Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts


Steven Caldwell scrolled through the data. They had some difficulty interfacing it with their computer systems but having McKay aboard really made things go a lot smoother he had to admit. The scientist was arrogant at times, had his head up his own ass but he could get away with it as he was actually as smart as he thought he was. He didn't quite agree with McKays suggestion at Commenor, but he also didn't agree with the decisions of sending themselves to Kashyyyk or Naboo, both seemed important to this Galactic Empire that they had been warned about. What they needed to do was find somewhere neutral, out of the way. Somewhere where they wouldn't get into any trouble but had a reliable source of supplies should they need it.

The Daedalus could run for years off their Naquadah Generators, the first issue would be armament. They had enough railgun rounds to last them a while but only a relatively small supply of nuclear missiles before they had to resort to non-nuclear armament which historically didn't get them very far in engagements. This reality or universe, whichever it was, was bound to have some form of missile or explosive material that they could use to make missiles. There would be food in abundance, whenever you had living beings there had to be food so that they could maintain their lives. Sometimes we are the food. He shuddered at the thought, he couldn't think of a worse way to go than to become somethings lunch.

No, the biggest issue would be the F-302s. They had a store of fuel onboard to keep them going for a while but eventually, that would run out, and while the 302 was a space-faring craft it still used fuel-burning engines. Steven brought up the map as he found the look of something he liked. A dense nebula, it was farther away than he would have liked especially since Sheppard had already offered the Daedalus to help another ship go through hyperspace. However once they were inside they would be virtually undetectable to sensors from outside the Nebula, at that point they could come and go as they pleased. Probably leave the bigger ships behind while the Daedalus, Glasgow and the weird triangle ship were the ones to go for supplies. It was easier to sell the lie of just being a ship you've never seen or heard off before if it's significantly smaller than everything else.

He also had to deal with the idea that McKay was sought after by these, Sangheili people aboard the Aegis because he seemed to have some idea as to what was going on. If they wanted McKay to go there then they'd have to wait until they relocated, he wanted to know what their FTL signature was like so if they tried to run with him they would be able to beam him out first. Caldwell turned to Lt.Cooper who sat at her terminal. "Open a channel to the fleet."

"Channels open sir."

"This is Colonel Caldwell aboard the Daedalus. I'm transmitting co-ordinates to what I believe would be a suitable location for us to lie low in order to solve our problems. It's also not too far away from planets that we can't send missions to get supplies." He sat in his chair and keyed in some commands, transmitting the data out to the fleet. The co-ordinates of the Transitory Mists.

McKay nodded. "That is, fair I guess." He looked over to see Sheppard beckoning him over. "We'll be in touch soon no doubt, though it looks like it's time for us to-" He signalled over to Sheppard. Not sure what the 'goodbye' protocol was for when dealing with an alien species from another universe. "-Uh. Yeah."

Meanwhile, Sheppard was saying his goodbyes to the crew of the Glasgow. "We'll be in touch with details about the Hyperspace jump, but we better report back to the Daedalus' commander." He offered a half salute before walking out of the room.

The rest of the team joined him Ronon, however, was the last one to leave, keeping his eyes on the Broodmother and the Sangheili as he left. Even once they left the briefing room he kept glancing back to see if they were being followed. There was something he liked about this 'Shipmaster Falul'. The way he was no-nonsense get the job done, it's one of the things he liked about Sheppard and felt like the rest of the humans from Earth lacked. Even Caldwell who had proved himself competent but still relied on protocol put in place by people who likely had no idea what the situation on the ground was.

McKay did a short jog hop to catch up with Sheppard. "So I see you're making friends?"

"Just about as much as you are. Offered them a ride with the Daedalus."

McKay scoffed. "Are you insane? The Daedalus' hyperdrive isn't made for transporting two ships."

"Relax Rodney, it's just a short hop away. It'll be a tax on the hyperdrive I'm sure but with you and Hermiod I'm sure you can keep the hyperdrive from falling apart. Commander Erthos already offered to retrofit their ship with one of their hyperdrives. So it'll probably be just one trip, two at most." Sheppard shrugged as he continued walking down the corridor, pausing slightly at a junction, as if not entirely sure on what way to go before turning right to go down the corridor. They eventually came to the hangar, without an escort this time they had much more time to look around at the processes going on. Various robotic units dotted around the hangar, working away on a variety of projects. They seemed to be assisted by some of the living beings of the ship.

Sheppard's eye was drawn to some of the craft that littered the hangar deck, and there were a lot of them. "I don't think we're at the point where you can ask to take one for a joy ride."

Sheppard shot a dirty look at Ronon. "I wasn't thinking about that, I was just interested in their technology, the same as Rodney is when he's doing his scans."

Rodney looked up from the handheld scanner he was walking around glued too. "Huh?"

