Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
1 like
2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
3 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
3 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Damn my fat fingers. Keep laugh reacting by accident
@Sep I've done a good.

Well... You've done a thing. We can all agree on that atleast.
Got a new Black Knight post up! And with this one I think I should say that I'm going to retire my Mr. Terrific character, I think I overextending a bit with him at the start and I'm not really sure where to go with him that would properly develop the character. I'll leave the posts up for now, but if anyone wants to redo him or take over the character I'm happy to delete them so they can have a fresh start. For the moment I'm going to focus on Black Knight and get him over to America so he can hopefully start interacting with other characters. I've got a few ideas for other character's like Etrigan or maybe Nova, but for the time being I'll focus on Duncan and not spread myself too thin.

Understandable I respect you dropping one now knowing your limit rather than burning yourself out trying to do both.

Next Iris post will come but since we're leading upto a Collab I'm going to let @Simple Unicycle post first.
Naaah man what two week rule?
<Snipped quote by Sep>

I am just having trouble thinking about what Hydra shipped to New York City from Gotham.

I mean weapons are always a good bet
<Snipped quote by Sep>

So far, he would get his revenge but discover and encounter Hydra and start fighting them and find out that they cloned him and Hydra would send one or more of his clones after him or encounter them during his raid on a Hyrda facility.

Sounds like a pretty intriguing story
<Snipped quote by Sep>

Yarn... or deceit..?

...or corruption?

You could be in the Australian Mafia
You spin a web, but is it or lies or stories?
Could there be an alien presence on Earth similar to National City from Supergirl's CW show or have Knowhere orbiting the planet and i could have the team be grounded?

Knowhere coming to earth is one of those things where the story would have to happen IC as it would be a pretty significant thing to happen. Same as with Matt and he lanterns so long as the threats aren't world ending I don't see an issue with them being trapped on Earth/on earth for a specific purpose.
hey guys, is there any room for the Guardians Of The Galaxy?

I mean technically, yes. But we're trying to keep things Earth focused since this is literally the dawn of superheroes on Earth (minus the little flirt Earth had during WW2, but if was just a lil bit of foreplay).

So really it depends on the concept.
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