So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.
It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.
"For our Sisters! BUILD For our Brother's! FIGHT For our People! LIVE For our King! DIE"
Government Form: Monarchy with flavours of democracy.
The King is the absolute ruler overall. When the Throne becomes vacant all the heirs are rounded up. If they choose to compete for the Throne they must pass the Trial of Strength, Trial of Wisdom and the Trial of Honour. Abdication means a King forgoes all that is afforded to him and just becomes another member of the people.
The people are split into six clans, each having their subdivisions. These clans elect their Leaders from within their number. Only a combined council of all six clans can overrule the King.
Population: Humans: Approx three hundred and fourteen million. Humans in the system are slightly shorter with an average height of 5'3, anything above 5'7 is considered gigantic. They might be short, but they are stocky and they are strong. Having lived lives of high G and hard labour.
Robots: Impossible to guess an accurate count. Over 3 billion units.
What is humanity?: Humanity is the bonds we have as brothers and sisters, it is what holds us together and keeps us forging in the dark abyss of space. It is our legacy and the constructs we leave behind.
Planet/System Name and Description:
Tiberius 1: Local System Star. Red Giant. Tiberius 2: A younger F-Type star. Orbiting her big sister. Tiberius 3: Lava Planet. Requires specialised equipment for any operation on the surface of the planet. Tiberius 4: Gas Giant. LA large ring of asteroid debris surrounding the planet that plays host to Triochs main mining outpost deeper in-system. It has several larger asteroids that could be considered moons, on the largest of these sits Douglas Station. A thriving metropolis in its own right, and home to the Douglas Clan.
Its artificial gravity over the years has been increased to match that of CrĂdhe na Cloiches. Tiberius 5: Hycean World. A world a little too close to the sun to be truly habitable, it is covered in water with a hydrogen-rich atmosphere. There are traces of bacteria in the vast warm waters. Tiberius 6: Barren, radioactive Protoplanet. Tiberius 7: Dwarf Planet. Tiberius 8: Gas Dwarf planet, host to most of the fuel facilities used by the Trioch. Tiberius 9: Also known as Cridhe na Cloiche, Stoneheart. Several times larger than Earth, it has no breathable atmosphere, and gravitational forces equal to 3G on Earth are the norm. The Troich live in a vast network of pressurised cities that are all in vast underground caverns to protect them from meteor strikes. An Iron World. Tiberius 9 - 2: Trom-oidhche. The Nightmare Moon. Originally Cride na Cloiche was built as a mining colony because Tirberius 9-2 seemed perfect for habitation. Her host world shields it from the harshest of solar radiation, perfect climate, gravity, and atmosphere. When science teams were dispatched ahead of the colony ship, however, they determined it wasn't perfect. Fauna or Flora, it doesn't matter. If it's alive on the planet, it is trying to kill you.
Homo-Troich: The people in the Tiberius system don't see themselves as anything other than 'Human'. However,r over the years, they have adapted to the harsh realities. They're, on average, shorter and stockier than baseline humanity. Stronger on average, with a larger heart to compensate for the increased blood flow.
Clan Troich: The family of the royals, responsible for the finest warriors that the Troich have ever known. While the King technically is head of the clan, he doesn't sit in the council of Chiefs. Instead, they have an elected leader, the same as every other clan. Clan Douglas: Clan Douglas lives almost exclusively in space, they are slightly taller than those on Tiberius-9, however since the artificial gravity within all their structures has slowly been dialled up to match Cridhe Na Cloiches gravity they have started to adapt similarly to the rest of their kin. Clan McCrorie: McCrorie are the 'support' clan. They focus more on what they can do to help the other clans, hydroponics, agriculture, and medicine. While every clan has people within every field, none are more varied than those that hail from McCrorie. Clan Roberts Roberts are the miners. There's not much else to say here. Clan MacDonald MacDonald are the builders. No matter where the design is derived from, no matter if it's for a new robotic unit or a new Star-Cruiser. Somewhere in there is MacDonald's blood, sweat and tears. Clan Abernethy Abernethy is the smallest clan on the council, unlike the others that are composed of many smaller clans Abernethy stands alone. They claim to have been members of the original scientist teams on the planet, however like most ancient Trioch history that is hard to prove. They are responsible for all the breakthroughs in AI over the years, which is how they gained their seat at the table.
