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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: River Port beach

Interactions: Isolde @Blizz Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy Aiden @Potter

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


Each member of the group has shown to be of like mind with all in agreement to work together as a team. A decision that assured the highest chance of success but he chose to refrain from vocalizing this to prevent any of them to get overly cocky. A wise decision on his part with how confident the humans were already.

With the group decided and ready, Menzai led the way through the forest; walking at a casual pace taking them little over ten minutes to arrive at the edge of the sea of fog. Both a sea and wall of fog that seemed to morph and shift almost as if alive and so thick it could seemingly be mistaken as molasses in misty form while even standing on the fringes each of them would notice a heavy chill. A strong earthy and musty scent permeated within; not wholly unpleasant but for those unprepared might feel as if having their nostrils stung by a spray of lemon juice. A mere glance spoke of foreboding and ill omen that promised death for those unfortunate enough to find themselves lost within its misty grasps certain to leave most with shivering goosebumps.

And somewhere unseen within came a loud chittering clack breaking the ominous silence. Or was it a powerful crunch of wood cracking? Then multiple thumps like footsteps stamping in rapid succession in an almost slithering fashion though difficult to be certain without an astute sense of hearing. Whatever lurked within was definitely of considerable size, but most harrowing was that it was also very hungry for the flesh of cocksure and foolish intruders.

For the moment Menzai remained silent; staring off into the misty depths perhaps seeing what could not be seen or at the very least attemptiong to pinpoint its location or distance. His ears taut and perked flicking like feelers and chin partially lifted up while his acute senses probed through the thick wall and potent scent. Doing so to also give the humans the opportunity to prepare and steel themselves for this would be their first actual battle and doing so working together. A wicked beast that would serve the perfect test for whether this group truly was ready for what awaited outside the safety of this sanctuary would be far more powerful and insidiously dangerous.

Once Menzai pin down its location did the wolf turn to face them his face calm yet stern." The beasts lurk within to the northeast about twenty-two feet within. I shall lead you until we are nearly upon it then from that moment forth it shall be up to the four of you to determine how to handle the creature. Remember my rules and know that I will give no aid nor advice unless things go dire which I will give the command to retreat. One warning." Holding up a single finger to further state his point." Refuse and you will remain at the village. You merely need to knock it unconscious for victory though if you slay it then I will offer a bonus reward to each of you." A nod of his head as he slipped the hand back into the long sleeve as he waited once more to let what he told them sink in; if any chose to back out they were free to do so and would receive no punishment.

After two minutes the stern wolf turned with his back to them once more." Follow me. Keep your eyes on my back. Under no circumstance are you to wander off on your own." The last warning he would give before taking his first step within, the fog seeming to sink and coil around his shoeless foot as if stepping into swamp muck and with each step it encroached upward almost threatening to envelop and swallow those foolhardy enough to venture within whole.
Tristan Glory

@Sanguine Rose

With the battle over and Robbie's compliance Tristan was given time to let his temper alleviate. He took notice of the fact Faye was still standing at the top of the ditch scribbling something down but paid her no mind at the moment. As his focus was checking Princess and King to make sure they were alright since the two have aided him quite a bit in this case then had to do a battle; granted the battle had gone mostly in his favor so they turned out fine, just a bit tired.

A victory won through good teamwork, but not one any of them could be proud over as King gave an angry caw and pecked at Tristan's hand when he tried to pet him." Ow! Hey watch it! I just got my hand manicured this morning." He grumbled in warning while blowing over his fingers making sure the bird didn't damage them." Mur Mur! Krow Murkrow!" The shiny bird crowed angrily while pointing towards the pokeball on his belt with one of its wing before looking away with a sharp clack of its beak. The rich teen blinked down at the bird throwing a fit then at his belt." What are you blathering on abo-..is this about what happened back in the tunnel?" Tristan asked and received another angry beak clack as if confirming it as Princess gave the bird a comforting pat on the back." Rioulu riou lu." The bipedal canine spoke in a soothing manner that got King to look at both of them with a small glare.

