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.:⋮Blinding Counter⋮:.

@Ariamis@Majoras End

Penny could help the victorious grin that spread across her face. It was obvious that Sirkkeli didn’t know Penny as well as the Beacon member had feared, and right now that was going to cost the alien monster girl much more than it was going to cost the native one, for there were several mistakes that Sirkkeli had just performed that spelled the end of this encounter.

The first was assuming that just because she had covered Penny’s eyes that Penny could no longer perceive what was happening around her. This was untrue; because while Penny’s magical talents would never be flashy, when it came to perceptions and other inward focused magic Penny shinned. She could sense all the Metal, Sound and Lightning in the alleyway and that gave her more than enough information to not be truly blind.

The next mistake was assuming that Penny wouldn’t be able to defend herself. As Sirkkeli closed in part of Penny’s chassis would snap open up and a blazing flare of white light would erupt from within the Beacon aligned android as she pushed the Light of her Spark to its absolute limit flooding the space in front of her with pure incorruptible light.

The last mistake was assuming that just because Penny’s hands were trapped that they were inaccessible. With a twist of her arm her left hand would disconnect at the wrist with a metallic click, a length of pristine chain trailing along with the freed arm connecting back to the still stuck hand. In the same instant that she disconnected her arm Penny would once again leap up and over her foe, looping the trailing chain around Sirkkeli as she went.

Once she landed Penny would trigger the winch to pull the chain taunt, bracing the side connected to her hand with two of her remaining spider limbs, hopefully binding Sirkkeli in place just in time for Valerie to dive in with her lightning blade. And just to add some insurance Penny would disconnect her right arm as well, but rather than any chain it just ended in a spike, which she aimed at the back of her captives head.

-=ƎMoment of PeaceE=-

@Ariamis@Flamelord@Crusader Lord

The sigh of relief that came from Aurelio was a palpable thing. Literally; one could actually feel the Relief rolling off of him. He took a moment to stand off from everyone else as he let himself come down naturally from the emotional high that he was still dealing with, while he was doing so he inspected the glimmering White Coin in his hand.

He didn’t bother to hold back the small laugh that bubble up from the realization that it was from a prior trial that he had been a part of that the sentence for this trial came through. He already knew what it was that he was going to put this coin to use for as well, which also answered for him what he was going to do with his Ruby coin as well.

A simple sleight of hand brought the extra coin to his palm as well, and a moment later both coins would vanish in muted flashes. Aurelio had no desire to bring much attention to himself at the moment after all, and with a simple nod to himself he moved back to his friends.

“Hey! You try being plugged into that and not showing off” The young mage would say gesturing at what remained of the crowed that had overseen the trial. Before he pulled a handkerchief out of nowhere and dried off his tears. “I promise you it was a lot more intense then you might have expected.” He would grump a bit before breaking out in a wide smile “Worth it though, as it all ended well.”

He would seemingly conjure a few more handkerchiefs, offering them to the other ladies of the group, as well as giving Sally a quick hug, before agreeing with Alicia. “You’ve got a point there. Wonder if they have a mission for us now that you’ve gotten a promotion?” He would wonder aloud as he walked along with them towards the Hall of Luminous Valor.

>>Irish Farewell<<


Rather than being intimidated by Leena’s crazed, blood stained appearance, Viva had to fight down something of a blush, because for someone of her warped temperament and preferences, it was both appetizing and somewhat arousing. Thankful, for all parties involved really, chaos descended upon them once again in very short order.

A moment behind FanFan, Viva also sprung into motion however in-between one step and the next the roar of a motorcycle engine split the air as Viva once again mounted her precious bike. Rather continuing in her original direction she instead began a rolling burnout, her revolver began once again barking out its loud retorts. Yet none of her rounds were aimed at any of the Beacon members, each round was launched out towards one of the numerous crazed Feral clones that surged in once the Null field had fallen.

After completing one full rotation Viva released the brakes and blitzed past the Beacon members. On her way past she would reach out to grab onto the Endsingers’s now motionless corpse, storing it into her Hammerspace just before a translucent ramp would materialize to once again send her skyward. Once in the air she would continue to rain down a fire at the wolven foes below her, as a shimmering roadway would appear underneath the tires before twisting out and leveling off to keep Viva and her bikefar above any of the rabble below.

