Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
3 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
3 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
3 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.

Active Roleplays:
Ultimate One Universe: Emergence - by @Master Bruce and @Sep

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Oh I was subbed to the wrong version of this thread.
Short post with everything going on, but its a post nonetheless.
All language within - { } - is translated to 'English' from Native.

Requires Discipline winced as the scalding hot water poured over his leathery skin. The stench of burning flesh reached his nostrils, and his entire body convulsed and shivered. As the water stopped, he shook himself dry before limping out of the purifying chamber. Grabbing his furs he pulled his hood over his head, hunching his back over he walked through the hallways of the Temple. The Holy avoided looking at him, as they shuffled awkwardly through the halls to avoid coming too close to him. He could hear their murmurs, and while it wasn't entirely unheard of for a Tainted to be within the confines of the temple it certainly wasn't a daily occurrence.

R-D as his friends called him, approached the Holy Ones quarters. Pausing as he looked up at the door. Normal protocol for anyone else was to knock, however R-D was tainted. He couldn't touch anything in the temple, even after his wash. Let alone the Deacons quarters. Perhaps the fact he had been asked for would overrule any traditional barrier that had been put up before him? He stood staring at the door for what felt like an eternity before it finally slid open in the seamless way that only the ancestors' technology seemed to achieve. Not even the sorcery of the Demons came close.

As the door opened, R-D immediately dropped to his knees when he was confronted by the Holy One, pulling his hood even lower to conceal his tarnished and bruised face.

{Rise young one.}

The Deacon swept with her hand, her hand moving far closer to R-Ds chin than any of the Holy had ever come. R-D nearly flinched in response, again all his years of learning protocol and what they could and couldn't do were useless in this current situation. R-D stood but kept his head bowed, staring down at the Holy Ones taloned feet.

{I have called you here because of who you are.}

Underneath his cowl, R-D raised his eyebrow, who he was? He hadn't been named Requires Discipline because he had behaved himself throughout his youth. He had pushed boundaries, convention, and the sanity of his elders to their limits. His crippled leg and lower arm were a result of the Discipline that had been required of him.

{Speak, Child.}

{I apologise Holy One. I do not understand, I am just one of the many, one of the Tainted and the dishonoured. The will of the Gods is yours to interpret.}

The Deacon chuckled slightly. {I understand child, come in-} She raised an arm to guide him into the room. {I understand that on many occasions, you have attempted to understudy the Shapers?}

Inside his head, RD winced slightly. Was this what it was about? Was he to be punished for heresy? What sort of punishment could The Holy One place upon him?

{To my shame, I have. I always felt that despite my duty I could better serve the Gods if I-}

The Deacon turned and raised her hand to stop him. Her face looked calm and peaceful. He recognised the caring expression, it mirrored that of the Nest-Fathers when he was a child. {I did not bring you here to punish you Child-} Did she know his thoughts? Was this one of the gifts that the Gods had bestowed upon her? He had heard tales of Deacons and Prophets who had gained fantastical and mystical abilities. Was the ability to read minds one of these abilities? {-instead I have come to encourage you.}

R-D couldn't help but look up to her in shock, several demon profanities spiralled through his mind at the sheer disbelief of what she had said. Throughout his entire life, he had been told to remain in his place, remember his station and what he was. Now, this?

{What I say next, does not leave this room-}

RD bowed his head. {I understand, Holy-One.}

{-the new star in the sky. Is the Demons Gateway, it has re-opened, and we need someone to go through it.}

This guys street level, right?
@Sep Understood! Hope everything goes well on your end.

Well they say the power will be back on by midnight but I've heard that the last three days 😂

Might be next week till my first posts as the later the power comes on the less time I have for chores and whatnot
As I said in the discord I'm still here and gonna post just once we have power, between that, work and my wife's health the discord notifications and everything going on was just a bit over stimulating.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

Oh, I love the dwarves. Approved. I can see definitely them building things for other nations, although I wonder if they'll struggle in typical gravity?

They'll be considered cheaters and then banned after the first Interplanetary Rugby League match. When they accidentally decapitate the enemy team and kick the ball out of the arena and into a nearby children's hospital.

The Nameless

"The honourable thing for the weak is not to drag down the strong."

Government Form: Religious Matriarchy

5 Billion of the Nameless.

What is humanity?:
Humanity is a spit in the face of the Gods. They have spread like a cancer, and they desecrate the stars with their presence.


Planet/System Name and Description:

  • Star: A Red Giant that bathes their planet in a warm red light.
  • Lava World: A dwarf planet, only the hardest materials on the surface are not turned to molten slag.
  • Desert Planet: The atmosphere of the planet has long since burned away, leaving the earth a barren desert wasteland.
  • The Homeworld: The Humans called the planet Exodus. The Nameless however have not named it. It has five moons of varying sizes.
  • Gas Dwarf No more needs said.
  • Gas Giant No more needs said.


The Nameless are of differing castes of Bipedal creatures, with four arms and a lone AI.

The population is 80% Male and 20% Female. The Males skin are typically green/brown very 'ground' colours. Whereas the women are bigger, and their skins are mixes of blues/purples.

They have no robots/drones/droids, as they try to limit their use of heretical technology.


BR - Before Reclamation
AR- After Reclamation

Culture and Society:

They are a matriarchal society. They value life above all else, after life was a gift from the Gods. This is why women are valued as highly in their society, they are the name givers. It is forbidden for those to name what is not their creation, which is why the species has no name.

Women, name their children. Shapers name their creations. It is the way of things, even their world is Nameless.

Other than the reverence for life, the three main pillars of their religion are the Eternal Reward, Great Nothing, and Infernal Damnation.


Governance and Politics: The Deacon is the leader, sand he has many underlings. Her words are the literal translation of the Gods, there is little room given for any political wrangling. To speak against the Deacon is to speak against the Gods.

Technology Overview:

The Nameless uusesOrganic based 'technology'. Rather than being constructed, it is grown. Many of the species shouldn't exist, technically speaking, however,r they are in abundance in the Homeworld. Some things they have struggled to replicate, have been working but still struggle to replicate the abilities of long-range sensors and communications equipment. Instead, they still use human technology that is interfaced with their own, maintained by the Tainted.

Their power systems, weapons, and propulsion, all run off plasma.

Military Overview:

Their navy is strong, however, er in many ways, they rely on numbers more than any form of technological superiority. As their ships are grown they can be convinced and aided in healing, however even in the vacuum of space they still age. Old ships eventually struggle to perform functions that should be second nature to them, they also become bonded and attached to their Mistress. No Nameless has ever lost a ship, and they have not perished. Mistress and ship go down together.

The ships themselves seem to 'mourn' the loss of their mistress, should they die outside of battle. While they do have certain 'classes' of ships, each is unique. Like all living things.

Will expand on this section as things go on.


Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.)

@Tortoise More reading for you
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