Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Koren Omi-Ren

Koren stood to wait for some time, the receptionist was informing him that their official diplomat a Solace was currently engaged with talking to a Jedi from the Shadow Council whatever that was supposed to mean. He was about to inform her that he did not mind to wait, and could simply take a tour of the grounds when she stopped midsentence. He turned to see a woman in Jedi Robes coming straight towards him, most likely a Miraluka from her the head covering blocking where her eyes would be from sight. The species always interested him, some had no space for eyes, others had eye sockets but merely nothing in them. With a slight wave of his, the guards stepped aside. Used to reading subtle movements that only he and the Queen knew.

He was ready to bow to her in greeting, though visibly recoiled slightly as he felt her presence probe against his mental defenses. His guards looked at each other as he did so, unsure of the exchange that was going on. He had no doubt the two women would go for their weapons if he had reacted a little more violently. He dropped two fingers at his side as he bowed, indicating to them to stand down. All was well, he was sure he saw the Jedis two guards react slightly to the movement of his own. Part of him wondered what was the particular importance of this Jedi, to be given the escort of two. From their age, the way they moved. He doubted it was a Padawan style relationship unless things had changed in greater ways than he had ever imagined.

"Crown Prince Koren Omi-Ren of the Hapes Consortium, I do hope that the Citadel has been welcoming to you so far. While my sister Solace is a bit occupied at the moment with one of our Imperial friends, I would be most pleased to speak at length with you of our ways, as well as hear of yours."

"Greetings Master Alleron" He had to guess at her last name, considering she had never actually offered it. Though hearing of Solace Alleron being this Jedis sister gave him a potential clue as to her surname.

"That is a most gracious offer Master Jedi, I would appreciate that. I may have been born and raised a Jedi, though things appear to be very different these days. I would appreciate an update on what the Jedi Order is these days, I had hoped in some ways to be able to return to the Jedi Order-" He raised his right arm to highlight his wedding band "-without giving up the things that currently make me who I am of course, though the matter of my potential return is likely more of a conversation to have with the council."

Xarthas Den
Den Enclave - Concord Dawn

Sitting in the pilot seat once more the engines of the Nightfury roared to life as Xarthas' hands glided over the console. Pulling on the yoke the ship creaked and strained as the repulsors pushed against gravity allowing him to pull a vertical in his push toward orbit. If he had been taking off from any civilized spaceport in the Galaxy he had no doubt that he would have a very angry ATC worker shouting through his comm system, but being at the Den Enclave he likely just had a group of children looking at the ship laughing while Hawk shook his head judgementally. He turned his head to Odd Ball who sat in second seat, a mischevious grin on his face.

"There was absolutely no need for that Xarthas."

"It has been a while since you've been to space old man, just wanted to make sure you enjoyed it."

There was a tweedle as Chuckles rolled into the bridge, saying something about how the cargo was secure even without the help of the two so-called 'sentients' who were too busy playing with the ship to help. "I remember how it works, I've flown more combat ops and faster ships than this old bucket."

Xarthas turned to Odd Ball with a pained and insulted look on his face, though with his helmet on it probably looked more like a death glare. "You want to see what this old bucket can do?" There was a chirp of warning from the small astromech at the back who really didn't want to do it. Odd Ball chuckled slightly. "No really, you want to see what this can do?" The old clone turned to him, his head tilted to the side.

"This ship has nothing I haven't seen before." There was a whine of protest from Chuckles and a clunk as the droid magnetized its legs struts, bolting itself to the ground. Xarthas hands meanwhile ran over a console to his left, the console had obviously been tacked on as an optional extra. Flicking a couple of switches to overwrite safeties in the engine control systems. There was a whine all over the ship as systems prepared for the lurch in speed, grinning below his helmet he flicked the final switch as the two pilots were thrown back into their seats at the sudden lurch of speed as the interia dampeners struggled to compensate. The modifications he had made weren't exactly safe, overdoing it and he'd burn out the engines. It was essentially only good for a sudden burst in speed but not for a continuous burst. There were extra conduits running to the main engines, reinforced components and a second reactor designed to give a momentary surplus of power. It also acted as a backup should the main reactor fail, and that was its original purpose. Though why have all that energy go to waste?

