Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
3 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
3 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

It's always better to have a rough plan so it when you're writing if the story is like no I want to go this way you can go with it rather than fighting it.

Atleast this is how it works for moi
@Master BruceI do not know why, but I keep getting writer's block with my next post with Slade. I know the story I want to tell, it is just getting there is the hard part right now. I will just try to get a post out today.

Sometimes over planning can be your enemy
@Master Bruce has it really been 9 days since that Cap Post?

I know I've been busy with work but it doesn't feel like that.

I got something in the pipeline for both.
Veery interesting....

Also RIP to our Steel Man. Not to be confused with our Man Of Steel, of course.

Least the Mutants have it a bit easier now....A bit.

Hey he's not dead. But if you had a Stark Cellphone well... Sucks to be you.
So if you can't tell.

I'm using @Lord Wraith dropping Tony to fuel the main plot.
"Pandemonium for Trask Industries tonight folks, as inventor Boliviar Trask, has gone missing during a vicious attack that has left several dead and more injured-" The background footage cut away to show the scene of the factory. Smoke still billowed from the control tower as emergency services tackled fires and cleared rubble.

"-After what appears to have been an attack to distract the Sentinel Prototypes and security, the prototypes appeared to fail and the systems shut down. The main offices exploded." G.Gordon turned to face the new camera as the angle changed. "Since the attack we have been receiving continued and escalating reports of Trask technology and software shutting down or malfunctioning without warning all across the globe. In the interest of public safety several airlines have cancelled and grounded all flights until backup systems are in place and activated-"

Gordon paused as he put his hand to his ear and turned away fron the camera. "And now we go live to a statement from Trask Industriesr."

The visual switched to that of a podium in a hangar. A spokesperson stood there, specks of dust and what was possibly blood on his usually pristine suit. A bandaid on his temple.

Given the go-ahead off screen, The man shuffled his cards awkwardly. His usual attempt at charm and charisma that had made him a meme all over the internet, absent. "Good Afternoon-" His voiced was cracked and broken as if he had been shouting. "-due to the severity and the changing nature of events I will be reading from cards [i]only[/i]-" He stared down the camera. An unusual forcefulness about him.

"-I ask that you all keep your questions for another time. At approximately twelve hundred hours, local time, the War Machine suits were active in an Artificial Intelligence flight test. Several assailants interupted the test and engaged in combat with the prototypes. The prototypes were successful however shortly after the control tower hosting myself, Tony Trask and several others was caught in an explosion. At this time Tony Trask is still missing, his body not found amongst the dead-" He coughed, clearing his throat. Reaching for a glass of water his hand raised it, unsteady.

Sipping from the glass he placed it back, clearing his throat once again before continuing. "Since the explosion many of Trask Industries, Enterprises and Technologies systems and software has been shutting down. As of yet, we cannot find the cause but are urging caution in the interest of public safety. As soon as I am done here, I will personally be overseeing our efforts to track down the cause of the system malfunction-"

Hammer continued with muted sound as he shrunk on the screen till he was in a small box hovering in the studio. "System Malfunction? Is that really the best Hammer and the Pee-Arr people at Trask can come up with? System Malfunction?! Planes grounded, peoples cellphones and work computers shutting down."

Godfrey twisted as he turned for the camera, a smug look on his face. "Now I'm no expert, but when one of the smartest men in the country goes missing making the next innovation in defensive technology for our boys in the military, and all his computer systems mysteriously start shutting down well-" He shrugged. "-well I'd be getting the C.I.A involved. Don't forget, Obadiah Stane is still hospital bound, in a coma after he was shot. Now if this isn't espionage, then I guess my word means nothing."

"There was a time I thought staying inside the system was the way to enact change, but science and advancement suffers on the whim of politicians, bureaucrats and the one percent-" The man stroked his moustache, then chuckled to himself before turning and placing a hand on his patients chest.

"No offense intended ofcourse my dear boy. You are but a symptom of the sickness."

The man picked up a remote, hitting the on button a wall of monitors activated. They showed a man made of stone trying to put out a flaming trenchcoat in New York, one in blue in red lifting up an overpass in metropolis, one with a flaming skull dispensing the most raw justice imaginable and various other superheroics and natural abilities.

"I've seen the future. You're on the right path, but the world of the Mutant is only part of the problem-" The screens changed. War, strife, politics, poverty. "The human condition has become cancerous. I have seen the future, and with your help I can change it."

Turning back around he walked very deliberately over to the bed his guest was restrained on.

"What do you say Trask, care to save the world?

Boliviar winced as the tape that had held his mouth closed was forcefully ripped off. He leaned forward and spat. "You talk too much, go to hell.

<Snipped quote by Sep>

The sheet is now complete with a sample.

Guess you're accepted

"Gone, gone the form of man..."
J A S O N B L O O D P R I V A T E I N V E S T I G A T O R P O R T L A N D, O R E G O N
O R I G I N S:

A man cursed with a demon, Jason Blood is forever doomed to walk the Earth, a man with no place to call home, and no persons to call friends. A world-leading expert on the occult and demonology. He has walked the Earth since the 6th Century, after the wizard Merlin bound the increasingly uncontrollable threat of Etrigan The Demon to his mortal soul.

Now his services are sought by other lost souls, those without hope who turn to the expert to delve into cases and mysteries that can't be solved or collaborated by the mundane authorities of the mortal plane. Drawn into
a web of lies and deceit, Blood must unravel a missing persons case that leads him on a blood trial, uncovering old skeletons before all hell breaks loose on the West Coast.

S A M P L E P O S T:

This city is killing me.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed interactions and stories.

I have another spooky concept.

Please stop me before I write a sample this time if there is going to be a problem.

No I say go for it I don't see this breaking any rules.

If MB overrules me I'll fight him for you.
I'm working on a thing. I wanna make sure I get it right though so I might not finish it till tomorrow but, I'm doing a thing.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

Didn't you read my post? He's not The Thing, he's Rocky.

At the time I replied no, I had not read your post.
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