Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Sep>

Ah yes, the details from the Blackstar, the details that I sent, yes yes. I'm glad you're using those. :]

No point being in a connected universe if we don't show it sometimes 😘
Koren Ozzel

Koren sat in the briefing room. Various admirals and generals sat around the table with governors present as holograms, only one seat was left empty. The one belonging to Dredar. Right now the first sector commander was going over details from the Blackstar and a rogue Star Destroying flying under the banner of the Warhead. Technically the Blackstar was slight outwith the borders that the Imperium had set out for itself though working on the outside of Imperium Space to take a look at what was going on and solidify the borders. While Koren didn't extensively want to expand on the conflict and prolong the war. He was going to have to work on expanding their territory back to where they could solidify and maintain their territory.

He picked up his mug of caf and took a sip as he looked over the rim of the mug. "What's the status of our outer worlds?"

Admiral Mosius stood up as a map appeared. "With losing Grizmallt, we're expecting the New Republic to continue pushing in. We've moved forces from the Deep Core to bolster the border. General Rom Mohc has completed his factory ship and is bringing it too Coruscant, he's ready to move forward with the phase two designs and they'll soon bolster our forces." Koren nodded as the Admiral continued to speak. "Our biggest concern is the backlog of civilian ships trying to get into the Imperial Centre. People with permits are getting through as intended, but there's a backlog of civilian refugees trying to get to the planet, and we simply can't search the vessels fast enough-"

General Vizver spoke up next, he was in charge of defending the populace of Coruscant and deal with all the little uprisings that were going on on the planet. "We're diverting what assets we can to help the navy perform the sweeps, but we can't divert military assets that we need elsewhere and stormtroopers don't necessarily always make good police officers-"

"How dare you-" That was General Trunk, head of the Stromtrooper Corps.

Koren raised his hand. "He holds a valid point Atticus. The Corps is designed as a fighting force, and while some of what they do can be consider peacekeeping it's not exactly the presence we need in searching ships."

He sighed. This was going to be a long meeting.
So I've been caught up in personal stuff (nothing bad, really good actually) for the last couple of weeks but I'm working on posts now. If anyone on the mission with Trasks task force has anything they wanna do before jumping too the shootyshootyguntime get it done before Sunday at the latest please. as I'll have my post done by then and then I'll throw it up on sunday.
Jedi Knight Tyrell Omi-Ren // NIGHTHAWK // YAVIN 4
@nitemare shape

Tyrell stood as he heard the faint shouting from someone from deeper into the ship. "That'll be our newest crew member."

Relani laughed. "Well, you better go meet her before she meets Thriik." He shrugged his shoulders as he sauntered out.

Deeper into the ship Kaylee was entering shouting. Then out of the shadows came a Gotal, standing at five feet even he looked kind compared to the rest of his species though there was still something menacing about him especially when he came from out in the shadows. "What are you doing here?" Despite his sophisticated clothes, and the way he held himself he still struggled with his Caprinae roots and bleated through his sentences.

"Have you come to take away some of our relics? Confiscate them for your Jedi Order much like your predecessors?
There's been a death in the family. I'll get a reply up this weekend.

No Rush. Real life first.
Imperium Lord Koren Ozzel // IMPERIAL PALACE // CORUSCANT

Koren sat pouring over data through various datapads. If the Rebels continued to push towards Coruscant he would have to make a counter-move. He couldn't let them take another world and hold it. Things were already in motion, he had contacted who he had needed to contact, ships were on their way from Byss and the deep core to reinforce Coruscant, from there he could send them out to reclaim territory. Including his secret weapons. Koren rubbed his head as he could begin to feel a migraine come on. Things were much more complicated than they had used to be. Under Palpatine life was simple, there was the occasional attempt at a career assassination aimed in his direction but for the most part he was allowed to keep on doing his job to the best of his ability, which was good enough for Palpatine in keeping the Core Systems working an in line with the Empires goals.

