Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Banner grimaced. It was like the Hulk was crawling underneath his skin, just dying to dig his way out. He had never realised how uncomfortable the change was, it was usually a flash of discomfort and pain but then it was passed as he was consumed and transformed. Receding into... nothingness. The back of Hulks mind? He wasn't really sure where his consciousness went when he changed.

This, however, was like someone took a hot iron and put it into his brain while insects crawled all over his body and underneath his skin. He couldn't give in though, not yet. Peter and Jen still needed Bruce Banner more than the Hulk. He was sure Hulks time would come, whether he liked it or not. "Yes Spider-Man, try to get up high. We want a -ugh- clear a path as possible to the tower. The longer we can avoid a fight the longer I can stay myself and try to figure this thing out logically."

There was a booming just up ahead, it was rhythmic. That's when he realised that it was footsteps. A large silhouette appeared through the green fog that covered everything in sight. A low chuckle echoed eerily, one that Banner recognised all too well. "Blonsky

"We've been waiting for you Bruce. He said you'd come-" The figure appeared through the fog. "-and here you are. Just couldn't resist playing the hero again." He eyed the suited Spider-man and She-Hulk up before focusing his attention back to Banner. "And with friends! Perhaps after I've beaten you to pulp the little Spider can give me some alone time with this girlfriend of yours." He gave a ghoulish wink towards She-Hulk.

Bruce stepped forward, turning to Peter as he did so. "Get out of here, I'll deal with this." He tossed his bag of equipment to Peter. "Take this, find whatever causing this and shut it down." His skin started to turn green as he turned back to Jennifer. "Get him there. You're doing to need him."

His armour flared, the gamma inhibitors flaring green as his outer clothes ripped away. He doubled over, convulsing as he grew taller, broader, stronger. Until he stood transformed.

"Come at me Banner"

Hulk slammed his fists on the ground, a shake that would be felt outside and far beyond the dome as he roared towards Blonsky.
"No Banner! ONLY HULK!"

It's a short post but I just need to get some minor details out, working on a collab right now anyway.

If anyone wants to come chat with some mad production peeps just hmu.

Sad I missed the party.

Anders stood on the main deck watching the address revealing that they had found the true inheritors of Delta-4. There were mixed feelings going among the people within Lorne Space, he could see it in the faces of his crew. As the Prometheus left with the artefact he was now faced with the issue of morale rather than an alien artefact of unknown origin. "Aide." The nearest Aide turned its head towards him, the visual receptor turning blue to indicate he had the A.Is attention. "Cancel all shifts following the current one for 24 hours. Relay information back to the board that I am implementing a 24-hour compassionate break to allow people time to contact their families, celebrate or merely process these developments. All automated processes shall continue. "

Aide merely nodded his head, before turning back to his station. Not moving as he went to work.

Habitat 2-A // The Ring

Beer flowed freely from the taps as people chanted and cheered, drinks were spilt and tipped. In one corner an Old Woman sat with her peers, each of them talking as quietly as they could amongst themselves. While the young celebrated that the labour of their elders was done, there was fear among their predecessors. While some were destined to travel, and desired nothing more. There were those that found that this was their home, the Ring was as much a labour of love as any of the infrastructure down on Delta-4, or elsewhere int he system. What would happen to all their hard work?

Steve didn't even flinch as the Demi-God transformed in front of him, rose up a axe and slammed it down on the ground. It made more of a dent than he thought it would but didn't break through the cage. "You were not misled, you just didn't listen. Earth is not one people, there is no King of Earth, there are Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, Queens, Chancellors, Chief Executives, First Ministers... at no point in history Earth has been united as one front."

Steve stood up, signalling 'Okay' to one of the cameras. "You come claiming peace, to be a force for good and yet you come demanding that we kneel in servitude and that it is for our benefit. Then you go on to say how your father will merely conquer us if we don't fall in line. We've already staved off one alien invasion."

Steve sighed. "You claim to say you want what's best for us, say you understand us but even a thousand years ago Earth was a divided planet with hundreds if not thousands of religions. We even have a hero who comes from an Island forged by the Greek Gods." Steve worked his way towards the door, turning back face Thor. "If you truly come in peace, this is your last chance to stand down and talk to us, or go back where you came from. If you're here to conquer. We'll treat you as such."

It was a tense flight back to the Helicarrier from San Francisco, as soon as they touched down a couple of agents led 'Thor' through the hallways to a room that was suspended midair, massive shock absorbers attached. Not that Thor would notice it but the cage was reinforced with whatever vibranium S.HI.E.L.D had managed to acquire in the first five years of Hulk being a menace to society. Steve wasn't terribly fond of Furys concept of now 'owning' the Hulk. He valued Banners input as a friend and an ally, and he couldn't argue that the Hulk seemed to obtain his own special kind of results.

Steve was just glad that in his trip to track down the extra-dimensional entity, that Banner hadn't destroyed a large portion of a city. Steve was stood up when Thor entered the room, as the self-claimed demigod moved into the most logical seat available Steve turned around and walked towards his own chair, grabbing it by the back he spun it around and sat on it backwards facing Thor across the table. "So. I hear you want to be the King of Earth. What's that about?"
I'm starting to realize just how much I depended on @Sep to produce conversation in this thread. And then he went and got himself a new job, geez. What a guy.

I was mentioning to @Hillan earlier that I'm having some issues getting excited about my characters, particularly Carol. Thought I'd bring the conversation and open it up to the group. What do you guys do when you're hitting a wall? Do you work through it or do you tend to move in a new direction instead?

Oops sorrrryy.

Also the one person waiting on me knows I'm gonna finish up my posy tomorrow

I think Zoey hit the nail on the head for this game. The ability to guest write or just pick up a supporting character or a roaming character or a villain will really help to break up the monotony. I know @Master Bruce plays Batman, but he could pop in a story with Steve and write the Winter Soldier or a supporting character with someone else with no long term commitment (just an example MB).

I'm hoping to work on an award format for this weekend. I know we used to do it and it really helped people gain confidence.

To continue discussion;

What is something you guys are wanting to see from this game going forward? Either in relation to your characters or the GM plot, or other peoples characters.
I got a big test tomorrow so long busy stressing. I'll get it up tomorrow no matter he result
<Snipped quote by Sep>

Legally you're not allowed within 1,000 feet of a child.

Jokes on you I have a clear background check.
i need an adult

How can I help you my child?
I've been really busy doing training and work this week so can't do a GM post I wanted.... hoping to get it up at the weekend as well as any potential reply to anyone who posts for me before then.
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