Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

I haven’t RP’d in 2 years but find myself with some upcoming extra free time and a craving for something Star Wars-ey.

Also my old old old old friend @Sep is in this.

So I might try to get in on this, tho the discord link is expired.


Also Ew don't remind me we're old now. I'm a homeowner and engaged now.

If you fancy connection to any of my myriad of characters you let me know

Keldabe City // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector

Rorwoorr walked out of the abandoned building, Ishtil's presence still weighing heavily on his mind. The two of them hadn't seen each other for years. He couldn't believe how much the formerly wide-eyed, cheery Padawan had changed. Into a hardened and cynical man, there was still hope there. Underneath. The old Wookiee just hoped that it would last through the days to come, the war wasn't over. Things were moving, you could feel it in the Force if you just stopped and paid attention to it. The push and pull were less, rhythmic, than usual. Chaos chewed at the edges, nagging at his mind like a great shadow.

He allowed his mind to drift back into the present. Rorwoorr threw a toothy smile at a youth, who tucked behind their mother. They weren't sure whether to be excited or scared, when their mother noticed the interaction she turned to see Rorwoorr, then laughed as she tousled the hair of her child. Who in turn beamed at the Wookiee.

As he moved to the Wealthier more kept-together districts the footpath beneath him became more solid and consistent. The clunk-clunk-clunk of his stave on the path alerting those before him to his presence in contrast to his muffled furred footfall. Pausing at the corner of the street he had to look twice as in the distance he noticed what looked like an Imperial Admiral walking with two Tuskens. He knew Mandalore welcomed everyone, but even he was surprised at the presence of Tuskens and their being with a member of the Imperial Admiralty.

Shaking it off he walked with a singular purpose, to the same place that the Force had guided him to several years ago when he had several broken droids in need of refurbishment. He smiled to himself as he noticed the shop was still open. Walking into the organised chaos that Kaura would find herself totally at home in. Nearly stumbling as he noticed a Tusken sat in the corner working on some form of speeder bike. He walked squarely up to the counter, trying to smile and seem as non-threatening as possible. Probing her aura gently with his mind she seemed more settled than she had been before, but no less broken, or suspicious.

Despite the distinct lack of droid present for translation, he decided not to stand there awkwardly. <Greetings, it is good to see you well. I have come for some parts.>

Keldabe Administrative District // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector
Interacting with @Webboysurf

"Of course, I am trying to avoid my obligations to entertain a few of my aristocratic colleagues... so I would not mind accompanying you for a while longer, your highness."

Koren nodded along to everything that Ro said, taking the time to mull it over. "I will take all this under consideration. It is-" Koren took a moment to weigh his words. "-a difficult and complicated situation to be in."

Ro joked about trying to avoid responsibilities and Koren just smiled. "Avoiding important diplomatic and societal duties?" He placed a hand on Ros shoulder. "Just consider me an expert."

Koren used his shoulder touch to guide Ro into a walk down the corridor. "How about a viewing of a Hapan cruiser? We can say you're doing important diplomatic work. It will only cost you one favour."

Koren turned to face Ro with a hint of challenge and cheek in his eyes.

"A sparring match."
Aboard the 'Endurance' // Deep Space // Imperial Territory

The pilots sat in the briefing room. There was quiet chatter from the command pits where officers exchanged data chits and idle conversation as they reviewed the latest information provided by the fighters running exercises, drills and patrols in the space around the ship. A holoprojector in the middle of the room was showing the battle as it had unfolded between the two training squadrons. Rae was only half watching, in the downtime after she had seen to her ship she had done nothing but pour over the attack. Two kills, twelve deaths. It was unheard of by an Imperial Squadron.

Colonel Tynrons voice sounded disappointed more than anything. As if he had been hoping for a different outcome. "Now we all know what went wrong in this fight." He nodded at the Major who hit a couple of keys on the holoprojector as it displayed a hologram of what was called the TIE Defender. "Lets see that this doesn't happen again.

A file was then transmitted to all their datapads.

Rae poured over the information as the Colonel spoke, while the Interceptor and standard TIE had basic shields the lack of space and power generation meant it lapsed the stronger shields of the GRM or Alaskan fighters. The hyperdrive was also only a class five and only really capable of aiding in retreat if the command ship was destroyed, or short hops in combat. Meanwhile, the Defender had strong shields and a Class 2.0 hyperdrive.

"This is the TIE Defender, it is better than anything else we have faced before and the pilots aren't like anything else we've seen before. It's slower than an Interceptor but it makes up for it in strength. Heavy cannons, shields, more concussion missiles."

A hologram of the Interceptor appeared beside the defender. "We need to lead into the advantage the Interceptor gives us. You're all more seasoned pilots than those in the Defender wing-"

Well obviously, considering the fact they're literally teeneagers. Thought Rae. Interceptors flashed round the hologram.

"-we need to play into that. I expect you to all take the time until our next drill to analyse their flight patterns."

The ships moved in the hologram, and Rae watched as it panned outwards from the Endeavour.

"This time around we're going to be the aggressors. Your squadron will be supplemented by a wing of bombers. He turned to Major Thrace. "The Major will fill you in with the plan." As the Colonel stepped back the Major stepped forward.

"Everybody listen up." The pilots stood a little straighter. "We're going to operate in two groups-" The Hologram shifted, following everything he said. ""One and Two will swoop in fast to engage the Defenders, with any hope this will split their number in two. Six on Three is a lot more manageable." He grimaced as if he didn't believe what he was saying.