" Come on King, there's no need to get your feathers ruffled. I made a gamble to try and settle things peacefully which of course failed." Turing to give Robbie a small dirty look as he said this before turning back." And couldn't risk having a fight breaking out in that tunnel. Things didn't turn out like I hoped but everything ended...well enough." Tristan reached once more to try and pet the magenta bird who looked at the hand still glaring but made no move to peck at him again." And if it helps, I apologize and won't do it again I promise." Held his hand just above his head as he said this as King glared up at his trainer for a few seconds." Krow Mur!" The bird said as if telling him he better then flapped his wings to fly up onto his shoulder signaling the matter was settled with a happy jump from Princess." And if you peck my hand like that again I will withhold feeding you today." Said with a smile as if joking but the underlying cold hint to his playful tone said otherwise.

Standing up dusting off his hands then turned around to face Robbie once more placing his hands on his hips." Right. Let us be rid of this place as I've had enough of this dusty ditch, and I wish to be freed of these... filthy boots." He glanced down at them his face cringing in distaste.

Robbie's injured leg would of course make just climbing up out of the ditch difficult leaving them to have to find a portion that was less steep. After a fair bit of effort and some help from Tristan but mostly from Princess pushing against the man's back and leg with the last stretch aided by Faye to get him up, the group were finally on level ground once more where Tristan took his first proper look at Faye and much like with the boots cringed at the sight of her horrid sense of fashion or more like lack of." If you're here then I take it you've finished beating those kids. I do hope you're not intending to try and swoop in and take credit for *our* work." Leering at the girl suspiciously while grabbing the handkerchief from his back pocket dabbing the sweat from his face then with a pat to Robbie's back to signal to start making for the ranch house.

Glancing once more at Faye where he let out a scoff before setting off.
Tristan Glory

@Sanguine Rose

Up until the moment Robbie yelled out for them to stop Tristan had remained tense and anxious. Both King and Princess halted stopping short of assaulting the dazed ditto with another round of attacks and with the end of the battle came a relieved sigh from their trainer's lips. The two looked at each other than towards Tristan with faces showing obvious uncertainty to which he would give a nod of the head to show they chose right to stop. This was a battle he never wanted to begin with, and he certainly did not want to bully the poor dazed ditto who was innocent in all this.

Seeing Robbie slumped down looking defeated and tired, the rich teen took this chance to kneel down to offer King and Princess who had made their way back over to him some pets." You two did great out there." In fact, if not for the two of them Tristan doubted that he could have solved this case at all." I'll be sure to reward the two of you properly once this is all properly finished." He promised with a nod earning a happy chirp and yip from the two.

This victory helped to uplift his mood if a little, but hearing Robbie speak up had his elated rush melted away as his gaze lifted to the man with a sharp glare. He was still very much pissed at being lied to and his family name insulted. Standing up and placing his hands on his hips as he glowered at the farmhand stating not wanting this battle either." Then it was a mistake on your part to assume me a coward. And your timing also proved unfortunate for prior to coming to this ranch I had a... rather unsavory experience." One that he preferred not to elaborate to a stranger and a thief and something he needed to amend for both his and King's wounded pride." An experience I have no intention of explaining to you but know that I've been humiliated enough today with no intention of letting some oafish farm hand scare me off." Scoffing with an air of indignant; ready for this whole thing to be over with.

Thinking on how to proceed from here when Robbie began speaking again. This time regarding the mob and for a moment thought he might be able to get out of this with little trouble from them after all. A hope only possible, however, if he gave the folder to the police otherwise, they would seemingly hunt him down to get it back. Whatever it was the folder held in its content; it seemed incredibly important or at the very least incriminating to this mob which had him questioning how it ended up in Robbie's hands.

