Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Sep>

Well, I feel a bit guilty for this. I said I'd sit down and come up with a lead-in for you and have been a bit under the pump with work the last few days and finally have the time to sit down and have a crack at it today.

Do you want to have one last shot at it today, or are you sure that's it?

I can think of all these cool ideas for BB and BB. Jaime and Ted, partners in name and copyright claims waiting to happen. I just have no drive for it, and I've been burnt out by these games enough to know it ain't working for me the only one my steam kinda kept up on was Iris Flash.

<Snipped quote by Sep>

You make me sad

You make me Happy, which is why it is sad to leave you :'(

I think it's evident, but I think one season was all the Flash I had in me this time.
As much as I love Eobard, I just cannot string together a storyline for a season 2. I'm out too.

But, as soon as I figure out a plot, I'm taking that lightning bolt back.

BRB as Flash....

(I am kidding)
I hate doing this, I thought my boner for this was back, but apparently I just can't get myself down to write without forcing it.

Consider me gone, and I'll stay out of it for good this time. I mean, honestly I have ideas I have concepts I love and I wanna do but without the will to write its unfair to go back and forth for all of you guys.

McKay shook his head. "Seems like no matter what universe you are from you aren't free from someone with a technological advantage enslaving another populace, as well as an absent precursor race."

"Well-" Ronon started but McKay turned to him.

"Pegasus is different. If the Wraith didn't feed on humans then they'd likely have enslaved them too." He turned to the human doctor. "If this creature-" He signalled at the floating mass of tentacles "-is truly made by the Forerunners, your precursor race. Then surely it would be able to make the necessary adjustments to the technology. If it can maintain their technology that is more advanced surely it can be used to upgrade the systems aboard to match their specifications." He turned to nod to the chief engineer from the Resurgence. "It is very likely that there are severe software restrictions on these vessels, we've seen it back on our home universe. When the Jaffa, a race of warriors born into servitude to the Goa'uld, started to defect the Goa'uld placed countermeasures into their ships to prevent them from being used against them. This could be a similar thing."

He paused. Addressing Kham specifically. "I'd suggest you take the hardware side, and I go and check out the software side of things. No offence to you but your software and computing systems are ridiculously antiquated compared to our own, it's as if you've been technologically stunted for generations-" He turned to Strevlos. "-Much like our other tentacle friend over there, if his historic files are to be believed. That said perhaps you can find a way to communicate to our floating friend here?"

The Jumper set down beside the central spire of the temple. The structure was massive, the towers even taller than Atlantis' main tower. Sheppard grabbed the life signs detector as he walked out of the jumper, using the remote to close the door, signalling for him and his team to stick close as they left the jumper. The N7 operatives had opted to not join them in the jumper and were approaching on foot to get an idea of what ground defences lay around the temple. Apparently a Jedi Master Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi were supposed to come here, at least on the timeline the Resurgence was from. They were kind of hoping that this would be around the time they would infiltrate the temple, as per the timeline that the Resurgence had given them, however that wasn't a guarantee as everything was different with the intervention of Anubis.

He gathered up the marines as he walked straight up to the central spire, to a maintenance access shaft. He eyed it cautiously as he flashed his flashlight at it, he had been warned of the temple's defences however also assured that they were likely down in a bid to lure any Jedi Survivors into the temple. The idea of purposefully walking into a trap didn't fill him with confidence. Lifting his lifesigns detector with his left hand he glanced at it while he still had his weapon raised in front of him. When there didn't appear to be anything in the nearby vicinity he tapped his radio. "Wilkes this is Sheppard. We've reached the temple and are proceeding into the central spire. We'll meet you in the library, is it still looking good on that thirty minute ETA?"


Caldwell was walking around the ship with a tablet in hand, scrolling through the technical specifications that Novak had sent him. With their systems working to maximum efficiency he had tasked her with looking over whatever schematics the ships other than the Aegis had given them. Right now he was on the Unbroken Hope. If the Aegis was their leading lady, the Resurgence and the Hope were her closest friends. In any fleet formation, they formed they would be the heavy hitters, with the Glasgow sitting back sniping and the smaller ships filling in the gaps. That meant that the bigger ships would need every advantage possible, and currently, the Hope didn't have anything in the way of shielding.

He walked onto the bridge as the officers sat around their postings, casual chit chat as everyone continued to do their work. "Marks."