Rae wasn't sure if she believed him either. "We're going to target one Defender at a time-

Attacking the Endeavour // Deep Space // Imperial Territory

Raes fighter wing hung behind the bombers. Hugging as closely behind the fighters as they possibly could in an effort to mask their sensor shadow. The biggest issue is while this made them blind to the enemy, they were also blind. She sent a double click on the comms through to her wing, who gave her two chirps in confirmation. They didn't dare risk full comms due to the risk of being detected.

The four bombers swung through space lazily in pre-determined manoeuvres that had been agreed upon beforehand. Her finger hovered over the trigger, while the adrenaline coursed through her veins. It took all her restraint not to hit the throttle. Laser bolts raced over her head, several of them bouncing off the bombers shields. Come on. Come on.

The communication came through from Lieutenant Ert, number eight. "Now Ten!

Pulling the stuck up and around her and her TIEs spun up and around. As soon as they were clear of the bombers her sensors screamed to life. Flights one and two had already engaged three defenders, she couldn't focus on them at the moment. Green laser bolts lanced out towards the Defender wing, clipping one as it spun off wildly. The other two broke off.

"Eight, I'm left."

"Copy, I'm right."

"Eleven hard, twelve soft. I'll keep peppering."



Rae watched as Eleven pulled up and did a hard burn in a loop to lead him ahead of the Defender, meanwhile, Twelve was going so that if the Defender turned hard he would have it covered. Peppering its shields, she saw as the bolts sparked out harmlessly against the back shields. She watched as Eleven came back down around, as soon as he was above the Defender he switched to target lock.

"One out." Rae smirked as she continued to keep her finger down on the trigger finger. Peppering it, it ducked and weaved as the missile streamed in from above before shooting past harmlessly.

It turned, and was instantly facing twelves laser fire. Rae had to suppress a whoop as it was disabled. Their plan worked, in singling out individual targets they could overwhelm them- then the moment of celebration was ruined when a missile 'collided' with eleven knocking it out. "Sithspit." She banked hard to the right, twisting in a roll. The entire ship shook as the Defender rocked past in a near miss. Twisting and banking hard she watched as Eleven was knocked out. Giving her a keen sense of Deja-Vu.

It was almost as if with the more pilots the Defenders lost the more bold and effective the remaining vessels became. "So that's how its going to be is it."

Pushing her engines to full she twisted rocking against her crash harness. Targetting computer beeping as it honed in to lock in on the target vessel. It narrowed in, the tone quickened before it became constant indicating a lock. Switching to missiles, she swung in behind the defender. Finger on the trigger ready to fire.

Rae winced as the comm silence broke. "All units, all units. Stand down and prepare for hyperspace jump. 3-5 form up on the Endurance in escort formation, all other units are to dock immediately and secure for hyperspace launch." Rae swore and threw her helmet off in frustration, as it bounced harmlessly off the cockpit wall. Right when she had the shot.

That said, as the frustration rubbed off and the adrenaline lapsed as she swung back in towards the Endurance goosebumps formed. They were supposed to be in training, as part of a top secret mission and they were being called away at the last minute?

Something was going on.

Who has two thumbs and wrote themselves into a corner so had to have a convenient out to end a conversation (that was helpfully provided by two other players)?

Keldabe City // Mandalore // Mandalore Sector

Rorwoorr took a second to compose himself. <Perhaps I failed as a Master. It is never a failure to offer aid to those in need.>

Ishtil shrugged and chuckled slightly under his breath. "That is not what I am saying. Citizens of the Empire require aid-"

<Citizens of the Galaxy.> Rorwoorr interjected.

Ishtil continued, ignoring the interruption. "You're a one-hundred-year-old Wookiee trained as a warrior from birth. If all the Jedi of your experience were to work with us, we could finally bring this war to an end."

Rorwoorr sighed. <We have had this conversation before, my apprentice.> He walked away from the plant in the centre of the room, looking up through the skylight he watched as the racing vessels passed again. This time with a different ship in the lead. Rorwoorr had lived a long life. He had seen the Republic as a strong union of the Galaxy, had seen it become festered and poisoned by corruption and greed. A sickness that infected every vein of the Galaxy, including the Jedi as the Galaxy erupted into war.

A war that killed or corrupted everyone or everything it touched. Even now the Jedi were more spread out than they had been before, with no sense of unity between the various orders. Just like the Galaxy.

<I am no warrior. Nor am I willing to take a side.>

"By not taking a side you would see the Separatists control the Galaxy-"

<I will fight for the people, I will fight to see people free, happy and healthy. This has not changed>

"Do you care nothing of Gerarks sacrifice?"

A cold shiver ran up Rorwoorrs spine. To this day some small part of him mourned his former Padawan. There was no way to know if the Jedi could have survived Knightfall, no doubt he would have died defending the Temple to ensure as many could survive as possible. Rorwoorr had been elsewhere in the Galaxy when he had felt Gerarks death, only to have it later confirmed by the Jedi Council. Could the Wookiee have helped?

Well. There was no point in dwelling. He had lost so many friends, not just to war but to the ravages of time.

<Gerark was a loss to the Galaxy, as is every other life. You waste your breath Ishtil. I care not for politics.>

The Zabrak grimaced in a near snarl, his wrist comm buzzing slightly. He turned around and took the call privately.

"There are Argent in the area. I've been called to help organise our younger Imperials to ensure their safety and wellbeing."

Rorwoorr bowed his head. <Go safely, my former Apprentice.> He meant what he said, sincerely. Though he could feel the agitation rolling off the Zabrak in waves as he walked out of the building.
and thus Julian relapsed into his coma for another two years
My Rorwoorr post will get worked on tomorrow.

Life gotta life.
Will very likely work on a Rorwoorr post tomorrow post-work
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