Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Issue #3: Weapons Online

Jaime moved his head up and down, smiling like a child as his head movement altered his course. He had to only look somewhere and think about it and he would go in that direction. This was easier than driving, or at the very least it was easier than he expected driving to be. Once he was old enough to get his learners permit.

Detecting high levels of dopamine


Dopamine is a pleasure hormone released in the brain of mammalian creatures when they are enjoying themselves in a multitude of forms from playing games doing sports or performing sexual-

Jaime nearly threw up in the suit. "Awh, learn to know when to stop Hermano. Just enjoy the moment, have you ever seen anything like this?" Jaime closed his eyes, despite the armour covering his skin he could still feel himself floating through the air relatively easily. It required minimal effort once the Scarab - Khaji Da it had called itself, was initiated it seemed to do most of the complicated work. He had been near the Pym residence before it had landed on the street. He was some kind of scientist right, he had heard that somewhere before. Maybe this was some kind of A.I developed by him, a counter to the Iron Man armour? Though he could always just ask-

I am a product of the reach a means to protect and serve the people of the reach and [error] The entire screen glitched as Khaji-Da encountered some form of internal memory glitch. As the screen resolved itself Jaime decided not to probe anymore in the scarabs purpose.

"Well, who are the-" There was an explosion below them, Jaime kicked back as wings pulled bringing him to a sudden stop midair as he looked down at the ground. He could see people running from the explosion as other people seemingly walked right out of it. Still on fire as their clothes burnt away.

"What am I looking at?"


Jaime concentrated, pushing his mind into that of the scarab as much as possible. Willing it to answer his question, whatever was going on had it terribly unhappy and that wasn't useful to him right now. What he needed was answers, he wasn't a superhero but he couldn't just stand by while bad things were happening. This suit was designed to protect afterall, apparently. "What am I looking at Scarab?"


"Tell me-"NOW He didn't say the last part, but Jaime pushed with all his might the concept of telling him, the idea of the Scarab telling him what he wanted to know. That had to be how this thing worked, right?

Detecting rogue #:&%^$% reboot:// alien units. Suggest using plasma cannon.

"Ugh, always with the killing." He looked down, as the so-called 'aliens' shambled towards the nearest inhabited building. Jaime would have sworn they were zombies if not for the blue bolts of energy they occasionally shot. "First of all, do you have any defensive capabilities?" Suddenly ideas and schematics thrust themselves into Jaimes head, disorientating him slightly so much that he fell a good ten feet before managing to get back to hovering. "Que demonios?"

I have just given you access to defensive subroutines

"Okay, a little warning next time please." Jaime tilted forward, heading directly for the ground as he saw one of the shambling, Zombiens or whatever they were, aim its arm at someone. A blue lance of energy heading straight towards them. He got there first, going into a knee his put both his hands together in front of his face forming a dome shield which deflected the energy blast. He could feel himself getting pushed backwards slowly, until he regained his footing.

Recommend aiming for the head complete decapitation is optimal procedure

"Ay, always with the killing. No. We do it my way." He put the shield down, he could feel the pull, the force of Khaji-Da trying to redeploy it. He felt like he was fighting his arms as they were willed to move. That wasn't going to happen. So long as he was alive it was his body.

Jaime Reyes I recommend against this plan we are leaving ourselves open to attack

Jaime ignored the voice as he shouted over the din. "I don't know who you pendejos are, or where you came from, but you better head back there! Because the-" Think Jaime, think of a Superhero name. Something that sounds threatening, intimidating, yet makes sense for your outfit. Something that will be Zombiens run away in fear. Something truly- "BLUE BEETLE! Is here to stop you."

Jaime could have facepalmed if he wasn't stood, arms on his hips, one leg forward, trying to look impressive and intimidating. Blue Beetle? That was the best he could come up with. That wasn't scary, wait, was it not already taken?

The Daedalus followed the flight plan forwarded to them, as they flew as close to the Aegis as possible the cannons on the surface of the massive ship erupted in a flare of activity. Caldwell nodded to Marks who worked on beaming explosive devices on the ships as their shields weakened and faltered. Soon the battle was over, the rag-tag fleet existed in a debris field of two Venators, the Leviathan and a handful of the smaller ships. The final Venator drifted aimlessly through the void, as no doubt the remaining crew rushed to try and keep the ship from blowing up. Escape pods began to jettison from all over the ship.

Caldwell tapped the key on his console. "Daedalus to all ships in the fleet. I recommend we execute a hyperspace jump immediately to the discussed co-ordinates within the Transitory mists. I really don't want to stick around and wait to see what else these guys can throw at us."