Xarthas chuckled, and Odd Ball couldn't resist joining him as the two laughed as the ship shook breaking atmosphere. As a low warning trill began to sound Xarthas flicked off the feed from the second reactor, the engines returning to their normal output and the warning lights fading. "Told you old man, don't try me."

Xarthas Den
The Tipsy Rancor // KELDABE // Mandalore

Xarthas walked into the small tavern just off one of the Main Bazhaars in Keldabe. If there were two things in abundance on Mandalore, it was weapons and cantinas. Not two things that went together rather well, but typically infractions were kept to a minimum. At least between Mandalorians, off-worlders sometimes liked to cause trouble. No doubt there'd be a couple of them fighting in one of the cantinas along this Bazhaar. His filtration system hissed as he entered the room, helmet instantly compensating for the lack of light. He heard a lot of the mercenaries talk about how on most worlds beyond the Mandalorian Republic the entrance of a Mandalorian into a cantina turned everyone's head. While he was unlikely to experience something like that on Mandalore, it was an egotistical craving off his. To once be recognized for what he was, even though he wasn't exactly the epitome of a Mandalorian Warrior. By his reckoning, he could outfly just about everyone in this cantina when it came to a melee or even a blaster fight he probably ranked no higher than your average Clone Trooper. There's a reason no-one from Clan Den served on the front lines among a Banner.

He saw the individual he was looking for navigating the cramped space as he worked his way over to her. He bowed his head respectfully. Alaris was one of the best 'acquisitions' experts on Mandalore. Nothing illegal, within Mandalore, but she had a way of getting him exactly what he needed when he needed it. Together the two of them were exclusive, at least in the arms dealing world. She didn't use anyone else to ship her goods, and he didn't smuggle for any other arms dealers. A working relationship that kept them both in business. "If it isn't my favorite smuggler-"

"I hate to skip the foreplay Alaris but this is just a flying visit, you'll have to manage with a quicky." The Togruta audibly scoffed under her helmet, as she indicated the booth beside her for the two of them to sit down.

"You know you can't tease a lady like that."

"Well, when I see one I'll take that into account." Reaching down to his belt he pulled off a datapad and placed it on the table, sliding it towards her and spinning it so it was the right way around for her. "I have an important client in need of some serious arms right now, I've negotiated an extra five percent for us both due to the timing. I've taken the liberty of taking most of the items of the list which I had in my stockpile, there's just a couple of rarer items I'm in need of. Do you have anything on hand?

He could hear her clicking her tongue in her mouth as she worked her way down through the list. Shaking her head as she did so. "You're a greedy boy Den, you practically want all I have to offer."

He raised his arms in an amorous shrug. "Well, what can I say? You're my favorite." She waved her hand at him in mock bashfulness. "So, can you be my gleaming beacon of hope?"

He could practically hear the excitement in her voice. "Don't worry Xarthas, I can sort you out."

Xarthas Den
The Liberator // Mandalore Orbit

The ship hissed slightly as it settled down on its landing struts. Xarthas could practically feel the uneasiness radiating from Odd Ball. He hadn't seen droids nor been this close to a Lucrehulk since the Open Circle fleet settled in for the long haul at Mandalore. While there were many sentients running in the hangar below them, Talik still used a large number of B1s to perform the menial tasks that it would be a waste to use her limited crew on. Right now the droids were running around all manic, as he heard Chuckles whir away towards the loading ramp he saw a group of B1s approaching and swore under his breath. "Stay here ba'vodu. The old B1s sometimes still get defensive when they see someone in clone armor." He stood up and ran towards the ramp, swearing at the deck officer who should know better than send B1s to his ship to help with the unloading.

As if on cue as he approached the ramp he could already hear one of the droids. "Stand aside Astromech. We are here to unload the cargo of this ship in the name of the Not-Separatist Alliance." There was a blurt of astromech expletives as Chuckles used a rather specific form of language that wasn't for polite conversation, though Xarthas picked up the gist of it which was There aren't any other droids coming aboard this ship so long as I'm here.. Just before rounding the corner Xarthas stopped running, it didn't do well to send an image of being panicked and in a rush.

