Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Sorry it took so long for that
Talia looked at the map of the system and then frowned at the question asked by her master. Native species? Well, there would be humans. There was almost always humans so long as the atmosphere was viable for most organics, they were all over the galaxy. Even on Ryloth, they were everywhere. She tried to recall all the lessons in the temple, but there had been so many different lessons about so many different worlds. She lowered her head in shame.

"I'm sorry master, I'm not quite sure."
Sorry new season of apex dropped. Tomorrow promise
Vice Admiral Vothoni & General Treselang // RELENTLESS ENDEAVOUR // GRIZMALLT ORBIT
Co-Starring @Mao Mao

Trask was still processing when the notification came in that General Treselang had come aboard. He looked to his XO who gave him a shrug of the shoulders. “Did you know anything about this?”

“No Sir-” She turned and walked out of the communication room into the bridge proper to try and gather more information on what was going on. Meanwhile, Trask turned to the man as he entered, offering the man a brief but curt salute he nodded. “Indeed-” He walked forward to the man offering his hand to shake. “-it’s a pleasure to meet you, General. What can we help you with today? Though be advised we are gearing up for a major offensive, and I won’t do anything to disrupt our timetable.”

“Unfortunately, it seemed that command thought otherwise,” Treselang responded with a hint of disappointment before handing the Vice-Admiral the cracked datapad. “It contains their reason and approval for my transfer under your command for this offensive. And according to my second-in-command, headquarters had unscheduled maintenance on their communications leaving both of us ill-informed.”

Trask took the cracked datapad and read through it. Detailing the immediate re-assignment of the General and his forces, with him also put in command of the 67ths ground components. This essentially meant that the entire plan the Colonel had come up with Trask could be out of the window. Trask turned to one of his aides. “Page Colonel Ruk here immediately-” he handed the aide the datapad “-also copy all the data from that pad and print it onto a new device for the General.” He turned back to the General and his adjunct. He wasn’t sure what political favors were in motion here, or what games were being played but this wasn’t normal, even during the days where they were simply the Alliance. A transfer like this didn’t just happen.

“So General, what have you brought with you?”

“The 51st Assault Division,” Treselang responded. “A standard ground force division designed for sieges and battles. But, we were given several AT-APs and AT-TEs, an additional unit of rocket launchers equipped with HH-12s, and a Juggernaut. My men are ready for anything the Imperium throws at them, Admiral. You have my word.”

Trask clicked his fingers and an aide appeared with a datapad and handed it to him, the same aide gave the General his replacement pad. He flicked his way through it. “You bring with you, two old Pelta-Class Frigates, four G75s, and a CR90.” He clicked his tongue beneath his canines. “Transfer your walkers to the Acclamators within my fleet. They’ll carry them down to the LZ tomorrow.” At that moment Colonel Ruk walked in.

“Reporting as ordered Sir.” The Twi’lek was eying the General suspiciously, recognizing the uniform and the insignia denoting him as a superior officer.

“Colonel, meet General Treselang. He’s your new commanding officer, he’s been sent in by high command.”

The Colonel, through instinct, kicked into a salute. Trask continued to speak through the exchange of salutes. “He fought alongside Cham Syndulla on Ryloth and has led many successful operations for me aboard this ship. You couldn’t ask for a better man at your side.”

Treselang nodded and then saluted back at the Colonel. “Good to know that I am standing with someone that fought beside a Syndulla. His daughter is one of the best pilots that I ever witnessed. Now, what were you planning before my arrival?”

The holomap came online again as Trask keyed in the assault. “While I engage the main Imperium force in orbit, ground elements will drop out of hyperspace behind the planet. Break orbit while protected by Gold, Rogue, and Wolf Squadrons and set up positions in an old Republic Base. Once they’ve secured the LZ, the initial idea deposited by Colonel Ruk was to push along this ridge-” markers appeared on the map highlighting the ridge secured by the turbolaser towers “-until you make it into the city. After that, it will depend on the resistance.” This wasn’t his plan, Trask could drop off the dirt runners wherever he wanted, though he liked to do it somewhere they wanted, once they were on the ground it was out of his jurisdiction.

Despite that, he would support his Colonels plan, though if General Treselang sought to change it there wasn’t a lot he could do.

