Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
1 like




So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Would people like a discord, or to just talk on the OOC thread in a more traditional sense?
I'll have to get working on fleshing the stuff out I need fleshed out
@Inkarnate obviously.

Time to announce our Villain..

I'd love to be on-board if you'd have me.

We'll see what you come up with when it moves to an OOC!

Since that there's so much interest I'll say, OOC won't likely be till Sunday/Monday as I work Wednesday->Sunday so while I'll work on it, it likely won't make an appearance.
Last time a interest check went up it went pretty big. But it died out due to the gm deciding he hadn't planned things out sufficiently.

Alas I have a plan.
Four people declaring interest within 2 hours? Wow, people want some Avatar.

"Sep why is the interest so short?"
"Why cause it's an interest check, I'm not going to put hours of effort into simply gauging interest."


Story Prelude

Avatar Wan brought about a new age. As people expanded into the world, as did war and strife. Avatar Wan did the best he could to maintain peace in the world however even one man with the power of all four elements and the spirit Rava he still died upon a battlefield. Since then the world has passed on with several incarnations of the Avatar being born into the various tribes and nations across the world. It was one such Avatar who founded the great city of Si Wong, the city being named after her. As the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation all became united in their respective territories Si Wong stood as a bastion and a reminder of all that the Avatar was. An independent state where people from all four nations live and work together in peace.

The tides are changing though, several generations have passed since the Avatar was sighted in the world. Rumors and stories spread of a great battle between the last Avatar and a mighty spirit that sought to remove Bending from the world. Many people believe the Avatar dead lost and forgotten.

Tensions spread throughout the world as Spirits are seen returning to the physical world, and with no great bridge to stand in their way many fear what may come to pass, just as machinations in the Earth Kingdom threaten to turn the human world into turmoil once again.

Out of Character Information

This Roleplay is set centuries before the birth of Kyoshi, Roku, Aang or Korra. Dragons, Airbenders, Skybison, and even the Sun Warriors are known throughout the world. That said the nations we know from the series The Last Airbender are starting to form into recognizable shapes.

I'm going to leave this Roleplay mainly free-roam however there will be an overarching story based upon the Avatar and their story. Who will play the Avatar? Surely you will as the GM? Nope. I'm going to put names into a random generator of those wishing to play the Avatar, and when the time is right I'll tell them. Any character I make will not be included in the draw.

This is all I have to say for an interest check. Is anyone interested?

"Sep why is the interest so short?"
"Why cause it's an interest check, I'm not going to put hours of effort into simply gauging interest."


Story Prelude

Avatar Wan brought about a new age. As people expanded into the world, as did war and strife. Avatar Wan did the best he could to maintain peace in the world however even one man with the power of all four elements and the spirit Rava he still died upon a battlefield. Since then the world has passed on with several incarnations of the Avatar being born into the various tribes and nations across the world. It was one such Avatar who founded the great city of Si Wong, the city being named after her. As the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation all became united in their respective territories Si Wong stood as a bastion and a reminder of all that the Avatar was. An independent state where people from all four nations live and work together in peace.

The tides are changing though, several generations have passed since the Avatar was sighted in the world. Rumors and stories spread of a great battle between the last Avatar and a mighty spirit that sought to remove Bending from the world. Many people believe the Avatar dead lost and forgotten.

Tensions spread throughout the world as Spirits are seen returning to the physical world, and with no great bridge to stand in their way many fear what may come to pass, just as machinations in the Earth Kingdom threaten to turn the human world into turmoil once again.

Out of Character Information

This Roleplay is set centuries before the birth of Kyoshi, Roku, Aang or Korra. Dragons, Airbenders, Skybison, and even the Sun Warriors are known throughout the world. That said the nations we know from the series The Last Airbender are starting to form into recognizable shapes.

I'm going to leave this Roleplay mainly free-roam however there will be an overarching story based upon the Avatar and their story. Who will play the Avatar? Surely you will as the GM? Nope. I'm going to put names into a random generator of those wishing to play the Avatar, and when the time is right I'll tell them. Any character I make will not be included in the draw.

This is all I have to say for an interest check. Is anyone interested?