As Xarthas rounded the corner the droids all looked to him for help, as Chuckles took the opportunity to rush forward and push one of them over. "Hey!"

He raised his hands, sliding in front of Chuckles as he approached the droids. "Alright boys, you know the deal. Only sentients unload my ship, that's the rule. There's a lot going on back here, and the last thing I need is more malfunctioning bolts running around back there." He turned his head to Chuckles putting a lot of emphasis in his voice. "Especially when I already have enough." His hidden meaning to the little droid being clear. Start behaving or you're going to be left here to play with the lunatic B1s..

"My droid will start bringing some of the goods down to the deck, and you lovely gentlemen can take it from there. If the deck chief wants things to go faster, he can send some sentients to do the work. These have always been the conditions of my business." Xarthas sighed as the droids reluctantly went down the ramp and he turned to his little astromech. "Please go start fetching the merchandise, I'll wait here for the deck chief to come and complain at me."

There was no pomp, no ceremony, as the group of assembled individuals was transported aboard the bridge of the Assimilator. Still many of the crew were running around frantically trying to get shields online. Sheppard had decided to not to wear the armor he didn't recognize, his uniform would do just fine. As soon as he was beamed aboard he raised let his P90 rest on its sling, while he raised his dart gun. Aiming at the two kull troopers he opened fire, a dart hitting both Kull troopers and then almost instantly afterward they disappeared in a flurry of light as they were beamed away from the bridge. He let it rest in its sling as the rest of the group split up and hit their individual assignments. Sheppard was running this by himself, he sent the marines down to the surface to help Teyla in trying to organize the evacuation. Besides, this was a full-on military operation, and while her training had come a long way it didn't prepare her for something like this.

He ignored the crew securing the bridge, while he pushed up behind the ones running towards the lift that led up to the bridge. Dart gun raised, ready to fire the small transmitters that would let the Daedalus know who they had to beam off.
I'm unable to guarantee a post until Tuesday at the earliest.
Isn't the padawan with a master? I thought you and zarkun were together. If not then any nearby jedi I suppose if there is none then it was a general call for help.

Yes he is. However you don't make it very clear, it's much clearer now Zarkun has his post up but beforehand it was a little more confusing.
There that's as basic a post as I can think to make shouldn't conflict with everything.

Okay clarifying question, to getting the Padawan up who are you speaking too?
@vancexentan Rhon is a Padawan, and is in Pain as he was just shot.

Please also edit your post in general anyway. You've had temple guards and enemies shooting at them appear out of thin air, if you want to introduce them to the scene you need to actually introduce them. Not just 'suddenly there were guards protecting Rhon and people shooting at them!'
@vancexentan Zarkun was waiting for you to post since you're bringing up the rear.

Xarthas sat quietly on the floor of the old hall in his clan enclave. Legs crossed, resting in his hands on his lap was a bowl of Aunt Rendos famous Bantha Stew. Word had it that Aunt Rendos had been raised on Tatooine a slave before being saved by a member of his clan, and too this day she still managed to somehow find Bantha meat in a local bazhaar, get it for a reasonable price and then cook it to perfection. He sat in among clan mates, most of them his junior or his senior. In front of the fire at the other end of the hall Odd Ball stood “-Like flying through a thick mist. Lights barely managed to cut the fog, and the native fauna messed with our thermals. Blaster fire rolled through the clouds, this was back in the day before our ships had any shields.” There was some oohs and ahs from the younger members of the enclave. “The Umbaran fighters were weird looking things, a solid ship and then a hovering cockpit. I had two fighters fly above me, diving down out of nowhere. Firing on the reverse thrusters I tilted the nose up and lanced them as I hit the main thrusters and pulled a vertical.”

“Pushing up, Hotshot on my tail I lanced the one on the right and he hit the one on the left. They bailed as the ate dirt. That’s when we received the call that General Skywalker and the 501st had been ambushed from behind and that they were falling back, needed close air support. As the closest units we were assigned-”

One of the younger kids raised his hand, and Xarthas smirked. When he was a child he had asked the exact same question that he knew this one was going to ask. “Bav’odu.”

