Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Sep>

Well I dunno. There's a lot that goes into that question, namely three things:

1) Will availability actually permit me to be sufficiently consistent on here? (very uncertain question given my course load + D&D)
2) Are you wanting to lean more into the comic book style of superpowers or was there the intent to give a rigorous application of realism?
3) How grounded or outrageous are you willing to let people get with power? It could stay thoroughly grounded or go all the way to absolute sorcery.

And I can't figure out where for the life of me I've seen you before. There was some place other than SW: Galaxies at War.

1) Well. Hopefully.
2) I'm more inclined to take a slightly more realistic approach.
3) Power levels depend on quality of the sheet, it's kinda a trust thing. If you wanna be an incredibly powerful person then you need to prove to me you're going to not just destroy the world.

Also you saw me in the Lawless Galaxy MkII thread, or my discord. Lawless Galaxy was originally mine and... someone I used to know rebooted it.

Caldwell was still pouring through the data when an alarm began to trill. Marks was already keying through the data. "Sir, we have a contact." He immediately put down his tablet and focused on the viewscreen in front of him where Marks was displaying the sensor readings. "Three ships, Resurgence Class. They're hailing the Resurgence." Caldwell listened to the message to Commander Erthos, as well as Erthos' message to the Daedalus and the rest of the rag-tag fleet. As messages came streaming in he had to admit he was was Shipmaster Falul. He wasn't exactly pleased with Erthos and wasn't quite ready to get into a fight just yet. That said this fight presented them with an opportunity.

"Have McKay paged to the bridge." He then turned his attention back to Marks. "Shields to maximum, prepare the main battery for retaliatory fire only. Lock targets on the farthest ships."


"What have we got?" That was Sheppards team as they all came into the bridge, typical when he had only requested the presence of one of them that they all came in.

"The Galactic Empire apparently. Three ships, all the same class as the Resurgence and an opportunity. Erthos is calling for a fight, while also planning boarding operations of the lead ship. Which means it's going to be disabled only, not destroyed."

McKay scoffed. "You want us to go over there don't you?"

"Correct." He nodded to Cooper who brought up a crosssection of the 'enemy' ship on the screen at the side of the room. McKay walked over to it reading it. "We're going to beam you over here-" The map highlighted one of the bridge towers. "-if they're anything like us they won't expect boarding parties on the bridge. Take out any guards, get what data you can and then I'll beam you all out before they know what happened."

"I thought you were trying to keep the beaming thing a secret?"

"It will be a secret. You'll be in and out before anyone else even has a chance to reach the bridge."

"Well, there is one, slight, problem."

"McKay." That was Sheppard now, he had the glint in his eye that he always got when getting to go steal some fancy alien technology. A glint McKay often shared, though right now it was more a look of mild panic.

"I'd love to scrounge through their systems for data too, but the fact is while I can no doubt work their systems we have nothing to interface it with to take data with us. We're either going to need to set up a transmission, then monitor it, ask Erthos or bring a computer back with us."

"A Robot." Sheppard suddenly had an idea.


Sheppard turned to face Caldwell, directing the plan directly too him. "We go aboard, we get one of their robot things. Make it download the data and bring it back here, that way McKay and Hemroid-"

"Hermiod." Interjected McKay.

"-Hermiod can have more time to download and interpret the data."

Caldwell turned to McKay. "Can you do it?"

"Well I mean, of course, I can do it-"


"-Fine, it'll take time and I don't really know how their robots operate. If they have some kind of programming that prohibits potentially hostile users taking them. If not, then-" He started snapping his fingers as he came up with an idea. "-The TabData, the tablet thing, whatever he called it-"

Teyla turned to McKay with a confused expression on her face. "The datapad?"

Clicking his fingers as he pointed at Teyla he smiled. "Yes! It'll probably be far too small to hold all the data we're after but it'll be able to interface with their robots then I can reprogram it."

"Your sure about this Rodney?"

Rodney turned to Sheppard with a hurt look on his face. "When have I ever let you down?" Sheppard went to open his mouth "And don't bring up the time I blew up a solar system."

"I wasn't going too, it's just this is a lot of work-"

Ronon sighed. "This is all a lot, am I going to have stuff to shoot at or not?"

"Well, yes. Probably."


Sheppard turned to Caldwell. "Well Sir, it looks like we've got a plan."

