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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Imperial Lord Koren Ozell // Coruscant

Koren stood in his office, hands clasped behind his back looking out on the surface of Coruscant. It was a beautiful world, the only world he had ever truly known. He turned around to his desk, two Sentry Droids stood at either side of the door. He had forgone Palpatine's Royal Guards, many had gone out on revenge sprees against the New Republic hunting down the so-called heroes of the Rebellion responsible for their master's death. Instead, he preferred droids, they were loyal and easy to control. Even if someone managed to hack into his encrypted control net he had a kill switch that would shut them down. Easy, dependable, loyal. Byss was in the process of producing them en-masse, he already had a reasonably sized force of them but he intended to replace the frontline Imperium force with droids, that way he wouldn't have to face the idea of losing troops unnecessarily. Another win in the PR department.

Sitting at his desk he brought up a list of projections for the New Republics' continued assault. He had already reinforced several planets, the smart move from the Republic would be to open up multiple avenues of attack. Then on the push to Coruscant itself, he would need to divide his fleet weakening his position significantly. With Coruscant Koren could maintain some semblance of control, some semblance of order within the Galaxy. He sighed placing his hands on his head as he felt a migraine coming on. He leaned back in his chair, looking at the ceiling above him. He had been in this very room many times while Palpatine had been in office, while the decor had been changed to something more sleek and modern one of the most important aspects had remained the same. The desk was in the same position. He led the people from the same place Palpatine had, arguably the most important person in the last thousand years of the Galaxy.

Koren's domain was considerably slower, but it would grow if he proved capable. Palpatine didn't need to conquer territory, and neither did he. He would earn it, his way.

If the New Republic could just leave him alone for long enough. That's when the idea struck him, but it wouldn't be a popular one. Some of the people would see it as weakness, others capitulation. He tapped a series of buttons on the desk and within moments General Verillion appeared before him. Cybernetic eye and all, the General had worked closely with him for years. He trusted the military man with his life and was one of the few men that he could consider a friend. "General."

The holographic image saluted. "Lord Imperium."

"General. How goes the integration of droids into our forces?"

The General raised an eyebrow. "Very well My Lord. The Mk.II Sentry Droids-"

"Dark Troopers." Koren corrected, the term had been coined by General Rom Mohc. A Clone Wars Veteran and the push force behind augmenting and assisting flesh and blood troops with droids. A Dark Trooper knew no fear, was heavily armored and heavily armed. The successor to the Sentry Droid, which was already a beast in its own right.

Verillion nodded. "The Dark Troopers are working well, there are still some issues with their programming but all in all things seem to be progressing well. Knowing you however My Lord, I know you've read my briefing front too back. What is it you wish to know?"

A small smirk crossed the old man's face. Few people could see straight through him like that, it was refreshing. "I'm considering sending an envoy to the New Republic-" If the General had any misgivings about this idea his face did not betray them. Instead, he waited patiently for Koren to continue. "-we can't hold the New Republic back, especially not indefinitely. Perhaps we can convince them that we don't intend to go out claiming territory, which we don't. That was never on the cards, I care about Coruscant and her neighbors. Peace, Order, and Justice brought to these systems, not that chaos that is spreading throughout the Galaxy. If other worlds wish to join, that is on them."

"You understand, that in opening a dialogue, you will alienate yourself from the other fractions of the Empire that exist? After all, you will only legitimize the New Republic as an equal, rather than a terrorist movement." Koren scowled. They couldn't live in the past forever, they had to find a way to change and to adapt.

"Perhaps." Koren stood up, and walked back to the window, staring out at the cityscape. "Though perhaps there is another way." He turned his attention to one of the droids by the door. "Summon Knight Commander Dredar." He leaned on the desk, his face approaching the hologram, a look of malice in his eye. "Thank you General, as always you have proved a great asset."

