Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

McKay turned to Eri. "Anubis isn't an ordinary being." He looked to Sheppard for help who simply shrugged, and he shot him a dirty look. "Okay, so where we come from, thousands of years ago a race we call the Ancients learnt how to shed their physical bodies and become beings of pure energy, granting them immense knowledge and power. For all extensive purposes, it made them gods. Anubis managed to trick one of these beings into aiding him to ascend. He gained all their knowledge, advanced technologies the likes of which he couldn't have imagined and ways to conquer the Galaxy unhindered. However, the Ancients stopped him and kind of returned him to a halfway point between regular being and ascended being. He still held a lot of their knowledge and had some level of access to his ascended abilities making him a formidable foe, and unkillable in every sense of the word. Our working theory-" He nodded to Caldwell and Sheppard.

"-Is that somehow Anubis made his way into this universe, like some form of an inter-universal virus. We also believe that our ascended Ancients sent us here as the anti-body. We need to find the reason why we got brought here, this is the only thing that makes sense. His presence here is a massive bullseye, we can try getting our own way back. I'm sure I can figure it out, but I think we'll just get sent back here."
Caldwell indicated for Rodney to start first. Rodney stood up as a hologram appeared above the table they were all sat up. Relayed from the Daedalus it showed the inner workings of several of the alien technologies they had encountered so far in this galaxy. Then two comparison screens were brought side by side, one of the turbolaser turret from the Resurgence and one from one of the new Assimilator class ships. "Here we have a comparison between the guns on the Resurgence which are roughly twenty to thirty years in advance of the galaxy we are currently in-" The other diagram highlighted. "-and yet the new technology that the Empire is building for their new vessels is far superior and more advanced than anything that this ship possesses. On examining the technology we discovered crystalline technology, far in advance to anything anyone in this Galaxy uses or has ever used."

An image of a crystal was brought up. A comparison crystal was brought alongside it, that of a Lantean control crystal. "As you can see this crystal is very similar to the technology that the race we know as the Ancients used, however, there ware some key important differences. A flavour of another type of technology of another race we know. A race that is known as the Goa'uld."

Sheppard spoke up next. "Basically, we know why we're here. There's a Goa'uld in this Galaxy giving technology to Palpatine, probably manipulating him. A Goa'uld called Anubis, and he's bad news."

Caldwell nodded in agreement. "We're going to have to stop him."

William shook his head as the information came at him fast and hard. Apparently, the ghostly figure had been seen by everyone, and not only that it had actually appeared on Lornes system. That spoke highly of the figures hacking capabilities. Lorne was notoriously hard to hack. From what he had been told trying to hack Lorne was nigh impossible as when trying to break through firewalls they were virtually re-written around your attack. Not that he had ever tried, he could barely file a report using a system designed for filing reports. He liked to think that it was as much the fault of the system as his.

Taylor confessed that 'it' was probably the best turn of phrase, wasn't going to be leaving his side out of some form of debt. Ratman was busy asking him what the next objective was. He stood up, his entire body objecting. "You all think you're so clever. If you want to go uncovering a mystery you find out who this watcher is. He obviously knows something and has abilities of some description. You want to know what's going on, ask him or ask Lorne." He waved his hand in their direction. "Don't ask me. I've already lost everything to Lorne. I'd rather live with what I have left until some MPD officer puts a bullet in my head."

Colonel Caldwell walked in with Sheppard and McKay, they had briefed Erthos on the situation coming to the agreement that they would be the ones to tell everyone. It looked like they would need to stay here to deal with a problem after all. The only issue was that still left the mystery of who brought them here, and if solving the problem would let them return home. Walking in between the discussion between Eri and the Admiral he had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Ofcourse they had to have come from different times. It would have made things too easy if they had both come from a time where everyone was friendly and allies.