A question he thought to ask but decided against it thinking it probably best to know little as possible, at least for the time being for in case he found himself captured.

While upset, Tristan made sure to listen to everything he said as he had a feeling there was more to all this than it first seemed. And upon being told information he had taken out his pokedex to take digital notes on the Lunds,town name, Frostward and this programmer, Edward. This wasn't to say Tristan had decided to keep the folder but better to be safe lest he forget and could simply delete the file whenever.

One thing was certain. Choosing to hold onto the folder would make the journey much more dangerous both him and his pokemon. A difficult decision to make indeed.

His attention grabbed again before he could ponder over his options after hearing mention of back-up." Pardon? I never.." Trailing off as he lifted his head to see the figure mentioned standing at the top of the ditch.

A face he struggled to recall at first until he saw the girl's horrid attire bringing an unpleasant memory of the frumpy girl he passed by about to battle children. A look of cringe formed on his face when he took notice of a shadow having him look up to catch sight of something flying high up in the air but of what he could not properly make out from this distance and the sun that was slowly moving towards setting.* If that bird shits on me I swear I will roast it over a fire while making its trainer watch.* He thought darkly with a smirk.

" Hmph.. a wasted endeavor. But if she wishes to take on the effort of helping you get out of this ditch then who am I to stop her. I've already done enough on my part." Folding his arms across his chest with a smug grin finally allowing himself the chance to savor the capture of the thief that had stumped everyone and avoided capture for weeks. After the day he had he deserved this small victory even if most of the legwork was from his pokemon.

Turning his attention to Robbie who he wanted to hate yet only felt pity as he let out a weary sigh." And for future reference if you want to try and come off as a bad guy... know when to stop pushing it otherwise you make it too obvious. You better make sure that ditto is well taken care of too." Pointing a finger at him in warning with a stern gaze before giving him a small smile.

" And... thank you." He muttered the last words before stepping back towards King and Princess wanting to check on them more properly to make sure they were ok.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: River Port beach

Interactions: Isolde @Blizz Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy Aiden @Potter

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


The silent wolf sipped at his tea as he observed the group of humans have their discussion on what to do. A discussion mostly involving teasing and cocky boasting as each of them shown interest in taking on this mysterious beast that lurked within the forest. How intriguing it was to see these humans prod and poke at each other while mocking the close relations between Dante and Aidan; a curiosity having him wonder if teasing friends on their closeness with their possible mate to be a common thing. He continued to learn something with every interaction between them but as of now had been under the comfort and safety of his village. Outside, where countless dangerous and risks awaited them had Menzai pondering on how this group would handle themselves against actual threats and not merely dummies or a training obsessed Dante.

Both curious and worried for the group's sake. Yet, seeing as their decision to take on the dangerous beast proving unanimous saw this as an opportune moment to see if they were indeed ready to leave and venture out into the world.

Their decision made and with cocksure determination, the wolf placed the empty cup down gently then gracefully jumped up onto his feet in one fluid motion." There is no need for further debate then with all in agreement. I am pleased to see each of you determined and ready to demonstrate the skills hard-earned and honed these past four months." Turning his gaze to each of their faces after speaking in his usual neutral tone as he slipped his hands into his sleeves.

" Before we set off, I shall explain that the rules for challenging this beast. The ones prior can be ignored. As the dangers of taking on the beast is unknown, I will be setting a time limit of fifteen minutes." Pausing to make sure they were listening as unlike before where they would simply have been hunting animals the fog beast needed to be taken seriously." Whether you choose to challenge it as a group or in pairs, if the beast is not defeated within fifteen minutes it will be considered a failure and are to retreat with me. And I may intervene and call for a retreat at my own discretion if things become too dangerous as well. Once within the fog, none of you are to venture more than twenty feet from me or the others or risk being separated and lost." He explained the new set of rules as well as to remind them the dangers surrounding the fog itself having it only capable to venture within with him or a Gauravian whose heightened senses were required for safe passage.