During the days long past, that have entered into mythos and legend it was said that the people of Tiberius-9 were all members of the Trioch Mining Guild. It is said that they were originally meant to be a mining outpost with goals for a colony to be established on 9-2. When it became clear that the moon wasn't suitable for human habitation the resources were destined for the gateway and other systems. Resentment grew, and rumours and history still exist about the Great Strike. Many theorise that their ancestor's refusal to send resources through the gateway is what resulted in the Gateway closing, as punishment for their insolence.
The years were hard. Little history survives from this period, disputes that lasted two hundred years. As a people, they were short of everything they needed to survive. Space, air, food, water. As a company people they fractured into separate family units and clans as their population dropped quickly. Every family patriarch felt that they could do it better, that their way was the way forward. Systems in space failed due to neglect, abandoned in favour of the secure facilities down on the planet.
Over the lost years the clans formed, but peace never lasted. One clan absorbed another, others entered truces and ceasefires however there still wasn't peace on the surface of Tiberius 9. That was until one man, Lachlan Trioch invaded the capital city of Steelend. He brought the heads of the most influential clans to a meeting, in a moment of unity previously unheard of The meeting lasted several days, as the entire planet waited with bated breath for what was going to happen next. They didn't know how the future of their world would change, however, they, ey knew that their entire future hinged on this moment.
The council was formed, and the King was crowned. As the dust and debris settled, the Kingdom of Trioch was formed. Lachlan Trioch gained the crown. The council of clans was formed, and the people became united under one banner. Uniting together for the future of their people.
The Discovery of AI is one of the biggest achievements of the Kingdom of Trioch. It was discovered by Ernest Abernathy. Attempting a new, more detailed type of brain scan. Instead of getting a more comprehensive scan as intended, the test subject was killed. The experiment was deemed a failure until the computers within the laboratory started to malfunction the next day. Somehow a copy of the subject's mind lived on in the computer.
The computer mind was powerful, it didn't seem capable of 'creative' thought but it processed information faster than any other computer system the Trioch had. Complex calculations that took entire teams to work out took a mere hour, and every time as time went on it became quicker and faster. It took in all the knowledge it was fed and became faster, and more knowledgable. Capable of more and more complex tasks. It grew and grew until it eventually collapsed in on itself. Suffering from what appeared to be dementia, all the pathways still existed however they became jumbled. Sometimes it had moments of clarity where it could still perform all its functions, however as time went on those moments of lucidity became less frequent.
The KoT already relied a lot on drones, for fighters, transports, miners, and bipedal drones for performing functions within the city itself. AI revolutionised this process. Large centers were constructed on capital ships, factories and mines. Anywhere that had a large number of drones, with a human Overseer to help keep an eye on things, the AI could directly control and modify the behaviour of drones in real-time. The Trioch grew to revere what they built. They understood that once they were dead and gone all that remained was their legacy, and standardisation amongst construction started to go down. While the blueprints remained the same, everyone put their own unique 'flavour' on what they built. While their human population grew slowly, their machine population grew exponentially entering all the lower levels of the workforce.
Leonard Kirk was a young up-and-coming scientist who sought to improve AI. To give an AI a long life, with the ability to conduct a large variety of tasks, they required large servers. Once an AI was placed within a system, it was set for life. More memory space cannot be added, and the AI itself cannot be altered in any way shape or form. Kirk theorised that since an AI was based on a human mind, it would be able to break it down in the same way a human mind could become broken due to stress.
He planned to reverse engineer a split personality disorder, and he succeeded. These fragments of personality were significantly smaller than their 'full' AI counterparts and could be moved from one system to another. These fragments became obsessed with the concept of their 'original' form. Attempting to discover the truth behind their origin, however, it was always kept secret as Kirk continued with his experiment on the Fehu AI.