Sheppard smirked. "Well, since we're being all truthful and everything. It isn't even our technology too begin with, our allies gifted it to us-" The bulkhead opened to the engineering control room. Doctor Novak looked up briefly before returning to whatever diagnostic she was running beforehand. McKay excused himself and walked over to a console with due haste to assist, but also to pour over as much sensor data as possible. Hermiod raised his head as he looked at the group of people walking in. Sheppard, and a group of unknowns. Likely from one of these other vessels that were from other universes.

He had already been briefed on the situation and was already working on the sensor readings of what happened. Alternate Realities were something the Asgard had toyed within their infancy, however for millennia they had had no interest in the technology. There was little benefit to it other than pure curiosity and the Asgard had abandoned those pursuits long ago. Instead, they had sought answers in their own universe, to pick up after the Ancients disappearance in being a guiding hand for the Galaxy as the Nox became recluse and the Furlings vanished into obscurity. When the degradation became evident in their genetic template became obvious, that became a focus for many Asgard. As did the threat of the Replicators. Few cared for exploration anymore, but Hermiod had a curiosity within him. Which was why he was here with this infantile race. At Thors request aiding them in their continued, rapid, advancement onto the galactic stage.

Sheppard pointed towards the grey alien. "-This is Hermiod. He's the Asgard Technician aboard our ship, the race responsible for gifting us with beaming technology. However, you should probably head back to your ship. We'll probably be wanting to leabve this area of space."
Noted; posted accidentally and trying to delete it until timeskip. @Sep

It's fine, you and Data can have your little introduction first. That's the whole point, that you're brought in Universe at the same time as us, just complications result in you not appearing at the same place.
@DisturbedSpec So we got a timeskip coming in the IC, you and Datas ship will be there post-timeskip with a seamless transition. So you can do your thing with Data until then, but after the timeskip you'll be part of the fleet.

@mattmanganon, PM will give you information.
@DisturbedSpec You're Gucci. You'll drop into space with Data, and the two of you can go on your merry adventure. One of the GMs will be the hand of God guiding you to the rest of the fleet.
@DisturbedSpec I'm just waiting for my Co-GMs to get back to me before I rule final judgement. If you want you can join our discord, the link should be on the OP.
@DisturbedSpec Why was this particular ship given more weapons? What was the reason in a war to give one particular ship more weapons and not the rest?

William practically jumped out of his skin when he heard the voice. Okay, that was a little bit creepy. Not 'my voice when I wear my helmet' creepy. He mentally scolded himself for that one. He didn't have a helmet anymore, he was no longer MPD. He raised a hand to his head as his head began to pound, apparently the pain had been the last thing to wake up. He would have preferred it if it had not woken up at all. Whatever equipment they had set up in this room was designed in a way that the moment he used his powers they seemed to remove the air out of the room. Create a vacuum which wasn't terribly healthy for him or fire. What was surprising is that they weren't keeping the room cold. They weren't trying to make it hard for him to use his powers, just that if he used them he wouldn't cause any form of damage. It required some experimentation to figure out, but if he played his cards right. He could get out of here.

"New. I was captured... I don't know how long ago. It's what happens when you get gagged, blindfolded, shoved in a back of a van, surgery performed on and then suffocated into unconsciousness in a secret testing facility that is probably underground. Illegal things usually are afterall-" William turned towards the door as he raised his voice. "-AND THIS IS ILLEGAL! I KNOW MY RIGHTS!" He lowered his voice again. "So, what's your story? How long they had you for?"

"Sir, there is a trio of ships lining up in formation to combine their weapons fire to target us."

Caldwell shouted to no-one in particular, though the right people were always listening in these scenarios. "Full military thrust, rotate us along our axis in order to provide them with a smaller target profile." He watched on his screen as the Aegis took out one cluster of enemy vessels, bringing their total kill count to four. It became five as concentrated fire from a group of smaller vessels from the Resurgence took out another ship. They were halfway there however by no means was this battle over yet. He had seen what a combined beam had done to the Leviathan, he didn't particularly want a beam of that strength impacting the Daedalus.

There was little he could do about it, they couldn't beam a weapon aboard until they fired, where energy seemed to be directed from the shields to the weapon. Probably disruption from the beam itself and he couldn't risk even a fraction of the beam hitting the Daedalus. They couldn't beam onto three targets at once. "Sir, the ships are following us again. Still in formation."

That was the trick, the smaller frame of the Daedalus presented a faster target, they couldn't sit still long enough to obtain a firing solution as by the time they had it the Daedalus had already moved out of it. "Take us as close as possible to the Aegis. Evasive manoeuvres, and open a hail to their commander, let them know we need some assistance getting rid of our tail."

Caldwell turned to Erthos. "I appreciate you wanting to know how you got here, but it would take too long to explain. If you want, follow the group that just left and ask someone to take you to Engineering and we can return you to your ship the same way we got you here."

@DisturbedSpec If I can remember my Halo ship names correctly, Phoenix, Ardent, Paris and there's some more I can't remember. You're on the right track with frigates and destroyers.
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