" With these new rules established, I shall guide the way to the fringes of the fog's territory. Use that time to decide whether to work as a team or in pairs." Giving them a moment to think on what he said before the wolf quietly walked forward preparing to lead the way only to stop shortly after passing them where he partially turned his head indicating he had more to say.

" And note I will not accept any arguments against retreating. Those that resists or refuse my one and only warning will be made to stay within the village." For once his tone took on a stern and cold bite to it demonstrating just how serious Menzai was on this who has so rarely shown more than the neutral mannerism. This was the one prerequisite rule they were to follow above all else.

" Those that have issues with this I must ask to remain here." With everything needing be said, the wolf turned forward; waiting a moment to allow the four a chance to state their thoughts on this. Saying nothing else he resumed walking to guide the four humans into and through the forest where they would eventually arrive at the fringes of the sea of densely thick fog. A trek that offered plenty of time for the humans to discuss and work out their plans.
Tristan Glory

Just what was this guy's deal? Having already betrayed him and said enough to piss him off to battle him and still Robbie kept spouting hurtful things. It was as if he was jabbing at an open wound with continued jabs directed at his family whom had nothing to do with any of this.

It was almost as if Robbie was going out of his way and actively trying to get him to hate the guy." Enough of your prattling! I have no reason to explain or defend my family to a thieving ranch half-wit! So shut your fucking mouth and battle me." He spat out in rebuke, the rich teen done listening and letting the rancher's words and sob stories get to him anymore.

His focus was now on the battle going on and for once his call actually worked out and far better than he hoped with Princess not only saving King from the feather dance but both landing their hits on the ditto. And to his surprise they struck ditkrow with such force they had left the poor thing discombobulated.

" This is what you wanted, isn't it Robbie?! This..all of this is on you." He spoke vehemently; anger at him for his insults and betrayal but most of all for forcing him to have his pokemon have their first team battle bullying this innocent ditto. He wanted Princess's first battle be an official one and give himself a chance to redeem himself for King after failing him so horribly against Freya.

Tristan exhaled slowly and with it felt some of his anger exude from him; tired of being angry and frustrated. Just wanting this whole farce be over with. But the bitter truth? Regardless of the results of this battle, it wouldn't be over for looming outside all this was the mafia.

" If you really are the bad person you try to be then prove it right here, right now. King! Princess! Both of you go at the ditto with a peck and feint with all your strength!" He gave the order hearing the two give a determined cry before charging at the dazed ditto once more. Yet, Tristan kept his attention on Robbie observing him looking for any signs that he might surrender.

If Robbie chose to do so Tristan would quickly shout for the two to stop, otherwise he let whatever happened take its course.
Tristan Glory

Tristan glared at Robbie as he spouted crap of a man who practically already gave up. He had indeed been naive to not notice this beforehand or he would have known any attempts to help such a person to be wasted effort. But a part of him still thought that Robbie wasn't a bad person, just an idiot who made a particularly stupid decision, so he didn't regret the peaceful approach he chose to go about this.

That is until he had the absolute audacity to insult and insinuate his family to be the same as him on top of spitting in the face of his olive branch." How dare you! Don't go tossing bullshit at my family who has nothing to do with your fucking moronic mistakes." He spat out vehemently at the man; any dwindling kindness or pity he had for the man was gone as he thought nothing of making him suffer and handing him over. For a moment he even thought to just let the mob have and do as they will with him; nearly losing himself in such dark thoughts and anger born from and directed at Robbie. Until he heard Princess's pained cry from getting knocked back from the clashing quick attack.

An encounter that proved one thing; this ditto was slightly stronger if it was able to knock Princess back as he witnessed the way the ditto kicked up a cloud of dust to jump its way back to its trainer. The rich teen was still very much angry but seeing Princess shaking off the blow reminded him of his abysmal battle with Freya having him glance to King who was glaring at the transformed mon waiting for the next order.