“Is there any way of sending a recon unit quietly? I’d like to know if the old base is secured. I have heard of the Imperium using pre-Republic bases lately. Also, are there any strategic locations on the planet that we should know about?” Treselang asked Trask.

“Local rebel cells indicate that the old base does have a small security presence, but that they are focusing all their efforts on the capitol dome-” he keyed in the console and the hologram changed to that of an I.P.O.F “-in the capital city of Exaron. There are other settlements over the city but none have the same level of Imperial Presence, Exaron is where the Governor is setting up camp. The Republic base is a stone's throw away, but still gives us an easily defendable location far enough away to not worry about any form of artillery.”

Treselang raised an eyebrow and then asked a simple question. “So what did you bring?”

Trask scowled at the General. “Vorn Tiger Squad will move in at 0700HRS Ship time to recon the landing zone ahead of time, should there be heavier resistance they’ll scout for an alternate landing site.” The hologram on the console changed to that of the Acclamators. “Task Force Rancor, which is the name we are now operating under, is equipped with three Acclamator Class vessels. Each vessel currently holds a standing force of around ten thousand men. Various walkers, AT-TEs, DPs, APs, and even a couple of STs. Not to mention several T-1B tanks.” The image changed as he continued to type.

“Leading the charge down on the planet is part of Rogue Squadron- ace X-Wing pilots, Gold Squadron - the best Y-Wing pilots you could ask for and Wolf Squadron who I will personally vouch for. The Acclamators are armed and capable of acting as artillery support once you are on the planet, though to back that up I’m sending two CR90s down with you which bolsters you with an additional two hundred men. Once the Imperium fleet has been dealt with or we’ve punched a whole I will be able to commit an additional ten thousand units to the battle.”

The Admiral looked between the Colonel and the General. “I’ll be putting the Vorn Tigers under your command General, with orders to meet you aboard whatever Acclamator you chose to transfer your flag onto.”

“Sounds good, Admiral.” Treselang breathed a sigh of relief that something went his way for once today. Then, his mood soured when he remembered the assault plan. There wasn’t much time to evaluate every single bit of the planet. So, all he had to trust were promises. “Though I would have done things differently, there isn’t enough time to change the plan without creating problems. I am trusting the lives of my men to you, Admiral.”

Then, he handed the datapad over to his second-in-command and whispered, “Make sure you have someone look closely at the planet for anything valuable to the Imperium. And inform the Vorn Tigers that I will be coming to introduce myself.”

Once he left the room, the General turned towards the Admiral and naturally crossed his arms. “My second-in-command will arrange everything before the ground assault. And I will meet up with the recon unit. But, I would like to request that I remain on board to oversee the attack on the Imperium fleet. I want to make sure that your plan is salvageable if things go south quickly. After that, I will be on the ground with my men to lead the assault on Exaron given that you can breach the fleet.”

“As I am entrusting the lives of my men with you. As such your request is denied, you should be aboard one of the Acclamators in a better position to oversee your, their actions, and the entire situation. Our sensor readings of what is going on down on the planet aren’t going to be as accurate as of that of the ships breaking orbit. I have no intention of risking lives needlessly if things appear to change for the worse, and if it does the fleet will cover your retreat. We’re on a short timetable, and a lot of elements are having to move and adapt quickly. I hope that you can keep up, usually, I would have read your service record but considering you were dropped in my lap mid-operation, that’ll have to wait.” An aide came rushing into the room. “Admiral, priority transmission from Admiral Ackbar.”

Trask nodded. “I have to take this General, please head to your ship. Feel free to contact me if you need anything.”

Treselang immediately noticed the Admiral’s annoyance at the entire situation and it bothered him a little. Especially the part about reading his service record as if he didn’t already prove to be reliable. For now, he needed to move on and focus on the upcoming battle. Perhaps there will be time for a private chat later. “Then, I will take my leave. May the force be with you, Admiral.”

Treselang saluted and then made his way back to the shuttle. There were plenty of things to do before the hyperspace jump.

Trask returned the salute, the hologram turning on showing the image of the Mon Cal Admiral. “Admiral Ackbar.”

“Admiral Vothoni, my old friend. How goes the preparations for Utrost.”

