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Trigger Warning:
Blood, Insanity

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: River Port beach

Interactions: Isolde @Blizz Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy Aiden @Potter

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet

He continued to observe and listen as the three did their introductions then explanation to help Isolde make sense of things. During this time the wolf was pondering on the next course of action would be best for the group when sounds of footsteps encroaching reached his ears.

Before long another newcomer approached, a female elf at first sight, but her scent was unmistakably human and as such Menzai saw no need to act. Still, he remained on-guard since this human could be dangerous. Without even needing to ask, the woman offered her own introduction then giving away the reasoning behind her appearance having to do with a magical ring which had him intrigued and certain to inquire about at a later time. Even more peculiar was Aidan's accent as it was a bit thick and not like any spoken in this realm though did recall reading of something similar from the books.

It was strange and unexpected to find himself already encountering five humans when it hasn't even been a week since his departure from his village. This was not a good thing for a group of this size would make traveling difficult, especially when it consisted of humans who were incapable of defending themselves or yet gained proficiency in the use of their magic. And while the disguise ring may offer some protection, they were nothing more than a short-term solution.

Taking all this into consideration, Menzai came to his conclusion as he finally stepped forward where he first offered a respectful bow to the group." Greetings. To the newcomers, the name is Menzai Isanami, Wolf Demi-human from the village of Guarav." Wanting to give a full and proper introduction before doing anything else then glanced at each of the humans in turn studying their features and scent before continuing." As each of you have come to know, there is the threat of war looming and demons hunting those of your kind. These threats may merely be a prelude to further dangers that lie beyond. It is likely because of these harrowing situations that the light elves have deemed to summon humans once more to aid in saving the realms." Observing them as he explained the current circumstances of which even he did not fully know.

" But, I wish to state this that while you were all summoned for said purpose does not mean any of you or others will be forced or required to do so. And so, I give the suggestion of venturing to my village where those who do not which to fight safety and sanctuary. Of course, if your wish is to join in the endeavors to aid our world then I will accompany those who choose to do so. Yet, I do still suggest coming with me to Guarav, if not for sanctuary but to have a safe place to train and become accustomed with your magic." This was his suggestion after being asked to give recommendation on what to do and once finished gave another bow of his head.

Now it was left up to the humans to decide what they wanted to do. Menzai role here was merely to protect and give guidance with the intend to observe and document the events surely to unfold from this point forward.

Trigger Warning:

Blood, Violence and Vomit

Fiesty Fox Vs Cheeky Monkey

It took everything in her power to hold back as she stared up at the masked man as he took hold of her wrist. She only grinned up at him, her own mask doing very little to conceal the playful smirk under it. When she was finally released and practically shoved aside by him Zarai looked at the back of his head with the ugliest and most rude glare that even her mother could not muster up. She just scoffed, rolled her eyes, and brushed away the spot he had dared to touch her on.

"Pinche pendejo, hijo de las mil putas." She followed soon after, fingers working on her blouse as she rolled up the sleeves. Just looking at him made her blood boil and her heart race with anticipation. The mare thought of landing one single punch only fueled the rage bubbling deep in her stomach. It was something that she had never felt before, this unfiltered and pure hatred she felt towards the man was something new and dare say, exciting.

“Go back to the kitchen already! You don’t belong here!”

Zarai glared at the man who had shouted that, pointing at him as she had to Kazu. "You're next." A wide smile spread over her face seeing the look of pure fear and regret on the scrawny man's face as he stopped jabbing the woman and turned to find a way out of the crowd only to find himself stuck in place by the surrounding audience.

"Luz." Was all she said to the man with the megaphone before ducking down under the third rope and swinging one leg over the second, Zarai entered the ring. Pale blue eyes stared directly into Kazu's golden ones as if trying to fight him with just a glare. The more she looked at him, the more the bubbling in her stomach grew; yet, all she wanted to do right now was laugh at him. Laugh at his pitiful attempts to intimidate and insult her as if she had not heard it before.

"Que bonito te ves, pensando que me vas a poder vencer." She rolled her shoulders, craning her head from side to side. "Tu madre te hubiera tragado y salvado la humillaciĂłn de hoy." Someone from the back gasped and screamed "Buuuuurned!" Zarai ignored them and kept her eyes on the masked man. He was taller, almost a foot more than her, but she was lean and quick. Wulfric and Auguste had taught her that being nimble against such a large target would be enough of an advantage to win.

Although, the bubbling in her stomach was starting to spread over her body now. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears and her hands were starting to visibly shake. Beads of sweat were forming on her forehead the more she stared at the imbecile in front of her. All the wanted to do was pull off the stupid cowlick of his and shove a fist full of hair down his throat.

"Llámame puta una vez más y me aseguraré de que te arrepientas de haber nacido, maldito pendejo hijo de la chingada!" She had dug her fingers into her blouse, ripping the expensive silk in two as the fabric tore and buttons flew in the air. There, stood Zarai in all her five-foot and one-inch glory, her freckled arms with well-defined muscles glistening under the magical lights. She heard a few whistles and more cheering, especially from the women.

“Basta de jugar. Tráelo...puta!”

Zarai didn't wait for a second longer before charging the man, screaming as she did so, and jumping high up in the air with her knee folded right in front of her. Aiming right for his head.

Chavez simply scoffed at the insults the masked woman returned in spanish which brought out another round of jeers and cheers. A good mix of confusion in the crowd’s faces and tone due to their inability to understand the full scope of the two’s heated argument.

Things only became more heated after Zarai followed Chavez in ripping off her blouse which anyone looking could tell would make fighting awkward and difficult. The cowlicked blonde let out a mocking laugh while sporting an amused grin.” ¿Esta perra desafía a Chávez y ahora lo imita? Chávez hará que te arrepientas de haber entrado en este ring, Seno- “ Intending to get one last round of insults; ignoring the crowd who had been worked up into a fervor upon seeing the half naked duo squaring off.

Said attempt was cut short from Zarai suddenly charging without warning then jumping up into the air. Unfortunately she was not exactly subtle with doing so as Chavez easily saw it coming and chose to slide back a step, initially making it seem as if he was simply dodging but then kicked off his heel to propel himself forward towards Zarai who was now mid-way from landing on the mat where he had been moments ago.

His left arm shot out wide as he went where he quickly followed up by wrapping it around her waist grabbing her. Next thing the audience witnessed was Chavez diving at the mat slamming her down with him lying and hovering over her leaving her having to look up at his smug smirking face.”¡No eres más que una niña que corre como un toro mudo, señorita!!” He started in mocking fashion while laughing in her face, taking some twisted thrill in seeing the woman that disgraced him humiliated in such a manner.

“ Chavez will be merciful and give you one chance, nino. Surrender and apologize.”

Her breath escaped her lungs as her back met the ring's floor, leaving Zarai gasping for air. Her vision went black for those few seconds as the flashes from the neon lights made it hard to see. For a split second she didn't see a mask over her, but a pair of familiar blue eyes. It wasn't long for her to force air back into her lungs and return to reality to see who was really over her. "Mi madre pega mas fuerte que tu." She spat in his eyes, using the sudden blindness of one eye to kick her knee up and between the man's legs to his crotch. However, Kazu was quick to recover from her spit attack but wasn't quick enough to pull back from her knee. Using his momentary stun to push him off and roll away from him to get to her feet, Zarai looked down at the man with a grin.