The holographic image saluted, and the man went to speak but before he could Koren ended the transmission. A plan was all coming together now.
Imperial Lord Koren Ozell // Coruscant

Koren stood in his office, hands clasped behind his back looking out on the surface of Coruscant. It was a beautiful world, the only world he had ever truly known. He turned around to his desk, two Sentry Droids stood at either side of the door. He had forgone Palpatine's Royal Guards, many had gone out on revenge sprees against the New Republic hunting down the so-called heroes of the Rebellion responsible for their master's death. Instead, he preferred droids, they were loyal and easy to control. Even if someone managed to hack into his encrypted control net he had a kill switch that would shut them down. Easy, dependable, loyal. Byss was in the process of producing them en-masse, he already had a reasonably sized force of them but he intended to replace the frontline Imperium force with droids, that way he wouldn't have to face the idea of losing troops unnecessarily. Another win in the PR department.

Sitting at his desk he brought up a list of projections for the New Republics' continued assault. He had already reinforced several planets, the smart move from the Republic would be to open up multiple avenues of attack. Then on the push to Coruscant itself, he would need to divide his fleet weakening his position significantly. With Coruscant Koren could maintain some semblance of control, some semblance of order within the Galaxy. He sighed placing his hands on his head as he felt a migraine coming on. He leaned back in his chair, looking at the ceiling above him. He had been in this very room many times while Palpatine had been in office, while the decor had been changed to something more sleek and modern one of the most important aspects had remained the same. The desk was in the same position. He led the people from the same place Palpatine had, arguably the most important person in the last thousand years of the Galaxy.

Koren's domain was considerably slower, but it would grow if he proved capable. Palpatine didn't need to conquer territory, and neither did he. He would earn it, his way.

If the New Republic could just leave him alone for long enough. That's when the idea struck him, but it wouldn't be a popular one. Some of the people would see it as weakness, others capitulation. He tapped a series of buttons on the desk and within moments General Verillion appeared before him. Cybernetic eye and all, the General had worked closely with him for years. He trusted the military man with his life and was one of the few men that he could consider a friend. "General."

The holographic image saluted. "Lord Imperium."

"General. How goes the integration of droids into our forces?"

The General raised an eyebrow. "Very well My Lord. The Mk.II Sentry Droids-"

"Dark Troopers." Koren corrected, the term had been coined by General Rom Mohc. A Clone Wars Veteran and the push force behind augmenting and assisting flesh and blood troops with droids. A Dark Trooper knew no fear, was heavily armored and heavily armed. The successor to the Sentry Droid, which was already a beast in its own right.

Verillion nodded. "The Dark Troopers are working well, there are still some issues with their programming but all in all things seem to be progressing well. Knowing you however My Lord, I know you've read my briefing front too back. What is it you wish to know?"

A small smirk crossed the old man's face. Few people could see straight through him like that, it was refreshing. "I'm considering sending an envoy to the New Republic-" If the General had any misgivings about this idea his face did not betray them. Instead, he waited patiently for Koren to continue. "-we can't hold the New Republic back, especially not indefinitely. Perhaps we can convince them that we don't intend to go out claiming territory, which we don't. That was never on the cards, I care about Coruscant and her neighbors. Peace, Order, and Justice brought to these systems, not that chaos that is spreading throughout the Galaxy. If other worlds wish to join, that is on them."

"You understand, that in opening a dialogue, you will alienate yourself from the other fractions of the Empire that exist? After all, you will only legitimize the New Republic as an equal, rather than a terrorist movement." Koren scowled. They couldn't live in the past forever, they had to find a way to change and to adapt.

"Perhaps." Koren stood up, and walked back to the window, staring out at the cityscape. "Though perhaps there is another way." He turned his attention to one of the droids by the door. "Summon Knightmaster Dredar." He leaned on the desk, his face approaching the hologram, a look of malice in his eye. "Thank you General, as always you have proved a great asset."

The holographic image saluted, and the man went to speak but before he could Koren ended the transmission. A plan was all coming together now.
It's a shorter post, but I just wanted to lay the Foundation for something NR chars could be doing.