"Transmit to the Unbroken Hope. Let them know I'd like to offer an engineer to go over with proposed upgrades to give them shielding capabilities." Novak had already worked on the preliminaries as far as the information on the tablet let him know, they had the technology from when they retrofit the Prometheus with Asgard shields. They wouldn't be as strong as those aboard the Daedalus which were built into the systems, but they'd still be better than nothing. "Just one, in order to propose the modifications, where they would need to be and what would need done as well as power requirements. Let them know if they accept I can have her beamed over in no time." He paused as he looked out the window at their mismatch fleet. "Also contact the Second Chance and those Mobian people aboard the, Egg Carrier? Whatever it was. Let them know I'm also willing to send over people to their vessels recommending changes."


The Clones were all having their control chips removed, as per Rexs' instructions, who had learnt of the chips months beforehand. Anakin stood in silence over the lifeless body of Padme. He had done everything. EVERYTHING. He could too keep her happy, keep her safe. Yoda had stopped him from killing her, clouded by her anger. For what, for this? For her to die in childbirth.

He sensed the tiny Jedis footsteps behind him. "Send her back to Naboo, we must. Mourn her, her people will. Need this they do."

"What about what I needed."

"Much anger I sense in you, young Skywalker. Careful you must be, on a razors edge you are."

Objects in the room began to shake as his anger continued to rise. He turned to face the green alien. "I COULD HAVE SAVED HER!" His voice projected in the Forced lashed out destroying the door that stood behind Yoda, though the tiny Jedi seemed unmoved by the onslaught.

"The result of Palpatine, this is. Manipulated your mind, he has. Don't give in, you must."

"I don't care anymore." He raised his hand to the left as his lightsaber flew to his offhand. "I'm going after Palpatine, and then I'm going after his new ally."

Yoda stood firm. "Go, you must not. Too strong they are, work together we must. Find allies mmm? End of Clone Wars, it may be. Beginning of a New Era, it is."


Anubis sat upon the throne. He could feel the peons throughout the planet, and those beyond that had already begun to worship him. All it took were little acts of 'kindess'. Such trivial acts were below him, yes, but it increased his power base. The occasional miracle was all it needed to have people worshipping him. Acts he could not have done in his home without incurring the Wrath of the Others. Even the thought of them made him cringe. The next time he came across them in battle he would obliterate them all, and after he had done that he would go on to conquer the rest of the Universe and the next, and the next and the next. He would become unstoppable, and everything would be his.

He looked up as Palpatine walked in, a robotic limb replaced the missing one from the battle of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He could practically feel the anger radiating off of him. He seemed to take pause at the two Kull standing at either side of the throne. Eying them suspiciously, they were different than the normal ones. Their heights differed, and their presence in the Force seemed off. He pushed past it however and continued to walk. "Anubis. I was attacked, where were you?"

"I was here. Overseeing more important things."

"More important than my life? Need I remind you without me you have nothing. You'll be ousted in minutes."

"Will I?"

"The senate still holds power. You can't take over."

Anubis walked directly up to Palpatine. "I wouldn't worry about the Senate." He raised his hand and the two Kull in the room removed their helmets revealing the faces of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu. Both had been healed, however their eyes were blank and devoid of emotion. They stood forward igniting lightsabers. "You have fulfilled your purpose, now all I have need of is your body. I just need rid of your mind."

Palpatine took a step back as he withdrew his lightsaber, igniting it.

McKay let the weird gargantuan thing shake his hand as soon another floating alien came in. It seemed weirdly peaceful, and part of him wondered why it was under armed guard. He shook his head as he turned to the 'primer'. Something that he could have done with better earlier, that said their slipspace theory seemed remarkably similar to their concept of hyperspace. They were both dimensions existing outside of normal space, entering which allowed them to cross vast distances in far less time than you could in normal space. They just entered it slightly differently. While the process of opening a hyperspace window was effortless, with the drive designed to help navigate hyperspace and move them along their course. The Aegis instead bore a whole into slipspace, before more or less following the natural flow that existed within slipspace.

"I'm going to need some time to go over these schematics-" He held up the tablet. "-I am seeing some similarities to our own hyperspace technology, and from what I can tell given my immediate glances your people-" he nodded at the Sangheili "-built these drives in a similar way to how we made ours, by reverse engineering alien technology more advanced than our own." McKay continued to scroll through the feed as he looked up, finally, curiosity getting the better of him. "Okay, your shipmaster said that those things existed, but what are they? They don't really fit in, they're floating tentacle things-" He turned to Strevlos. "-No offence, they just don't fit with the rest of the biological appearances going on here, and why the armed guard? Is it hostile, or just precious?"

