Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Colonel Sheppard

Sheppard held up his hand. "Really we can beam straight aboard, though I have to say I'm still in support of just blowing that ship to kingdom come. With the size of the Aegis and how close we are to another world we could probably evacuate just as much of the planet as if we spent wasting time capturing a ship and then ferrying people around. Remember in order to beam aboard we need to beam aboard the Daedalus first and then over."

He cocked his P90. Really he could do with his whole team back, Teyla was no doubt still on the planet helping out where she needed to be. If they did capture the ship then he'd want McKay and Ronon for sure.
Jedi Padawan Rhon Duul

Running along corridors near the outside of the temple Rhon heard a LAAT beside him, a spotlight focused on him. Sensing what was coming next Rhon dove into a nearby corridor as laser shots landed directly in front of him where he had been heading. Back against a wall, he took a moment to catch his breath. A dark presence had entered the temple, he could sense it from here. The pain as Master Cin Drallig fell, as the 501st stormed the temple. There was no chance now, they had entered the temple proper. Rhon unclipped his blade from his belt as he ran down a nearby corridor, he could hear the boots of Clones following him down the hall. Blaster fire, screams, and shouts echoing throughout the temple as the Force was in chaos. He saw a Jedi Master ignite two blades and redirect fire towards a trio of clones before running after another pair of Jedi. "Master-!" He had started to shout after her, he didn't know what to do, where to go. As soon as he started, however, a group of clones came around the corner, narrowly dodging a blaster bolt he dove into a nearby meditation garden. Standing before a tree he stood his ground as the Clones walked in, arms behind him he cast pulled them around himself as the tree basically leaned forward, branches bending to cover him and protect him from the incoming fire.

Then he pushed his hands towards the door, the tree lurching forward at impossible speeds. He didn't want to focus on the crunching sounds or the groans from the clones, the feeling of their life being extinguished in the Force. He had spent the war being a healer, causing damage tore at him and his very beliefs. Yet, this was a life or death situation and he had no choice but to fight. He ducked around the tree once he deamed it safe and through a nearby door. A group of clones lay dead, slashed apart by a lightsaber. Turning the Kel Dor ran down the hallway, deeper into the temple. That was where everyone else seemed to be going, he had hope that he would find someone, and that they would somehow find a way to survive this crisis.

@ZAVAZggg I'm going to say no to the Renatus after some prolonged thinking. Simply as it gives you two ships on the extreme end of the spectrum.
Post incoming in the next 24hrs.
@Sepalright I figured we were going by legends events and nu was the first jedi killed in the temple. I'll change my post.

As I said in the ooc I'm kind of picking and choosing. I'll be posting Anakins status as he goes around the temple so don't worry we'll always know where he is.
@vancexentan just so you know Jocasta Nu isn't killed yet, Anakin is fighting Drallig at this time.
@ZAVAZggg I'll make a post when it happens.
@ZAVAZggg Well you either come in or nah. This is the only chance for the forseeable future for others to come in.

Rhon sat crossed legged in one of the many chambers of meditation that existed in the Jedi Temple. A fountain trickled nearby, he could hear the breathing off Jedi nearby, the faint talking of people walking past mid-conversation. There was an unease that spread throughout the temple, the war continued to drag on even after the Battle of Coruscant. As night approached the chat in the temple increased, he heard more than once that Master Kenobi had defeated General Grievous at Utapau. Deciding that his day was done he stood up and stretched. A lone LAAT flew over the temple, the usual comforting thrum of the craft as it flew overhead. Stretching his back cracked as he walked down the halls, nodding at the few other Jedi he passed in the halls. He sighed a deep heavy sigh through his mask as he looked out towards the city. Lights flashed all over the cityscape as the city never slept. The battle above the city never really caused detriment to the city, bar some falling debris once the shield had been lifted but even then very few had crashed into the surface getting past the point defense lasers.

He sighed as he looked out beyond the city and then he paused. As at the base of the temple steps he could see a group of LAATs landed. Led by a man in Jedi Robes Rhon didn't notice as he was joined by more and more onlookers who were watching the Clones led by a Jedi climb the steps towards the temple. As they neared the threshold they were stopped by Cin Drallig, drawing his green lightsaber there was some murmuring in conversation. Then panic spiked through the temple as a blue blade was ignited, the two blades crashing as troopers started charging towards the temple. The window shook as a LAAT passed close to the temple, Rhon ducked instinctively and looked out to the LAAT, doors open two clones stood with Z-6 Rotary Blasters, the weapons spinning up and piercing the glass. Before they knew what was going on several of the Jedi had already fallen. Some had grabbed their own weapons while others like Rhon had dropped into a prone position, below the line of fire.

"What is going on?" He recognized the voice as that of the human Jedi Mar, a couple of years his senior. "Why are they shooting at us?"

Rhon reached down to grab his own saber before he considered standing up. "I do not know, but we can't stay here. They'll mow us down, we need to get deeper into the temple!"

The building shook, and a red emergency light came on as Temple Guards jumped to the defense, their dual blades a shining beacon for those to rally behind. Rhon stood, twirling his own blade before him as blaster bolts came screaming in his direction, he stepped to the left to dodge a bolt. Just as he did saw he caught a glimpse of a blue bolt of blaster fire go through Mars head. Spinning the blade infront of him he started to fall back. Whatever was going on, he couldn't remain.

