Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts


Ronan nodded and smirked as the smoking armour wielding old man spoke. That was the kind of methodology he could get behind. It was simple, to the point. Give him somewhere to point his gun at and he knew what he was doing, this diplomacy wasn't at all for him. He was more concerned with these Zerg creatures. The more time went on the more similarities that this species had with the Wraith were made public. They could end the threat here and now, the problem could soon be sorted if they all banded together. Wipe them out, then they could deal with this whole out of universe thing. He knew better than to say it though, but he was damn well thinking it.

Sheppard looked at McKay, who looked at Teyla. This wasn't really his area of expertise, this is what Weir was for. She was the diplomat, the one who could talk down anyone and make an alliance with her eyes closed.

"Look. Fight the Empire, don't fight the Empire. I feel like the important thing is we can't stay here. Eventually, we'll need food and fuel. These aren't things we can't find out here. I understand we're all hesitant to trust each other, hell Teyla and Ronan have lived under the oppression of a species called the Wraith for all their lives and their people for generations. Me and McKay come from a world that arrived late on the galactic scene but more often than not the new races we come across aren't too friendly."

McKay then chimed in. "Need I point out we were all subject to the same anomaly to bring us all here. Sensor readings confirm that, and I'm sure all your sensors confirm that. Now I don't know about any of you but I'm arguably the best scientist from where I come from, but even I'm going to need help to solve this one. If anyone here wants to get home, then we should atleast stick together. Preferably without crossing a galactic superpower."
Sheppard turned to the 'Sangheili', him and McKay exchanged glances. "Well. We can safely say alternate universes. We're from Earth, but we've never heard of the UNSC or the Sangheili though that could easily be part of our future-" They exchanged glances again. "-Unlikely our past. Have you ever heard of the, what do other races call us again McKay?"


"Yeah, that thing. Stargate Command, we're the guys that stopped the Goa'uld and their tyrannical rule. Inheritors to the Ancients and all that stuff."

It sounded dumb when he said it out loud. Though from what he had been told through his orientation at the SGC that was basically the status quo. At the same time, McKay finished working on the data packet on his tablet, using the radio uplink to the Daedalus he sent it out in a burst transmission to the other ships. "You guys now all have brief histories of where we're from, and basic specs of our vessel." He looked at Sheppard who merely nodded.
Teyla shifted uncomfortably as she felt the probe, Ronan picking up on the discomfort stood up straight in a position ready to move. His eyes were already locked onto the Zerg beings that seemed to be paying her close attention. Though despite all this he said nothing, and instead it was Sheppard who spoke.

Raising his hands in a defensive motion. "Now. I don't know about anyone else here but I know for damn sure that we don't want to get into a fight with anybody, let alone an Empire that controls the Galaxy. Don't take it as an offence, but all we have to know they're the bad guys is your word and we've been down that road before only to find out we're actually fighting for the bad guys." He looked to the crew that looked most like their own, referencing the Milkyway was a good start at least. If Sheppard had to take a guess he'd say they seemed to be about one hundred years ahead of them, McKay would probably make a more educated guess but there wasn't really time for that. "This includes probes and scouting missions. Look. I'm a military man, I get it and even if the Empire in your home reality are the bad guys, whos to say they are here? We've all been displaced. Maybe you have too, just a little closer to home than the rest of us."

McKay nodded along before also turning to the Glasgows crew. "I'd be really interested to look over your technological specs. I've got a lot of experience in dealing with alien systems and even designed quite a few for our own ship-"

"-but we won't be sharing too much of that information." Sheppard interrupted as McKay had already pulled out a tablet. Caldwell wouldn't be terribly happy to find out they had been giving up all of the Daedalus' secrets. More importantly, he didn't want them to know all of the Daedalus' secrets. Things like the beaming technology were good aces to keep hidden for the moment.

Sheppard sat at the table, Teyla at one side and McKay at the other. Ronan stood further back with a view on everyone else in the room. Should anything develop he had a shot on anyone in the room. Sheppard had his money on the fact that he would be able to fire first, but then again he was outside of his comfort zone too. He had seen two sentient alien species with physical forms, the Wraith and the Asgard. One ate them and the other he met as they didn't quite trust Earth and humanity with intergalactic travel yet. As the tentacle mushroom things spoke first Sheppard looked at McKay to see if any of it made sense. There was a lot of talk of dimensional, universal and temporal travel. He knew that the SGC had some scenarios where they encountered versions of themselves from an Alternate Universe however it wasn't something he had come across yet, and hopefully after this wouldn't come across again.

Before Sheppard could get a chance to speak McKay had to counter. "The fact all of us are experiencing this at the same time makes me doubt that this is some form of accident. I feel like it's more likely that something dragged us here, from our ship signatures I doubt we were all doing something similar to drag us all here. Our ships are all dramatically different after all, the only energy signature we've scanned that's the same across the board is whatever leftover radiation there is from bringing us here."