William looked around the clinic. How this place hadn't been looted and razed yet was beyond him. He supposed it was likely one of the few buildings in the quarter with anything resembling security that gave people pause. He was learning more and more about their mysterious benefactor that was recruiting allies, however. Small victories. He sat down in a nearby chair, letting his head fall back.

"What does it remind you of Taylor?" He was putting off answering the questions, he knew the escape had caused more damage than previously expected, the bullet wound likely hadn't helped nor had the oxygen deprivation or the overuse of powers which none of them truly understood. Taylor cared for him, but what it didn't seem to understand was a simple fact.

He didn't want saving.
I apologise for not being as active as I should have been. My work schedule has been pretty hectic but it will be calming down shortly (which is good and bad).

McKay didn't mind the nice clean, almost ornamental halls. They seemed nice, apparently, the Sangheili had been part of some holy war on behalf of another species which had controlled them. Much the same as the Goa'uld and the Jaffa. It was a shame they didn't have a Jaffa aboard who could relate to these people easily, the closest thing they had to an honour based warrior was perhaps Ronon. Not that Ronon was a very diplomatic soul and really he was only here as they were still somewhat hesitant of the Sangheili. The majority of times an SG team made contact with an alien non-human race they turned out to be hostile. So he had a team with him just in case something went horribly wrong.

The energy lift thing wasn't fun. Flying through thin air at speeds with the ground looming below him. If the system failed he was pretty much done for. He had voiced his thoughts at the time to nothing but rolled eyes and assurances that he would be fine. Either that or he could have walked, something he wasn't interested in either. The part of him that had become used to getting into fights with aliens noted that you could easily fit a Jumper down these corridors. Which would be useful if they ever had to fight similar vessels. As they reached the lab he wasn't so surprised to see the Sangheili wearing hides, though he had to question whether or not someone wearing animal skin was going to be productive to their conversations, he was more surprised by the human he was greeted with. He walked in and looked around at the equipment, some of it alien while some of it was distinctly human. From everything he had seen from the other vessel and in this lab humans from their universe were easily a hundred years more advanced than back at home, perhaps two and likely was their evolutionary path had the Stargate not been uncovered.

Maybe the Covenant was the evolutionary path that the Goa'uld were on before their downfall.

Rodney extended his hand. "Doctor Rodney McKay, I'm here to see if I can spruce up your hyperdrive a bit. Afterwhich Colonel Caldwell, the commanding officer of the Daedalus, has allowed me to invite you back there to take a look at our ship. It's only fair after all."


Hermiod sat in the main control room. Readouts on various screens, their power output, resources collected, predicted collection and what was necessary in order to build a variety of different vessels. It had taken time to bring all the systems online, by all estimates within one week they would be able to build a vessel to the maximum size that this facility could manage. It was an impressive feat of engineering, however much like the humans from Earth it seemed oddly advanced in some areas while weaker in others. It was almost as if something dramatically launched them into the space age and gained technologies along the way. Doctor Robotnik had already petitioned for the creation of a factory that would allow him to construct robotic units however as of yet Hermiod had stonewalled him, this vessel and the resources provided were for the fleet. The collectors that were out in the asteroid belt were all piloted by Unnogy from the Aegis so he felt it prudent that if anyone was to benefit from the shipyard as a single vessel then it should be the Sangheili vessel first.

So far the only vessels they had constructed were a series of defence platforms which he had scattered throughout the belt, along with sensor beacons and relays capable of detecting vessels in hyperspace and systems away. If anyone were to come towards them they would soon know about it. Hermiod sighed as he turned to another console where he was working on the new problem. The problem of Anubis.


John had enjoyed the time aboard the Glasgow. Being the Doppelganger of an intergalactic space hero had its perks, one of the 'N7' operatives had even let him don their armour for a photo op. If he had been paid ten dollars per picture he would have been a wealthy man. It didn't bother him much, he had enjoyed the moment of fame. So often due to the work they did being classified nobody knew how many times they had gone out and saved the day, he never wanted recognition for it. Though it would have been nice, once they were back in their home universe it would be nice to know that a Sheppard out there was appreciated. The cloaked jumper launched from the Glasgow after it was through the atmosphere, and he wasn't sure what he was expecting but it wasn't this. He immediately sat up in his chair as he was confronted with buildings that reached to the sky, some even as far as low orbit with their own landing platforms. Traffic went in every direction as he bobbed and waved through the spacecraft that couldn't even see him. He regretted not leaving the Glasgows hangar until they were much lower.

