Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

So Elizabeth right now that Anubis is using his power to destroy a planet has managed to breach out to other universes!

She's contacted some people, asked them to help over the course of weeks (to us no time has passed!) and they will be arriving soon...

You want a second ship you can apply now.

Before the Glasgow had even made the call the Daedalus had been pulling away to a safe distance. They had locked onto the co-ordinates based on the data they had on the teams mission to Alderaan. Caldwell wasn't terribly happy about the fact that as soon as they dropped out of hyperspace they had practically landed on top of the hostile ship. As the Glasgow declared its plan to everyone he hit his comms channel. "Caldwell here, I disagree with your assessment Glasgow. We need to take out this ship and then focus on the task at hand. It could take hours to clear a ship from bulkhead to bulkhead, and from what Anubis promised we don't have that kind of time to commit. We should destroy the ship and focus on the job at hand."

The voice of Skywalker came through on the open channel, keying his command console he switched to the open channel rather than their secure line between ships of the fleet. "General Skywalker, I recommend you fall back to a safe distance as the Glasgow commands while we decide on our next steps here. The ship you're facing is far more powerful than yours."

He could hear the confusion in the mans voice as he responded. "As you advise, I'm going to send my second in command to your ship the Glasgow. Captain Rex is an honourable man, and will speak on my behalf." Almost on cue a LAAT launched from the Venator on a course for the Glasgow, as Caldwell switched back to the encrypted frequency.

"Samus you have clearance to board, once you get close enough we'll momentarily drop the shields for you to board. Someone will lead you up to the bridge."

Caldwell rubbed his brow with his thumb and forefingers. This whole excursion was becoming a headache.
Rhon Duul

Species: Kel Dor
Initiate Trials: Rhon passed the initiate trials at the age of eight. Struggling in the trials due to his lack of finesse with a lightsaber he made up for it in his adhering to the Code and his strength in the Force. He is what many Jedi consider to be a prime example of a 'Consular'. He did not waver in his ability to move objects in the Force, having to lift rocks far larger than he was. Nor when he was visited by images of darkness did he submit. Drawing on the code to keep himself on task and focused.
Physical Appearance: No discernable differences to the image provided.

Rhons saber has a light blue cyan colour.
  • Lightsaber Skills: He is no duelist, but he understands the basic flows and forms of Lightsaber combat.
  • Diplomacy: Working before the War, Rhon moved between tribal worlds helping to solve disputes, trying to convince some smaller worlds to remain in the Republic rather than joining the fledgling Separatist movement.
  • Healing: He knows how to heal with or without the Force, receiving medical training from Clone Medics during a relief mission.

Force Abilities:
  • Basic Force Understanding: Like most Jedi he has an understanding of telekinetic abilities. He, however, has always struggled with the ability to influence the mind of other beings.
  • Alter Environment Rhon can influence the Force to manipulate the local environment in terms of weather. He can use it to cool rooms and small areas, create winds, fogs or minor spots of rain. It’s most efficient when he manipulates an already chaotic
  • Plant Surge: Rhon can manipulate plant life to grow to his whim, entangling and ensnaring victims. He is skilled with this, however not as good as his master yet.
  • Force Heal: Using his own energy, or the energy of other things he can cause healing/accelerate healing in others.
  • Animal Control/Empathy: He is attuned to all living things. While he struggles with mind control of sentient beings, animals he can influence with relative ease.

  • Combat: He can't really fight against anything living. He can fight off a couple of droids, but as can any Jedi. Living beings/vast numbers of trained individuals and he would be easily overwhelmed.
  • Breath: He needs a special concoction of gases to breathe properly forcing him to wear a mask. With the Force he can survive for a time without it, but not long.
  • Dissident Faction: Rhon belongs to a sect of Jedi who believes they should never have gotten involved in the war. This political sect isn't terribly popular with the main caste of Jedi.

Character History: Rhon was sent to Coruscant by the Baran Do sages at the age of three. He was part of a long standing agreement between the Sages and the Jedi Order so that in order to live in peace the Sages would occasionally give the Jedi Order a youngling with strong potential in the Force, in exchange the Jedi would not actively recruit from their planet on a regular basis which would allow the Baran Do time to grow and evolve as an order. As an initiate, he took to the Code like a Moth to the flame, like many of his species he had a very strong moral compass so once good and evil were instilled into him he saw the world in a very black and white monologue.

It made him a difficult child growing up where some would have issues with his strict adherence to what they were being taught. While he grew strong in the Force his combat and lightsaber skills lacked and didn't involve much with them, he believed in the religious aspect of the Force wholeheartedly so while he struggled to get a grasp of Lightsaber combat he never spent much time in an effort to correct this fault.

