The Apartment of Iris West // Central City
Iris let the warm water roll over her, head hung low as it was focused on the nape of her neck. Steam filled the small enclosed shower, only the sound of the water hitting her and the thrum of the extractor fan kept her in the moment. She concentrated on her worries, the fight with Condiment King and his goons that hadn't gone very well despite her distinct advantage.
Her fathers promotion to lead detective and all the extra stress it was causing him. Her application to work for Central City News, coupled with her written warning for missing work at Jitters. Then there was Barry.
She was brought out of the moment when the sound of the doorbell interrupted the mental cleansing that the water was performing. Groaning she stopped the water, opened the door and stepped out. Grabbing a towel she wrapped it around herself, while she tied her hair up in another one.
"I'm coming!" Deciding that it was clearly Barry checking up on her after the events of the day she merely draped a dressing gown over her shoulders. Walking passed the washing machine that was currently set to Stain Remover and hosted a red and yellow super-suit, that she had been told was machine washable.
"Barry I told you the suits fine it's just-" she pulled the door open, and as she turned to look out it she stopped as a man stood there, a man who wasn't Barry.
He was tall, smartly dressed with hair that could only be described as smart but unruly. A pair of square glasses sat proudly on the end of his nose. He stepped forward, and paused as she took half a step back. Realizing his blunder he offered a kind smile, that did little to put her at ease, and extended his hand.
"Iris West?" She nodded. "My name is Harrison Wells, may I come in?"
"No...?" She gestured to her current state of dress, as she pulled the dressing gown in tighter around herself. "I don't know if you can tell, but its not exactly the best time-"
He half stepped forward again. "I understand, after the bank you probably don't feel very-"
Now it was Iris' turn to interrupt. "-The bank? I'm not too sure what you're-"
"I know about your-" he bounced his head back and forth as he tried to come up with the words. "-abilities."
She started to close the door. "I think you've got the wrong person, I'm not a mutant."
He spoke quickly as the door started to close in on him. "No I know you're something different entirely, your speed-" She rolled her eyes as she rushed forward, grabbed him and used her momentum to pull him into the room. Then before he could even get in a gasp she dried herself off and threw on some loose baggy clothes.
As she finished standing before him, her hair still falling into place Harrison Wells cleared his throat and straightened his glasses.
"-khm- Well, I knew but I didn't expect-"
"Who are you, what do you want and how do you know about my speed?"
"Well I've already told you I'm-" The glare Iris threw his way made it clear she wasn't messing around anymore. "-Ah yes. I'm a researcher at STAR Labs, I have been in contact with your friend Barry Allen regarding your abilities. I'm here to help."
"Barry, but he told me that it was all anonymous?"
"Well-" He squinted his face slightly. "-it was. Frankly the data he was sending me about you was fascinating and I just had to meet you to collect data and see your abilities firsthand." There was a glitter in his eye that made it clear he was speaking the truth, he was fascinated. However, Iris wasn't sure if that put her at ease or on edge.
"That still doesn't explain how you found out my identity."
"Well, promise not to tell-"
"-from what he told me about the accident that gave you your abilities I cross referenced patient records from all the hospitals in the city as well as any news and police reports-"
"Which are all privellaged."
"Yes well, sue me."
"I'm more likely to report you."
"But I can be off so much more help to you Iris. After all, I am the leading expert on Metahumans." When she didn't stop him he stepped forward and handed her a piece of paper, which had far too complicated scientific data on it. Really Barry should have been the one to be hit by the lightning, at least he would have had a better chance of understanding all this. "You see when the lightning hit you it also exploded some jars and vials in the room, the resulting combination mutated-"
"Ah-" Iris interjected raising her hand. "-Barry said I wasn't a mutant."
Harrison nodded. "Not in the conventional sense, no. Those we call 'mutants' are born with what is known as the X-gene which is what gives them their unique abilities. All your genes have been altered by the accident which is what has unlocked your abilities. For people like you I have coined the term 'Meta-Human'-" Iris had to refrain from rolling her eyes. A label, because they always made things better.
"-the line between the two, I suppose you could call them subspecies, isn't entirely clear as of yet but I'm hoping with willing test subjects-" She could see where this was going. "-I'm hoping to get a better understanding." He offered her that kind reassuringly unassuring smile again. "In the mean time I'm hoping as I study your abilities, I can help you understand and hone them, especially if you are planning to continue your activities as-?" He trailed off as he arched an eyebrow.
All these heroes coming out of the woodwork had fancy names and alias'. Which was something she hadn't really thought off yet.
"A superhero, yes."
"So, what do you say?"
Iris raised an eyebrow. "What exactly do you want me to do?"
Harrison smiled again. "Why, I just need you to come run on a treadmill."