Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

For those that do want to tag along, that are at the Jedi Temple go to the briefing room.

For our lovely mercenary Wookiee, @Eviledd1984, you fancy heading into First Order space?
@Kale19 Well, a good starting point would be your peoples reaction to the gateway reopening and such, followed by going to wherever you wish really, could be Earth, could be one of the colonies, etc.

Is anyone chilling at Earth? I just wanna know the lay of the land/who is where before I go anywhere.

I'm working on reading the IC but there's a lot.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

Gotcha! I read that as the rainbow demon taking over him so glad i checked

Ah apologies.
@Sep I assume this means that Rainbow Raider will now just attack if we get close?

Rainbow Raider is now powerless :( so he'll probably need help

The Jedi Council Chambers in the temple on Coruscant (which had since been turned into the Imperial Palace and the Galactic Alliance Rangers HQ respectively) were at the top of the central spire. Signifying how they were watching over everything within their domain, they were the top of the food chain so to speak.

Meanwhile, Luke, once he had to form his own council, took a much more modest approach. The council chambers were a round room in the exact centre of the temple, they were also actually several floors below the majority of the Jedi Temple. The entire point of this was to symbolise that they were the foundation and that everything that the Jedi order was (the good and the bad) started with them. Koren didn't often appreciate things that were poetic, however, he had to appreciate the symbolism there. He stood, trying not to be nervous, in the centre of the council chambers with nobody else here. He was aware of some other important meeting going on elsewhere in the temple. Word was that they had even enlisted a Ranger Corvette. Now the Rangers had their cruisers that were seen roaming around, that were a little bigger but the fact they were going with a more specialised vessel meant that something important was going on.

Koren had to silently wonder if his meeting was somehow related to it, but then the murmurs from around the temple were that it was just about to happen, and he was here by himself. So, it didn't seem related. The door hissed and Koren bowed his head as he sensed the unmistakable presence of Master Skywalker, wearing his traditional black robes. Skywalker bowed back out of respect, he made a move to go sit at the table but then stopped himself as if suddenly realising something.

"My apologies. I don't have enough time for the usual pomp and ceremony today Koren. There's a lot going on, we've received intelligence from the Separatists that Master Bridgers lightsaber has been found in First Order space."

Koren stopped for a second. Bridger was the Jedi assigned to Tyrell Lansteads archaeological mission in the unknown region, almost every Jedi knew about it as both had vanished without a trace. Word of a missing Jedi Master tended to spread quickly through the small order.

"I'm sorry Master but, this is coming from the Union. They're not the most reliable source when it comes to the First Order, are they?"

Luke smiled. "I agree, but it's been over a year with no lead so we have to chase it up. While we don't officially have access to First Order space, that just means we have to get creative."

"Which is why the Rangers aren't using an Antarian Corvette-"

"Exactly. Though this isn't why I asked you here."

"It isn't?"

Luke handed over a data chip. Koren took it and looked it over in his hand, before raising an eyebrow at Luke. "The Mandalorians have heard of your exploits on Dantooine and Taris. They're not having much luck with their own restoration projects, so the Manda'lor himself has asked if you can go to Mandalore and assist. You can leave just when you're ready."

Koren nodded and pocketed the chip. "So I guess the stories about Gro-"

Luke nodded solemnly. "All true, but even then he had little success. In my studies I've been learning that sometimes certain people are just in tune with different abilities and this appears to be your skillset so, we're just going to work with it."

"I'll get right to it Master."

"One last thing Koren, I'll be having Padawan Reyleigh join you on this assignment, he'll meet you at your ship."

Koren turned, he had already been on his way out when Luke had sprung a Padawan on him. "I'm sorry Master, a Padawan?" Luke nodded.

"I'll have any relevant file sent over, though I'm afraid it's non-negotiable." Koren shrugged and stood to the side as Luke rushed out. Somehow still looking as composed as ever.

A Padawan.

Not sure where my peeps should come out so I'll leave that there for now :P


Once upon a time the boardroom had been the command centre of the station, formerly known as Habitat-1. As the station had grown over time to encompass the planet, adding room for more people, facilities and storage the command centre had become unfit for purpose. That's when it became the home to the board and all their meetings. While it couldn't control the entire facility anymore it did give them direct access to communications and a readout on every system within the space owned by the Lorne Administration, which made it perfect for administration work. Division heads took up several floors below the Boardroom, with various staff and facilities all catered to their own needs. Entertainment even had its own offices, albeit not an official division under the previous CEOs leadership it had flourished. This was why Tyrell was now taking the pressure to allow them to have their own voice on the board.

Tyrell Lorne straightened his tie as he stood in front of the holographic display showing the gateway in its now active state. The five cruisers sat protecting it, they certainly weren't pretty and to his understanding having re-activated them after so long there were significant maintenance issues.

Oversight from the previous CEO who had thought that they would never be needed. "So, does anyone have any thoughts?"

It was Augustus Feltch who spoke first and as was expected for the head of the military it was a violent solution. "We should deactivate it from our side. Send in a swarm of dismantler drones and from what we understand we could have it out of commission in a couple of hours."

"You can't just dismantle it." Doctor Raidne, head of Medical. Obviously the first one to but in against Augustus. "We have no idea who is on the other side-"

"Which is exactly why we should dismantle it."

"It could be our clients."

"It's been three hundred years, I don't think they're coming."