Caldwell sat in one of the regular-sized chairs available, flanked by Rodney and Sheppard on either side. Sitting up straight he nodded towards Eri, in the way of a formal greeting as he wasn't entirely sure if she held rank or if she should just be referred too as Eri and did not wish to offend. "Good to see you again." He then passed his way around the room, offering greetings to Yiithren before turning to the newcomers to the little ragtag fleet they had going on. While he had communicated with them via ship-comms he hadn't actually met the newcomers face to face yet. "Welcome to our little fleet. I'm Colonel Caldwell of the Earth Ship Daedalus, this is Lieutenant Colonel Sheppard and Doctor McKay. Who some of you have already met."

As a precursor to Blue Beetle #4 (The Real BB) I've went back under advice and edit'd my Jaime posts to put the Scarab Speech into plain ol' English. I realise a lot was lost by what I felt would be a cool looking effect.

Issue#1: Blue Beetle?
Issue#2: Weapons Online
Surprise GM post is surprise maybe?

William flinched slightly as 'Taylor' hugged him. Wincing as the contact aggravated his burns, pulling back. "Okaaaay, you're not what I was expecting-" He eyed the creature up and down "-though to be honest I wasn't sure what I was expecting, red cape?" He laughed slightly before coughing, he raised his hand to his mouth to block the cough. On removing his hand he noticed blood on his hand, without showing that side of his hand to anyone in the room he lowered it again, wiping it on his clothes as it went down.

He looked at the new woman as she entered talking about allies and alliances, the Ratman asking about what information they knew, what was going on. William raised his hands, trying to push himself to his feet before he fell back down. Swearing as he did so.

"Look. I don't know what's going on here, but I've got a pretty full schedule and I'm not really looking at joining no revolution. I already lost everything, I'd rather not lose my life."


"ARTEI. What happened?" The voice of Tiberius Lorne was low, but the anger in his voice was unmistakable. Had ARTEI been a human being it would have most likely flinched. The table below Tiberius lit up as the AI brought up various feeds from throughout the facility.

"All reports indicate that the subject three-one-four used his abilities to fuel subject zero-zero-four who then used the increase in power to break out of containment. From there zero-zero-four carried three-one-four through a direct path and out of the tower. Officers of the MPD responded to the call with Lorne Security Personnel however the subjects were already gone." A scowl crossed Tiberius' face as he watched the images of the subject carrying the naked man out of the facility, burning like a raging hot fire. At least he had an idea.

"Get these images down to broadcasting. Have them set up some fake burns on staff, splice someone else's face over subject three-one-four. Stage a hospital raid and have it air on the evening news. Almost everyone has this city has a cellphone, have them be our eyes and ears. An offer of fifty-thousand dollars for a tip that leads to the capture of this dangerous Parahuman who has taken a poor worker hostage after severely maiming him, when he was close to coming to a cure for its condition."

"Right away sir." There was a buzz at the door, Tiberius looked up. Then back down at the table. "Doctor H.Williamson for you sir."

Tiberius nodded. "Let him in, then sign off."

The table light faded, leaving it looking like a normal, albeit expensive and fancy, table. That said everyone in Lorne knew about ARTEI, it had been Tiberius' Lornes claim to fame within the company. A fully functional A.I, a stripped-down version of it was what the police mechs used. The Doctor walked in, a notepad in hand. He tucked it under his arm as he approached. Tiberius stood and offered his hand, after the formalities were done he signalled for him to take a seat. Hyde was one of Tiberius' most trusted scientists, at the forefront of the Parahuman Crisis and coupled with his wife truly some of his most trusted confidants. His trust for them only grew after what they had done together, and accomplished, after the tower exploded.

"Hyde, if you're here about number four then I'm afraid-" Hyde waved his hand, shrugging it off.

"I'm not, I trust the forces we have in play to track it down and return it to its holding cell. Though I'd stress its importance again, its ability to absorb energy could be vital in resolving this crisis and bringing it back under control."