“It’s not nice to threaten a girl with a good time!” She would yell out teasingly, her statement punctuated with a couple more rounds of gun fire Next time I might just take you off on that offer Braces!” Without waiting for a reply there would be another rev of her bike as Viva speed off into Penrose.

This has me wanting Viva to snag the guitar on her way out as well, but something tells me that she'd only be able to nab one thing as she zooms by and her first priority wouldn't be the guitar.

.:⋮Ceaseless Advancement⋮:.

@Ariamis@Majoras End

“Ha! Now who’s being blasphemous?” Penny would yell as she rushed forward to continue her attack, seemingly uncaring of the corrosive blight that Sirkkeli’s blades carried “The ass is the Unmaker! It is anathema for him to create!” Her anger at Laat was clear to see in her face even as her assault maintained the same efficient brutality as always “And even if what you said was true he’s still a royal bastard! He drafted me into this life style without any warning and then left me stranded with nothing for months! He has never cared about me!”

“System alert. D̷͞҉͏̡è̛͘҉̕s҉̶̛̛҉t́̀͘͢͜r̡ứ̧ć̸t̶̡̨͟į̛ơ̶͜͡͝n͏̡̛ ̴̵̛͞E͏̨ņ͏ģ́̕͠҉i̡͞͏̸͠n̴̢͠͝e͏̧̀ has reached 25%”

Without warning Penny’s spider like limbs would unfurl themselves alongside her hover systems kicking on once again amping her assaults intensity becoming a truly ferocious offensive of eight limbs working in sync with mechanical precision. Her reasoning for continuing the all-out offensive was simple; if each strike poisoned her she would lose in a battle of attrition. Even with her ideas of how to discard the contaminated metal it would still end up with her losing out in the long run. That just left her with one outcome; Crush her opposition before she was overwhelmed.

She could do that, easily, all Penny needed was to grab Sirkkeli or stun her for a moment. Then the power that she had been granted by Laat himself would bring about the conclusion to this battle, and unlike so many of her battles before, Penny would have no qualms about using it if the opportunity arose.

"Look out!"

Dodging out of the way of the incoming lightning spell, Penny fired off a round of her gauss system in tandem to it before once again diving into the fray. As she did the normally red glow of her eyes would start to be replaced with an intense white.


@Ariamis@Flamelord@Crusader Lord

Off in the stands, even further out of mind then he had been a few moments ago, Aurelio struggled to maintain his composure. That wasn’t to say he wasn’t crying at the beauty that was being displayed before him or that he was un-touched by the sense of joy and resolution that filled the hall. It was in fact just the opposite.

He had tied himself into the emotions of the hall in a desperate bid to try and assist his friends, and act that had turned out to be unneeded thankfully. But now it was that act that was nearly causing him to come unraveled at the seams, as he fought desperately to not drown in the emotional storm or worse start feeding into this monumental moment and cause a feedback loop that would likely end him.

All was not lost however, for if there was ever a time that Aurelio’s skill with positive emotions came in handy it was for sure this one. With the same care that he wove himself into the room he would start to withdraw from it and as he did he let this life changing event flush all, but the most precious of his stored emotions, away. Cleaning out the Frustration and Hate that he had gathered and kept locked away in case he needed them and allowing the Compassion, Love, and Wonder to settle in their place.

Quietly he brought his Spark to the surface and, once he was sure that he had extracted himself enough from to the room to be sure of himself, moved to stand. “We are Beacon!” He would shout from the stands “We stand united! Together through adversity we are the light that shines forever more to chase away the darkness and all the ills that it houses! And I see no darkness within these walls, least of all those that are being accused, they have risked more than any to try and bring the light of hope to those who need it the most!” He was openly crying as she shouted his words for while he could keep himself from being lost to the storm of emotions that didn’t mean he wasn’t still caught up in them.

