realm of Avalia, it was understandable for them to expect them to be like the distant wolf. Yet, after hours of trekking through thickly packed woods and confusing fog they had arrived to be met with a village of delighted and excited wolves who all welcomed them happily with open arms. A day these wolves had been looking forward to since humans vanished to great dismay and sorrow to those that had built such a close bond likened to that of a man and their pet dog.

They were given a large welcoming feast and tour of their mythical village that would be quickly apparent how they and nature lived in harmony. The wolves tending to the lands and only took what was needed; never hunting in greed or for sport. A community soon to be seen as one big family with everyone having each other's back and had no such thing as currency as they traded in favors and product. They wanted for nothing, a content and happy community and most of all proved to be surprisingly friendly. Menzai had explained that his family are one of the few remaining lines that were once companion and protector of humans that traveled and as such tended to be somewhat disconnected to emotions or wearing the seal to better aid in their duties fearing allowing themselves to bond too closely might lead to dangers that could otherwise be avoided. Though Menzai's case proved a bit more extreme than usual which explained his seemingly cold indifference, albeit while within the village and the emotional seal inactive he did express himself a bit more, giving his thoughts and opinions he would normally refrain from yet still refrained from talking about anything personal of himself in order to retain a respectable distance.

During the four months, the four humans were settled within a cabin placed a short distance outside the village nestled within a wide field where an assortment of colorful flowers and rare plants gently swayed from a blowing breeze. Done so that they would have privacy and a place where they would not be bothered by overly curious and overzealous pups and scholars with the elders decreeing all visitors, but Menzai and higher-ups forbidden to enter without permission. Here, they were free to train to hone their magic and fighting capabilities and leisure activity save for things that might do harm to the lands and wildlife so as not to disturb the balance of nature. While visitors were forbidden, however, the village was open to them at all times where they would often be surrounded and hounded with questions or offered food and clothes or items they might want or need, all of it hand-made. Whether to explore the shops or tour the village's interesting bridge like pathways along the forest or venture into the woods (with a gauravian guide to ensure they did not wind up lost) or chose to visit the library. And among all the buildings, none came close to the size and magnitude of the Gaurvian library; even the grand hall housing the elders and important meetings was dwarfed by their most guarded and protected monument that has been built into the largest tree of the forest which some say to be at the center and oldest. Within awaited countless rooms filled with shelves after shelves of books on magic, the realm and of humans documented all the way back to the day Gaurav first came into being. Alongside books, the library housed human artifiacts gifted to them by companions of days past; items that each of the humans may come to recognize here and there as humans from across time had at one point interacted with the Gauravians.

Whatever the group needed to learn or wanted to read about concerning the history of Avalia it was given to them though were told the library's history only reached up to unto the day humans disappeared. For after that the village secluded themselves leaving the library and their knowledge behind and out of date. But now with their appearance hoped to change this with Menzai tasked to observe and bare witness to the outside events but his first and foremost goal was to seek out and ensure safety of humans.

It is due to this that Menzai had originally intended to set out after a few weeks to make sure they were settled in and comfortable had they chosen to remain in Gaurav in safety. As this was not their world or home so the troubles and issues plaguing Avalia were not of their concern and as such would not be forced to partake in the wars certain to break out throughout the realms. Yet after much discussion the group all decided they would help this realm. Some more eager than others who wanted to set off soon, but after much talk persuaded to stay at, at least for the summer as things were especially tremulous along with their lack of control and inexperience with magic would more than likely end with their deaths. And so it was decided that the group, Menzai included would remain at the village for four months to train and hone their skills both in magic and fighting capabilities.

The four months passed by with little incident; training was tough and tiring, sometimes exhausting with Dante setting up the training regime for the group as adjustments were made depending on the type of magic each had or how well they worked together. Menzai who lacked magic had placed himself to the side keeping to observing most of the times though at times would offer advice and suggestions on how to improve or adapt their usage and worked with Dante to create regimes that nearly changed by a weekly basis. On rare occasions Menzai took helm of training sessions involving heading into the forest while careful to never take them in too deep or alone while careful not to damage the woods.

As the weeks went by, the lone wolf gradually found himself becoming more comfortable around the humans. As once previously keeping to the outskirts of their cabin to now keeping watch in the field within eyeline of the cabin were they to look through the window. His days were mostly spent keeping watch for in case any of his wolven brethren tried to sneak in to observing their training. Intervening if Dante accidentally pushed too hard and even partaking in sparring to get in some training experience in fighting against magic users as his fighting capabilities were rather inadequate. Through coaching from Dante and casual chats with Aidan found unexpected common ground bringing him somewhat closer to the two. With Dante's determination and focus on his goal which he felt respect and pride towards; often talking about ways to improve on what they lacked and on magic. While with Aidan he found shared a disinterest in delving into one's personal space and personal details. Though she was proven cold and stiff to most others she seemed to somehow soften up and relax whenever it was just the two of them, often doing nothing more than sitting and enjoying the scenery without a word said or when they did talk would consists of topics of each other's world, what they were like and things they have created and more. Neither never inquired onto personal matters as the two could tell they were not of the open sort though whatever any of them wished to tell him about themselves he would listen quietly. Being the comfort any of them needed when things started to feel overwhelming and difficult knowing they could talk freely without judgement or criticism.