Trask Vothoni // Aboard the Relentless Endeavour // Grizmallt

Trask stood in the comm room aboard the Relentless Endeavour, starting at a holomap of the Utrost system. A small cosmopolitan world near Coruscant, there was no easy route to Coruscant directly from Utrost, especially with all interdiction technology used by the so-called ‘Grand Imperium’ however launching a full-scale assault on the capital wasn’t the intention. The 67th Defense Force, now being re-organized into a more offensive role, would push on Utrost to test the retaliation from the Core. Operatives on Coruscant reported that ‘Imperial Lord Ozell’ had no intention in open conflict with the New Republic, the longer the conflict in the Core dragged on the more the Senate would talk about leaving the Grand Imperium alone.

Afterall the Rebellion started beyond the Mid-rim, many of the Senators who had fought and suffered through the darkest years of the Rebellion didn’t care what happened in the core, others saw Coruscant as the seat of power, so long as it was held by the enemy it would prove a potential threat against the New Republic and everything it stood to represent. As such plans were put into motion, as fleets were rallied and moved around as necessary to facilitate an invasion on this scale, the 67th would lay siege to Utrost. Weakening defenses on other worlds that the New Republic had its eyes on, should Trask prove successful in his task and manage to hold Utrost then it would be their staging ground for an assault on Coruscant.

Trask looked around the room to those gathered: Commander Run Drol his Commander of the Air Group, Captain Lena Raidne his Second in Command, Chief Engineer Thorn and Marine Sergeant Dobbs and Colonel Tali Ruk. Each would have their part to play in the coming conflict. While Trask was responsible for the fleet Lena would command the Relentless Endeavour in ensuring it was it stuck to the plan, as CAG aboard the Flagship Run would be responsible for ensuring the various air wings throughout the fleet knew their positions, Thorns job was self-explanatory. Dobbs would ensure no boarding parties could destroy the Relentless Endeavour from within and Tali Ruk would lead the ground assault.

That was after Trask told them the actual plan going forward. He cleared his throat and tapped several keys on the holomap, representations of the fleet appeared. “At 1500HRS Local time the 67th will enter the Utrost system and push in to engage the Imperial Fleet in orbit above the Eastern Hemisphere, meanwhile our transports under the protection of half our air wing will enter the Western Hemisphere. Using a series of micro jumps around the system, the planet's moons will help hide this assault from sensors until the ships are in the atmosphere. At this point, air assets will provide cover for the ground as well as fulfilling any fire support requests.” The map adjusted as it followed the path of the makeshift invasion around to below the Imperial fleet. “Whatever assets are available will push up behind the Imperial Fleet, engaging their unguarded flank. Any questions?”

Everyone around the room shook their heads. “Very well then. Captain Raidne, if you’ll stay behind. Everyone else, go brief your respective departments.” Trask watched as the doors opened and everyone filed out, Drol and Thorn paired up, no doubt discussing possible ways of increasing squadron effectiveness, while Dobbs and Ruk likely headed out considering what armament they would be using. Once they were out of the room Trask turned directly to Raidne, the two of them had seen a lot of combat together and had grown close over the years. He nodded at her and smiled. “This will be our toughest skirmish yet Lena, you ready for it?”

She merely returned the smile and nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good, then shall we address everyone else then?” He turned to the holotable and keyed in the sequence to communicate with the rest of the fleet. The various forms of Captains and Commanders appearing before him. “Alright everyone, this is the deal…”
Trask stood in the comm room aboard the Relentless Endeavour, starting at a holomap of the Utrost system. A small cosmopolitan world near Coruscant, there was no easy route to Coruscant directly from Utrost, especially with all interdiction technology used by the so-called ‘Grand Imperium’ however launching a full scale assault on the capital wasn’t the intention. The 67th Defense Force, now being re-organised into a more offensive role, would push on Utrost to test the retaliation from the Core. Apparently operatives on Coruscant reported that ‘Imperial Lord Ozell’ had no intention in open conflict with the New Republic, the longer the conflict in the Core dragged on the more the Senate would talk about leaving the Grand Imperium alone.

