Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

@Enalais the Terran ship never left by way of Elizabeth it just did this

and went off on its own. Retconned its vanishing act.
We're likely gearing up for another timeskip. It feels like a natural progression, we usually skip all this stuff in TV Shows/movies/books anyway. We've covered the important stuff, we don't need to worry about the mundane.

If there are any questions feel free to ask. I know some of you have been unwell or unavailable and that is perfectly okay. There will still be a place for you here, by my side.

Elizabeth turned to Robotnik with a sigh. "As the others have already indicated. There is no such thing as Chaos Emeralds in this universe. Mobius is not a world that exists here, it is not lost nor unlost. It simply does not exist. Should you wish to destroy a planet you will have to find other more localised means, not that I recommend blowing up a planet." She threw a wink at Rodney as she said that, or at least he could have sworn she winked at him. "What I do have is something that could help with many of the issues you are currently having. It's a ship, with technology that will solve your modification issues of other vessels as well as producing strikecraft, frigates, corvettes, cruisers. Anything up to three thousand feet in length."

Outside there was a disturbance as a blue rectangle opened out of nothing. It pulled backwards to slowly show a ship floating in space. Any immediate sensor readings would show it as having no discernable lifesigns aboard and it would make no moves, no attempts at communication or any movement at all. Once the rectangle passed the end of the ship it closed again.

"It was recently constructed in its home universe, and as such it has no crew. It has the ability to construct ships of varying designs and I am sure you could likely program it to build ships of your designs once you have a resource operation going. From what I have been able to determine they use a complex method of molecular physics to break down even the most useless of materials in order to turn them into workable materials to construct vessels. It will likely be meant to have a large crew complement however I am sure between all your vessels you can likely find people to crew it."

Elizabeth to Eri. "It also has the unique ability to open up hyperspace windows for other vessels even those larger than it. While it doesn't have the range that your vessel currently has it does have greater speed. Now all you need is somewhere to put it." She turned to Erthos. "Perhaps a nice asteroid belt with lots of resources?"

Her body started to grow, taking a solid shape shortly afterwards. A look of concentration crossing over her face. "I have stayed still too long, Anubis is trying to track me." Her whole body turned to light, her voice becoming ethereal as her face appeared to float in the glow of the light. "You have the building blocks for all you need. The next move is yours. Though a move must be made. When I re-appear I may be able to get you all one thing of which you need. Though only one thing from one universe. So you must choose wisely-[/i] with that she vanished. Power returning to the ship.

Caldwell stood up. "I have a plan of action." He turned and nodded to the Glasgow Delegates. "The Glasgow has a hyperdrive from this universe, and Anubis won't recognise it as easily as our ship. I believe they should take representatives from each of our vessels on a fact-finding mission. I'll even lend Colonel Sheppard and the cloaked jumper." Sheppard seemed surprised by this, however, bit his tongue. This wasn't Elizabeth he was with right now, where he still had power over military decisions. This was Caldwells command. "While this is happening McKay will assist the Aegis in adjusting her FTL systems so she can keep pace with the fleet, and Erthos can assign tasks for other vessels in the fleet." He turned to face Erthos.

"If we need to fit Anubis to either take him out or distract him enough that he lets his guard down letting the other Ascended come to teach him a lesson, then we're going to need more ships and more personnel. I know this is early in the Empires timeline but you've mentioned Separatists, you've mentioned Rebels. I even read in your files something about Mandalorian Clans. It makes sense that you give out objectives for our other ships, you know their capabilities and what we could be of use doing." He looked around the room. "I also feel as if we should all have a contingent on our new vessel."
William scoffed as he backed away from Taylor, and then the lady that apparently 'had to go before morning'. What, she a scheduling conflict or something? "Look. I'm fine, they aren't tracking me. They performed surgery on me because I was shot. I'm actually kind of glad they decided to take out the bullet and do repairs. Besides no offence, but you don't even have real arms, hands or fingers and yet you want to perform complex surgery on me?"

He limped towards the door after the path Ratman had made. "No. I'm going for a drink."

Elizabeth looked around the room. "I'm not a God, and I don't want your faith. I want your help. I know I'm asking a lot of everyone here, and this isn't the way I wanted to do things. I just was left with little choice, if I didn't act when I had the chance then the first time you all would have seen Anubis was when he was invading your home. There was a reason I was drawn to all your respective universes, and that is cause there is power there. Power that Anubis will see as a threat, and something he can add to his own wealth of power. I do not ask for you to serve me by faith for I do not believe I am God, but Anubis does-" She looked directly at Eri. "-and should he get to you first he will force you to servitude or death with powers that even the Swords of Sanghellios cannot withstand." She sighed as she surveyed the general feeling around the room. It seemed that they were leaning in the direction of helping to take down Anubis, whatever it was that that entailed. One thing was for sure, this Universe would never be the same again.

Caldwell looked around the room and nodded. "The Daedalus is in. We know just what kind of threat Anubis poses and we're going to do whatever it takes to make sure he doesn't get the chance to wipe out all life or conquer an entire Galaxy. Whatever his plan is this time." He tipped his head in McKays direction, before facing Eri. "I'm sure Doctor McKay would be more than willing to take a look at your ships engines. From the sensor readings they appear to be a similar technology to our own, should your-" He looked to Sheppard for the correct title.