"Crees que eres el mas chingon aqui, verdad?" She laughed down at him before turning around and running to the ropes, using them as a boost as she propelled herself up in the air and directly came crashing down on him. It was painful for both, but Zarai's eyes were starting to see red now as those same eyes kept flashing behind the mask.

Without warning a wad of spit was fired into his eye though thankfully the mask caught most of it. This left the unexpected sting minor enough for him to react and pull his hips back and away from the knee aiming at his crotch. HIs body mostly did this on instinct gained from experience scrapping with drunk women back at the tavern that as you can imagine tended to be dirty fighters and Zarai was definitely one of them.

He saved his groin but doing so left him off balance making it easier for the woman to shove him off leaving him rolling onto his back. The somewhat dazed Chavez lifted his head gazing up at the blonde through slightly stinging eyes barely catching what she said and readied himself to return an insult of his own but she was already running off.

Shaking his head and rubbing the spit from his eye only to take notice of a figure in the air falling towards him.” Que?”


Her body landed on top of him with a loud crash that had his limbs flying up and a burst of blood spraying from his mouth. Had he not grit his teeth afterwards, the contents of his stomach might have followed.

“ ¡Quítame el culo gordo, perra!” He coughed up the words through gritted teeth, the wind momentarily knocked from his lungs. Christ! This puta was heavier than she looked.

Once his breath returned to him he shoved her off just as she had done to him prior then rolled over to push himself back up to his feet where he wiped the blood from his mouth.” ¿Tu mamá era una ballena?! Porque eres pesado como uno!” Chavez spat with an aggravated huff of his nose, his rage burned anew as he charged at Zarai who likely got up as well and threw a low upper arm punch with his left arm aiming it at her stomach.

"De averdad crees que me puedes insultar con eso?" Zarai laughed loudly as she stood, fists raised in front of her and legs spread out in a defensive stance. She tried to fight back the red flashes but his eyes... His eyes were blue now. So blue, so cold. Her hands were shaking now, more so than before, as he charged for her.

When Kazu threw the punch, she stepped to the side before throwing her own punch to his side and making an impact. She swung again, but this time the man hit first sending her head back for a second before she tried to swing again just to be blocked and met another first to the stomach. Zarai stumbled back to look at him, a wide smile spreading over her now red-stained lips. "Now you're hitting right."

The previous blow had left him more staggered than he thought, keeping him from maintaining proper footwork. This led to the woman easily side-stepping his strike and in turn received a wicked punch to the side of his face instead as blood spurt from his nose along with a faint crack.

A blow that might have stunned and thrown Chavez off if not for all the rage and endorphin pumping through his body preventing him from really feeling or at least noticing the pain. This enabled him to recover faster than Zarai expected; dodging the next set of punches thrown at him while returning blows of his own with one smacking her face and the last one this time landing on her stomach.

He took a step back, blood spilling from his nose as he gave a wide, bloody grin of his own.” Hmph! Chavez normally holds back against a woman, but a dirty bitch like you is no lady.” His voice came out sounding a bit nasally with a faint whistle as the blow was not quite enough to break his nose but was enough to have it dislocated yet, this was hardly a first for this experienced scrapper.

“Una gracia salvadora para ti, al menos puedes hacer una carrera pateando a los chicos en la polla después de que esto termine porque Chávez está a punto de arruinar tu bonita cara!” The masked blonde spat out sending yet another spray of blood flying and this time aimed purposefully at her face to blind her then charged with his right arm held out wide like he did when grabbing her only this time aiming to ram it against her face with as much force as he could put into it.

Zarai managed to put up her hands in time to stop the mixture of spit and blood from hitting her eyes, but the arm charging her way was too fast for her to dodge. His arm hit her on the chin and lips, the force sending her back onto her with a loud "humf!". Litle bright lights danced around her already red tainted vision as she slowly recovered from the arm to the face. She could feel her lips already swelling from the previous hits and the iron taste dancing in her tongue.

HIs attempt at blinding failed, but it didn’t matter for the actual attack hit anyway as he could feel the harsh impact of his arm smacking into her face. Chavez quickly spun around on his heels to find the detestable woman sprawled on the ground; hopping forward to tower over her where he then burst into a fit of mocking laughter.” ¡Ahora todos pueden ver a dónde pertenece legítimamente una puta como tú! ¡Deberías estar agradecido con Chávez por ayudar a hacer que esos labios sean más dignos de una puta!” Talking down and belittling the woman who now looked like the proper rubia tonta she was.

"Maldito..." She pushed herself into a crouching position before kicking her leg out in a swift motion to the back of the man's ankles sending them forward causing him to back. Zarai took the opportunity of her surprise attack to quickly straddle him, securing herself with her knees squeezing his sides tightly. "Pinche maldito ingrato, hijo de la gran puta." She let out a laugh while her hands wrapped around the man's neck.

Chavez had gotten so wrapped up in his mocking and gloating that he completely failed to notice what she had been planning to do. Being so conceited and savoring her humiliation led the cocky masked falling onto his back while the sudden sweep struck at an angle to sprain his ankle bringing a sharp cry of pain out of him.

The burning pain coming from his swelling ankle simply another painful sensation Chavez would soon be feeling once the adrenaline and rage dwindled. Yet, for now everything felt dull, save for the insistent squeezing pain coming from her legs digging into his hips forcing him to grit his teeth to fight back the wincing yelp threatening to escape his bloodied lips.

It wasn’t until he felt Zarai’s hands wrap around his neck and those strong fingers encasing around his windpipe that he let out a heavy, shaky gasp. Chavez peered up at the woman trying to choke him through red eyes; now both metaphorically from the cocktail and physically with blood splattered into them. His first instinct was to howl and sling a long string of insults at the bitch that dared to think she could choke him.

Instead, the widest blood stained toothy grin formed on his brutally battered face. An expression that sent chills through those closest capable of witnessing it.”” Hah! You call this choking?! Come on! Put some actual effort into it...if you intend to choke Chavez then you best damn well mean it!” He spat out through chokes goading her on wanting to see if she had the cojones to really go through with it. Then he broke out in laughter once more as his hands lifted to grab hold of her wrists though made no attempt to pull off instead squeezed down as if to help her with choking him. His eyes were shining wildly in a crazy and maddening glow entirely visible beneath the mask as he watched; curious and eager to see how far she was willing to take this even as his face began changing colors.

Zarai wasn't paying attention to anything the man under her was saying anymore. She didn't care. His insults kept on falling on deaf ears as her nails began to dig into his neck and her knees continued to squeeze. There wasn't anything in the world she wanted more than to shut him up, and choking the man was not working. It did not surprise her when he began to push her hands further into his neck despite the obvious change of color on his face. He was crazy, that was for certain, but the more noises he made and the more he continued to talk was starting to hurt her head.

"Shut up. Shut up. Shut! Up!"

Oh how satisfying it was to see Zarai so agitated and disgruntled when she was the one currently choking a person. That mad toothy grin only widened, refusing to give her what she wanted.” ”Wh-what’s the matter…nino? Don’t have the cojones to finish the job?” His words came out in jagged heaving and gasps, talking even as his lungs burned and ached for fresh oxygen but still his hands continued aiding her in squeezing against his throat.