Tiberius leaned back in his chair, hands clasped on his knees. "Then what are you here about?"

Hyde flipped his clipboard and slid it over to Tiberius. "I've done it, I've figured out a way to detect Parahumans. For now, it should require a very simple patch in the Police Mech targetting software, it won't be long-range but we'll be able to detect them within one hundred feet once the updates are installed. The catch is it'll only work when they're manifesting their abilities." He indicated for the clipboard, Tiberius gave it to him while Hyde flipped it to another page before handing it back. "For a while, we've been noticing weird energy readings around Parahumans when they use their abilities. This energy signature is almost identical, albeit smaller, than that of the Source. The good thing is, we've been able to isolate it from all the background radiation, radio-waves and everything else that goes on in a modern city."

Tiberius looked up. "Can we track then yet?"

Hyde rubbed his hand over his head. "Not quite. We know that Parahumans and the Source are somehow connected, though as of yet we've been unable to find out how. Everything we know about the laws of physics says that it isn't possible, and yet it somehow is. Even study of number one hasn't yielded a lot of results. Though Johnsons team is confident that they're close to a breakthrough in dampening powers with number three." Tiberius smiled as he handed back the clipboard.

"Have your wife prepare a news speech for the clinic on Saturday." He stood up and looked out of the window. "It's time to not just change this city, but to change the world."

Sheppard hadn't been thrilled about the idea of using a Puddle Jumper, but he supposed Caldwell was really serious about the whole 'full disclosure thing'. There wasn't anyone in the jumper, just him and Caldwell. McKay had told them that he was doing something important with the information that 'Wampa Squad' had recovered from their trip to the Imperial shipyards. He sighed, his hands on the control yokes as the Jumper glided effortlessly through the void between ships and into the waiting maw of the Resurgence. Once it was low to the deck he guided it through the ray shields into the pressurised space. Standing up he opened the rear hatch, gun in hand looking around the room. He could already see all the other vessels from the different ships among the fleet. He had become quite accustomed to seeing them, looking out of place in the hanger. The Jumper had to be one of the strangest though, if only due to the fact that it didn't match the design aesthetics of the rest of the Daedalus or the F-302s. Sheppard smiled as he walked following his clone escorts, leaving the door open. Nobody here could fly it anyway, without their timelines matching up there wouldn't be anyone here with the ATA gene. Surely. He hoped.

That's when his earpiece buzzed and he clicked it. "Sheppard, you there?"

The grating voice off Rodney came through his earpiece just as he waved at Ronon and Teyla who were walking towards them. "Yeah, we're here." He looked at Caldwell who tapped his own earpiece to tune in, being on the same team they had set up for the same frequency for effective communication.

"You need to find Erthos. I've got more information"
A reminder to people.

The Imperial Star Destroyer does not currently exist.

It's 5 years before the first ISD makes its Debut, Palps has the designs but is only just getting them built.

William sat up gasping as if it was he was tasting air for the first time. His entire body burned, every movement ached as he sat up. The smell hit him and his face curled up in disgust, even that hurt. He raised his hands to his face, covering them in the dim light. His hands reaching his forehead he pushed them up higher, wincing as the pain of the bumps over his hands and scalp virtually caught fire due to the contact. All his hair was gone, turns out his body couldn't handle putting out that kind of power. He fell back against the ground, wincing in the pain. He was still tired, so very tired. He felt like had run two consecutive marathons while carrying five of himself on his back. He took in a breath, allowing his chest to rise and fall naturally. Ignoring the pain that encompassed his entire body. Then he sat back up, seeing the shadowy creature and the man that looked like some kind of noir-homeless man he turned his body to a more defensible position.

Lighting a fire in the palm of his hand, casting light throughout the room. Which was where he noticed that the clothes he was wearing was not in fact the prison jumpsuit he had been wearing prior to the escape attempt. "Who the hell are you guys? What am I doing here?"
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