Avatar of Sanguine Rose


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current Wow three years since an update....well - I guess I've been busy. Finally getting back into real story writing instead of just editing and submitting old stuff.
4 yrs ago
Responses didn't come like I meant them to. I'm working on being able to get to them this week. Thank you for your patience with me.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Responses to those waiting to hear from me will come tomorrow. Apologies.
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4 yrs ago
Shit happens, responses slow. Working on it. Please be patient.
4 yrs ago


I'm an adult with a family and responsibilities that take priority, as well as mental health issues that can cause me to not get on this site for periods of time. Just know I will get back to you within a few days. If I had something going with you at some point, and you're interested in either starting it back up or starting something fresh, just reach out.

I recently started working on getting published, and have self published one story so far. Check it out on Amazon - Into the Night by Alexia Wynd.

You can also check out more of my work - short stories and the like - at my recently started Patreon: patreon.com/storiestocaptivate

Also found on Twitter: @AlexiaWynd

Most Recent Posts

Sorry for the delay in getting the OOC up. I had some stuff come up IRL which included losing a pet that has been in my life for the past 16 years.

The OOC will not be up tonight, as I will be finalizing some updates to the timeline to involve aliens and such as well as finalize the format for the character sheet, but it will be up tomorrow at some point. I will also post a link to the discord channel tomorrow too (sorry, but I don't want to get overwhelmed with messages tonight before getting the OOC up) as part of the main post.

I'm not tagging everyone that has spoken up since my last update - but yes, you all are welcome to join.

@Spin The Wheel - regarding the Olympics, yes - metahumans are not allowed to compete. The science behind determining who can and cannot use magic is still being debated (multiple countries have been working on such genome tracking, but argue which method is most accurate) and not fully explored. Each country requires their athletes to submit to genetic testing before competing, but the organization doesn't have a standard test they use and thus expect each nation to report accurately. This does not actually prevent cheating by use of metahumans with physically amplifying magic, but the penalties are severe for countries caught using metahumans - including exclusion from remaining and a number of future games as well as loss of medals accumulated to that point.

@Daxam - about multiple magics - yes, multiple magics are possible. However, each magic type has their own subcategories. So it would be more that one learns all of a particular magic type and maybe a subcategory of another or two, or they learn a few subcategory specialties. It's easier learning magics that compliment each other, and metahumans find they are stronger if they focus on only a handful rather than trying to learn from each category.
@Perse Awesome. All are welcome.

Update for all though - my timetable for getting the OOC up has needed to be pushed back. I hope to get it up later this weekend, but I haven't had the time to get it together yet.
I will be updating the information on this page either tonight or tomorrow, but just some quick notes for anyone that cares to read them without digging through the long version:

This school takes international students, so students can be from anywhere in the world.

This school will be taking interdimensional and extraterrestrial students. They will be overseen by this universe's version of the Men In Black - which will be based on a mix of pop culture and real life lore - and who work out of the LVA. Unless desired otherwise, non-terrestrial students will be housed in the gender neutral dorms.

Age range for terrestrial metahumans, for those that aren't familiar with US school ages, are going to be 12-19.
If you're looking to play something outside of that age range - PM me.

Anyone looking to play a non-terrestrial character should PM me with information on what their race can do. We're pretty lenient with stuff, but it's more to get race characteristics kinda set in stone because I will admit I don't like things sprung on me for race abilities once an RP has started. If there's something you come up with after the RP starts to add to a non-terrestrial race, just PM me and we'll figure out if it will be too much to add or not.

And last, but not least, once I have finished getting information updated in the initial post here, I will be working on getting an OOC started as well as a discord. Joining the discord is optional. It's obviously the easiest way to get to know each other and get my attention (as I run the app on my phone and get notifications from it) but any information that everyone needs to know will get posted in the OOC as well.
Sorry for being quiet for a bit. RL comes first tho. I'm trying to get a better mix back into my life of how often I get on here, so don't get discouraged if I don't get on for a day or three to respond.


@Hyyde322 Everyone is allowed 2 characters. I will outline more about character creation when I get a chance to update/create the OOC.

@Martian I'll be honest to say I only know who one of those characters are, but yes - this would be a possibility. If you come up with more stuff and discuss it in private, and/or want to toss some ideas at the wall to see what sticks for you, you can feel free to PM me and I will eventually respond.
@Phi Chisym ah, yes there will be more information forth coming regarding the school itself and building off some glossed over concepts and such.

I'll tag all that posted interest thus far when I add more info.

@Dead Cruiser PM me and @Gittarackur with what you have in mind and I'll be able to give more information/way we can work that in - that's easiest for me right now. If you could include basic info in the race would be helpful too.

I'll add the info publicly on how extraterrestrials and other worldly beings attendung the school will work, and officially add it into the basic info dump when I get a chance to get on my computer on Monday.

Awesome, @Phi Chisym. Any questions in particular or just interested in learning more in general?
@LadyAnnaLee Of course you're welcome here! ❤ I definitely would love to see you be part of this.

@Blazion No worries, there's still plenty of time to think on it. If you have any questions that might help you think up ideas, feel free to ask 'em.
Great to hear even tentative interest @Crimson Flame

@Martian I havent done one in a while either so this helps fill that itch.

If you think of any questions, feel free to ask and either I or Gittarackur will do our best to answer them.

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