Story Prelude

In the generations after Avatar Wan closed the spirit portals humanity has flourished and prospered as they spread throughout the world. Nations have come and gone as humanity has warred between themselves, the Avatar always resurfacing to bring about peace, balance, and harmony. The last great Avatar was the mighty Si Wong, who brought an end to the warring Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation forming a great city in the desert of her namesake, which has since been named for her, a place where peoples from all walks of life, and all cultures can come together in peace and prosperity. Since then it has grown into a mighty city, capable of rivaling the great Ba Sing Se.

As Si Wong died while stopping the Dark Spirit Hēi'àn her death was mourned, as agents from the city began scouring for the next Avatar. They were never found. Nearly seventy years later some believe that the Avatar cycle was broken and that the Avatar will never return to the physical world. The world continues, as nations scheme and plot. The Earth Kings eyes upon the great city of Si Wong, while spirits have been seen returning to the physical world in places where humanity has tainted the surface of the planet. Many fear what is coming to pass, and yet there is a glimmer of hope.

The Avatar has returned.

Out of Character Information

This Roleplay is set centuries before the events of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Based around the city of Si Wong within the Si Wong Desert it deals with the return of the Avatar after the last one died, and the next one in the cycle was never seen or heard from. This is the story of the return and their battle with dark spirits and movements from the other Nations as individuals all over the world aim to expand their power and territory.

A player will be chosen from those willing to become the Avatar, and this player will be at the very center of the major plotlines that I put forward for the players however everyone is an important member of the cast. I will stress however that this is Open-World. You can go wherever you wish, and interact with whatever you want and even enjoy your own storylines however I'll be watching, always watching and you never know what will happen next.



"Fire is the element of power."

Fire is the element of power, consisting of overpowering force tempered by the unflinching will to accomplish tasks and desires. Unlike other forms elemental bending it does not require a present source of the element, and instead, Firebenders can manipulate their own Chi in order to create fire. Firebenders do not have any real defensive movements, and instead, repurpose offensive tactics in order to defend themselves. These can be as simple as quick jabs in order to parry incoming projectiles or to create walls of fire to prevent the enemy attacks.

Those within the various warring states within the fire isles have found that rage and anger can help power their bending, this newfound ideology has brought about the rise in various warlords throughout the Fire Isles.

Certain firebenders are able to generate and manipulate lightning by separating the yin and yang energies, this then creates an imbalance which the universe tries to restore allowing the user to channel lightning. This unique ability is considered a myth, with only certain masters and prodigies able to conjure lightning.

Combustionbending is an equally as rare ability, it requires a bender to focus their chi up through their body and out of their forehead. The resulting explosion is effective at both close and long-range. Most combustion benders have a tattoo on their forehead in order to assist them in focusing their chi. It is extremely dangerous however if anything blocks the flow of chi it can backfire.

"Air is the element of freedom."

Air is the element of freedom. The Air Nomads detached themselves from worldly problems and concerns; finding peace and freedom was the key to solving their difficulties in life. Airbenders continually sought spiritual enlightenment, and, as a result, all children born into the Air Nomads were benders. The first airbenders learned their art from the flying bison.

The key to airbending is flexibility and finding and following the path of least resistance. Airbending is notable for being almost purely defensive, as well as the most dynamic of the four bending arts. Airbenders can overwhelm many opponents at once with large and powerful attacks that could prove fatal; however, due to the pacifist nature of the Air Nomads, such attacks are rarely used. Instead, an Airbender strives to use the opponents' energy against them. Due to their aforementioned spirituality, they often adapt to the situation surrounding them and employ negative jing, preferring evasive maneuvers as opposed to direct confrontation.

Airbenders are typically more in tune with the spirit world, and even have the opportunity to project their spirit through the physical world through the use of advanced airbending techniques.

"Water is the element of change."

Water is the element of change. The moon is the source of power in waterbending, and the original waterbenders learned to bend by observing how the moon pushed and pulled the tides. The Water Tribes are the only people who did not learn to bend from an animal, though the Moon and Ocean Spirits took the form of koi fish in the mortal world near the beginning of the Avatar world.