"You better go gear up then, you go over in five."
@Heat you stalking me kid?

So what are people thinking power wise. As I finish up the OOC I'm curious what direction people are going in.

The OOC will probably be made towards the end of the week. Should anyone want to bug me in discord the links up there.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

It's the only place I've seen the term Parahuman used before now.

<Snipped quote by Sep>

Does Omega cover all instances of people with multiple powers, or only if those powers are from different categories? For example, would someone with two different Beta abilties be classed as an Omega?

Omega refers specifically from people with abilities from separate categories.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

Worm fan by any chance?

I'm interested in this. The setting kind of reminds me of Infamous, with people gaining powers in the wake of a disaster and the powers being limited to the one city for the moment, with more of a cyberpunk feel to it.

I don't know what Worm is so probably not.

I want in on this too, might have a cool idea for it.

Colour me intrigued.

As I know some people like brainstorming characters so I decided to throw up the Parahuman Codex for how the Lorne Corporation classifies Paras.


Tarkin stood on the bridge of the ship as they sent over the delegate. 'Illegal Search'. They were in Repu... No. Imperial Space he reminded himself. That means that they were the law, and ships in their space had an obligation to follow those laws. He turned to his second in command. "Ensure all sensitive areas of the ship are sealed off and secure. We don't know what these peoples intentions are nor their capabilities. Jam all communications coming and going from the ship, continue to approach this vessel and engage tractor beam as soon as we're in range."

"Yes, Sir."

"If they fire upon us, don't wait for my order to return fire. Aim for the engines and cripple the ship."

"Sir, the Judicator!" Tarkin turned to look out the viewpoint as a Providence Dreadnought dropped out of hyperspace right beside one of the new Star Destroyers closing in on the Egg Carrier. Without so much of a second thought, the Dreadnought rammed itself into the larger ship, explosions racketed where the two ships collided all the Judicators weapons turned to face the new threat, trying to destroy it before it continued to push them further off course. Tarkin scowled as the new Assimilator was pushed off course, a new opening for the unidentified ship to pass through.

"I want a Venator called up to fill the hole. Send in fighters to try and discourage them from using it to get away."

"Yes, Sir."

Tarkin turned, signalling to the squad of Black armoured Kull Troopers to follow him. They walked through the corridors of the ship until the reached the hangar. Standing looking at the shuttle he shook his head. What kind of primitives were these beings? He waved a hand at the ship as he approached.

"Search the ship." He turned to Sonia, then nodded to his troopers who all raised their left arms at the beings before them.

"We're currently jamming your communications." He took out a handheld communicator and tossed it to her. "Take that, call your ship. Tell them to power down and prepare to be boarded."

I have interest in all this interest.



The city of Marlon on the East Coast of the United States. A beacon to the world in terms of advancement and improvement of the world. Home to the Lorne Corporation. Since 2019 when they made their debut on the International Stage they have gone from strength to strength, in 2049 they are truly a world superpower in their own right with Military Contracts, Medical Contracts and various contracts with Governments all over the world. With their corporate headquarters in Marlon they practically own the city, employing many of its inhabitants in their factories and facilities.

Then four months ago a catastrophic failure at one of their main facilities. Dubbed The Tower by the people of Marlon. One night during a violent storm the top of the tower exploded, causing a cascade of energy to be spread throughout the city. This energy acted as a catalyst creating mutations among the population of Marlon. These mutations granted members of the population with abilities that were beyond human gaining them the name Parahuman. These Parahumans caused mass damage at first as many were unable to control their abilities. Then came the opportunists, those who sought to use these abilities to further their own cause. Some took on criminal lifestyles, some heroic for fame and fortune, others simply sought to help others.

They were not welcome, however. The Lorne Corporation using its vast wealth and influence cracked down on these, convinced the Government that these Parahumans shouldn’t be allowed to remain in the general population and had to be brought in. Some came in willingly, wanting to be rid of their abilities but there were those who liked their new life, their new power. Where do you stand?

This roleplay takes place on the Eastern Coast of the United States in the fictional city of Marlon, in the year 2049. You are playing one of the Parahumans in this new world as it evolves into something new. Do you try your hand at heroics? Are you a powerful criminal? Or are you someone that just wants your old life back?