“-Yes child?”

“I thought you were in your Z-95s. They’re not bombers.”

The old clone chuckled. “Not technically. They’re meant to be multi-purpose, and it's true that the Y-Wing was designed for bombing, and is such a strong powerhouse that its still used today, but in war you have to use whatever assets you have that are available.” Xarthas stood, placing his bowl of stew down as his communicator trilled. He excused himself as he walked out of the room, pulling his helmet on before he removed his communicator from his belt and raised it before him. A holographic image of Admiral Killian appeared and Xarthas nodded his greeting.

“Admiral Killian, I wasn’t expecting to hear from you so soon after the last shipment. You’ve never ordered as much before, what are you after?”

While Talik was away handling the business of getting the mandalorians to assist in breaking her twin out of Grievous' clutches, the man went about getting their ships repaired and refit. The mandalorian docking ring was handling the major repairs on the Liberator herself and most of their ships, but some of the gunships needed additional repairs and almost all the smaller craft need their missiles and likes replaced. "Ah, apologies for reaching out so suddenly, Xarthas." The man said in a polite tone towards the Mandalorian. [Color=green]"The truth is, we're currently docked at your orbital ring above Mandalore. We're in desperate need of some minor repairs and restocking ammunition on some of the smaller craft. I trust you can help us with our shopping list?" The man asked as the hologram tapped a data pad and sent said list to the smuggler. "Think you can help us there, lad?"

Xarthas raised his left arm while he continued to hold his hologram transmitter in his right as the list was relayed to him from the Nightfury. He nodded as he worked his way through the list. While it wasn’t terribly easy to get some of these things it was all possible given time. The more pressing issue was what had happened. “If you don’t mind me saying Admiral, but a lot of this is stuff you just received, what kind of mess did you get yourself into?” He was already walking towards his ship, no doubt his quick pace was being transmitted through the hologram to wherever Killian was viewing the transmission.

"I'm not at liberty to discuss such matters. If you must know, you can ask the Fox herself. Though I fear you might have to wait on that." The man said with a soft sigh, thinking for a second. It was still odd that Talik did not have an official rank despite being their leader, and calling her by parts of the title given from her actions of Ryloth still felt odd to the military man. "I trust your response means you can help us, Xarthas?"

Xarthas sighed. “I can get you a lot of the small arms you need on the spot, the bigger items are going to take time, so if you have any kind of timeframe you can give me then that would be helpful.” He waved too Chuckles who was down the bottom of the ramp of his ship, using his free hand he performed a motions of actions that had been programmed into the little droid who wheeled off in the direction of a hidden weapons cache via the turbolift that was used to lower people to the bottom of the cliff. No doubt the little droid had already been eavesdropping and as such knew exactly which ordnance to get. “Also I’m adding an additional ten percent to my usual fee, if you choose to go through with this. I’ll help with the repairs for free but I’m having to basically empty my clans emergency reserves here as I’m assuming you’re on a tight schedule.”

Running up the ramp he sat himself in the cockpit, transferring the hologram to the ships console. “I understand your discretion, and your loyalty to your Alor but the more information you can give me right now, the better I can be of assistance and the cheaper it is for everyone. I may even have some ideas of extra supplies I can bring aboard. If I was in it solely for the money I could have sold you poor grade arms or sold you out to the Separatists a hundred times over. I believe in what you’re doing, help me help you.” At this point he heard footsteps behind him, muting the audio receiver on the device so the Admiral couldn’t hear him he turned around to find himself face to face with Odd Ball, dressed all in his old pilot gear, minus the helmet.

“Get out of the cockpit Xarthas and load up the supplies, I’ll do pre-flight-”

Xarthas was about to interrupt when the old clone raised a hand.

“I owe the Admiral a favour. I’m flying shotgun on this one.” Xarthas climbed out of the seat as Odd ball sat down in the co-pilot seat, unmuted the transmitter and spoke into it.

“Admiral Killian, CC-2237 Odd Ball reporting in. Don’t worry about the tab Admiral, this ones on me. I want in.”