As he became a Padawan under the Wookiee Jedi Rowoorr, who had just finished training his first Padawan Lucina, Rowoorr took him to quiet worlds outside of the growing Crisis. Humanitarian missions were the norm for him, as he went around the galaxy resolving issues from the medical crisis' to food shortages. He learned a lot from his master in these days, such as how to encourage plant life to grow in ways that would aide him, in ways to encourage the healing process in other living beings with the transfer of energy.

Rhon, his master, and his masters former Padawan Lucina were present after the second battle of Geonosis. Working in a forward operating base they set up a medical center and helped to defend it against Geonosian attack. As the war raged on Rhon eventually was returned to the temple after the Battle of Coruscant. Rowoorr being sent to Kashyyk to help Master Yoda repel the droid attack on the Wookiees.

Though something didn't seem right.
Obligatory post is obligatory.

You're so good at this.

@vancexentan and myself are both accepted.

This means there are NO Knight slots left. Apologies too both @ReusableSword and @sly13. There are still two Padawan slots left. Any interest feel free to jump in, the IC will begin tomorrow.

The Daedalus dropped out of hyperspace directly above the Assimilator. Caldwell swore as Marks instinctively performed evasive maneuvers. The Daedalus spun on its axis as it cut a path down past the larger craft, its lasers lancing out and touching the shields of the Daedalus. That's when the call from the Glasgow came through about the reported boarding action. Caldwell hit his comms to the fleet frequency. "This is Caldwell, the Va can knock out the shields of an Assimilator. If they use that technology to disable the shields rather than using boarding craft we can beam our personnel aboard in key areas that have been identified by the schematics stolen by members of the Resurgence."

The radio crackled as Sheppard's voice came through. "Daedalus this is Sheppard, be advised at Coruscant we encountered Kull Warriors. We might also need you to beam any of them out we come across, do you have any Kull Disruptors aboard?"

Caldwell grimaced. Facing down Kull Warriors wasn't exactly what he wanted to do, the troops were infamous even after the SGC and her allies managed to design a weapon to counteract them. "We don't have any disruptors but we'll send over transmitters-" The entire ship shook as a turbolaser hit strafed their shield. Caldwell turned to Marks who nodded that they were okay. "-to mark targets to beam away. We'll send them out into space."

"Sir, they're launching fighters." As the Daedalus swung below the Assimilators its belly opened releasing a swathe of V-Wings and Arc-170s. While it did a ship dropped out of hyperspace and immediately opened a channel. "Attention Imperial Vessel. This is Jedi General Anakin Skywalker. Stand down and prepare to be boarded, in the name of the Galactic Republic we're commandeering your ship to rescue people on the surface of the planet."

On the bridge, Anakin turned to Yularen, confused momentarily when Padme stood in his place. It was like so many other battles in the Clone Wars yet lines had been drawn, the only reason the 501st were still on his side was due to the sacrifice of Fives after his discovery of the control chip. Had Tups not malfunctioned and Fives not gone with him to Kamino then it was very likely that he would have already been killed thanks to Order 66. He clamped down on his rage at the betrayal of his friend, his manipulation of him. Dark clouds spread throughout his mind, then he heard the soft clanking of Master Yodas cane.

"Calm young Skywalker. Remember your training, you must. Your mind clouded by Darth Sidious it was, mindful of your emotions you must be."

"Yes, Master."

"Strong in the Force, you are. Take time to recover it will. Faith in you, I have."

Anakin turned smiling at Padme then turning to Yoda. "I'm assuming then that I shall not be joining the fight?"

Yoda closed his eyes for a second as he thought. A 'hm' coming forth from the small being. "Ready for this, you are not. Stay here, manage the battle. A greater tactician than me, you are." Anakin bowed his head in respect as he turned to Rex.

"Ready the men, get over there and take that ship."

"Yes, sir."
Flight of the Nightfury
Chapter 1: Into the Void
Mandalore System

Xarthas swore as he felt the entire ship shake, as he pulled himself out from underneath the console he saw as the stars came back into focus as the ship reverted to real space. In the distance, he could see the planet Mandalore, and his home Concordia orbiting the bustling world. From what he was told it had nothing on what Coruscant once was, but it was certainly busier now than it ever had been, at least as far as he could remember. "Chuckles!" The droid rolled in, beeps coming forth from the small astromech as it complained about being pulled from its important work. Xarthas raised a hand to stop the lines of droid speak, which were starting to get more and more into the realm of expletives. Chuckles had to do as he said, but he made it clear that he didn't like it. He pointed once the little droid finished speaking. "I swear, as soon as I can find it you're getting a new personality matrix, but for now what in haran just happened?"