She wanted his to stop. His voice had become grating, like nails on a chalkboard. Poking and prodding her mind with needles until she couldn't take in any more. She pulled back her hands, slapping his away in the process. "Shut up." She grabbed his chin hard, fingers digging harshly into his cheeks and jaw before covering his red-stained lips with her own. She could taste iron, but she wasn't sure if it was because of him or her.

“ Chavez *wheeze* knew you lacked spine. You squeeze like a widdle *wheeze* bebe. Time to gi-” Thinking this had gone on long enough and was prepared to pry her hands off which he was confident he could do at any time. And then it happened.

An experienced scrapper like him had experienced most things allowing him to guess just about anything his opponent could do. But Zarai proved him wrong by doing the one thing he or the crowd for that matter could never see coming.

People around the ring who had once been cheering for the near death of the man now stood there around them staring in confusion before they erupted in cheers once more. Others were left standing there in confusion watching two opponents who had been previously beating each other into pulps kiss in the middle of the ring. To Zarai, their cheers or disproving "boos" did not matter one bit as she had finally gotten what she wanted.


In that brief respite of silence time seemed to have frozen for Chavez. His body stiff like a stoned statue and eyes wide in pure disbelief; unable to do anything but lie there while in that moment felt nothing as if he was floating in an empty void.

The strangely warm sensation of lips mashed against his the first to hit him followed by the taste of iron. Of all places for Chavez (Kazu) to receive his first proper kiss and it was during the middle of a gruesome battle at that. Had he been in his right mind he would be at a complete and absolute loss of what to do. Yet, when his mind returned, so too did the boiling rage and excitement wrought from this brutish fight and soon felt the way she was kissing him.

A kiss not out of passion, desire or love. No, this was one borne out of hate signaling that their match was not over, merely shifted to a different style. And if she thinks Chavez was one to back down from a challenge then she was about to learn to regret underestimating Chavez's own hate and determination to win.

The crowd got to bear witness as the masked blonde moved his left hand to grab hold of the back of Zarai’s head pressing down deepening their kiss. To those watching it may have seemed like the pair were in the throes of a passionate make-out, but unbeknownst to them it was simply another form of their hate duking it out.

Her silence was soon interrupted by the man below her returning the kiss. Her lips stung as they rubbed against her teeth, but she didn't let the pain stop her from defeating him. She pushed her tongue past his lips. Everything began to spin around them, and the audience's voices began to echo in her mind. It felt like the whole world was coming down on her suddenly. Every part of her body now weighed a ton, her mind no different. Confused and angry, Zarai bit the man's tongue before breaking their kiss. "Hijo de la chingada—" She couldn't finish her sentence when she felt it in her throat. Zarai fought back the urge as she forced herself off the man and to the edge of the ring.

It would become quickly apparent that Chavez (Kazu) lacked any experience with kissing as he was more or less just mashing his lips against hers in a challenging manner. A stubborn refusal to give up or accept defeat spurned him on even when her tongue invaded his mouth thinking it another challenge to clash against his own. Soon having his tongue bitten causing him to release his grip while wincing with tears welling up in his eyes.

Once she had gotten off, Chavez pushed himself up into a sitting position to see Zarai staggering her way to the edge where she unleashed the contents on her stomach as any too slow to dodge found themselves the unlucky recipients of the mess. With a victorious laugh, the masked blonde jumped back onto his feet just as his most hated opponent collapsed to the floor where she was left lying in a puddle of her own sick. Taking a moment to peer down at the defeated woman wanting to relish his victory and though this woman had insulted and angered him in ways he never thought possible found himself respecting her tenacity. A blazing fire that no other women has yet displayed. Lifting his hands to his nose and with a quick jerk affixed his nose back in place with an audible crack sure to make any who heard it cringe.

“ Ah-hah! In the end Chavez is the victor! Gaze upon this stage and lay witness to what happens to those who dare dishonor Chavez!” Exclaiming boisterously with that wide scarlet grin while motioning towards Zarai left in such a pitiful state.” Si! All who dare to challenge Chavez knows where they shall end up, but though she has lost, this rubio has proven herself a most zorro luchador!” Throwing his arms up signaling to the audience to applaud for her.

A most brutal and gruesome battle that had come to an end and while rage still burned wickedly. Chavez was one to offer respect to strong opponents and Zarai proved his most ferocious. Still feeling rage towards her, but beneath it lie an inexplicable attraction.

Tristan Glory

Tristan observed the man shifting between his legs while he spoke and in an excited manner at that." Then it most fortuitous that you got off with such a minor injury." The teen replied though found it odd. Such a small leg injury would certainly heal in a day or so long as the person kept off it and yet this man chose to keep working instead of taking the day off." I have heard from others that you tend to be a bit...clumsy but looks to me that you are also very hardworking." Nodding his head as he said so. A friendly guy seemingly and yet something about the man seemed off not to mention this whole situation. Noticing the look of pain on his face had him remembering the pain he had to endure after having bird poop staining his hard to clean shirt.

His right hand found its way to the belt where he felt the pokeballs and with it an idea came to mind." Ah! Can't belive I have forgotten and I think I have something that may help." He exclaimed while hammering his right fist onto his left palm then held up a finger telling that he needed a moment before taking a few steps away.

Making sure there was plenty of room before picking up the pokeball as a flash of red shot towards the ground where Tristan's recently caught Riolu appeared who threw her arms out giving a cute little yawn." Riou!" She sleepily cried out.

Tristan crouched down so the small bipedal canine didn't have to crane her neck to look up so much and smiled down at her." Forgive me for making you wait so long to be let out for proper introductions. My name is Tristan Glory and yes I know what you're thinking..what an honor it is to have me, a Glory as your trainer." Grinning widely after doing a bit of self-bragging which only had the Riolu tilting her head in confusion before stepping closer to pat him on the knee in a comforting manner." Lu!" Was all that she said while patting at his knee.

The silver haired teen misinterpreting gave a pleased nod." Yes, I can tell how excited you are as you should be. And I'm happy to say that I have given you the lovely name Princess." He almost started to gush over how cute the riolu was which made the name all the more fitting for this precious mon." And once King has returned and we are free I shall introduce you to him properly as well." Princess looked up at the mention of King who she figured must be that shiny Murkrow that battled her and let out a little excited cheer with a pump of her paws which had Tristan giddily clapping his hands together." Yes! I can tell the two of you will make a tremendous team certain to have everyone recognize I, Tristan!" Pumping his own fists as all this gloating was working to help Tristan regain the confidence that had been so horribly shattered by that brutish imp of a girl and that frosty giant of a woman.

He almost lost himself in the gloating and fantasizing Princess and King dominating any fool that dared to belittle and look down at him had Princess not hopped in place letting out a cry out of worry since Tristan had been staring into space for over a minute.

" Hm? Oh! Sorry, Princess. Looks like I lost myself there for a moment, thank you." Reaching down to pat the riolu on the head who happily murred from the praise then stood back up where he cleared his throat before stepping back over." Apologies for the wait. I needed a moment to get properly acquainted with Princess here." She followed along to stand beside him then looked up curiously at the stranger." Having heard that Riolu's are good at comforting and thought maybe she might of help to ease the suffering you're going through if even a little." He suggested while glancing down at the pokemon then motioned for her to step forward." Princess, if you don't mind?" Tristan asked to which Princess gave a happy." Rioulu!" Then stepped forward as her trainer watched wanting to see how the exchange would go.