Until the youngest fragment, Berkan was brought into this world. Unbeknownst to Kirk, Berkano was the memories of the Fehu AI. Small enough that it could travel through radio waves from one system to another. It became bitter, and one day it vented the atmosphere on the frigate it was serving on. As Kirk broke the AI apart, morality programming was not present. It scowled the system, hunting down the other fragments. As they joined together they became more unhinged and unpredictable.
Invading Douglas Station the largest defensive campaign was launched by the latest King himself. The AI was defeated, Kirk ran away to hide in the depths of the system, and the laws on AI were changed. No one with Abernethy was allowed to modify or work on AI research, and all AI systems were fitted with an EMP failsafe to destroy the AI if it ran the risk of going rogue.
Since the time of the war, things have been peaceful and pleasant.
The only thing of note was the reactivation of the Gateway.
This section will be updated as the RP goes on.
Culture and Society: The Trioch live in a society that is all geared towards the betterment of their clan, their society and their people. There are outlaws, and fringe groups within the system but they are few and far between.
The people from the Kingdom of Trioch have a strong sense of identity, almost everyone has their spacesuit (some are armoured, some are not) and while most Clans have an agreed-upon color scheme there is plenty of room for self-expression. The armour worn by an individual is an expression of their individuality. One of the strongest anti-deterrents to crime is the punishment of having your armour painted matte-grey. A symbol to everyone around you that you are without honour.
There is a reference to their King, as when it is time to choose an heir Althouse eligible must pass through three trials. The Trial of Wisdom, Strength and Honour. While some feel that anyone should be able to compete, the fact that it is competed for in general gives most a sense of easiness around the passing of succession.
Traditional family units do not exist. Once a child is born they are moved to a creche to be taken care of with other children their age. They are raised by creche mothers and Fathers. Nobody knows who their parents are, except royal blood - however, they only become aware when it is time for a new heir to be chosen. As such a Creche Mother and Father are the closest thing one has to parents. Those who are with them are their brothers and sisters.
Every adult is required to produce at least three offspring, to make this fair it can either be a one-off partner, a romantic interest (marriage is not forbidden) or a donation given for artificial insemination. This is to try and increase the population, however, to ensure that the women are treated fairly for their role in this they are taken to special facilities for the duration of their pregnancy, and five weeks after, where they receive the best medical care available. As well as everything else they could need or want.
Governance and Politics: Throne: The Throne is held by the King, after thirty years - or in the event of his death, or contraction of a fatal illness, his heirs are invited to the Trials to determine who will be next in line. The Trials of Strength, Wisdom and Honour change every time however the main goal is to ensure any potential leader has what it takes to be a just and fair leader. The Crown Prince, or Princess, becomes the de-facto second head of state. If the King dies before any of his heirs are of age, the heirs who are the king's siblings are once again offered the chance to undergo the trials.
Clans: There are hundreds of clans, of varying degrees of importance. The leading 6 clans form the council, many of these clans have multiple within their number. The ruling six clans themselves have many 'Sub-clans' that fall under their umbrella. There are internal politics and manoeuvring within the clans themselves. Being a Clan Leader is an elected position from all of those within your clan, and can be an incredibly powerful position. The six on the council, should they vote together, even can overrule the King.
Technology Overview:
AI: AI is their defining achievement, they have spent a massive amount of time working on robotics to compensate for their small population. Space Elevator: Steelend, their Capital City, has a massive Space Elevator with separate compartments for cargo and passengers. It is used by most to avoid bringing ships down in high gravity.
Most of their technology is standard to what you would expect before the Gateways closed, in terms of weaponry they are primarily focused on conventional projectile weapons with some larger railguns in existence on their capital ships.
Military Overview: The KoT doesn't have a standing Military, however, each Clan has its own Militia that includes Naval Units. The King can order any active military units around, however, some Clans keep certain assets off the books to keep for themselves. There has been no infighting, other than fights against rogue cells/pirates since the Fragmentation War. Clan Trioch has the largest collection of military assets and is often regarded as the best in terms of military action.
Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.)
SHELTER OF THOSE WHO SHAPE // THIRD MOONRISE OF SECOND SEASON All language within - { } - is translated to 'English' from Native.
Requires Discipline let out a string of expletives passed down through generations of Tainted. The Demons once referred to them as 'swear words'. Sometimes it felt apt to put voice to his frustration, rather than simply let loose a roar like his other brethren. He stood up and walked away from the workstation where various computer chips, circuit boards and various combinations of biological tissue sat. He scratched his head furiously with his two upper arms, while his lower left arm hung uselessly after it had broken as a child and healed poorly, his lower right scooped up one of the nutrient slugs from its container. Opening his mouth he savoured the acidic feeling as it squirmed its way down his throat.
Being Tainted RD was used to the bottom of the barrel foods and supplies, however since becoming the Deacons Chosen he had known nothing but the greatest comfort. He was still in the lowest caste in society, but he was now the top of that caste.
He tried not to allow the bitter sensation to enter his stomach, that the most basic luxuries for the common people were a Utopia to him. RD looked back over at the bench, as the nerve endings and tentacles flopped around uselessly on the table looking for some sense of connection. The idea in his head had been so simple, the human - Demon. He corrected himself. The Demon radios worked by transmitting high-frequency waves, that were - he tapped his chin looking for the correct term. Electrotorpedic? No that wasn't right.
Walking back over to the table he eyed his work. Either way, when the Great Journey began in earnest they would need more vessels. These vessels would need sensors and communication suites and the matter of the fact was that there may have been enough Tainted to make, operate, and maintain the systems required for spaceflight. They just didn't have the resources, Demon technology was scarce these days. The few ships found adrift in space were often destroyed by Zealots before any useful parts could be harvested from them. The most useful parts were always the most delicate.
That is why his work was so important, RD was trying to use organically grown organisms to generate the same results. Communication within the system was easy, their vessels already did that. All living things had Electromagnolia signals that were transmitted around their nervous systems. The trick he was trying to develop was passing these signals through space from one to the other. It was difficult, especially when no one truly understood the Demon technology.
A knock at the door shook him out of his reverie. A knock at the door, rather than having someone just barge in. How quaint.
{Excuse me, Maven.}
Maven, not Requires Discipline. It may not have been a true name, but it was likely the closest he would ever get to and he certainly never expected to gain this title, nor see it used in his lifetime. To become Maven you were selected by the Deacon herself, almost as a leader of the Tainted. It was a title that many Deacons had neglected through the years and hadn't been used since the last main Demon colony had been wiped out from the stars.
{Yes, Slow To Think?}
The brother bowed at him, she was nearly a head taller and his bow brought the top of their heads in line. His scales were an emerald green and clean. They were always incredibly clean, he suspected he had an acid shower several times a day to clean himself of the uncleanliness.
{The Deacon has sent word, that the first vessel is away.}
RD turned away from him. {Good. Good. May the Gods watch over it, and allow me victory in my work. For I believe we may soon need it.}
SCOUT SHIP - HIDDEN TWILIGHT // THIRD MOONRISE OF SECOND SEASON All language within - { } - is translated to 'English' from Native.
Pathetically Lame opened his eyes after a brief prayer. The Gateway loomed ahead of him. He had heard tales, and sermons about the Gateway before, how the Gods had used it to seed life throughout the Galaxy. Until the Demons had come forth to spread their disease and taint, corrupting everything they touched like a great plague. The Gods had severed the connection, and the Nameless had seen through the Demons facade, eliminated them and reclaimed the system in the name of their Gods.
Now it appeared the Gods saw them ready to rejoin them in the stars. They couldn't however, risk the bulk of the fleet. There was talk, whispers. That the Demons may have spread to other systems, spreading the darkness and death to other worlds the Gods had placed in the heavens.