The droid rolled its head out of frustration. "Yes I know we dropped out of hyperspace, but we were meant to be in hyperspace for another three hours! I've not got the communications back up yet." The droid turned and left as it continued to beep. "What do you mean you fixed the broken compressor!?" Xarthas threw a hydrospanner after the droid cursing as he saw a light blinking on the main console. No doubt Keldabe trying to initiate contact with his ship, finding out who he was and what he wanted. The issue was the communication system had been knocked out in a... disagreement with CIS border forces and the droid should have prioritized the repair of those systems as with the political climate of most of the galaxy flying towards a capital in radio silence wasn't a good way to stay flying. Xarthas swore as he ducked back under the console, pulling at wires he shrugged as he grabbed two of them. He stuck them together with mere electrical tape as he sat up in his chair and hit the comm button

[..."REPEAT. This is Keldabe ATC, this is your final warning. Respond now or you will be towed into the nearest dock then board-"]

"This is the Nightfury, Captain Xarthas at the helm. Clan Den, House Kryze. Sorry for the radio silence there, having some system errors." There was a beep at the back of the cockpit as Chuckles decided to re-enter the conversation, Xarthas shot daggers at the astromech as it accused the ship of [i]always[/i having system errors. “Requesting passage to Concordia to the Clan Den enclave. I come from away.”

“Permission granted. Follow the flight plan exactly, do not stray towards the ring or we’ll intercept with tug vessels.”

Xarthas sighed as he hit the button to send his response. “Copy that, Nightfury out.” In the years since they had started building the ring and had established Keldabe ATC things had gotten far more strict in the Mandalore system. As the ship swung around to Concordia it shook slightly as the vessel broke through the atmosphere. Creaking slightly as the hull became heated and shook as the Repulsors fought against gravity. Guiding it delicately the ship swung into the Den Enclave. Landing on the outskirts he could see the variety of craft that belonged to the clan. Two Z-95s sat in the pride space of the hangar right beside the enclave proper, Xarthas smiled slightly as he saw the craft. While many of the craft sat around the enclave belonged to people who were off doing their duty to Mandalore on the ring helping its construction or building ships,

As he walked down the ramp Chuckles wheeled up behind him, he turned around and raised hi shadn at the droid. “Nope. You have systems to fix.” As the droid started to curse him in binary Xarthas just shook his head. “Don’t start with me. It’s your fault I never managed to get around to finishing the repairs by deciding to fix the compressor which was way down on the list. You just wanted to get back here as I promised to have you cleaned up. Well, now you can finish making sure the ship is fully operational before any work is done.” The droid turned around, cursing as it went.

An old man with a familiar face within the Mandalore Republic came walking towards him, wearing the white armour of a Clone, though these days it had greyed and dirtied with age. Yellow emblem on his shoulder pauldrons, kill marks started on his right shoulder and went all the way down his arm with confirmed kills. Oddball, in the distance Xarthas could see Hawk working on his Z-95 and he waved. “Welcome back Xarthas!” Oddball opened his arms and embraced the younger man in a hug.

Ba’vodu. What are you doing here?”

“The Chief is on the ring to celebrate the founding. He asked me and Hawk to come back and manage the clan in his absence, we’re thinking about taking some of the children up in some old Arc-170s. Show them how the Open Circle used to do it back in the day.”

“I don’t know if I’m more surprised that those ships still fly, or that you still do.”

The two of them turned to walk towards the mass of buildings that made up the enclave, Oddball punching his shoulder. “That’s a lot of cheek coming from you, flying around in that old tub.”

“That old tub is faster than your old fighters, I’ve made a lot of special modifications myself.”

“It’s a mess.”

“I have a system.”

The two of them chuckled, as they walked into the enclave. A decade ago this had been a bustling hub of activity as members of the clan had returned from all over the Galaxy at the Mandalores call. However many had moved on, some had joined the navy as instructors and squadron leaders. Others had went to MandalMotors with their vast engineering knowledge and expertise to build systems and ships to increase Mandalores strength, before Xarthas had ventured out into the Galaxy the Navy had sought after to recruit him. Now officially they couldn’t hire him since he was a wanted criminal in Separatist Space. It would be a little bit of a controversy to hire him. A group of children ran out.

“Xarthas is back!”“Hey look guys its Xarthas!”“Hey Xarthas where's Chuckles?”“Did you see any separatists?”“Get in any big fights?””Did you see the Hapan Battledragon?! I hear there’s one in orbit right now!””Have you ever fought a Lucrehulk?!””What is General Grevious like?!”

Oddball laughed. “That’s enough Children, let the man breathe and get some space.”

