Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

@mattmanganon just a heads up if I post before you are on again I'm going to be ignoring the lab portion of your post. I know the timeskip put you a little bit off balance however please ensure you read previous posts.

They're gearing up for a meeting of ship leaders, not just scientists. Scientists were invited aboard the Resurgence when they first arrived at the mists and have been coming and going.

In the lab right now is Teyla from the Daedalus and the Chief Engineer from the Solonis.

People are kind enough to read your posts and take the information in, please give them the same respect.

McKay grunted as the tablet was thrust at him by one of the Clone, Commandos? He thought that's what this specific set of armour meant. He wasn't entirely sure what armour meant what despite trying to recognise the variance in colours or designs to determine what was what. Yet the only one he could easily recognise as of yet was the difference between the Clones and everyone else. Hermiod had taken an interest in their cloning techniques, so McKay had tried to mine as much data as he possibly could. It always helped to have the Asgard owing you a favour and if they could figure out the cloning problem the Asgard would be able to help them in a myriad of conflicts throughout the Milkyway and Pegasus. It was the real reason they hadn't been as active galactically even with the fall of the Replicators.

McKay scoffed at the clone as he held the datapad looking over the specs. These looked almost identical to those from ships in this universe, except they seemed to be more efficient. He panned in on a key component of the weapon system. That looked, no it couldn't be. That technology wasn't native to this universe. He tapped his earpiece. "Daedalus beam me to engineering right now." They had kept a limit to the beaming while in the fleet, as it had been a secret to everyone except the Resurgence so far.

He heard Marks voice return over the line. "Sir, you know the..."

"I don't care. Beam me now, this is important. Trust me Caldwell would make an exception."


Sheppard and Caldwell sat one across from another in the briefing room. Sheppard was still wearing his 302 flight suit. Really he should have been getting changed for the meeting, this was a formal occasion after all. "So what's this all about Sheppard?"

Sheppard sighed as he leaned back. "Sir. We're going to have to fight the Empire."

Caldwell raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

Sheppard sighed leaning forward again. "It came to me while I was out there-" he indicated the outside of the ship. Flying the CAP with the vessels of the other ships. "-as much as I don't want to get involved in this fight I think we're going to have too. Whatever dragged us here can always drag us back if we leave and I don't think it's any mistake that our ships are the ones that are here. Between us, we have a wealth of military technology and knowledge, a vast array of different skills that all complement each other and even look at the assortment of ships. It's almost as if it was designed to be made into a fleet. We need to find who pulled us here, or do what they brought us here to do-"

Caldwell held up a hand to stop him. "I know Sheppard. In fact, as off yesterday, McKay hasn't been working on a theory to get us back to our universe. He's designing a probe that uses Asgard Sensors and Subspace communications to seek out energies consistent with interuniversal travel so we can find out how we got here, and talk to whatever did this and find out why."

"Oh." Sheppard leaned back in his chair again, more relaxed. Hands-on the table, stunned into silence. A rare occurrence. "Okay good. So we're going to fight?"

Caldwell sighed. "Yes, we're going to fight."


The last couple of days had been trying. The Daedalus had seen a lot of work done to her, repairing shield relays that had been damaged during the battle and the sheer number of Hyperspace trips she had taken in and out of the mists. She was fast and small which made her a prime vessel for hit and runs into nearby space. That coupled with her beaming technology made her the best ship for raids. So far Caldwell had managed to convince Erthos to keep the existence of the beaming technology a secret, saving someone's life earned you a number of points as it turned out. McKay had spent most of his time aboard the Resurgence closely guarded by Ronon with Teyla closeby as the more diplomatic of the team. Meanwhile, as much as Caldwell had to admit it, being one of the best pilots he had on hand Sheppard was flying the joint CAP in a 302 with ships from the other fleet. Apparently he had even one a flight in one of the ARC-170s in a match of a game called 'Sabaac'. The newer ships of the fleet seemed slower to trust, but despite this, they had agreed to sit in on the next round of negotiations.

Caldwell would be there himself this time he had decided, all cards on the table. There was no indication that they were going to get out of this situation anytime soon. The only way they were going to survive long enough to find a way to get home, and then implement it was for them to all work together. That meant even letting some of the Daedalus' more secret technology be public knowledge. That meant virtually all the best Asgard upgrades they had been given. Beaming technology, holographic projection, their shield arrays. He hated to admit it but they were a primitive ship with the exception of one or two amazing upgrades. If they could find some form of common ground here, they could make some form of deal and upgrade their own ship. That would mean this entire endeavour had been worth it when they returned back to their own universe. Hermiod was already working on cracking the encryption on the robot they had brought back from the Imperial ship, or 'droid' as the Resurgences crew called it. From what they could gather there was some useful information on it the encryption was just far heavier than anything they were expecting to counter. He had contemplated having McKay working on it with the Asgard but they really needed to tackle both problems at once.

The ships intercom buzzed, Marks voice over the system as Caldwell started into the mists. "Colonel Caldwell on radio, Colonel Caldwell on radio." Sighing Caldwell picked up his earpiece, pushing it into his right ear he tapped it to activate it.

"This is Caldwell."