“Good, we’ve only had one minor complication-”

The Mon Cal grimaced slightly. “Yes, I was going to warn you about that. It seems the provincial council and the fledgling senate has already decided to introduce politics to the Military.”

“So he did request this post?” The Mon Cal shook his head.

“From what I know, he didn’t ask for it. He has a friend who felt it would look good on his resumé, I doubt the general even knows…”

Interacting with @FalloutJack

The TIE fighters dropped out of the hangar of the Resolute screaming, three in a wedge formation. Commander Rolsh' moved his hands over the consoles before him. Some sensor officer aboard one of the outlying ships picked up on some anomaly coming from outside the system. Rolsh keyed in several commands, his ship actively scanning. He could pick up the anomaly himself but it wasn't detecting it clearly. "Besh-5-2, you picking up anything?"

"Nothing on scope, just the same anomaly as before."

"Wait, I've got something." The harsh voice of Besh-5-3 cut through the comm channel.

Rolsh paused. "Go ahead." He looked at his console as the data was sent through. There was some kind of transmission coming from a fixed point, no it was moving. Moving fast towards the planet. He looked out the viewport as they got closer, stars disappearing behind something. A stealth ship. Painted to avoid physical detection. Flipping switches and turning nobs he started to broadcast on an open channel. "This is Besh-5-Leader of the Grand Imperium Navy. You have entered Imperium Space unlawfully, state your name and business or be fired upon."

T Y R E L L O M I - R E N

Race: Human

Faction: New Jedi Order

Character Alignment: Lawful Good

Character Background: Tyrell Omi-Ren was raised on the shipbuilding world of Fondor. His mother and father worked on the shipyards as the Grand Army of the Republic became the Imperial War Machine. His parents were quietly discontent with the change in leadership. Wartime under the command of the Republic was hard, and yet somehow the peaceful transition into the Empire was harder. Longer shifts, less pay for more hazardous conditions. When Tyrell was but a boy a ship crashed into the shipyard near where his father was working, being first on the scene he found a woman badly wounded crawling out of the ship. Recognizing her attire as that of a Jedi he managed to smuggle her out, and smuggle her home.

In the weeks that it took her to recover she talked to his parents, telling them how the Clone Army turned on the Jedi and hunted them down. How she had escaped the 414th Battalion only to find herself hunted by figures in black, when she discovered the Force Sensitivity within Tyrell she trained him in secret. Not through the hopes of training a new generation of Jedi, but to ensure that he could control it and through the control keep his nature hidden from those who would seek to exploit it.

As things would work out, teaching a five-year-old child how to use an ability that makes him unique and special and them telling him to keep it a secret doesn't always work. Tyrell showed his ability to move things with his mind to one of his friends, who told their parents. Within a week an Inquisitor had killed his parents and forced the two of them on the run. While at first they merely ran from one planet to another, never spending too long there. Eventually, they heard rumours of the Empire destroying every trace of the Jedi. Rumours of a Rebellion, Talia - now his Jedi Master and the closest thing to family he had left, and Tyrell decided to scour the galaxy for any information they could find on the Jedi Order so that they could help preserve it for future generations.

Along the way, they gathered up a couple of other outcasts, all with a similar goal. As the Galactic Civil War erupted into an all-out war they decided to put themselves into hiding in order to protect their work on a world in the Unknown Regions. With spotty communication, they have only recently learned of the Emperor's Demise, and now they hear exciting rumours about a Jedi Praxeum being built on Yavin 4 by a Luke Skywalker. A Surname that brings a sense of recognition to Tyrell's ageing master.

Character Personality: Tyrell is calm and collected, he has a firm understanding of the past and its value. A strong sense of honour and what needs to be done in order to maintain justice. Unlike other Jedi who was trained post-66 by a survivor he has a strong belief in the code and its teachings after all the Jedi didn't fall due to not following the code, but due to the machinations of a Sith Lord. He is calm and collected, and yet jovial.

Character Class: Force Wielder


Lightsaber: The Kyber Crystal gives the blade a light blue hue.

Nighthawk: Personal ship, where he keeps any Jedi Relics between missions. A Barloz Class Medium Freighter

Supporting Characters:

Jedi Knight Talia Meetrik - A female Jedi Survivor from Order 66. Technically never promoted to Jedi Knight, her master had indicated she was close to Knighthood before Order 66.