Afterall the Rebellion started beyond the Mid-rim, many of the Senators who had fought and suffered through the darkest years of the Rebellion didn’t care what happened in the core, others saw Coruscant as the seat of power, so long as it was held by the enemy it would prove a potential threat against the New Republic and everything it stood to represent. As such plans were put into motion, as fleets were rallied and moved around as necessary to facilitate an invasion on this scale, the 67th would lay siege to Utrost. Weakening defenses on other worlds that the New Republic had its eyes on, should Trask actually prove successful in his task and actually manage to hold Utrost then it would be their staging ground for an assault on Coruscant.

Trask looked around the room to those gathered: Commander Run Drol his Commander of the Air Group, Captain Lena Raidne his Second in Command, Chief Engineer Thorn and Marine Sergeant Dobbs and Colonel Tali Ruk. Each would have their part to play in the coming conflict. While Trask was responsible for the fleet Lena would command the Relentless Endeavour in ensuring it was it stuck to the plan, as CAG aboard the Flagship Run would be responsible for ensuring the various air wings throughout the fleet knew their positions, Thorns job was self explanatory. Dobbs would ensure no boarding parties could destroy the Relentless Endeavour from within and Tali Ruk would lead the ground assault.

That was after Trask told them the actual plan going forward. He cleared his throat and tapped several keys on the holomap, representations of the fleet appeared. “At 1500HRS Local time the 67th will enter the Utrost system and push in to engage the Imperial Fleet in orbit above the Eastern Hemisphere, meanwhile our transports under the protection of half our air wing will enter the Western Hemisphere. Using a series of micro jumps around the system, the planet's moons will help hide this assault from sensors until the ships are in the atmosphere. At this point air assets will provide cover for the ground as well as fulfilling any fire support requests.” The map adjusted as it followed the path of the makeshift invasion around to below the Imperial fleet. “Whatever assets are available will push up behind the Imperial Fleet, engaging their unguarded flank. Any questions?”

Everyone around the room shook their heads. “Very well then. Captain Raidne, if you’ll stay behind. Everyone else, go brief your respective departments.” Trask watched as the doors opened and everyone filed out, Drol and Thorn paired up, no doubt discussing possible ways of increasing squadron effectiveness, while Dobbs and Ruk likely headed out considering what armament they would be using. Once they were out of the room Trask turned directly to Raidne, the two of them had seen a lot of combat together and had grown close over the years. He nodded at her and smiled. “This will be our toughest skirmish yet Lena, you ready for it?”

She merely returned the smile and nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good, then shall we address everyone else then?” He turned to the holotable and keyed in the sequence to communicate with the rest of the fleet. The various forms of Captains and Commanders appearing before him. “Alright everyone, this is the deal…”
@Sep I can reduce the number. The only experience I have with them is empire at war where they were small corvettes used for screening. Does four sound more reasonable?

Yeah the Empire originally intended them to be more support vessels but they turned them into more long range scout/patrol vessels. Why send a small fleet when you can send one ship to do the job?

I'd also suggest throwing in a couple of cruisers just to round it off. You have the Carrack Class, Gozanti-Class (Which can also dock 4 TIEs, and act as a freighter, carry AT-ATs, AT-STs and AT-DPs), Raider Class Corvettes, Tartan-Class Patrol Cruisers and Arquitens Class Command Cruisers.

Four does sound a lot more reasonable, I mean ten is plausible just from what I gathered from your sheet I wasn't sure if you knew their rarity.

If anyone wants to talk ships, you may or may notice I have some knowledge on the subject and am willing to talk shop.
@pandapolio I'm not a GM but just as a case of questioning how does he have so many Gladiator? They were considered frontline ships for smaller skirmishes rather than support craft.
Looking forward to seeing what other people come up with.