"Good to see you again, Oddball. We'll be happy to have you onboard, although I must insist on the tab, Xarthas needs to make a living." The admiral insisted, studying the two through the hologram for a long moment. "I also must insist on keeping the details vague, you can ask the Fox herself when she returns to the Liberator." The man added, unwilling to share the details that the mission was personal for Talik.

Xarthas and Odd Ball looked at each other, both of them sharing an unseen look. Almost as if there was non-verbal communication between the two of them. Xarthas turned back to the transmitter. “Keep your secrets then. If you have anything else too say, you can tell Ba’vodu..” With that the Mandalorian turned and left the cockpit, leaving Odd Ball on with the Admiral.

Taking the turbolift down to the hidden cache, one hand scan later he was stood in the vault. Chuckles was perched atop a forklift moving crates of weapons and ordnance as Xarthas walked over, patting the small droid on the head. “I don’t like this y’know.”

The droid let out a low whine. “I don’t like being called out of the blue, rearming a ship that we just loaded to the nines with explosives only for them to show up needing more and damaged. The whole thing stinks to me.” Xarthas looked around the room as the droid let out another stream of expletives. “It just does. I was always told, never trust a man who claims he has no ammo when you know his blasters loaded.” There was a confused series of beeps from the small astromech. “It just seems suspicious to me, somethings going on.” The little droid navigated the load onto the turbolift, placing it down gently and then continuing its work while Xarthas stood being very unhelpful, atleast to Chuckles perspective as he was contemplating the mission ahead of them. “It can’t be a foothold situation. They would never have actually made it into Mandalorian space. I’m sure its inspection was very thorough at the border of our space. Maybe they were attacked?” Chuckles chimed in something that may have been ‘You know this would go faster if you were helping’.

“Hold on Chuckles, I’m trying to figure this out. You’re doing a great job, worthy of that oil bath you’ve been badgering me for.” That ought to shut the little droid up. “It couldn’t have been an attack on them, if the Separatists had discovered where the Liberator was then no doubt they would have destroyed it.” He wagged his finger at the little droid who let a low whirr of discontent out at being pointed at. “I bet you she attacked something. Something big, I mean I don’t know why that’s her home base!” He sighed. “Oh it’s something important!”

With that he hopped into his own forklift and started moving arms. Tapping his comm he opened a channel to one of his old contacts on Mandalore. “Mar. I need some arms, I’m sending you a list. I’ll be there in a half hour.”

Rhon was about to answer to the Master before him before she turned and continued to run. He caught a flash of white coming out of a side door and raised his saber out before him. The blade igniting in a snap-hiss as the cyan blade came forth as a blinding column of plasma. He twisted and turned, the Force guiding his saber to the blaster bolts that were going to hit his body, while he moved with the grace of a trained dancer between the other shots. Eyes closed he let the Force guide his actions, he didn't need the distraction of sight to know what to do. For his ally was the Force. Twisting and turning through the bolts he gained on the Clone Troopers, the smell of burnt armour and flesh reaching his nostrils...

Rhon opened his eyes as the three Clones fell before him. He sighed at the needless slaughter, the slaughter that someone had orchestrated. He could feel his anger rise as his mind went cloudy, taking a deep breath to calm himself. Clear his mind. They would find and deal with whoever had called for this slaughter, off that he had no doubt. The Jedi Order would survive, regroup and then come back and exact justice for the slaughter that was currently taking place.

Running back after Master Je'and Rhon suddenly collapsed as a searing pain erupted in his left leg, a wayward blaster bolt finding its mark.

Pain, confusion, anger. The Hero to the Jedi Order was cutting a path through the Jedi Temple. Blue blade in hand he deflected blows, countered and slashes with expertise unmatched by anyone he came across in the temple. Making a beeline for the archives. He cared not who was in his path as he made his way through. Clones following him closely, firing at anyone who dared to try and sneak up on him. AS he heard pockets of resistance fighting back all over the temple he turned to the clones behind him. "Fan out. Have the LAATs surrounding the temple begin strafing runs to anyone they see from outside. By the time we're finished in the Archives I want this Temple Secure."

"Yes, sir."
I'd like it if someone posted OOC so it wasn't always me, but posting tomorrow.
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