As that was happening, King was working on making his way back to his trainer though this took a bit of time with how far he flew off and not knowing right away where Tristan had gone. But, eventually the shiny bird found his way into the building where he made to land on Tristan's shoulder.

The sudden appearance of King took Tristan by surprise making him jump a little but quickly settled down as he turned his attention to the bird." Ah, King! There you are! Here to report your findings?" He inquired the bird who started cawing and squawking as if trying to explain, but Tristan merely looked at the bird with a confused expression until the bird let out a huffed caw out of indignation before flapping his way onto the ground using his beak to try and etch a shape onto the dirt.
Senor Chavez

Currently wearing: Caesonian traditional formal wear, black party mask

(Minus the gloves and cape)

Location: Afterparty Warehouse
Interactions: Zarai @Rodiak

The overly frustrated blonde paid little mind to everything around him as he carried on with slamming his head against the table. Each strike aimed to quell the rage burning within him, but only worked to fuel the fire even more. Though not all of it seemed to purely be from the drink’s effect; possibly some of his own personal anger that Kazu buried away ignored got mixed in and brought out to the surface.

So much seething rage boiling within and a strong need to be the center attention simmered on top of it all which likely added to Chavez crazy and obnoxiously loud actions.

Then out of nowhere he felt a hand grab hold forcing him back to his feet revealing a dazed expression on his face which was already reddened and a bit swollen from bruises forming. The mask, surprisingly held together well save for a few cracks after having absorbed part of the damage leaving Chavez with just a trickle of blood dripping from his nose and forehead.

But, it was the dizziness that was affecting him the most at the moment that left him seeing five or six blurry forms of the blonde woman who had the audacity to cease the beating Chavez had so rightfully earned.

For the moment his mind was dazed and confused and with it the rage was left aimless. A respite as brief as the blink of an eye as while he could hear the woman speaking whose voice sounded strangely familiar even if her words were unintelligible to the dazed blonde, it was having cupcakes smeared all over his face that brought Chavez back to reality.

At first blinking to clear his vision to once more focus and for a moment almost recognize Zarai before the drinks influence took hold once more. Her words soon registered afterwards sparking his rage once more causing that battered face to change a number of shades in a span of a second eventually settling on a bright fuming red.

“ ¿Qué? Te atreves a deshonrar a Chávez de esa manera?!” Reaching his hand up to wipe some of the cupcake from his face realizing what she had done which brought an angry huff from his nose. As if having Ani’s cupcakes he so heartlessly ruined shoved onto his face, but to make matters worse this woman dared to challenge him? And to insult him further by thinking she needed to drag or force him into the ring?!

It was at this moment his face was seething in such a way that one could swear steam might come shooting from his ears. His right hand shot up to grab hold of her wrist in a tight, almost bruising grip.” No confunda a Chávez con un cobarde ! Chávez nunca rechaza un desafío y ciertamente no de una perra rubia puta que piensa que puede deshonrar a Chávez con el regalo de la Señorita Cupcakita’s regalo!” He spat out in rapid fashion while shoving the hand gripping his shirt away. Every word rattled off making that cowlick bounce visibly almost as if to further mock the woman that insulted and dishonored him so.

Giving Zarai the harshest glare he feasibly could through the mask before stamping his way to the ring, roughly shoving his shoulder against her in passing as he did so.

He made for the ring like a man on a vengeful purpose. Angrily shoving any too slow or foolish to block his way out of his way followed by an angry spanish retort until the crowd learned of his intent and relented to spare themselves the masked blonde’s wrath. Not even bothering to look back as he knew the woman followed as the two shared a similar thought, pure undiluted hate towards the other with the single minded goal to unleash their fury.

Eventually they would reach the ring where the most recent match had conveniently ended in bloody fashion that left the mat freshly stained adding to the multitude of scarlet splotches covering it. Without hesitation, Chavez grabbed the bottom rope and pulled back to use the rope’s force and a kick of his own legs to propel himself up to jump into the ring.

“ Chávez reclama este anillo!” The blonde exclaimed at the top of his lungs while flinging his arms out wide to be heard over the chattering crowd before turning to aggressively point at Zarai.” Ahora mete tu culo aquí para que Chávez pueda enseñarle a este rubio cono lo que les sucede a los que le faltan el respeto a Chávez!” He gave a demanding wave of his hand for her to step into the ring with him if she so dared.

”What the fuck did he just say!” A man in orange pants shouted. He had been by the ring all night amongst many others. Several new people were curiously flooding over to area.

Meanwhile, a suited man was giving out slips of paper, calling out to the crowd, which was getting more enthusiastic and larger by the minute. He had a megaphone in hand as he began to call out, “Take your bets! Who will it be? The young lady or the fellow with the strange hair? Step right up, take your bets!” With a smile, he held the megaphone out towards Zarai and Kazumin, “Please state your names! If you do not wish to reveal your identity, then inform us of code-names for the ease of the audience!”

” MY MONEY’S ON THE HOT GIRL! ALL OF IT!” An overenthusiastic shriek filled the air.

“Shut up! That guy speaking tongues is gonna definitely win. Look at him! He’s gonna destroy that weak woman!” A laugh intercepted the scrawny guy’s speech, “Go back to the kitchen already! You don’t belong here!”

”Sexist pig!” The woman who had shrieked earlier was going up to the scrawny guy to jab him in the chest. He started to jab her in the forehead. This continued in a cycle.

“Mom?” A confused voice could be dimly heard amidst the chaos. It was a deep voice from a grown man. “Is that you, mother?”

Then, someone started to climb on the stage, hissing as he gradually slithered in. “I want … to fight…” Immediately, others began trying to drag him out of the ring but he launched himself forward and bit onto Senor Chavez’s pants. After some effort, they managed to unclamp the strange lad and get him out of the ring. Masked men approached him and he started to chomp at them like a rabid mutt, making deranged noises. He was then beat in the head with a metal rod. Once the chomper was unconscious, he was thus dragged out of the party.

The suited man cleared his throat as burly, huge men and women began to push the crowd back. He turned to Zarai and Senor Chavez. “ As stated, please state your names and then proceed to begin. Whoever is left standing and conscious at the end of this, wins. There are no other rules.”

Chavez had been ready and raring to fight when all this chaos had broken out from the crowd. All sorts of comments were being shouted, prattling about bets or cheering and jeers rang out about the two combatants with Zarai’s were mostly sexual or sexist, meanwhile the blonde could hear jeers shaming him for willingly accepting to fight a woman.

It only got worse from there with the crowd practically becoming a mass of wild animals nearly on the verge of fighting themselves. Going so far as to even have some crazy individual climbing onto the ring to bite at Chavez’s leg.

But most annoying was the suited fucker blathering on via a megaphone. It’s booming volume and crackling and all the shouting jabbed at his brain like glass. Everything that was going on enraged him to heights Chavez never knew was possible. As if it wasn’t bad enough, he started to take notice of how uncomfortably tight and stuffy this formal dress shirt was and felt like all of it was going to choke him.

His body was visibly shaking. Almost to the point of looking as if he was actually vibrating. A vein popped on his forehead and teeth grinding together with such force that anymore might cause sparks would fly and his fists were clenched so tightly the knuckles seemed as if they might rip through the white flesh as the fingernails caused scarlet beads to drip from his balled up fingers.

