Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts


Sheppard looked out the viewport as the boarding pod was coming straight towards them. Not sure what it was he went into a brief moment of panic. "Everybody hold onto something!" The Marines and all the members of his team jumped down hanging onto something, Rodney grabbing onto the robot with his arms around it. As the pod crashed into the bridge the entire thing shook, but rather than being pulled into vacuum it opened up and somehow created a seal against the vacuum of space. Dropping the stunner he reached for his P-90 and raised it, all weapons on the mouth of the pod. Then descended from it were a group of clones, but not the bad clones the good clones. From aboard the Resurgence. Swearing internally, of course they would come here in the middle of the operation.

"Well, I think you should explain how you're here before the rest of our forces."

Sheppard looked at Rodney who shook his head as the robot thing was still downloading information.

"No offence Commander, but I don't report to you. I mean there are lots of things I should do, I should call my father more often but I don't." He nodded to Ronon who was still standing eyeing the group suspiciously, who then sighed and turned back to focus on the door.

"Look. We're just here gathering a little information. We don't know these people, and we're reluctant to kill anybody without a good reason." He picked the stunner back up off the floor. "We're considerate like that. Afterall I don't expect you to come to our universe and start killing people."
<Snipped quote by Enalais>

Do I sense another Taskmaster fan with that photographic reflexes? Or just a fan of the abilities it yields?

That is indeed what he's going for.
Roleplay Timeline:


GM: @Sep
Co-GM: @Enalais

IC Status: Open.
OOC Status: Open to Applications.
Discord Status: Feel free to join us!
Last Major IC Event was: N/A
Next Major IC Event is: The Watcher
Music of the Week: Twelve Titans Music - Indestructible
The city of Marlon on the East Coast of the United States. A beacon to the world in terms of advancement and improvement of the world. Home to the Lorne Corporation. Since 2019 when they made their debut on the International Stage they have gone from strength to strength, in 2049 they are truly a world superpower in their own right with Military Contracts, Medical Contracts and various contracts with Governments all over the world. With their corporate headquarters in Marlon they practically own the city, employing many of its inhabitants in their factories and facilities.

Then four months ago a catastrophic failure at one of their main facilities. Dubbed The Tower by the people of Marlon. One night during a violent storm the top of the tower exploded, causing a cascade of energy to be spread throughout the city. This energy acted as a catalyst creating mutations among the population of Marlon. These mutations granted members of the population with abilities that were beyond human gaining them the name Parahuman. These Parahumans caused mass damage at first as many were unable to control their abilities. Then came the opportunists, those who sought to use these abilities to further their own cause. Some took on criminal lifestyles, some heroic for fame and fortune, others simply sought to help others.

They were not welcome, however. The Lorne Corporation using its vast wealth and influence cracked down on these, convinced the Government that these Parahumans shouldn’t be allowed to remain in the general population and had to be brought in. Some came in willingly, wanting to be rid of their abilities but there were those who liked their new life, their new power. Where do you stand?

This roleplay takes place on the Eastern Coast of the United States in the fictional city of Marlon, in the year 2049. You are playing one of the Parahumans in this new world as it evolves into something new. Do you try your hand at heroics? Are you a powerful criminal? Or are you someone that just wants your old life back?


1. GMs word is scripture, Co-GMs is law.
2. Please be respectful of other people and their story, don’t just barge into what they’re doing without invite/asking first.
3. Please be respectful, inclusive, caring, responsible and honest.
4. In your characters sample post please include an angry cop outside a donut shop. To prove you read the rules.
5. Before creating a major event/game changing technology please check with the GM team first.
6. Have fun, and ask any questions you may have!
Character Sheet:

I’m a firm believer in people making and designing their own character sheet, so if you want to do that feel free. If not, there will be this here for you to use.

Post Catalogue:

As the Roleplay goes on important events will be linked too here.

The Daedalus pivoted on as laser fire started to strafe their shields. There was some drain but managing to miss the most of it it was nothing major. Caldwell turned his attention to Marks. "Lock target but don't fire back. We have limited ordinance and I won't be convinced we should have taken part in this fight until Sheppard's team is back with the data they're trying to retrieve." Cooper then spoke having Caldwell pivot his chair to face her.

"Uh, Sir?"

"What is it, Captain?"

"We've got some strange energy readings emanating from empty space." She brought them up onscreen and Caldwell focused on them. "They're similar to the readings given off vessels dropping from Hyperspace, but there's no ship there. Just empty space."

Caldwell looked at the screen as if focusing on it anymore would give him answers. He hit the comm button to the control room in the bowels of the ship. "Doctor Novak."

"Yes Colonel?" The scientists' wirey voice came through the speakers.

"We're sending you down some strange energy readings, I'd like you and Hermoid to take a look at it and let me know what you think."

"We'll get right on it Colonel."

"As fast as possible please."

<Snipped quote by GrizzTheMauler>

Can I ask what both of those are? I think I know what Astrokinesis is (and it sounds broken) but I'm not sure about Ergokinesis; charging objects with energy?


So I'm going with two characters, one with Pyrokinesis one with Geokinesis. I don't wanna go more into it than that as I don't wanna spoil anything.

OOC is looking like it's shaping up well, if I get some time to work on it today she'll be right to be up tonight.

There was a shimmering of bright light as a high pitched humming spread throughout the Starfighter bridge that was currently engulfed in chaos. Orders to launch fighters were dimmed out by the devastating assault that the ragtag fleet was causing to the three ships. The two Clone Troopers at the door raised their rifles towards the disruption but before they could do it four streams of blue energy shot out and hit them. Stunning them and sending them to the ground as Sheppard's team and a squad of marines appeared where the bright light was moments ago. Sheppard turned to the Marines. "Secure those weapons and that door." He then turned to McKay. "Get a robot, get on the computers."

He then turned his attention to the wider room. "Don't try anything funny, we're not here to kill anyone. Me and my friends here just need a little information." He looked around for the commanding officer, though realised he didn't recognise any of the rank insignias so doing that was a little pointless. "Who's in charge?"

One of the identical faces, though they were warned about the whole Clone thing, stepped forward. "I am. CC-59281. Imperial Navy, Starfighter Corps."

"Yeah yeah, that's great, I'm sure you're a very important pawn. Where can we get a robot?"

"You mean like an astromech droid?"

"Yeah, whatever you want to call them." The clone pointed at a droid that appeared to be hiding in a back corner. "Okay, you're up McKay. Everyone else, get going to the escape pods."

"Sheppard?" That was Ronon. "You sure you want to let them go?"

"We don't kill defenceless people Ronon. Besides, we still don't even know if these guys are our enemies yet." He signalled towards the door with the stunner he was holding. "Now get moving." The Clone thing gave the signal as all the other people with his face stood up and ran out of the room, the marines watching them the whole time to make sure nobody got any ideas. While they were allowed to drag their stunned allies with them the marines had their rifles firmly strapped to their backs. At least if this whole robot thing didn't work out they'd have a couple of new guns to look at.

Meanwhile, Rodney was leaning in front of the 'droid'. "I need to interface with you so that I can download data from this ship." The droid gave out a serious of warbled beeps and whistles. "I have no idea what that means." The droid shook its head, and Rodney could of sworn the series of beeps it let out sounded annoyed. It went over to a nearby terminal, extended some kind of telescopic arm into the computer and it started turning. Rodney looked at the screen as data started streaming on the screen as the droid read and then copied the data. "Oh uh, good job."

Rodney turned to Teyla who stood behind him. "You know, in our universe, it is never this easy."
For now, aye sir.

OOC Is almost done I'm anticipating it finished tomorrow earliest, Friday latest.
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