"-Shipmaster allow it." Caldwell nodded at what the UNSC Admiral had said. "The Admiral has a point. Most of us here-" He scowled at Robotnik. "-are military. We follow a chain of command, and are at the top of it for our respective ships. Now, we wouldn't be butting heads if we had been getting orders. We need to form some form of a structure if we plan on doing this thing. Now, I'm smart enough to know I don't have the kind of experience to be the one to lead a fleet. Which is why I'd recommend the Resurgence or Aegis, should Shipmaster Falul decide to help, should carry the flag."
@Sep So, uh.

The Second Chance definitely now has a cult worshiping Elizabeth.

Although the majority of Commonwealth society is atheist, when the Second Chance got saved from certain annihilation during The Transference, a few people started believing in god again. As far as the firmly-atheist Capt. Tu Lee is concerned, they're mostly a strange curiosity. And then the god just showed herself during a meeting.

Definitely the Cult of Elizabeth is a Thing now, irrespective of Elizabeth wanting it to be a Thing.

I think one of my random security grunts is going to become a prophet.

Capt. Lee, of course, thinks this is all a load of nonsense, and all anyone is doing is worshiping a more-advanced alien. Which is absurd.

...I like this.

So if Elizabeth is God, I guess Anubis is the devil?
Elizabeth turned directly to Eri. "Yes." She seemed unmoved by the Sanghellis verbal assault, she had been a diplomat for years after all before running the SGC for a period of time as well as Atlantis. "I plan to atone for my sins, in fact once I return all of you home, I shall too return home and be punished for my actions. For I acted far rasher than any of the Others deems suitable. I can, however, assure you that while I do not know how the coming conflict will end but once it has ended I can return you and your people back to where you were before all of this happened, at the exact same time you left. Except you'll likely be a far better ship when you return as to when you left your home universe."

She looked around the room. "I realise none of this is ideal, however, Anubis presents a very real threat. Not just to the people of my Universe, or this one. If he gathers the resources of this Universe and is left unchecked he will have the power to move from universe to universe conquering one world after the next." She sighed as she hung her head. "Though. Freedom of choice is something I value. Have a vote, should you desire to return home you can build your devices or whatever it is you need and I can distract Anubis long enough for you to escape."

She turned directly to Eri. "I hold no secrets from you, all my cards are on the table. I just ask that you help tackle an impending threat."
@mattmanganon He shows up in S4 of SG-1 I believe, again in S6 and then becomes a season regular on Atlantis. All the characters I'm playing are canon characters, which is why even little posts take me a while. Gotta nail the portrayal.
@Sep Bit of a weird argument. "Maybe you aren't the smartest one in the room, considering that you can't tell the difference between Interdimensional and Interuniversal travel."

The tempted response is "Interdimensional bridges designed and built by Eggman? 5. Time Machines invented by Eggman? 2. Interdimensional bridges/Time Machines designed and built by literally anyone else in this room...? Anyone...?"

I mean this is an IC thing, not an OOC thing?

I mean McKay does build an engine to cross between realities... eventually. He just hasn't done it yet. As far as McKay knows with the talk about interdimensional he's boasting some form of cloak/out of phase technology.

As the various peoples discussed what they were going to do the lights flickered. Not just in the meeting room but all over the ship. Everything was affected from navigation down to the electronics that existed within the Spartans armour or the more complicated electronics within the Eris covenant weaponry. "I'm afraid I can't allow you to do that Doctor Robotnik." The figure walked out of the corner where there had previously been no-one, she seemed to neglect the weapons raised at her. The team from the Daedalus reacted first, with Sheppard standing up.


"Yes, but not your one John." She walked straight through a chair, her body glowing with white light as it passed through before she took a seat at the table.

"You're right on a couple of accounts. Yes, I brought you all here, yes I also brought you all here to deal with Anubis. He can't be beaten by conventional means." She turned to face the crew from the Daedalus directly. "Anubis is far more powerful here than he ever was in our universe. Without the others to keep him in check he's able to use the abilities the same as any other ascended being. With beings already worshiping he seems to be gaining power, the more who worship him the more power he has." She turned to the Eggman again. "He's also anticipated interference from the others, after all, it is due to them that this is evening happening. The only reason he hasn't used his abilities to take over the Galaxy already is because he's shifting a lot of his focus and power to preventing the Others from crossing over. Which is why you were all dragged here without warning, there was no time and I had to act fast." She surveyed the room. "Please take no offence, but your vessels aren't all necessarily the ones that were the intended targets."

She sighed. "The only way for you to get home is to defeat Anubis."

McKay wasn't sure whether he wanted to grin or look sombre at the idea that he was right. The idea that they couldn't get back because of something Anubis was consciously doing made it all the more difficult. Instead, he turned to Eggman. "Doctor I wouldn't call yourself the smartest person in the room when you're struggling with the difference between inter-dimensional and inter-universal travel." He sighed. "Our best way is figuring out between us a way to take on Anubis, and if he's on this fortified world then we need a way to get to him, or lure him out."

Sheppard nodded as he was the next one to speak up. "We can always perform some recon, our jumper cloaks. We can jump in, drop it off and have it fly down the surface with a small ground team to check out the city."
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