I'm still working on the OOC making sure it has all the information you guys need, there will be room for you guys to world build, free-roam or follow the GM mandated plot it's up to you the player!

If I'm not here, you can Catch me on discord.

Issue #2 Teething difficulties"

Jaimes entire vision was in some kind of orange tint. Alien text scrolled over his eyes in some form of HUD. He could make out the occasional phrase, more than he could the first time the suit came out. Which made him think that this suit was somehow downloading more information into his brain. This wasn't good, this was some kind of weird Iron Man tech or something. It wasn't meant for him. "Okay. So you're hardwired into me. How do I get you off?"

⟟⋏⎐⏃⌰⟟⎅ ⍾⎍⟒⍀⊬

"What do you mean- Woah!" Jaime twisted as a flock of birds was flying right at him. Using his arms to steady himself out he was on the level again. Okay, he had to admit, this flying thing was pretty cool. ""What do you mean Invalid?"

☍⊑⏃⟊⟟-⎅⏃ ☊⏃⋏⋏⍜⏁ ⏚⟒ ⍀⟒⋔⍜⎐⟒⎅ ⎎⍀⍜⋔ ⏁⊑⟒ ⋔⟒⏃⏁ ⍜⋏☊⟒ ⏚⍜⋏⎅⟒⎅ ⍙⟟⏁⊑⍜⎍⏁ ☍⟟⌰⌰⟟⋏☌ ⏁⊑⟒ ⋔⟒⏃⏁

"Okay so. Assuming I'm the meat and you're Khaji-Da... you can't come off without killing me?"


The feeling of elation, the adrenaline high that he had been souring on as he flew through the air came crashing down with the realisation. He wasn't ready to be attached to this for the rest of his life, what about his friends? What about school? He couldn't live a normal life with this thing fused to his spine wanting to kill everyone.

⟟ ⎅⍜ ⋏⍜⏁ ⌇⟒⟒☍ ⏁⍜ ☍⟟⌰⌰ ⟒⎐⟒⍀⊬⍜⋏⟒ ⟟ ⟊⎍⌇⏁ ⍙⟟⌇⊑ ⏁⍜ ⌿⍀⍜⏁⟒☊⏁ ⊬⍜⎍ ⏃⋏⎅ [⎎⟟⌰⟒ ⟒⍀⍀⍜⍀]

"Would you stop reading my thoughts! It freaks me out, and what do you mean file error?"

⟟⏁ ⏃⌿⌿⟒⏃⍀⌇ ⋔⊬ ⟟⋏⏁⟒⍀⋏⏃⌰ ⎅⏃⏁⏃⏚⏃⌇⟒ ⟟⌇ ☊⍜⍀⍀⎍⌿⏁⟒⎅


The tall dark figure growled slightly, an animalistic sound reverberating around the control room of the ship. "The Meat continues to exert control over the Scarab." He stepped forward, the black chitin of his armour reflecting the light of the various screens around the control room. The surface of his armour matching most of the interior of the vessel in texture. His feet fell heavy, each step echoing slightly in the empty chamber. Only himself and the ambassador were present, watching as they tracked the Blue Scarab and its host as it travelled through the skies on a course towards this New York that was apparently so important to this insignificant little planet. In their initial reports, he had already marked it for one of the cities he would inevitably deal with. Should the ambassador's plan fail.

It was him that spoke next, in his calm and slow tone. Unintimidating and yet every bit as controlling as his own. "Calm yourself Djo Zha. This is the first scarab within thousands to fail in such a way, we must monitor this young scarab and determine why this human is able to resist its influence. Earth has seen a rise of these Champions called Heroes, perhaps something in their geneology makes them more advanced than they appear to be. This requires study before we begin the implementation of our greater conquest."

"What do you suggest then, Ambassador?" The Ambassador snarled at Djo Zha, who bowed his head once he remembered his place. He may have been one of the greatest warriors to ever exist, but he was but of the Warrior Caste.

"We shall test the meat. It has already expressed distaste at allowing the Scarab to kill, something many of these humans see as a heinous act. We shall put the Scarab into a combat-heavy environment, and see how well the meat controls the scarab."

"And if the Scarab should take over the meat during your test?"

"Then it shall be deemed all the more successful, as we will then have our tool back where it belongs." The Ambassador stepped forward, keying a button on the console as a low thrum was sent throughout the vessel.
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