In the craft were a variety of personnel from the various ships going on this mission. Deciding to pool their resources and expertise into mixed teams. The Marines staying behind to guard the Glasgow if needed, while Teyla was on a team that would go to the local markets to gather what information they had there. He looked down to his arm where the new Omnitool rested. He still wasn't familiar with it which was why he was glad Sarah Wilkes was aboard. One of the N7 operatives that these people coveted and from what he had been able to gather, rightly so.

Their mission sounded simple on paper, infiltrate the former Jedi Temple. Find out if the 'recall' order sent to Jedi vessels had been changed to one warning them away yet, if not do so. That was at the request of Erthos. There was also a vault of old relics that were apparently immensely powerful, and a library of 'holocrons' which were apparently great halls of information that was older than the Republic had been. Secondary objectives, plant explosives in the main tower. Apparently in a final middle-finger to his enemies, Palpatine would turn this building into the Imperial Palace. If they set explosives in the tower, when Palpatine moved in they'd have him on a trigger. It'd be far easier to kill, and get to Anubis, if Palpatine was out of the way.

Rodney McKay was pouring through data from the shipyard. They had managed to activate a number of 'resource collectors' that seemed to fly around gathering resources which then were converted into some form of energy to later be used in great big forges. There were a couple of blueprints in the ship's databanks however they had decided to wait until they knew more about the specifications before building anything. Afterall there was no point building anything until they knew if it needed to be upgraded, which from their initial reports seemed to be the case. After all the designs had no shielding, except for something called a 'defence field frigate' but from what he and Hermiod had surmised so far was that the field only protected against energy bolts by way of creating some form of interference. A valuable technology however it wasn't much in comparison to Asgard shields. Hermiod was currently on the bridge of the Shipyard with a team of marines helping to co-ordinate their efforts. He had seemed insistent on going there so that he didn't need to interact with the crew of the Va. For some unknown reason, Hermiod after reading their file seemed unwillingy to have anything to do with them.

Rodney climbed into the Jumper full of their team as well as a contingent of marines. Nodding at Sheppard, who had a surprisingly smug look on his face. "What?"

"Oh, nothing." Rodney turned to Ronon with a raised eyebrow.

"Turns out in the Glasgows universe they have a John Sheppard that looks just like him. He's some kind of hero of humanity."

Rodney rolled his eyes. "You realise that wasn't you right?"

"Yes. I know Rodney. I just find it interesting that I exist in another universe, and still somehow manage to be an intergalactic space hero."

"Yes, I'm sure their Sheppard has a tiny ego too."

The Jumper raised from the deck and manoeuvred out of the hangar towards the Aegis. The console trilled as they received docking instructions, the jumper moving carefully into the massive bay before eventually setting down. As the door opened Rodney, Ronon and a couple of marines all stood up and walked out. Rodney turned back to the ship as it took off, tapping his radio. "Try not to have too much fun on your adventures Sheppard."

"Oh. I will." Rodney just smiled as the Jumper departed for the Glasgow, part of their contingent aboard on the scouting mission it was performing to Coruscant. The supposed heart of the Empire. He had been sceptical of the plan to go to the capital, but apparently it was some form of megacity world where thousands of ships and billions of beings came and went every day. So he liked their chances.
William scoffed. "Okay, fine but I'm going to grab a drink on the way there at the very least." He started walking towards the door before realising he wasn't entirely sure where they were going. "Is someone going to lead the way?" He stood to the side of the door in order to let someone else go before them. He turned to the floating lady whose brother owned the clinic they were supposedly going too.

"So what's your deal, I understand Taylors reasoning for helping us out, but what are you after?" There was something unsettling about her, something he didn't quite trust. Maybe it was her abilities were an unknown to him, he understood that Taylor somehow absorbed energy which it could then redistribute. Whereas this lady? She could fly and create balls of light, what exactly she could do was an unknown and he didn't like unknowns. Never had, and didn't now. Especially these days when there was a mysterious figure sticking its nose in their lives. He had to be careful so that they knew what was going on.
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