The fighting style of waterbending is mostly fluid and graceful, acting in concert with the environment. Foggy Swamp style waterbending, however, is more rigid and straight. Waterbenders deal with the flow of energy; they let their defense become their offense, turning their opponents' own forces against them. Even when waterbenders do take an attack stance, their moves always appear to flow from one to the other.

Waterbenders also have the unique ability to heal, they use water as a way to connect to the chi of a body redirecting the energy in order to accelerate the natural healing off the body.

"Earth is the element of substance."

Earth is the element of substance, while the people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse, strong, and enduring

The key to earthbending is utilizing neutral jing, which involves waiting and listening for the right moment to strike and, when that moment comes, acting decisively. In other words, earthbenders generally endure their enemies' attacks until the right opportunity to counterattack reveals itself. Earthbending differs from the other bending arts in that it maintains a distinct balance between offensive and defensive capabilities, though waterbending involves a more refined version by channeling defense into offense. Earthbending uses a balance of strength and defense to overwhelm opponents.

Sandbending is an alternate earthbending style that has been adapted for use in the Si Wong Desert by the people that live there. They move quickly in the desert on specialized wooden sailers that are propelled by bending miniature, localized sandstorms behind their sails. Because sand is sediment which travels inflows, their style resembles air and waterbending more than earthbending. It is implied that most, if not all, earthbenders are capable of easily bending sand, but because of the loose shifty nature of sand, it is not an easy transition for the average earthbender.

Lavabending is a specialized sub-skill of earthbending that allows the user to manipulate molten earth. This rare ability allows the bender to phase-change earth into lava, lava into earth, and otherwise manipulate existing lava with great dexterity.

Character Sheets

Please note when applying, your sheet should reflect the position of your character and the proficiency of their bending. If your character is a master bender then I need suitable evidence to support this. People in positions of power. Governors/Princes/Monks/Princesses/Spirit Guides need detailed sheets as these are people who have influence over others.

[h3][b]C H A R A C T E R N A M E[/b][/h3]
[sub]'Iroh level quote'[/sub][/center]

[b]Character Age:[/b] Self Explanatory
[b]Character Gender:[/b] Self Explanatory
[b]Character Race:[/b] Water Tribe/Earth Kingdom/Fire Nation/ Air Nomad
[b]Bending:[/b] Whether or not they have bending, and if they do how proficient they are.
[b]Skills:[/b] Other than Bending, what skills should we take note of?
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] Not everyone is great at anything, what are their shortcomings?
[b]Posessions:[/b] Do they own anything of note?
[b]Biography:[/b] Where did they come from? What made them who they are?
[b]Supporting Cast:[/b] Are there any NPCs of note in their story? If so fill out their details here!


These may seem strict, but honestly, I'm here to make sure we all have fun.
1. While I am willing to consult on ideas/concepts I'm the GM and will always go with what I think is best for the game and its longevity.
2. Characters can die, accept that if you do something stupid you may not survive it. I work on a 3 strike rule. You get yourself into a deadly situation your character cannot survive, I will give you two possible outs.
3. Player drops will initially become NPCs, allowing the player time to send me a PM (which can be a simple as RL stuff going on). Those chars will be spared, others not so much.
4. This is Sci-Fi, but we're keeping a foot in the door of reality.
5. Romance is okay, but if it goes beyond a kiss take it to PM or off guild (Guild rules)
6. Putting this in casual, I don't expect super long posts but please do your best for quality. I believe in you all.
7. No Super Long Collabs. It's hard to deal with someone who drops in a collab, keep them short so if need be I can offer GM interference or someone can interrupt. If something big happens I.E. your dragon escapes and tears through the city, post as no doubt someone else would notice that.
8. I shouldn't need to say this, but no metagaming, powergaming, godmodding, mary/Gary-sueing, or anything silly like that.
9. Have fun.
10. Do stupid shit? Expect consequences.
11. One character, to begin with, you can only get more if you prove you can handle it.
12. The turnover for posts is once every two weeks. If you do not post within this time without giving an acceptable reason to one of the three GMs the story will move on. Your character will be removed from the roster and turned into an NPC/killed off.

The OOC is subject to change as things shift and move on. Please feel free to ask any questions.
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