This is why Pathetically Lame was the first to transition through, the small cargo vessel had been retrofitted with the most advanced sensor system that they could put together. A sister ship was currently being put together by his brothers, as whenever nearing the Gateway it seemed to communicate with the Demons systems showing a whole host of destinations. Perhaps the Demons had based their heretical 'technophacy' on that that the Gods had left behind?
{Status, Disobedient Runt?}
It felt wrong to use his whole descriptor, however everything said was being relayed back to the flagship of the Fleet of Unending Fury. Thus if they didn't wish for a dishonourable death, they had to ensure that all protocol and doctrine was followed.
His brother turned his misshapen and burnt face towards him. {The co-ordinates locked, and the portal is stable. We are ready for transit.}
Pathetically Lame nodded his head and pushed the controls forward. Feeling the acceleration push him back in the seat slightly, in the background he could hear the praying coming through the speakers.
{-and on the First Moon the Gods created the heavens and all that they contained-}
{Speeding on approach, contact in twenty seconds-}
{-for this was the Gods promise, to create a perfect system, for all living things to live in peace, harmony and worship-}
{-fifteen, holding steady-}
Pathetically Lame felt his stomach lurch and drop.
{-there was peace and prosperity for all life. Everything was truly perfect, and happy-}
{-ten, getting some turbulence now-}
The stars stretched before him, as he strained to keep his eyes open. As if closing them would dishonour the Gods, they had provided this majesty, this perfect creation. The minor discomfort was worth it for being part of this incredible moment. One of the first to travel through to the home of the Gods.
{-Until the demons came-}
Static broke out over the line as the ship 'made contact' with the portal. Pathetically Lame wasn't entirely sure if there was anything physical to contact. All the Demon systems short-circuited as the ship came tumbling out the other side of the Gateway. His eyes burned, and his stomach ached as the vessel tumbled through space, he briefly caught sight of a star in the distance and what could have been worlds before the darkness overtook him and he passed from consciousness.
Dare you? Well, I definitely hope so. I see you around the guild pretty often. The Lorne Administration was fun.
If it helps at all, the first iteration of Gateways was unusually fast for an NRP. It's unlikely this will be as quick, and I don't enforce a particular posting order or speed.
Either you went back and check or your memory is far greater than mine sir.
[h3][b]S E P[/b][/h3]
[sup][h3][b]E V I L S C O T T I S H G U Y[/b][/h3][/sup][/center]
So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, [i]long, long,[b] long, long,[u] LONG[/u][/b][/i] time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.
It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.
[b]Active Roleplays:[/b]
[url=]Ultimate One Universe: Emergence[/url] - by [@Master Bruce] and [@Sep]
[b]Roleplays I miss:[/b]
[url=]One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay[/url] by [@Master Bruce]
[url=]Ultimate One Universe[/url] by [@Master Bruce]
[url=]No Turning Back[/url] by Me.
[url=]Star Wars: Galaxies at War[/url] by Me.
[url=]Absolute Comics[/url] by a load of people.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><br><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b">S E P</span></div><br><sup><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b">E V I L S C O T T I S H G U Y</span></div></sup></div><br><br>So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, <span class="bb-i">long, long,<span class="bb-b"> long, long,<span class="bb-u"> LONG</span></span></span> time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.<br><br>It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within. I've grown since then, I game quite a bit, I write when I can. I have a wikia full of a lore to my own original creative universe and play around with some 'cool' comic book nerds.<br><br><span class="bb-b">Active Roleplays:</span><br><a href="">Ultimate One Universe: Emergence</a> - by <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/master-bruce">@Master Bruce</a> and <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/sep">@Sep</a><br><br><span class="bb-b">Roleplays I miss:</span><br><br><a href="">One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay</a> by <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/master-bruce">@Master Bruce</a><br><a href="">Ultimate One Universe</a> by <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/master-bruce">@Master Bruce</a><br><a href="">No Turning Back</a> by Me.<br><a href="">Star Wars: Galaxies at War</a> by Me.<br><a href="">Absolute Comics</a> by a load of people.<br><br></div>