Race: Human

Faction: Grand Imperium

Character Alignment: Lawful Evil

Character Background: Born on Coruscant during the waning days of the Republic Koren was always exposed to the rife and the corruption that spread throughout the City Planet. He saw as Aliens abused their increased abilities to commit a crime, and the hate spread through the human population. So that when he eventually had the chance to do something to make a change he did, joining the police. He was a stickler for the law in a time when corruption was the main currency of the Undercity and even the upper-levels. A weapons deal gone bad resulted in Koren leaving the Police Service in exchange. An Intelligence Asset by the name of Gallius Rax took an interest in the young detective and his way of doing things. Through the Agent he came to know a young Senator from Naboo called Sheev Palpatine.

Through Palpatine, Koren gained his first job in Republic Intelligence a couple of years before the onset of the Clone Wars. As Palpatine became chancellor he began moving select people around into several high-end positions, known as Palpatines Confidants Koren counted himself amongst this number and became the head of all Coruscant Security Forces, in charge of every police bureau and detective agency. Like many of Palpatine's hand-picked he proved himself, working his way to eliminate corruption and maximize efficiency. Everything he did fueled the popularity of Palpatine and the movement that was rapidly gathering behind him. Koren remained close to the chancellor, while like many he was not aware of Palpatines true identity as Darth Sidious he was privy to some more sensitive conversations between the Chancellor and a certain Wilhulf Tarkin.

As the Clone Wars erupted and Palpatine grabbed more power for himself he remembered those who had aided him to get to the position he was now in, Koren gained his own 'emergency' powers. Able to issue warrants and follow through with arrests on the barest evidence, the conviction rate soared through the roof. As refugees flocked to the capital as the Clone Wars raged on throughout the Galaxy Koren convinced Palpatine to have Clones to bolster the numbers of police on the streets, slowly bringing about martial law. As the day came closer and closer to the Declaration of a New Order more and more meetings were held behind closed doors. Tarkin would become Grand Moff, second to only the Emperor, sectors would be given to trusted officers and individuals. While Palpatine would remain on Coruscant even after the Declaration Koren was given the title of Governor and control over the sector.

With the destruction of the first Death Star Palpatine gave Koren the knowledge of routes into the Deep Core, having him move resources and assets into the core bolstering its defenses and ensuring that the Core could last as a holdout should the worst happen, or as a possible source of reinforcements were the rebels to be as bold as to attack Coruscant itself. As Governors betrayed Palpatine for greed or were killed by the Rebel Alliance the Emperor moved the ones he trusted around, increasing their power. Re-writing laws on a whim, Korens power grew in the Core until he maintained a handful of systems. Though his focus was always on the capital itself, Palpatines anti-alien views causing a veritable powder keg to exist below the surface, with several attempts on his life happening almost on a daily basis.

When the news came that the Emperor had died above Endor along with Darth Vader riots broke out over Coruscant, people who were pro-Empire and people who were Anti-Empire. Koren couldn't stand to see his people be in such a state of disarray so as Mos Ammeda killed himself he stepped in and seized power. As more and more Imperials returned to Coruscant his power grew, announcing himself Lord of the Grand Imperium and fixing what he felt were some glaring issues in Palpatines Empire. Over time as more and more Imperial Warlords fell Koren consolidated his power, until the New Republic turned its eyes upon him.

Character Personality: Koren is logical, he believes in Order through any means. He isn't a Sith, he isn't a Force Wielder. Power may have corrupted him, and he is unwilling to give up that power but he truly believes that his way of doing things is better than the chaos that is the New Republic, and even that the Galactic Empire was a better solution. He has no intentions on Galactic Conquest, just to not lose his home to the anarchy that is spreading throughout the galaxy like cancer. Will he push back against the Rebels? Only time will tell, and it depends on how much strain they put on him and his people.

Character Class: Soldier/Leader


Supporting Characters:

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