He couldn't go at this recklessly if this ditto was indeed stronger though it didn't seem to be all that much stronger. And he was battling with two; so long as he went at this smart and had the two work together with teamwork then victory was possible as he simply could not allow Robbie win for a multitude of reasons. Having already suffered a painful defeat not too long ago and to lose to this thief even after using both his pokemon... would be crushingly humiliating.

Seeing that Robbie ordered the ditto to transform, Tristan took this chance to take a deep breath to soothe his anger. Not completely, mind as he wanted to keep some of it as motivation as he observed what his opponent ordered the dit-krow to do.

Now that his head had cooled down from Robbie's horrid insults, Tristan was able to think clearly, and an idea came to mind." Princess! Use quick attack to grab King out of the way of the feather dance! Once safe, King wait till the ditto draws close and hit it with a feather dance of your own. Once its distracted or thrown off by the feathers I want both of you to attack with a peck and feint from both sides!"
Izushima Azari

The gathering of wood was of course boring though the fox took this time to think and work out a plan of action. For he knew that Kali would be nothing but resistant troublesome and constantly seeking for a chance to escape. And considering they were quite a long way from the guild meant for a rather long trip with him having to deal with such a cumbersome and hotheaded criminal with plenty of opportunities to break free.

He could tell that this trip would be immensely exhausting and time consuming with having to keep a near constant eye on the phoenix as those cuffs can only do so much. It was his job to keep her from gathering the necessary magic to enable overpowering the magic nullifying effect.

A journey certain to be filled with nothing but headaches, frustration and boredom as any such adventures always from his experiences working with the woman. Izu has worked on jobs with her a number of times and each of them proved unpleasant; if not for the fact she was easy to mess with to stave off her bothersome personality. A shame too as in some cases she could be considered a beauty and had it not been for her temperament and foul-mouthed tendencies she might have been more popular. Not that any of it mattered at this point as she was nothing more than a criminal now and this fox found himself lucky to be the one to enjoy bringing her in and get her just desserts but the unlucky one to have to put up with her violent antics.

The question to ask himself now was what to do to help pass the time and make the journey. Seeing that he was going to be stuck with her for weeks and after hearing her remark knew he needed some way to both keep himself sane and keep her from being too annoying.

Having gathered enough wood and sticks that had been piled up near the center of the clearing, the fox crouched down to pile up dry leaves and sticks. Relieved for the fact Kali hasn't been talking too much, likely busy trying to heal the damages he inflicted on her (a thought that made him grin) and once the makeshift fireplace was set up, he gave a snap of his fingers to start of spark of fire. A few gentle blows had a budding fire crackling to life.

Now that he dispensed with the task of getting a fire going, Izu turned his attention to Kali while dusting off his sleeves and hands. How nice to see her so quiet with that slight pained expression etching her features. After seeing the static spark from his clawed fingertip did an idea begin to form; a way to have a bit of fun and prevent the woman from being able to concentrate too much magic.

Pushing to stand up once more then strode over to the woman, his footsteps nary making a sound. Silently moving to crouch in front of her where he rested his chin against his palms propped up by the elbows resting on his knees with an amused, playful smile." Really concentrating there aren't you? Your determination to not be easy prey is commendable though as fun as it would be to watch you struggle and get tossed around by some beasties. Torturing and toying with you throughout the journey are far more enticing." Speaking in a cloying tone with a teasing chuckle as he extended his right hand forward to gently placed the clawed index finger beneath her chin giving it a light nudge to lift her face up until she was looking at him.