"See. Exactly. These are foreign, alien powers. They could have technology that could be useful to us in our fight against the Wraith, as I don't know if any of you noticed but so far we've come up with zip in terms of new technology to fight the Wraith."

Rodney nodded. "He's right. In some way these people aren't as advanced as what we have, the readings I'm getting from their shielding are virtually non-existent. Yet the power input their reactor has? It's insane, the way their transport flies without any visible engines. That's so far ahead of us it is unreal. Its almost as if they've stagnated for years technologically."

"Then perhaps they will be valuable allies indeed." Teyla was the next one to speak up.

Forever the pessimist Rodney looked at her with a worried face. "So long as they don't drag us into their war first."

Everyone turned to look at Rodney. "Need I remind you that in that briefing room the main piece of information we got was Empire bad."

Sheppard nodded. "It did seem a little bit that way, if we first come across the Empire while we're flying with the Resurgence I can almost guarantee how it will end. I've seen that look before though, that's the look of a man who has been at war for a very long time."

Ronon grunted. "It is the look of a man who has lost everything, and fighting to get it back."

Sheppard nodded his thanks as a random deckhand noticed them walking around looking lost and pointed towards one of the dropships. "It's that one Sirs."

They all took their place in the main body of the craft. "Well. We got a lot to talk to Caldwell about." The doors closed as the craft lifted off the deck, flew through the shield and headed out into space on a return voyage to the Daedalus.

McKay looked at the armoured figure who walked over, some form of mercenary. Well, they had been heard off in the Milkyway, it made sense that people would want to take advantage of strife and conflict in order to make a quick buck. This wasn't where his interest lied after all. Scans from a new form of alien vessel? The scans themselves could give them valuable insights into the way the ships operated. Meeting with skills in sciences from other races and universes also opened a wide array of new technology. New technology meant new challenges, he had no doubt he'd conquer them quickly but looked forward to them nonetheless. He missed being able to work on new things without the threat of impending doom, while they had to get themselves back to their universe at the very least they weren't in trouble in this universe.

"I mean you keep judging us to the humans of your universe, so I figured we'd explain the situation as we have it. I have no idea what an Artisian is or a Hurgalok but if they're scientists then we can figure something out I'm sure. What even is a ships spirit?"

Teyla smiled. "Perhaps, this discussion would be better had once we had a chance to return to our respective ships and plan our next course of action."

"This is our next course of action Teyla. We work together with other people to find a way home." McKay turned back to Falul. "Though I suppose we'll need to find a way to send data between ships so we can continue to work together-" McKay looked over at Sheppard who seemed to still be in conversation with the crew of the Glasgow. "-We'll need to wait till Sheppards finished before we leave though. Assuming our host is still willing to transport us."

A smirk crossed Rodneys face. "Competent Scientist? Well, granted you don't know me yet but I'm the best our planet has to offer. Not to mention without a doubt the one who can help us find a way home." Ronan turned to face McKay, a look of warning on his face.


"Oh come on Ronan, their ship is considerably larger than the Daedalus if they wanted to be hostile they would have done it already. Besides they're not the Wraith. In terms of your other question, stave off extinction? In eight years we toppled an empire that stood for hundreds of years and became made strides in technological advancement with the loss of very little life. Not to mention we started a rebellion to free slaves from centuries of indoctrination at the hands of the said empire and saved two galaxies from a threat a race far more advanced than us couldn't stop." The instincts of Teyla as a leader and a diplomat stepped in.

"It is true, I have come to know these humans from Earth a year ago and they have been honourable friends in a fight against a race far more powerful and numerous than we can even describe. They have done more to hurt this evil race of beings in one year than anyone has for a thousand years. They are honourable warriors and good friends and I have seen them solve problems where I could never had imagined the solution." She looked at Ronan with a raised eyebrow.

"They've done good by me, taken me in, healed me, killed Wraith. That's all that matters."

"But yeah to answer your question, shipmaster was it? We're your guys." He couldn't believe he was being diplomatic with an alien right now. An alien that looked like something out of a horror film. "I assume you have your own scientists who you'd like me to collaborate with?"

The Commander walked out having given them two 'options' for what planet to go to. "What am I just invisible?" Teyla stood up turning to Rodney as she did so.

"No, you certainly are not that. Though it has to be said that he knows this reality better than anyone else present, he knows the strategic locations of importance."

"Yes and he also knows the places to take us where we would get into a fight with this 'Empire' he doesn't like. He might not be telling us to go to war with them, but it sure seems like he's going to drag us that way." A couple of the Clones that were still in the room were now actively watching McKay. "Yeah, I said it."