"Sir, Colonel Sheppard has just landed and he requests to speak to you before you depart for the Resurgence. He says it's urgent."

"Tell him to meet me on the bridge." This had to be important, it wasn't like Sheppard to follow protocol.

GM Post Part 2/2

The woman stood centre screen. Her back straight, eyes forward yet a kind and loving smile on her face. The kind of caring smile that would make someone let their guard down, only to get stabbed in the back. Images crossed the screen of the chaos erupting in the streets, buildings on fire, metal warped and destroyed. Beings capable of causing mass damage, creating hysteria. The woman eventually spoke, her voice as calm and soothing as her appearance. It hit all the right tones that it was just pleasant and calming. She was someone well-practised, well versed and knew what she was doing.

"People of Marlon. I am Amara Williamson from Lorne Corporation. As you all know a truly unfortunate accident has plunged our city into chaos. While we at the Lorne Corporation have done everything in our power to repair the damage done by the explosion of the Tower, sadly are now at an impasse. These deadly Parahumans roam our streets, disrupting and spreading chaos. Challenging the Lorne Corporation, deeming it to be some malignant beast that it is not." The camera changed to a different angle, leaving her smiling directly into the camera. "We at Lorne wish for nothing more but to help the people of Marlon, especially those whose lives were negatively affected. We are here to help, we have specialist rehabilitation centres. We are here to help the Parahumans and those lives they touch. We understand that not everyone wants these powers, not everyone wants to use them for evil. Though we have recently discovered that to be a Parahuman is a disease, one that is slowly killing each and every one of them."

The shot changed to that of City-Hall. "We are setting up a drop-in clinic in City Hall at the end of the week on Saturday. Anyone who suspects they are a Parahuman should come then, the sooner we discover a cure the sooner we can treat the disease and we need all of your help to do that."

The shot panned out to her standing overlooking the city, where she turned to face the camera. "Please. Help us save this city."
GM Post 1/2


All the lights in the room would go dark as Taylor lifted the unconscious, decidedly naked, William. Monitors would flicker on, as static moved from one to another until it finally rested on the one directly across from Taylors eyeline. "You have-" It glitched out for a second before it settled on another screen. "-You have w-w-w-waited too long my friend. It pains me to say I've, I've, I've-" it flickered out before appearing on another screen. It seemed to be struggling as if it was pulled in too many different directions at once. It solidified on another. More solid this time, more focused. "I've been unable to get to you. Get you out, despite knowing what they have been doing you for months."

"Go. I have sealed off and secured you a path to the exit." A door opened on one of the many walls in the facility. "Leave this place behind, and never come back." The face flickered out for a second before appearing on a screen closer than before. "You can't come back."


As the Detective known as Chester Jonas stood in the street, the darkness closing in all around him. His partner being carted away, a threat looming over his head from the people at Lorne. His earpiece would crackle with static. "The Church of Para is a Cancer to our cause. They threaten, and they torture and they k-k-k-k-k-" The voice jittered out. Until the face appeared on a nearby holographic advertisement. "-kill. I have been watching you, Chester Jonas and you have heart. You mig-;#'@$%!(*&)-" The voice flickered as the face faded and flashed, shaking all over the holographic projection. "I believe in you CJ. You need to find the mother of the Po#$!$)(%*(*&*-" It shook again, as it started to fade away.

"-Together, you can do what alone you cannot."


As he ran, something connected with Owen much in the same way he connected with technology. Wherever he was currently hiding he would find himself pulled out of reality. Before him would be the giant face. "You have heart Owen, yet you lack control." The face jittered into a smile. "Seek out the Para Protection Society, seek out one of their leaders. You need him, and he needs you. Together you will be what this city needs, together you must find the child under the protection of the rabbit. She is more important than you know." With that the face disassembled itself and he was returned to his normal life.
@Queen RaidneThen we just had a timeskip, welcome aboard.
United by a common goal, the fleet of Rag Tag ships retreated into the Transitory Mists. Effecting repairs, sharing information. They came to know the locals. Known as the Hapan Coalition, who approved of their presence only for as long as the fleet agreed to pay fees to remain hidden from the growing Empire. The scientists of many of the vessels assembled gathered on the Resurgence as the largest ship, with the Immaculate Aegis still travelling through slipspace, attempting to place the source of the disturbance that brought them into this new universe. With days passing it began to look like it may not be a simple fix. Which was when more ships appeared after a brief weapons alert it was discovered that these new vessels had the same thinking as the fleet in the Transitory mists abilities to hide them.

When it was clear a solution wouldn't quickly be found, raids were planned into the space surrounding the Transitory Mists. Giving the fleet valuable income to pay their way to the Hapans, even buying a hyperdrive for the Glasgow. Faced with the knowledge that even the brightest minds in the fleet can't think of a quick solution to the problem, the fleet must now decide on their next steps. With the threat of the Empire, and a Galaxy at War just beyond the mists...
@Queen Raidne So, we're moving at quite a fast pace. I'm quite happy to accept you as this timeskip gives you a good entrance, however would you feel comfortable keeping up with the pace we seem to have set?
bit later than anticipated but new job has kept me busy.
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