Xarthas raised his hand and placed it on Oddballs shoulder. “It’s okay ba’vodu. I always have time for the ade. After all they are the next generation of elite pilots.” Walking over he sat on a nearby crate. “Okay, let me have it.”

Rhon Duul

Species: Kel Dor
Initiate Trials: Rhon passed the initiate trials at the age of eight. Struggling in the trials due to his lack of finesse with a lightsaber he made up for it in his adhering to the Code and his strength in the Force. He is what many Jedi consider to be a prime example of a 'Consular'. He did not waver in his ability to move objects in the Force, having to lift rocks far larger than he was. Nor when he was visited by images of darkness did he submit. Drawing on the code to keep himself on task and focused.
Physical Appearance: No discernable differences to the image provided.

Rhons saber has a light blue cyan colour.
  • Lightsaber Skills: He is no duelist, but he understands the basic flows and forms of Lightsaber combat.
  • Diplomacy: Working before the War, Rhon moved between tribal worlds helping to solve disputes, trying to convince some smaller worlds to remain in the Republic rather than joining the fledgling Separatist movement.
  • Healing: He knows how to heal with or without the Force, receiving medical training from Clone Medics during a relief mission.

Force Abilities:
  • Basic Force Understanding: Like most Jedi he has an understanding of telekinetic abilities. He, however, has always struggled with the ability to influence the mind of other beings.
  • Alter Environment Rhon can influence the Force to manipulate the local environment in terms of weather. He can use it to cool rooms and small areas, create winds, fogs or minor spots of rain. It’s most efficient when he manipulates an already chaotic
  • Plant Surge: Rhon can manipulate plant life to grow to his whim, entangling and ensnaring victims. He is skilled with this, however not as good as his master yet.
  • Force Heal: Using his own energy, or the energy of other things he can cause healing/accelerate healing in others.
  • Animal Control/Empathy: He is attuned to all living things. While he struggles with mind control of sentient beings, animals he can influence with relative ease.

  • Combat: He can't really fight against anything living. He can fight off a couple of droids, but as can any Jedi. Living beings/vast numbers of trained individuals and he would be easily overwhelmed.
  • Breath: He needs a special concoction of gases to breathe properly forcing him to wear a mask. With the Force he can survive for a time without it, but not long.
  • Dissident Faction: Rhon belongs to a sect of Jedi who believes they should never have gotten involved in the war. This political sect isn't terribly popular with the main caste of Jedi.

Character History: Rhon was sent to Coruscant by the Baran Do sages at the age of three. He was part of a long standing agreement between the Sages and the Jedi Order so that in order to live in peace the Sages would occasionally give the Jedi Order a youngling with strong potential in the Force, in exchange the Jedi would not actively recruit from their planet on a regular basis which would allow the Baran Do time to grow and evolve as an order. As an initiate, he took to the Code like a Moth to the flame, like many of his species he had a very strong moral compass so once good and evil were instilled into him he saw the world in a very black and white monologue.

It made him a difficult child growing up where some would have issues with his strict adherence to what they were being taught. While he grew strong in the Force his combat and lightsaber skills lacked and didn't involve much with them, he believed in the religious aspect of the Force wholeheartedly so while he struggled to get a grasp of Lightsaber combat he never spent much time in an effort to correct this fault.

As he became a Padawan under the Wookiee Jedi Rowoorr, who had just finished training his first Padawan Lucina, Rowoorr took him to quiet worlds outside of the growing Crisis. Humanitarian missions were the norm for him, as he went around the galaxy resolving issues from the medical crisis' to food shortages. He learned a lot from his master in these days, such as how to encourage plant life to grow in ways that would aide him, in ways to encourage the healing process in other living beings with the transfer of energy.

Rhon, his master, and his masters former Padawan Lucina were present after the second battle of Geonosis. Working in a forward operating base they set up a medical center and helped to defend it against Geonosian attack. As the war raged on Rhon eventually was returned to the temple after the Battle of Coruscant. Rowoorr being sent to Kashyyk to help Master Yoda repel the droid attack on the Wookiees.

Though something didn't seem right.

I hereby give myself twenty-four hours.

@Sep was busy there for a little while, still a knight position open or just padawans?

Sorry my last two days have been hella busy. It's looking like Padawans as I'm about to give @vancexentan his twenty four hour till acceptance period.

So yeah Vance, I like the sheet. 24 Hours until acceptance if anyone wants to try and compete for the slot. You are free to alter your sheet in that time if you do so please [@Mention] me so I can take a look.
@Renny I missed saying it yesterday but your 24 Hours are up and you're accepted.

To everyone here I'll be throwing my sheet up, hopefully today potentially tomorrow, with an aim to get the ball rolling Monday.
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