"At the end of the day, the decision is not ours. Colonel Caldwell will choose the course of action which he deems most suitable for the Daedalus and its crew. We are merely here as a point of first contact as we are the most experienced in dealing with alien cultures. We would do well to remember our place." McKay sighed, then winced slightly as he looked up at the alien with the four-pronged mouth thing.

"I would speak with you."

As soon as the aliens had started approaching the group, with Sheppard off talking to the representatives from the Glasgow Ronan saw it his place to be the muscle for Rodney and Teyla. He approached the tall alien, shipmaster whoever he was. The beast stood over a foot taller than him, however, that didn't intimidate him. Ronan stood right in front of him, eyes locked in a death-stare.

"Oh yeah? Well, how about you back up and tell me what you want."

"Ronan!" Teyla stepped forward, pulling Ronan back slightly with her hand on his shoulder. "We mean no disrespect-" If looks could kill. The one Teyla was giving Ronan would cut him to shreds. "-what can we help you with Shipmaster?"

It saddens me to report that our friend Sophrus has dropped. All posting may resume.

Tarkin scoffed at the hologram, he nodded to one of his officers to relay his own image back to them. His chiselled figures cutting a clear imposing image. He was a man who held the air of authority. He had hunted in dire situations, been left for dead more times than he could count. Held prisoner and fought in battles all over the Galaxy in the Clone Wars. He was one of the most experienced commanding officers that the Empire had at its disposal.

"Now Princess. I feel that you don't understand the complexity of the situation. By all rights, I have enough on you to fire on your insignificant vessel and end your life for crimes against the Empire. Conspiring with War Criminals, attacking Imperial Property and the like. However, you are a newcomer to our space and as such we are more interested in more. Diplomatic relations. You will power down whatever form of Hyperdrive you have, and your weapons then come aboard my vessel." He nodded to an officer out of the view of the holo communicator, targetting the ship in order to achieve a tractor beam lock. "Answer now, keep me waiting and your offer of amnesty will expire." During the exchange the creeping megalith of the Vengeance altered course, on a direct heading for the strange vessel.

Meanwhile, on Republic Military Networks. Not yet changed to Imperial Encryption codes, there was a broadcast that the war was ending. Reports of victory above Raxus prime using the new Assimilator Star Destroyers as well as reports of 'Lord Vader' successfully apprehending the last of the Separatist Leadership and sending out the droid deactivation codes.

We'll continue in another 24hrs, unless the people we're waiting for give us good pause to continue to wait.
I know we're all very excited for what's going on, but I recommend any posting be set aboard our ships and what they're currently doing until our friends @Enalais and @Sophrus get a chance. We've been steaming ahead pretty quick, and I like that but lets not get ahead of our friends.

Sheppard handed the tablet over to McKay, who was already interfacing it with his own device as he tapped his headset. "Daedalus, download the data burst I'm sending you onto a firewalled non-network computer-" He offered a smile to the Supreme Commander. "-Just a precaution I'm sure you understand. We have just met after all, don't want you infecting our ship with a computer virus." McKay scrolled through the data on the tablet. Skipping past the pointless civil war that seemed to dominate most of it. Some of it seemed historical but other parts of it had to be propaganda. The Empire enslaving hundreds of species, blowing up planets. He missed dealing with the Wraith, they were simple. All they wanted to do was herd humans like cattle and eat up all of their life force. Within a few minutes of playing with the tablet while other people talked about whatever trivial matters they had to, he came up with a possible candidate.

McKay showed the tablet to Sheppard first who merely nodded. He then slid it onto the table. "This world called. Commenor? What kind of name is that-"

"McKay." McKay turned to see the face of distaste on Sheppard and Teylas faces.

"-Right. Anyway. It's relatively close to our position, shouldn't be too well defended and if the data you've provided is accurate it should be some kind of mass trade hub. So unusual ships and unusual people shouldn't be out of the, well. The usual."

Sheppard turned to face the Zerg, who at this point Ronan was actively scowling at for the behaviours of the little ones. "This is all dependent on whether or not we even decide to work together, and-" He said the next part while actually looking at McKay "-this actually has to be approved by the ship's commander before we do anything."

"Oh please, since when did you-" Teyla turned to Rodney, ignoring the queen for the first time since she had arrived in the room.

"Perhaps this is not the time Rodney."

"Assuming other people agree to do this as well. I feel like we have experience and technology when dealing with Alternate Realities that we stand a reasonable chance of finding our way home. If anyone wants to join us, so be it. At the end of the day, this conversation isn't helping us get any further to a solution."

Rodney spoke now, unable to contain himself any longer. "More importantly, we should try not to interfere with this reality too much. Which is more important for you Supreme Commander. After all, if this is truly your reality, and you were temporally displaced rather than dragged to another universe you run the risk of creating a paradox. Remember in your plans that what we do here, affects your future. If you also want help getting home well, we have even more experience with time travel than we do with altnernate realities."

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