Tyrell raised his hands. "We could go in circles with the debate over how long it's been on the other side of the gateway-" He nodded at Raidne. "I understand the theory that it may have only been three hundred years on this side of the gateway, due to some form of temporal displacement error but let's not get bogged down in what ifs. The gateways open. I need options."

He turned to face Madeline Ulrop, an aging woman with silver hair and more wrinkles on her face than anyone else. By all means, she should be living it up in one of the retirement centers, but instead, she was still here working to this day. That said it was rare for teachers to retire, most of them kept going as long as possible. "We should send a ship through." The little side bickering and conversations came to an end as she spoke. Not everyone agreed with her but her voice still carried weight. When she spoke, people listened.

"We have been alone for three hundred years. By all means, we've completed our mission here, our people are happy but we lack the drive to do more. We're builders, miners, and engineers. Not colonists. If there are colonies out there we can do our part to build them up, give our people something more to do in life other than building more drones, to build more ships, to make new mines. Hell, we can't even add to the infrastructure down on Delta-Four! Add anything else and we tip the ecological balance we've worked too hard to maintain. So not only do we owe it to our people to find them purpose, but we owe it to our predecessors to see people living down on the planet."
Working on my next post, got a meeting with the Jedi Council to do, tomorrow is a big day so I'm going to keep it easy tonight. Expect a post tomorrow night (GMT)

Nation Name: Lorne Administration

Government Form:
Corporate Republic - It is run by an administrative CEO, who answers to a board of directors. Various administrators and division heads operate through various levels of society.

Humans are the majority, though there is a large reliance on the use of robotics to augment the human workforce. Unlike the majority of humanity, everyone on the Ring of Delta-Four is at least 10 Generations of people that have lived in space. As such they cannot live under normal gravity, as their bones and muscles are too brittle without use of a special suit.

  • 250 Million - Human. Small population due to the fact it wasn't meant to be a self sufficient colony.
  • 4 Billion Robotic Workers


Planet Name and Description: Delta-4: Delta-4 was originally a world slated for colonisation as a large continental world. The Lorne Administration built a station in orbit and set the groundwork on Delta-4 and throughout the system for colonization.

Since the gate closed without the colony ship coming through they have just continued their efforts. The station above the planet has turned into an orbital ring, as mines span moons and planets throughout the system. Meanwhile several cities, reserves and farmsteads have been established on the planet. Ready for colonisation.


  • Gateway Activation: Pre-Colonisation the Lorne Corporation was sent in to set things up ahead of the Colony Ship Endurance.
  • Year 1: Groundwork is laid down for Capital City, convoy lines, and mines established on Delta-4A and 4B.
  • Year 2: Gateway doesn't activate to produce a Colony Ship as expected. The decision is made to continue work as normal.
  • Year 3: Habitat-1 is expanded in space to accommodate for lack of supplies, farms are established in orbit.
  • Year 15: Capital City is completed and ready to move in. Ground is broken on City-2 and City-3.
  • Year 31: Accommodations are made to prevent workers' uprising. Entertainment, promotion opportunities are all created.
  • Year 35: Vote on whether or not to continue operating as a company goes through the people. The vote passes in favour of remaining a company.
  • Year 95: Mines are established on Delta-3,3a,3b and 3c. With a refinery on Delta-3.
  • Year 96: Human manual labour is now mostly regarded as obsolete.
  • Year 192: Habitat-1 becomes The Ring as it extends right the way around the planet. Various objects in storage for when the colony finally arrives (if it ever does) as well as backup supplies for themselves.
  • Year 200: Creation of the Central Control Hub, hubs effectively control the robotic units under their purview. One exists on all Delta, as well as one on the Ring.
  • Year 221: The robotic worker numbers now number over 3 billion.
  • Year 251: Construction of Gas extraction facility in the upper atmosphere of Delta-1. Delta-1b and 1d also gain mines.
  • Year 266: Delta-1a and 1c gain their respective facilities.
  • Gateway reactivates: The few ancient warships that the Administration possesses are recommissioned back into service.

Culture and Society: Very similar to a modern-day Earth. The only exception is that all social services are free such as education and healthcare. People who retire at the age of 65 are all treated very pleasantly in a specially constructed retirement habitat on the Ring that has a domed roof to look down on the forests of Delta-4.


Governance and Politics:A CEO is selected from the Board, the Board of Directors are promoted from division heads and the division heads are selected by the board from within the divisions.

There is a division for agriculture, health, education, mining, military, law enforcement, infrastructure and public relations. Most of the power is held within the board, but separate from the board is the Union, to which every worker is a member off and their job is to question and criticise everything the board does.

Technology Overview: The Lorne Administrations technology hasn't drastically improved over the three hundred years since it became forcefully independent due to the gateways closing. Military technology is stagnant, the main R&D has been to improve the services that can be done by their robotic units, refineries and mines. They are also accomplished builders.

Everything they built is made with a purpose and it is built to last, transport ships built are designed with a shelf life of hundreds of years.

Military Overview:

Theoretically every robotic unit can be used in combat. They aren’t designed for it but can do it poorly.

The military itself is a largely obsolete division and hadn’t been manned properly for over two hundred years. When the gateway reactivated they brought their 5 Old Cruisers back online, which now maintain a blockade at the Gateway.


Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.)

It's shorter than I usually do, but I can't think of anything else you need. So I'll leave it here and see what you say.
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