Sheppard cut in next. "I honestly don't think it's important how we got here. I think its more important that we get ourselves out of here and back to where we came from. I don't know about you guys but we have people relying on us back in our universe."

Teyla meanwhile was retreating in her mind, making herself as small a presence as possible to try and escape the notice of this Queen that was in the meeting room. "It is true, while I am sure we all have much to offer one another I am sure we all require to make our way back to our own parallel universe-"


Teyla raised an eyebrow at McKay as he interrupted. "Alternate Universe, not parallel. A parallel universe would be much like our own, as it is parallel with minor differences. If this one is drastically different then it is more likely an alternate. However, it could be parallel and we're simply so far away from home that we see no resemblance to our own reality."

Sheppard shot McKay a look. "You're not helping McKay."

"I'm just saying, for all we know this could be all our home universes and we're just so far away from home we don't realise it."

"McKay." Sheppard shot daggers at the scientist. "Not the time. In all seriousness." He looked directly at the commander. "With all due respect Sir, what my superior officer is interested in is Navigational Data and basic intel of any important systems."
<Snipped quote by Sep>

*Aims arm cannon back*

Samus: No u.

No, I was referencing @Zarkun.

I got two P-90s, a blaster pistol with varying degrees of lethality and a third P-90 depending on the day of the week.
@Sep I'm fine being late. Just let me know where/when you'd rather me appear.

If you'd rather start posting straight away, pick anywhere in the SW Galaxy and I can make it work, if you want to appear with us there'll be waiting required.
@Queen Raidne You're going to be the last one I let apply, are you okay with being late to the party? We can always have you arrive in a different region of space if you want to play catchup.

Palpatine walked past the tall warriors dressed in black. A sneer on his face. Anubis had already taken to increase his own power sevenfold since he had arrived. These new Kull-Troopers were stronger than Clone Troopers, more deadly, obedient. They could heal from their wounds, should they ever get wounded. The armour they wore was incredible, it absorbed energy attacks from blasters of varying sizes and strength. From his tests, there wasn't much that could destroy one of these Kull-Troopers other than a strike from a turbo laser. With these forces, Palpatine would be able to solidify his place as Emperor of the galaxy ahead of his planned schedule. The only minor obstacle was Anubis himself.

The door opened into the ornate chambers that Anubis had designed for himself, he bowed his head slightly at Anubis as he entered. A sign of respect. "Tarkin reports that he will arrive at the Separatist holdout soon with three of our new ships. He doesn't expect they'll pose much of a problem given the specifications of the new Assimilators. That said I have still commissioned for the Imperial Star Destroyers I had designed to be built, albeit in much smaller numbers. With the technology you have provided they can be built much faster to increase the bulk of the Imperial Fleet, and we have found ways to incorporate some of your technology into the designs. They won't be nearly as powerful as the Assimilator but they'll still be a formidable vessel."

Anubis walked away, his back turned to Palpatine as he worked on a terminal. Would now be a good time to strike? He already had the technological specifications he needed. He didn't need much more from Anubis to further his power. "What of your Apprentice?"

"I have just dispatched Darth Vader to Mustafar to kill the remaining Separatist war leaders, then he will send the droid deactivation signal throughout the Galaxy. Any remaining Separatist holdout that uses droids for their armies will fall apart. Then it is a simple task of moving in and garrisoning the planet. With your improvements to the cloning process, Kamino should be outputting more Clone Troopers and Kull Troopers within the month. The Kaminoans have tried to resist, however, your last visit to them seems to have tempered them."

"Good. Inform Tarkin that I want this vessel-" A hologram appeared of the Eggman's ship. "-captured intact. It is emitting a radiation signature I am rather curious about, and the droids it used seem far more advanced than anything this universe boasts. I wish to speak to its commander to determine how they came to this place. I have my theories, and if they are correct all that I have planned is at risk if we do not move swiftly."

"All you have planned?" Anger welled in Palpatine. "You arrogant fool!" He raised his arms letting loose electricity as he let his anger go. "You would be nothing without me!" Anubis' robes burned, and the terminal crackled as the energy burst through it destroying it. Palpatine stopped in shock as the robes burnt away, leaving a strange dark cloud where Anubis had stood, it turned to him as the lights in the room darkened.

"You are what I made you." Palpatine felt himself slam against the wall, but he hadn't sensed any use of the Force. "I could not do this in my reality, without fear of the Others coming down on me, but they are not here." Palpatine was raised and flung against another wall. "I saved your life from the Jedi. Gave you power beyond what you could ever imagine, and you dare threaten me." Palpatine's entire body was engulfed in pain. Then it stopped. "You will bow before your God. Swear fealty before me, or be destroyed."