Relani - Relani was a former Guardian of the Whills. Once the Empire took over Jedha she went out into the Galaxy on her own, it was the will of the Force that she would run into Talia and Tyrell. Since then she has devoted her life into protecting whatever it is the two Jedi find.

Thriik Tolson - A Gotal Archaeologist. Studied the history of the Jedi for the University of Commenor prior to the subjects ban. Talia and Tyrell found him while searching the ruins of an old temple, and he has been a member of their band ever since.
I'll get a post up on Sunday, working tonight and tomorrow.

T Y R E L L O M I - R E N

Race: Human

Faction: New Jedi Order

Character Alignment: Lawful Good

Character Background: Tyrell Omi-Ren was raised on the shipbuilding world of Fondor. His mother and father worked on the shipyards as the Grand Army of the Republic became the Imperial War Machine. His parents were quietly discontent with the change in leadership. Wartime under the command of the Republic was hard, and yet somehow the peaceful transition into the Empire was harder. Longer shifts, less pay for more hazardous conditions. When Tyrell was but a boy a ship crashed into the shipyard near where his father was working, being first on the scene he found a woman badly wounded crawling out of the ship. Recognizing her attire as that of a Jedi he managed to smuggle her out, and smuggle her home.

In the weeks that it took her to recover she talked to his parents, telling them how the Clone Army turned on the Jedi and hunted them down. How she had escaped the 414th Battalion only to find herself hunted by figures in black, when she discovered the Force Sensitivity within Tyrell she trained him in secret. Not through the hopes of training a new generation of Jedi, but to ensure that he could control it and through the control keep his nature hidden from those who would seek to exploit it.

As things would work out, teaching a five-year-old child how to use an ability that makes him unique and special and them telling him to keep it a secret doesn't always work. Tyrell showed his ability to move things with his mind to one of his friends, who told their parents. Within a week an Inquisitor had killed his parents and forced the two of them on the run. While at first they merely ran from one planet to another, never spending too long there. Eventually, they heard rumours of the Empire destroying every trace of the Jedi. Rumours of a Rebellion, Talia - now his Jedi Master and the closest thing to family he had left, and Tyrell decided to scour the galaxy for any information they could find on the Jedi Order so that they could help preserve it for future generations.

Along the way, they gathered up a couple of other outcasts, all with a similar goal. As the Galactic Civil War erupted into an all-out war they decided to put themselves into hiding in order to protect their work on a world in the Unknown Regions. With spotty communication, they have only recently learned of the Emperor's Demise, and now they hear exciting rumours about a Jedi Praxeum being built on Yavin 4 by a Luke Skywalker. A Surname that brings a sense of recognition to Tyrell's ageing master.

Character Personality: Tyrell is calm and collected, he has a firm understanding of the past and its value. A strong sense of honour and what needs to be done in order to maintain justice. Unlike other Jedi who was trained post-66 by a survivor he has a strong belief in the code and its teachings after all the Jedi didn't fall due to not following the code, but due to the machinations of a Sith Lord. He is calm and collected, and yet jovial.

Character Class: Force Wielder


Lightsaber: The Kyber Crystal gives the blade a light blue hue.

Nighthawk: Personal ship, where he keeps any Jedi Relics between missions. A Barloz Class Medium Freighter

Supporting Characters:

Jedi Knight Talia Meetrik - A female Jedi Survivor from Order 66. Technically never promoted to Jedi Knight, her master had indicated she was close to Knighthood before Order 66.

Relani - Relani was a former Guardian of the Whills. Once the Empire took over Jedha she went out into the Galaxy on her own, it was the will of the Force that she would run into Talia and Tyrell. Since then she has devoted her life into protecting whatever it is the two Jedi find.

Thriik Tolson - A Gotal Archaeologist. Studied the history of the Jedi for the University of Commenor prior to the subjects ban. Talia and Tyrell found him while searching the ruins of an old temple, and he has been a member of their band ever since.
Out of curiosity @Alternax where is the Blackstar based out off? Whom does it serve?

If you'd want I'd be able to find a way to get you involved in the Grand Imperium.
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