In the last five years? He had faced constant scrutiny, undermining and attempts at removing him from power both politically and by more forceful measures. Now he had to worry about losing territory to an enemy force, and if he continued to lose to said enemy force then he would start to lose his own people. Some of them would flee into the New Republic offering information and resources one exchange for immunity, others would try and hide within enemy territory. The more dangerous ones were the ones with grand ambitions, who would steal resources and personnel to try and cut themselves their own little slice of the pie. There was a chime at the door as his aide walked in carrying a cup of caf as well as a datapad. There was a look of tiredness on his face that matched Korens own, that of a boy trying to do the work of a man. He was young, yes, but he didn't have the years of sleep-deprived nights to have him ready for the schedule that Koren was currently keeping. If it could be called that.

"Sir, the communication from Moff Gyllard, Governor Eron and Governor Intran is ready for you in the conference room once you are. All parties are present and are ready to give their daily brief on the situation from their respective situations."

Interacting with @FalloutJack

The fighters swung around, forming up on the stealth ship matching its course towards the planet itself.

"I am Tarak. I come to battle against the Republic. I come for glory."

Besh rolled his eyes as the response came through. He clicked his comm back onto the local net between his pilots and the resolute. "Place your bets people, Rebel Infiltrator, Bounty Hunter, or Glory Seeker." Before the others could respond he clicked his comm back onto the open channel. "You will be escorted to the Resolute where you will then be questioned. You will be treated fairly, and so long as you do not appear to be a threat to the Grand Imperium. Failure to comply and your ship will be disabled."

Interacting with @sly13

Captain Micanti sighed as an unexpected blip appeared across his screen. A YT-2000 had entered the system. No transmission was being sent to the fleet, no clearance codes. Nothing. Slowly the Customs vessel crept towards the freighter, already trying to get a tractor beam lock. She nodded to the communications officer who sent a targeting transmission to the vessel.

"Attention unidentified YT-two-thousand. You have breached Grand Imperium space without a permit or transmission codes, transmit codes now or prepare to be boarded."

I'll post as Koren and Tyrell tomorrow. Kinda wanna chill before work today, but I'm off tomorrow.

For today, I shall do a short post so that people waiting on me for things can do the things.
Tyrell Omi-Ren // Nighthawk // Yavin 4

After leaving Master Skywalker Tyrell walked up the ramp and back into the ship, he neglected going to see Thriik and instead headed straight for the cockpit of the freighter. "Hey, Relaaaaani." She turned around in her chair, rolling her eyes before she responded.

"Hey, whaaaaaat?"

Tyrell leaned against one of the consoles near the back of the cockpit. "You can power up the nav computer. We're heading over to your favorite moon in the whole Galaxy." She rolled her eyes again as she turned around again. Tyrell could feel the annoyance radiating from the Twi'lek as she worked her way around the console, flicking switches and pressing buttons.

"I thought Grakkus' hidden cache wasn't on Nar Shadda anymore? When you said that I took it as 'Hey Relani, we won't actually need to go to Nar Shadda as there's nothing there anymore'. Ugh, the filthy moon." Tyrell chuckled, though frankly, her attempt at his voice was a little bit insulting, especially when there was still a slight hint of her Ryloth accent coming through underneath.

He sat down in one of the other chairs, though he wasn't yet quite brave enough to sit in the co-pilot chair as that was easily within striking distance. "I know you're not the biggest fan of Nar Shadda, but while we know Grakkus has a hidden vault somewhere, we also know it has a key. Since Grakkus is in Megalox he can't exactly access it, nor can we go and ask him nicely we'll need to check his place for the key."

Relani turned around in her chair. "Wait, why don't we just go to the Vault, then do the whole lightsaber cut act?" Tyrell gave her a sheepish grin and ducked as she threw her caf cup at him. "You don't even know where it is?!" Tyrell reached his hand out and called the cup up with the Force and into his waiting appendage.

"You know that's not how this works." He closed his eyes, the cup hovering above his hand. Twisting and turning. "We get a lead, we follow the lead and the lead leads us to our destination."

"Ah yes, the echoes in the Force." He nodded as he opened his eyes, causing the cup to drift through the air towards its original point on the console of the ship.

"Yup, and that's how we succeed this time, oh. Before I forget, are the spare quarters decent?"

"Yes, why'd you ask?"

"We're getting a new crewmember."

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