" I might as well get some entertainment for having to endure hauling this troublesome birdy. And to start, I will have you cease with what you're doing." His finger trailed down from her chin letting her feel the claw gently scrape alone the soft, pale skin leaving a light scratch until his fingers wrapped around her slender neck. His grip pressed down with pressure not enough to make it hard to breathe, but enough to feel those sharp digits squeezing." So, here is how this will go. Anytime I catch you attempting to gather magic.." Trailing off as she would soon feel herself receiving a sharp and quick burst of static shock." I will do that and each time you disobey I will up the amp. Fun isn't it?" He asked with a raised brow, the question clearly rhetorical.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Menzai Isanami

Time: Morning

Location: River Port beach

Interactions: Isolde @Blizz Dante, Darius @Alivefalling @FunnyGuy Aiden @Potter

Equipment: White Haori, Gauravian luck charm bracelet


Menzai savored the peace and quiet while sipping at the tea knowing this would be his last chance with the group setting off before long. Of course, it would not be a quiet departure as he knew the village were preparing a sendoff banquet; taking into consideration that the event would happen either way, the canine decided to have the humans offer a hand with it, but in a way to allow the chance to have each of them demonstrate the efforts of their training.

Even now, the top hunters of the village waited within the forest. Everything was ready with some help from Dante who was currently hiding in the nearby bushes (which he gave no sign of acknowledging his presence) though he only knew the general info of what was planned.

Before long Darius, Isolde and Aidan arrived which he would give a nod to each in turn with a brief greeting and a motion to join him to drink tea. Otherwise, he remained silent; like always he was a wolf of few words who preferred to wait till everyone was gathered as he did not want to have to explain more than once.

Now that they were gathered and Dante finally revealing himself in that nonsensical suit of his, Menzai was ready to speak as he placed the empty teacup down then rested his hands on his lap."Thank you for gathering here as requested." Pausing to aim a stern gaze at Dante and Aidan in turn for the male's extreme antics and the woman's crude manner of greeting before continuing.

" Four months have passed since I have brought you to my home and during this time each of you has shown an impressive affinity and growth with your magic. Your efforts have born fruit. Through all the training and interactions, I have learned much on the ways of humans and of course we must extend our thanks to Dante. For it is thanks to his training regimes that has allowed everyone here to learn and control their abilities in best ways possible." Pausing once more to give any that wished to offer their thanks as well a chance, observing their faces to see what they thought so far about everything they had gone through.

These four were nearly unrecognizable from themselves four months ago who were confused, uncertain and excitable that lacked the understanding and concept of how to utilize their magic. They have grown much and bonded closer with some closer than others. (something Menzai found most unexpected but fascinating at the same time) At least when it came to the use and skill of their magic, but personality wise they still showed signs of immaturity; bickering over small arguments or pulling pranks though this was simply how humans seemed to be from his observations of them.

" Now that each of you are capable to fight and defend, I have deemed the time is right to leave Gaurav and venture off to do what you all feel that you must do. However, I must reiterate that none of you have no obligations nor feel the need to get involved in the troubles of this realm. And so, I have prepared a... as you or the young ones put it, a game." Giving them a moment to take in his words wanting them to understand that whatever happened after this point would be by their own decision, even if it meant leaving the safe sanctuary of his village.

A part of him preferred that they remained here where he knew they would be safe allowing him to set out to find other humans that might not have been as lucky as these four. An opinion he kept to himself." If you are still decided to leave with me then you must participate in this game to both test and demonstrate everything you have learned. Those that choose to participate shall be hunting within the woods."

Moving his right hand to point at four trees which had a circular painted marker, each at a different point of the clearing leading into the forest." Once I have finished explaining the rules you may choose one of the marked trees. Now, for explanations." Clearing his throat with a small cough.