The four would also seem to bond and get along well enough with Dante and Darius being brothers they of course butted heads and bickered as siblings do. While Darius and Isolde were a pair that got along well while Dante seemed to better get along with Aidan; a most fascinating and learning experience it had been for him observing the humans these past four months.

Then the day that they would be soon setting off had fast approached as they would be leaving either later this evening or tomorrow morning depending on how well each of them handle the final test he planned to have them take. With it now 2pm, early into the evening; Menzai sat on his knees in a meditative pose sipping at his freshly brewed tea as he waited for the four to finish whatever activities they had chosen to do. As since they were to leave the village soon the wolf brought forth recommendation to spend these last few days taking things easy and enjoying themselves as reward for all the exhausting hard work and training they put themselves through. Before they did so, Menzai wished to see the results these last couple months had brought each of them to.

Quietly the lone wolf sipped at his tea waiting for them to gather before him when they were ready.
Tristan Glory

The silver haired teen gave a nod to Bill as he departed to relay these findings to their boss then turned his attention to Robbie expecting his offer to be taken. Only for the man to suddenly take on the mannerism of a man in panic as he turned down his suggestion. Not only was the injured man rejecting an offer to have an eye from the sky, but his expression was one of desperate and something about him was making Princess press closer to him while somewhat trembling." ...Yes, I suppose having someone that knows on the camera would be of extra help." A nod of his head; maintaining a calm composure; watching the man limp away fast as his feet could take him.

Waiting till he was sure out of earshot before turning his attention to his pokemon." Sorry for the rush, you two but we need to be quick. Princess, I want you to get King's scent. And King, forgive me as I know you just got back but I need your help again. I want you to follow and tail the man that just left. Keep an eye on him and if he does anything shady or suspicious then you are to act and do what you can to hinder him, if possible, send out an alert." He quickly relayed the plan of action to the two who were understandably confused though understood the seriousness of the situation.

Tristan felt bad for putting the two through all this when he only just got them and would be sure to reward them once this was all over with. Hopefully with the thief caught whose identity was now sure of; a thief that was also now panicking which made this a most dangerous and vital moment as he had no idea of the man's circumstances or how far he was willing to go. Without wasting time, Princess took a few deep whiffs of King having his scent memorized and once done, King gave a motivated caw then flew off after Robbie while making sure not to get too close.

"Be careful, King. Ok, Princess. Try to pick up his scent and lead the way." Petting the bipedal canine as a small way of thanking her, feeling especially bad to put her through all this right after their proper introductions." Riou!" She gave a determined cry of her own and padded her way outside to start sniffing around her and along the ground.
Tristan Glory

As Tristan watched the magenta-colored bird etch what he found on his search and found himself pleasantly surprised and delighted to discover how skilled he was with that beak in ways besides battle. He checked over the report or more admired it like it was a piece of work." It seems I truly do have an eye for picking out the best. Not only shiny, but an artist as well? I think we will be touching up on this more later." Said with an excited clap of his hands. King, however, who just went through all this work let out an exasperated sigh in a way a bird can then let out an annoyed squawk that made his trainer jump in shock as he pointed at his drawings with his wing.

" What? Ah, right! Nearly slipped the mind. Apologies, King." Offering an apology having remembered the situation and properly studied the drawings this time. Something about some transforming pokemon? The teen stroked at his chin while pondering when two ideas came to mind with the first being a recollection of something Bill said and the other more a warning to destroy the drawing before anyone else could see it. Tristan was just thinking to do this but at that moment Princess came back looking distressed and shaken which caught his attention." Princess? Are you ok?" Concern in his voice as he knelt down to give the canine mon a comforting pet on the head. The poor girl looked overwhelmed and scared; motioning her closer to hug the rattled mon while turning his gaze to Robbie wondering just what in the hell she sensed from the man.

The chance at destroying the etching lost though Princess's comfort came first which he had to accept as the two, Robbie especially now knew the report as well. With a soft yip from Princess nuzzling his hand, he knew she was well once more and stood up." Good idea. You should go let your boss know about this while Robbie and I begin searching for this feather stuck transforming pokemon." He gave one more clap of his hands this time clasping them together before turning his attention to Robbie once more." Though with such a big field, searching together might take too long allowing for it to shake off the feathers so splitting up might allow to cover more ground, yes?" The silver haired suggested while another idea came to mind as he crouched down besides his pokemon." And seeing as you are willing to help even with that injured leg, Robbie. I wish to lend King here to help with giving you eyes from the sky while I shall take Princess?"
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