It wasn’t the crowd's childish insults and pathetic bickering or even the guy that bit him that was making his rage thrash and swell.

No, it was the fact that they dared to treat their fight to settle things as something so mundane as a match for entertainment.

There was only so much insult Chavez could take when he wanted only to pay the blonde woman back for her disservice. Only to have all this stupid buzzing in his ears pushing the man until finally he could take no more!

“ SILENCIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” If those who had heard him shouting ants minutes prior thought he had been loud before. The lungs on Chavez proved to be even more formidable as his shout all but rivaled the volume of the megaphone.

His voice carried such fervor and ferocity that those surrounding the ring went quiet leaving the deep breathing and heavy huffs from Chavez’s flared nostrils the only sound heard.

What he did next would surprise once more as Chavez grabbed at his shirt with both hands and the ripping of fabric rung out as he tore the bothersome straightjacket off then immediately followed up with using the torn half in his right hand to wipe the blood, sweat and cupcake from his face before tossing them like used rags.

Chavez stood there panting and huffing, his upper body now exposed revealing bruises both old and fresh all over the flesh that seemed to have been caused by a sturdy stick or cane. Beneath them all were small honed muscles betraying the blonde’s otherwise lithe physique formed from years of controlled and precise work. Unlike most of the farmhands that had more burly bodies, Kazu always kept to doing just the work needed due finding big muscles to be nothing more bulky hindrances that got in the way. Those that challenged him over the years often did so underestimating him and would live to regret it, particularly those who somehow angered him or messed with his pudding.

With his body all tense from all this seething anger made them more pronounced than usual. And though this was far from his first time fighting a woman; at least then he was capable of restraint which the cocktails removed thanks to all the rage pumping through him, threatening to explode out of him.

“Un montón de cerdos cobardes rellenos de mierda! ¡Todos ustedes!” He bellowed out, breaking the silence finally while keeping his gaze on Zarai. (who has by now gotten into the ring surely)”¡No estamos aquí para entretenerte, un montón de patéticos follones que discuten como niños ensuciándose los pantalones!” He growled out before turning his head to spit out a glob of blood.

“ Chavez is here for one thing and one thing only. To teach this blonde puta what happens to those who disrespects Chavez….and yet she has cojones bigger than all you sorry looking pig spoiled mierdas combined for stepping into this ring!” Finishing with an agitated huff; speaking English this time so the gaggle of clambering idiots understood exactly why the two of them were in this ring. Something that the majority of this group lacked the balls to do so as they were merely a bunch of pitiful bored nobles seeking thrills.

And Chavez refused to give them that satisfaction.

Ignoring everything but Zarai who he could not recognize due to his eyes being tinted red like a raging bull. The tiniest inkling of Kazu the only thing keeping him from just charging at her like a bull would, at least not until she was ready. Instead choosing to roll his neck till it cracked then shifted into position with both hands held up in front of his face.

“Basta de jugar. Tráelo...puta!”

Senor Chavez

Currently wearing: Caesonian traditional formal wear, black party mask

(Minus the gloves and cape)

Location: Afterparty Warehouse
Interactions:Anastasia @princess Ezra @Potter Mayet @13org Leo @Helo Aiden @Terrance420

A few moments prior

Chavez halted momentarily to give a small respectful bow to Mayet who had pulled up most recently." Not at all. Chavez must be away from the moment, but will be sure to find and speak with the lovely princesa that is if you are not too busy. Until then, enjoy your drink tigresa!" He happily stated while patting his chest twice before stepping away.

The masked blodne could not halt the usual Kazu grin from spreading at seeing the way Ani acted so delighted and silly, even taking instantly to the persona he was playing." You thought to best Chavez, Senorita Cupkaita but Chavez is not one to give up or accept loss." A look of determination with an amused smirk that did not match clearly giving away his teasing. He thought to say more but found himself suddenly being hugged by the princess which made his body stiffen slightly though gave no attempts to shrug off as he normally would, instead gave her a friendly pat on the back while his left hand was thankfully raised to avoid spilling the drink.

Hearing the excitable woman state that she loved him got his eyebrow lifting as he was beginning to see that she seemed especially giddy, more so than how she was during their dance. Her mood would change quickly upon pulling away revealing a tearful look of sadness followed by an apology that could tug at most people's heartstrings. He held up a hand signaling for her to stop." No no no. There is no need for tears, Senorita." A small wag of his finger as he said this." For Chavez only requires the dazzling smile of the gorgeous princesa and nothing more." Procurring a handkerchief from his pocket to offer to her." Dry your tears and grace us once more with the sweetness of Cupcakita!" Winking beneath the mask then took another sip of his second cocktail.

Good to see her mood lifting to attack the baker with puppy dog eyes pleading to let her share the cupcakes. An attack the man could not resist as he relented quickly." Chavez offer his thanks and will most assuredly find the treats impossibly delicious."

Just then, another individual unknown to him approached with a very upbeat manner to his step causing him to hold off going for a cupcake for the moment. The man seemed pleasant and looked to be vibing quite strongly with music." Hola, Senor Leo! Senor Chavez is delighted to meet a fellow party enthusiast though has not been to one such as this. Chavez intends to savor and partake what this grand fiesta has to offer." A light bow of the head with his right hand placed against his chest followed by another sip of the cocktail finishing it off.

He only just finished giving his greeting when, yet another person unknown person pulled up to which he would nod his head." Chavez returns the pleasures. Such a group the Senorita has gathered and one made to share treats together with to celebrate, no?"

Stepping over to the table where the box of delicacies rested where he placed the now empty glass besides it then waved his right hand to whisk the tantalizing scent for him to inhale." Ah, senor baker. You have made a most delectable spread here and Chavez see's that someone has snuck a taste." A low chuckle escaped his lips as he peered at the letter T which was slightly smeared made from a quick swipe of a finger.

A thing that that would normally be such a minor little annoyance to anyone, but for some unknown reason Chavez found his gaze focusing on it with an intensity that grew stronger by the second. And with it he felt a strange and almost foreign sensation beginning to bubble within him that swelled with each passing second. Stronger and stronger it grew until it was boiling through his veins like acid while his face turned redder and redder like a cooking teapot and his body began to shake with such fury that had no real sensible source or reasoning until....

" WHO!? ....WHO....did this?!" He spat out in a voice of pure rage as he spun to the nearby group while pointing at the smeared cupcake." Which one of you bastardos besmirched this cupcake?! Huh? Who dares to taint the treat Senor Baker worked so hard to offer for Senorita Cupkaita?!" Shouting accusingly with an angry huff from his nose as he glared at the two newcomers then whirled around glaring all around the party goers nearby." What sick bastardos has chosen to spit on Princesa's gift?! Is that what people at this fiesta enjoy doing?!" He growled swiping his hand harshly at any that made an attempt to get closer to him or the box.

" NO...No...nononono!" Wagging his finger in angry fashion as it burned ferociously within him as he spun on the spot and grabbed the box picking it up to be held above his head." Is this what you want, bastardos?!!" Angrily shouting the challenge then without warning swung his arms throwing the box of cupcakes leaving them smushed and scattered at his feet.