Palpatine stood up, a defiant look of hatred in his eyes before he bowed. "I swear to you, my Lord." Looking up he had nothing but hatred in his eyes. "Now if you'll excuse me, I sensed a great disturbance in the void between stars near Kuat. I must dispatch a ship to find the source of the disturbance."

"Do so, and Palpatine." Palpatine turned back to face Anubis. "Try and betray me again, and I will destroy you."

While the remaining Separatist forces were already outnumbered by the Imperial Venators and their escorts. Four green windows opened in space, as four Large Ships dropped out of Hyperspace. On the bridge of one stood an ageing figure, recently promoted to Admiral. Willhulf Tarkin.

Surrounding the planet, launching fighters. He stood watching as the Separatist ships tried desperately to create a formation that would give them the slightest chance of victory. "Attention all vessels. This is Admiral Tarkin of the newly formed Galactic Empire. Stand down or be destroyed. To Princess Sonia Acorn. Your ship is also in violation of Imperial Space, and have previously instigated attacks against Imperial Forces. You are hereby ordered to power down your engines. The Emperor himself has questions for you and your vessel in where your vessel came from. You have my word you will not be harmed. Your technology intrigues us, and perhaps we can offer some form of arrangement. This is your one chance to negotiate with us peacefully, attack again or if you do not comply you will be deemed an enemy of the Empire, and dealt with as such."

"Blue Beetle?"

Jaime could barely think as he fell towards the ground with alarming speed. There was a little bit of screaming initially, this wasn't assisted by the fact that he quickly realised not only was he falling towards the ground but when the beetle's armour had receded it apparently took his clothes with it. So he was falling towards the ground, naked where he would make a really dignified looking corpse. He extended his arms and legs to make him as big as possible, from what he knew off physics that should at least slow him down a little bit. Then again there wasn't much hope of doing anything but minimising the blood splatter once he hit the ground. He was getting to the point where he was watching people, a couple looked up at him as he neared the pavement.

Then he blacked out.

Wake up Jaime Reyes

Jaime could feel every muscle, every tendon, every inch of his body. He was lying on his back, something soft. He heard a door open as he tried to open his eyes. It was just a bad dream, the beetle, the flying, the falling to his untimely death before he even had a chance to make real friends at his new school. All just a bad dream.

Jaime Reyes there is a threat approaching

If it was all just a dream, why was there still a voice in his head? It sounded angry, to the point and spoke a language he didn't know but could understand.

I am here Jaime Reyes and you must prepare for combat

Jaime forced his eyelids open. To find himself in an unfamiliar room, no wait. He did recognise it. It was different, reorganised somehow. This had been his room back in El Paso!

"Ah, meirda."

He turned to jump out of bed when he was confronted with a stocky man, twice his size with a baseball bat.

"What the hell are you doing naked in my house?!"

Threat level increasing

"What are you talking about?" Really Jaime wasn't sure who he was talking to, the voice in his head or the man in front of him, he rolled out of bed to the side farther away from the threat.

"This is my house kid, and I wake up to find you naked in one of the beds! Why I ought to call the cops!

I recommend disintegration to resolve threat level to an acceptable level


"No Cops 'eh? Well maybe then I'll teach you a lesson the old fashioned way."

The man charged, bat raised. Jaime tried to run back but found his back pressed against the wall with nowhere to go. He looked around in panic looking for anything that he could use to possibly defend himself, though came up short. Apparently, this room wasn't being used much these days other than for him to wake up in naked after he fell to his death. The man raised the bat into the air to swing it down, Jaime raised his arms in a cross to cover his head.

Activating defensive countermeasures

Searing pain erupted all over his body as the chitin armour extended all over his body. Locking into place as it tore into his skin to take hold off his body. The bat struck but he barely felt it. "What the..."

The bat snapped, the end that hit Jaime rolling away harmlessly after it clunked to the ground. The man simply stood there with a terrified look on his face. The next thing Jaime knew his arm was being forced in the direction of the man as his it reconfigured into some form of laser gun thing. Preparing to terminate hostile

[b]"No! I'm sorry, I didn't realise... you can stay here as long as you like..."[b] The man fell to his knees sobbing, arms raised as Jaime pushed himself to his feet, he could feel the energy building in his arm.

"No! Scarab!" Energy continued to build in his arm, the room began to glow blue with the hum and crackle of energy in the rifle. He strained himself, using every ounce of willpower he didn't know he had, and just before the weapon discharged Jaime raised his arm to the roof. Blasting it open, it crumpled and buckled and fell back into the house as Jaime stood there, dust and small pieces of debris falling on him and the man. "Dios Mio, what was that all about?"

He presented a threat I was ready to deal with the threat

"Can we fly?"


"Then get me the hell out of here."
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