" First, the goal is to collect thirty points. You are to catch and hunt animals until you have attained such. Small animals shall be worth two points, medium animals are worth five and large animals shall be eight points. Next will be the rules." This time holding up a clawed finger for each rule he states and explain." Rule one. You are allowed only the use of your magic and hunting knife prepared at each tree. Two, you are to hunt solo only. No helping or assisting others though you are free to hinder through indirect means only, no direct attacks to the other competitors." His gaze was sharp as he explained this to show how serious this rule was as this was to be a fun test, not something to hurt each other over." Continuing on. rule three, you are to hunt with precision and control and as such must avoid causing any major damage to the forest while minute damage which of course is unavoidable is fine. Rule four, once an animal has been marked by a dagger it is claimed and until otherwise remains open game." Leaving the explanation at that for rule four; curious to see if they would catch on." And finally, rule five. There is a beast that wakes during this time of the year that lurks within the mythic fog. This shall be the only time permission to enter said area is given and those choosing to accept the risk to attempt hunting this beast may do so and choosing to attempt it will the 2nd rule be disregarded as you are free to enlist the others or choose to do so solo though I do not recommend it. The fog beast will be worth 120 points evenly split between those working together and succeed to slay the beast."

With that, the rules for the game were finished as Menzai once again paused to let them take in everything that was explained." The hunt will begin in five minutes with one hour and forty minutes as the time limit." The time limit was two hours had they arrived on time." There are hunters that are hidden who will be watching and checking the claim kills and reporting to me. Three strikes of cheating are given, any more will be considered disqualified. With that, I have explained the game and its rules. Decide your plans or ask any questions you may have then select a tree to wait for the hunt to begin." With that, Menzai ceased talking and went to pouring himself another cup of tea as they were free to discuss and figure out what they wanted to do if they chose to participate.

Those that did would see they had the colors blue, green, purple and pink. At the base of the trees a lone hunting knife was stuck into the ground and on closer look would see the blade was covered in a marking fluid matching that on the tree.
Tristan Glory

Tristan was thankful to be out of that dark and stuffy tunnel and back outside just in time to see a nice orange sky signaling the coming sunset. He had taken ten steps give or take away from the tunnel door to take a deep breath of the fresh air and enjoy the view feeling accomplished like he did a good job. It hardly made up for such a crappy day, but of course things were going too well, suspiciously so.

Barely even given the chance to enjoy his victory before hearing Robbie's voice speak up with mention of truly enjoying the ranch which got him to turn halfway to look back over at the injured thief to see his ditto called back out. Both he and Princess bore witness to it transforming into a perfect copy of Princess..well almost as its eyes were still tiny dots giving it such a derpy expression that it almost looked as if it was mocking him and the Riolu.

The first thing to leave his lips turned out to be an exasperated groan." Ugh.. really? Come on! We were doing so well here too!" He directed at the farmhand challenging him in an agitated tone almost like a child complaining." And for what? This?" Raising his left hand where the folder was clutched in." I don't know what this is, but its clearly important enough for you to go and do something stupid like this. I was going to vouch for you and work out a way to keep you out of jail but guess you like spitting in the face of those trying to help....guess I'm the idiot for bothering to help a guy in trouble."

Shaking his head with a sigh as he turned to face Robbie and his transformed ditto with Princess shifting into a readied stance." So, if you want to battle then fine with me, but before we do I have something to add. See, I've read up on the basics of pokemon and trainers and how a trainer should always fight fairly against another issuing a challenge." Holding up his right hand which was still holding King's pokeball." But, you sir are not a trainer. Not only that but you are a thief and a liar." His eyes glowered at Robbie as he tossed the pokeball calling out King who appeared besides Princess in a flash of light then Tristan extended his left hand forward." Taking all this into consideration and as such I have no obligation of treating this battle as official nor any reason to fight fairly. If you want this folder back then this will be a two vs one."

" If you don't like that then that's your problem. I gave you a chance." Shifting to place the folder into his backpack for the time being then gave his hair a flick." Let's do this then. King! Fire off a volley of feather dance then Princess follow up with a quick attack while its either dodging or distracted by the feathers! King, the moment you see an opening fly in and follow up with a peck!" He called out the set of orders, the rich teen clearly done with being made a fool of today that he had no intention of holding back against this man who spurned his trust.
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