" There! Is this what you want, huh?! Now they are all ruined. Chavez finished the job for the monstroso and now no one gets to enjoy them!" Pointing aggressively at the ruined treats; shouting his declaration while looking around as if expecting to see someone thrilled at the sight of the smashed desserts, nostrils flaring from repeated angry huffs." They are unfit for any of you...only fit to be fed to ants now. You see this?! This gift is now just food for ants! And now this place will be infested with ant, you see this? This is how you get ants and everyone knows once they get in they are difficult to be rid of!!" His voice and anger grew louder with each mention of the word ant; not only that but he found that he could not stop the words from spilling out as if he lost all control of his mouth on top of this unending fury.

His eyebrow began twitching, breath huffing rapidly as his hands and head shook with rage." Ants.....Ants...ANTS........AAAAAAAAAAAAANTS!" Each time spoken grew in ferocity and volume until he was leaning back waving his fist screaming his hate of ants to the heavens or in this instance the warehouse ceilings.

Once he was done letting everyone know of his feelings about ants he allowed his arms slump down do his sides with his head somewhat hanging. Standing there panting; face a furious red and slick with sweat and for an instant might have seemed like his anger was quelled and beginning to wane. That is until he saw the smashed cupcakes on the floor and felt his body with furious anger anew, but this time aimed at himself. A rage that kept coming from nowhere and jumping from one trivial annoyance to the next.

Chavez suddenly began clutching at his head and slightly tugging at his hair as he gazed at the cupcakes he so cruelly smashed." Ay dios?! What has Chavez done?! Agh...to destroy the Senorita's scrumptious gift! You are the bastardos, Chavez!" Without warning his right fist shot up to delivering a punch to his own face causing his head to jerk to the left leaving a darker red mark on his already bright red cheek immediately with another this time causing a small string of blood to fly from his mouth." Chavez will make Chavez pay for this disrespect and insolence!" He scowled out to himself and carried on with punching and slapping himself.

Eventually moving his left arm up in an attempt to choke himself and in doing finally noticed that people were staring at him with aghast and confused expression. He stopped to look around panting then leaned forward." I'm kicking my ass! DO YOU MIND?!" The blonde shouted furiously at the onlooking crowd before his left hand grabbed at the hem of his own collar and tugged hard to have his body pulled against the table." Damn you Chavez! You estupido!" From there he slammed his forehead against the table and would repeatedly do so while shouting estupido in between each slam.

Senor Chavez

Currently wearing: Caesonian traditional formal wear, black party mask

(Minus the gloves and cape)

Location: Afterparty Warehouse
Interactions: Roman @Reusablesword Callum @Helo Anastasia @princess Ezra @Potter
Mentions: Mayet @13org Zarai & Nahir @Rodiak Munir @infinite cosmos

A single glance around the room was all it took to tell that this a party unlike anything the simple farmer had ever been to or any peasant in fact. It was almost overwhelming even to see people publicly rubbing against each other and making out without hint of shame and even...a boxing ring apparently of which from the sounds coming from its direction the fights were pretty hardcore.

Kazu could do nothing but gawk at what he was witnessing. Then there were the holograms which was freaking the still slightly buzzed blonde out a bit prompting him to avert his gaze and in doing so would spot Zarai chatting with one of the Alidasht royals, the woman he recalled seeming the calmest among the siblings during the earlier incident.* Seeing as how I've met Mayet, its only fair to meet the others and need to be sure to greet Zai sometime this night.* Making a mental note to do so though hoped the booze wouldn't have him forget. And shortly after thinking about said person he then saw Mayet minus Nala; no surprise there as he doubted the tigress would enjoy being in such an uncomfortably loud and boisterous place and around a bunch of drunks that were certain to harass thus leading to some bloody incident. If possible he would greet her sometime as well...assuming he wasn't plastered then there was Munir who he could tell by first look to be the playboy type. An interesting man for certain, but also a dangerous one as well so any interaction with him was likely to be unexpected but intriguing to say the least.

An amused grin formed on his lips as he took in how everyone had already moved off and getting settled as if such a place was normal and natural to them. However, one person seemed to be missing and a few scanning attempts through the bustling crowd of people dancing and chatting failed to find the giddy princess. Though seeing as how she looked the most natural in this place and figured she simply disappeared to one of the hidden parts of the room unknown to one so new to such a party set-up.

* I'm sure she will pop up eventually. I'll greet and thank her properly when she does. Guess now is no better time to partake of this place specialty drinks.* Rubbing his hands together at the thought of finally being able to get his hands on proper booze after enduring three long dry months as the lackluster wine did nothing to slake his thirst.

Having spent long enough time gawking and taking in the sights, the masked blonde strolled his way over to the bar; doing so with confidence in his stride to give the allure that he rightfully belonged here and not someone out of their element.

He reached the bar before long where he took notice of the two gentlemen that he recalled seeing briefly in the carriage and thought now was the most fitting to introduce himself. Before continuing on though, Kazu took a moment working on getting into character for the rest of the night Kazumin the farmer would not exist and in his place shall be Senor Chavez, the masked chicken fighter!

Inhaling, Chavez was taken in then exhaling Kazumin, his eyes opened followed with the straightening of his posture to better lend the appearance of the noble persona he guised and with it that wide friendly grin shrank to a small confident and cloying smirk.

Strolling over to Roman and Callum." Hola senores!" He greeted in s forced Spanish accent that somehow sounded both decent and bad almost at the same time." Senor Chavez apologizes for not offering proper greetings earlier and hopes he is not intruding or interrupting." He followed up with a small bow and waving flair of his left hand." Chavez hopes that we may share in drinks and enjoy the splendors of this fiesta together, no?" Flashing that cloying smirk then made his way to the counter.

Upon reaching the counter he soon saw the sign detailing the cocktails of which looked like nothing he had ever seen before and Ka- Chavez has seen his fair share of booze. Instantly intrigued at what he was seeing, the images alone left him noticing just how dry his throat was as he smacked his lips in anticipation of washing the measly wine swill from his tongue. And from the looks of these drinks; promised an experience wholly new to this experienced drinker.

" Pardon senorita!" He called out to the bartender while holding up his right hand to get the woman's attention." Chavez has partaken of the cocktail menu and have chosen his selection. I shall take life of the party as of course that is Chavez." He said with a sly chuckle and indicating wave of his hand to himself with a small smug smirk." Chavez shall also take one's fever dream, por favor." Both of these drinks had caught his eye and seemed to balance each other well with the sweetness and sourness.

The bartender looked at the strange masked blonde talking in that somewhat poor mexican accent leaving her unable to tell if the guy was already on a bunch of drugs." Um, sir. I don't recommend having more than one cocktail. I advi-

" Hey hey hey!" Tapping his finger against the counter with each hey to further get his point across after cutting the woman off." Chavez does not asking for warnings or advice! Kindly give Chavez the cocktails he has requested, senorita bartender." He demanded in a somewhat annoyed and curt manner.

Glaring, the woman gave a shrug of her shoulders." Alright, whatever happens...don't say I didn't try to warn you." She was here just to give out drinks and if customers wanted to get themselves fucked up then they were free to do so.