Ro shook his head as he sat across from Koren, waving his hand as well to signal he wasn’t in a drinking mood. Then there was the quick shift in conversation, turning things back to the Clone Wars. Koren was quite the diplomatic type, and it showed now more than ever to the Jedi Ace. The Kel Dor folded his four-fingered hands together and gave a slight chuckle himself. ”It was complicated, sure. But not much different from now. Hard to tell who the enemy is these days, and who to trust.” Ro paused a moment to scratch at his leathery chin for a moment before chiming in again. ”Well, at least then we could assume the bad guys were the ones shooting at us.”

Koren chuckled as he looked out the window at the ships flying past them as the Nova Cruiser moved in to within a kilometre off the shipyards. He sighed. “Thankfully nobody has shot at me in a very very long time. I don’t expect that trend to continue now that I’ve re-entered the wider galaxy however. I don’t think I’m going to be very popular with a lot of people. Especially the CIS, I have a lot to say about them.” He stood as there was a chime at the door. “Excuse me.” He walked over to the door, keying the door it opened to reveal the captain.

“Sir. We’ve entered a stable orbit, as instructed by Keldabe.”

Koren nodded. “Thank you, I’ll leave when my escort deems it time.”

“Yes sir.” The Captain turned as Koren keyed the door turning back to Ro.

“So, Master Jedi, you know the environment better than I? Where do I head first, I bow to your wisdom.”

Ro shook his head for a moment, stifling the chuckle echoing in his mask as best he could. "Never thought I'd hear you say that after I tried convincing you to leave your lightsaber behind on Balith." Ro's brow then knitted as he raised a single sharp finger up to his chin in temporary contemplation, before simply sighing. "It would be best if I took you to the council. I can put you in touch with Solace when we touch down on Mandalore. She has more inroads with getting an audience with the Mandalore than I would. Even Tarkin won't give me the time of day."

”Well I don’t tend to use my lightsaber much these days anyway.” Koren stood up and sighed, placing his drink back down. The communicator on Ros wrist went off, as he did so. The Jedi excused himself, agreeing that the two of them would meet up again in short order.

Koren sighed, this was an interesting start to the rest of his life as a Jedi. His own communicator went off. He activated it with a hologram appearing off Queen Mother Allana his wife. He bowed his head in a sign of respect, a smile crossing his face, a warmth flowing through him. He missed her, and was worried about his role in all of this. As a Jedi he had been a teacher, and aided in humanitarian efforts yes. He never played the role of diplomat, and never expected he’d be playing the part in such an important way. ”My Queen.”

She smiled. “Greetings my love, I take it you have arrived?” My Love, she had company. Otherwise she wouldn’t have started the conversation so formally. That meant he had to respond in kind, fulfill the expectation of his station.

”I have. I am in orbit of Mandalore now, and making ready to head down to the surface. I aim to meet a Jedi who acts as a representative to both the Mandalorian Republic and the Jedi Order.

A look of contemplation crossed her face. “Is this the fastest way forward?”

Koren nodded. ”It is a big day in the Mandalorian Calendar, I do not have the connections or the knowhow on the lay of the land to just jump in and speak to someone. I imagine they didn’t anticipate our arrival so soon”

“Then you have my blessing-” She looked off to the side and nodded to someone off screen. “I must go my love. Safe travels.” She winked at him and mouthed ‘I love you’.
He smiled in return, mouthing back to her. “Till then my Queen.” Koren stood up and walked to the hangar, the Jedi Starfighter was already gone and he nodded his head solemnly. He would have to try and find Ro again at some point to catch up properly, without all the pressure of the impending diplomatic battle. Boarding the Express class shuttle. Flanked by two guards he sat in the front pod, giving him a view of the entire space around him as the shuttle coasted through space towards the planet. Two Miy’til Starfighters flew escort, they in turn accompanied by four Z-95s flown by the Republic Navy.

Once breaking atmosphere and approaching the Jedi Temple all the escorts broke off, Koren stood up as he saw the Temple in the distance eying it with curiosity. If he wasn’t mistaken the Jedi Temple appeared to be a ship, bigger than a Venator Star Destroyer sat on its engines and propped up against a mountain. He had a thousand and one questions as to why this was a thing. It made some form of sense in that it was a quick way to get a big building quickly. The ship landed on a landing pad, near a strange looking fighter that appeared to be a cockpit and wings and nothing more. Koren left the shuttle accompanied by his royal guards, walking out of the shuttle he stood marvelling at the sight of the ship. The faint discoloration of the sky as the shields of the vessel seemed to be active.

Koren supposed that the Jedi weren’t going to risk their temple being destroyed again. He put his hands on his hips as he stood there, a faint breeze blowing his cape. He walked through the grounds, flanked by his people. While they gathered many looks no-one stood in their way or directly interacted with them until they reached. He approached what appeared to be the main desk. He found it terribly awkward.

Walking up he cleared his throat. ”Greetings.” He bowed his head slightly. ”I am Prince Koren Omi-Ren from the Hapes Consortium, Jedi Knight. I am here to discuss diplomacy, if you could point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.”

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