It didn't take long for the drinks to be placed before him and immediately sweet smell of kiwi and mixture of berries filled his nostrils. Within seconds his mouth was salivating, and his eyes were lost in the twinkling beauty of the fever dream." Ah, gracias senorita. Chavez cannot help but offer compliments for such works of art. Almost a shame to drink them, but Chavez is not one to waste the effort of a hardworking bartender or liquor." Gently picking up a glass in each hand then offering a small toast of the right one which earned him a scoffing roll of the eyes before leaving to tend to other customers.

He took a minute to admire the colorful and glittery drinks having never seen cocktails such as these before. Once finished with his admiration he lifted the fever dream where he took a slow and deep draw of its scent wanting to drink it in with his nose first then took a sampling sip. The moment the booze graced his tongue a groan of delight escaped his lips; tasting strawberries, blackberries and candy with none of the unpleasant taste that typically accompanies most liquor to tarnish the flavor." Truly a drink befitting for nobles to partake of and savor." Letting it sit and tickle his tastebuds a moment longer before taking a more proper sip, finally quenching his horribly dry throat and longing for proper booze.

Turning away from the counter to face the two gentlemen who were also in the midst of enjoying their drink." We should consider ourselves lucky to be able to share in such wondrous drinks such as these amongst fellow gentlemen, si." This time giving a toast to Roman and Callum as he sipped away at the fever dream.

It was then in the midst of drinking that he finally spotted the missing princess who had been approached by some unknown individual holding a box and while he might have normally waited till the current interaction was finished before approaching, but Chavez was not one to wait." Uno momento Senors. Apologies but there is a lady I wish to greet before she vanishes and is lost to the fiesta." Nodding his head to them then downed the rest of the fever dream, placing the empty glass on the counter before setting off towards where Anastasia and unknown companion were.

" Hola, Princesa Ani!" He exclaimed his greeting in a joyfully boisterous manner while holding out his right arm in arc like motion, careful not to spill the life of the party still held in his left hand." Senor Chavez has found you. You are indeed skilled in the art of hide-n-seek." He said with a chuckle while approaching the pair." Do forgive for the interruption, but Chavez wished to greet and properly thank the one that allowed Chavez to come and enjoy this wonderful fiesta before these cocktails can adle the mind." Turning his attention to the stranger while sporting a cloying grin." Chavez hopes you do not mind in my joining and sharing of the conversation with the lovely princesa, I promise not to linger for long good Senor." Giving a small bow of respect in his offer of apologies and in doing so got a whiff of the cupcakes, the allure too strong for this lover of sweets to resist and glanced into the box.

Inside he saw a most delicious array of cupcakes though the fact they spelled out Ani's name was...peculiar but he figured that this guy must be friends to do such a seemingly nice act." Ah, Chavez see's that your friend here has brought princesa Ani some scrumptious cupcakes. Did you make these, Senor?" Asking with a big grin returning to his previously smirking lips as he finally took to taking a sip of his second cocktail and was surprised to find his lips puckering from the unexpected sourness and his eyes to tear up a tad.

A smack of his lips." These drinks are truly a wonder. Forgive Chavez for asking, but the sourness of this proved stronger than expected. Would it be prudent of me to ask to have a taste of one of those delicious treats to lessen the sourness of my drink?"

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: River Port beach

Mentions: Isolde @Blizz Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet

Menzai remained silent while he observed the three talk and from the clear sound of agitation in Isolde's voice and tone, his decision to keep distance proved the correct decision. It was clear the poor girl had just gone through a most stressful and exhausting day; a miracle she was able to survive on her own after being dropped in the middle of some unknown and foreign forest. Though the sparks coming off her body gave a good indication of how she managed to do so which of course had Menzai curious and interested to discern more of her magical capabilities. And if the fact humans all had magic were to indeed be true then he could only wonder what types of magic the two brothers might have.

He wanted to inquire more on this, but as the woman needed time and space and so chose to be patient. One thing was certain; humans traveling on their own or only amongst themselves simply too dangerous for a number of reasons. The most concerning involving that demon and his human hunters then there was the possibility of humans who might be inclined to use their magic for their own selfish and greedy reasons as not all humans will be on the side of good. And whether these three were of the trustworthy sort was uncertain so it was a good thing he was able to encounter them before any shady and dangerous individuals could.

For the time being he aimed to do as promised. Keep his eye on and protect them though if they deemed to be a danger to the realm then if needed would not hesitate to dispose of them before their magic could make them a threat.

The wolf could only hope things did not have to come to such conclusion.
Tristan Glory

The rich teen listened to the man explain what happen though forgot to give his name while doing so. What the man said had him lifting a brow in curious fashion while his gaze focused on the guy's leg." A horrid thing to happen. Quite lucky indeed to have only gotten off with some bruises." He said but found it incredibly peculiar seeing as how getting kicked by a Tauros of all things would more than likely do far worse than some mere bruises." Unfortunate that you found yourself in such an unlucky situation. You don't mind if I ask as to how you found yourself climbing the picket fence?"

As for King who made an attempt to be stealthy only for it to prove disastrous though it was to be expected as the bird lacked experience in such things. And its shiny purple plume wasn't exactly inconspicuous unlike normal Murkrows as the bird saw the strange pink thing transform before its eyes. This caused him to let out a shocked caw upon witnessing it turn into a tauros leaving him to flap incredulously in place for the moment. Knowing if he didn't act fast it would disappear into the forest or more likely hide among the tauros, King decided to give chase as he did not want to return to his trainer with no result.

But what could he do? Battling it might be dangerous due to not exactly knowing what it was or capable of. As it flew after the transformed tauros quick as its wings could take it when it remembered something from his battles and a weird idea came to mind. Uncertain if it would work, but without Tristan his options were limited and so the Murkrow dipped down to get close as possible to the Tauros where it let loose a featherdance sending an array of feathers raining down at the fleeing tauros. Doing so of course left Murkrow stopping and due to this soon lost track of the pokemon, but hopefully his plan worked.

As there was nothing else King could do, the small bird had no choice but to turn back and return to Tristan. He just had to hope he could relay what he had found in some way.
Kazumin Nagasa

(Senor Chavez)

Currently wearing: Caesonian traditional formal wear

(Minus the gloves and cape)

Location: Sneaking off to the secret afterparty

It truly was a splendorous night for a nice casual walk through the city which was still lively as if it was daytime in thanks to some festival taking place currently. And this being his first proper look at the town only made his nightly stroll all the more enjoyable; passing folks with family, kids whom were understandably excited at the opportunity to stay up late for a fun festive night. All of this and the wild roller coaster that was the ball left the cow-licked blonde farmer in an impossibly happy and excited mood of his own. How can he not be? With all the wondrous and beautiful sights one can only beheld in such richly build towns or the wide assortment of deliciously enticing smells coming from food vendors off in the distance. The influence of the drug also aided in Kazu's jubilant energy, albeit faintly as most of its effect have faded away by this point, but just enough remained to give him a boost of energy.

As a man that grew up among farmers and peasants, he was someone that carried the mentality of being kind and respectful better than most. For the young farmer kindly greeted and wished any he passed a most enjoyable time at the festival; at one point even stopping to entertain some kids with some elementary magic tricks like the classic coin behind the ear and a bit of miming that led to a kid snipping the rope to have a piano dropping on him.

Some boastful and cheerful laughs with the kids and parents that had come over to watch before he carried on. Not before being asked by some of the kindly folks to join them." A most gracious offer and one I would happily accept were it any other night. But, alas there is a different kind of...festivities I'm headed. Perhaps another time." He winked with a thumbs up, using the motion of lifting his thumb to flip the coin used for his tricks and used the cover of the kids scrambling for it to slip away.

Kazu walked on. Somewhere along the way, without noticing it had started to walk with a little skip to his steps as he found the music that he could faintly hear uplifting. It was here where he started to lose himself in the music that he failed to notice getting a bit close to the street with a carriage running by. Only able to barely avoid it in thanks to the loud thumping of hooves and click of wheels and quick reflexes having him step back just enough to avoid a gruesome trampling though not quite enough to avoid falling back onto his butt.

A brush with near death and all Kazu could do was laugh while his heart thumped heavily like a beating drum in his chest. A beating thrum that strangely seemed to play in tune with the faint music then the faint clack of his feet; a myriad of sounds that left him with some strange feeling welling up within him.

" ♬I get knocked down...♬" He sang in a halfway hesitant manner while looking around him to see no one had even taken notice of him or the stain on the pavement he just narrowly avoided.

The confused expression quickly turning back into a wide grin as he pushed to hop back up onto his father." But I get back up again!" He exclaimed following with a quick spin and flicking tug of his shirt.

Immediately following up by tapping his feet in rhythm with the faint festive music to combine the clack of his heels to have an energetic and upbeat sound and kept it up as he strolled and hopped forward breaking out into song.

" ♬You're never gonna keep me down

I get knocked down,
but I get up again

You're never gonna keep me down

I get knocked down,
but I get up again


Hopping and sliding along the path as he went, giving quick greeting salutes to those he passed leaving the confused passerby's behind him as Kazu got more and more into the groove.

" ♬Pissing the night away

Pissing the night away♬

"♬ He drinks a whiskey drink
He drinks a vodka drink
He drinks a lager drink
He drinks a cider drink♬

" Pointing to some random passerby's that have clearly been drinking while spinning or skipping away afterwards.

As he sang he slid his way up to a pair of guys who looked to just be having a fun time drinking and draped his arms across each of their shoulders.

" ♬He sings the songs that reminds him of the good times

He sings thet reminds him of the better times♬
" Motioning his head towards the other as he sang each line in turn then gave the two a friendly parting pat on the shoulders eliciting confused but excited cheers before pulling away resuming his upbeat stepping.

Coming upon a low-rise wall, Kazu ducked and hopped up onto it where he moved as if traipsing over a tight rope.

" ♬I get knocked down,
but I get up again

You're never gonna keep me down

I get knocked down,
but I get up again

You're never gonna keep me down!♬
" Hopping down from the wall with a loud stomp of both feet as his voice grew in tempo and volume.

His steps grew in tenacity and fervor as he came upon a large puddle and jumped into it making a big splash-

"♬ Pissing the night away

Pissing the night away ♬

Hopping onward as he took notice of some pointing at and laughing at the fact the lower half of his pants were now wet and slid past them sideways-

" ♬Don't cry for me,
next door neighbor ♬

Singing this to those laughing as he went, his spirit as high as ever with no sign of humiliation getting him down.

"♬ I get knocked down,
but I get up again

You're never gonna keep me down

I get knocked down,
but I get up again ♬

Kazu began humming loudly as he danced along with a good spin and slide along the way, all the while keeping his taps to the rhythm when another carriage came rolling up, but this one actually pulled to a stop a short distance away.

He spun in place giving a flick of his head to the unexpectedly pleasant sight of Princess Anastasia offering him a ride to join her and others.

A beaming smile at this most fortuitous and timely chance meeting to which the jovial blonde responded by hopping up grabbing the rails on the back of the carriage.

"♬ I get knocked down,
but I get back up again♬

A wide wave of his hand before giving a good jerk of the hand holding the rail to hop his way up on top of the carriage where he gave a grandiose spin throwing his arms up and out.

"♬ You're never gonna keep me...♬" Inhaling deeply for his big finish

" ♬Doooooooooooooooooooown!♬" He sang with all the gusto and breath he could muster with one final tap of his right foot.

He held that pose even after finishing wanting to relish in the utterly ridiculous fact he just sang and dance like a drunken buffoon out in public.


A tomato landed on the left side of his head as a most grumpy fellow who clearly did not much care for his abrupt and noisy singing." Will you shut your fucking cakehole?! My wife and I are trying to fucking sleep!" The tired man bellowed out angrily with another tomato ready in hand.

He broke the pose finally to peel the tomato off then gave a low bow of his upper body." I do so apologize, good sir. Meant no trouble or offense. Merely got too into the spirit of the festivities, I shan't disturb the good sir or the lovely wife again." All of it said with that big friendly grin and through pants which had the disturbed man taken aback by such a respectful apology.

" Well..uh. Just...keep it down alright." He muttered out with dismissive wave of his free hand before closing the shutters.

Snickering, Kazu dropped down onto his belly poking his tomato-stained face to peer down at those on horseback and into the carriage." Well dang, wished I brought something to protect my eyes from all the dazzling beauty coming from this gathering of ♬beauties.♬" His tone playful and a bit sing songy at the end, the sensation of his singing still lingering a bit.

Taking a look over at the individual faces; each of them familiar with some he already knew personally and would give a quick wave to those before turning his head towards Anastasia." I owe you thanks both for the lift and the invite, *princess* Ani." Making sure to put emphasis on the princess part with a teasing lift of the right brow wanting to tease her for neglecting to mention the whole being a princess bit of their introductions." Well I'm sure all of you are heaps excited to party so I shall not hold us up a moment longer. Let us be off!" He exclaimed while springing up onto his knees where he then rolled onto his back making himself comfortable.

The rest of the ride spent humming and munching on his newly acquired tomato.

Before long they would arrive at the warehouse. Even before the carriage came to a stop Kazu had sprung up and hopped down as he was simply too eager and anxious to check this secret party out." Finally, we have arrived and ready to partay!" He cried out in a cheer.

As if this party wasn't already exciting enough, but to find they were even offering up masks had his eyes sparkling as he grabbed a black one." Oooh...we've all heard about these mask parties back in the country." Heard of how such secretive parties where all sorts of debauchery and sin amongst bored nobles took place. The kind of party that held the best and widest variety of booze and drugs with plenty a nobody peasant like him likely never heard of.

" If I'm gonna wear a mask its only fitting I do so under a different identity..yes?" Musing to himself while rubbing at his chin with his left index finger. A brief pondering to himself before he turned away to don the mask then turned to stand back up but in a much more dignified and somewhat pompous manner with a cocky expression to match." Time to let them see that senor Chavez, chicken fighter hath arrived." Even giving his tone the air of a dignified noble with his right arm held up and folded against his chest with the elbow pointed outward similar to how a bullfighter would stand.

He entered only to find it difficult to maintain his persona after seeing what awaited inside. A whole bunch of activities rife with debauchery was going on while amidst these strange see-through light shows going on all over the place.

" Jeebus....this place makes the ball looks like a lame house party. Bored nobles really do go all out." Laughing in a mix of disbelief and delight as Kazu was trying to figure out what he would even do, that is until he caught sight of the bar and more eye fetching were the mystifying cocktails.

After gawking like an idiot, the masked blonde recomposed himself back into his dignified pose then cleared his throat." Yes, Chavez very much approves and shall take this chance to enjoy the sinful frivolities taking place."

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