“ So I stand with the Seraph! Any judgment you pronounce on you give to me!” Aurelio took a moment to breath and to try and gain some semblance of control over his emotions before he spoke aloud once more, albeit more calmly then before “Because I am Beacon, and I will not let them stand apart any longer” Still openly crying, but with his head held high, he strode down to stand with Alicia and Serenity, the raw conviction on his face nearly daring someone to question him on his actions.



A moan of delight was released as the deranged girl reveled in the exquisite taste of her new meal. The fact that she was mere inches from several life threatening attacks being over looked in her ravenous haze. It would be a few more mouthfuls of the wondrous meal before Viva was once again able to think with any degree of clarity, for while her hunger was far from sated, the high quality food was able to fulfill the requirements of the curse she had placed upon herself.

Thankfully this clarity came just in time, as not a moment later she was forced to dive backwards to avoid the final part of Dawn's slash before it succeeded in separating her head as well. Still it was an inelegant dodge that left her sprawled out across the ruined stage. It took all of a second for her too realize that her situation had went from bad to worse. There were three Beacon members effectively surrounding her, and she knew they were Beacon from the aura of Purification that their Sparks gave off, and all of the seemed to be melee combatants from what she could tell.

Normally she might have been able to get away with hiding her status as a dark magical. After all she normally fought at range and could come in afterwards and offer healing assistance, either via her Specialization or her Artifact. Now however? With her face covered in blackened gore from tearing off chunks of the Endsinger’s flesh, with her mouth still a twisted mockery of fangs that drooled acid?

“Shite…” she would mutter as her eyes flicked between the three who had been temporary allies and the corpse. A subtle attempt to summon her bike just reinforced that this was a bad situation as she felt the magic being cancelled out. Slowly, carefully, she stood back up sadly a few steps away from the wondrous meal, before running her free hand across her face both cleaning it of gore while also removing her monstrous alterations.

“Don’t suppose we could all simply just go our separate ways now?” Viva would ask cautiously, ready to bolt the instant one of them turned actively hostile. She highly doubted that anyone of them would agree, Beacon was never tolerant of outsiders corrupted ones least of all, but getting into a fight with three of them wasn’t on Vivian’s to-do list for today.

A glance over her shoulder informed her that simply legging it wouldn’t be very easy either, not if the crazed wolf looking things were as hostile as she expected.
‘And I was told that my luck was going to be good today too’

.:⋮Iron Supremacy⋮:.

@Ariamis@Majoras End

Despite her strikes being so easily deflected Penny was smiling, revealing her rows of razor sharp teeth. While she would have loved it if her attack had ended the fight right away, she had doubted from the start that this would be over quickly and despite scoring only glancing blows she still gained in the end for with each ringing strike she would gain a flash of insight into the inner working of her replacement for the echoing vibrations that lingered with each clash spoke loudly to the Purified gynoid.

“And I would do it all again!” Penny roared in reply as she ducked in and under the backhand “I was little more than a pawn to that Jackass! Nothing more than a tin solider to be tossed around at his leisure and then abandoned when he was done, left to try and salvage what I could out of whatever mess he forced me into.” Even as she yelled she continued her assault, each punch thrown harder and faster than the last as Penny quickly ramped up to her full speed and power.

But that didn’t mean she was going all-out just yet.

At some point in her assault a matte, onyx, coloration would start to darken Penny’s armor and as it did her blows would become heavier, but that was only a side effect. “Titan’s Raiment: Online.” It was in truth indicative of the skill she stole from Elroy; the secret of locking away her metal for anyone but her, mixed in with her personal optimization, and this was only phase one in her plan. If this imposter wanted to claim that Penny had stagnated? Fine, but Penny was going to enjoy forcing the truth down her throat in retaliation.

>>Feeding Frenzy<<


The snarled curse that spilled from Viva’s lips from her attack being intercepted by a third party went unheard in the sea of sound and she was moving closer to the Endsinger before the full ramifications could be seen.

For in truth Viva didn’t care about the Ascendency girl that she had disarmed, didn’t care about the rampaging clones, didn’t care about the danger that surrounded them all. She was hungry, and by her own action that was all she could focus on. The black hunger that churned within her, that swelled at the sight of the putrefied flesh being splattered everywhere.

Because of that twisted drive she hardly noticed it when she walked into the sphere of nullification, too deep into her desire to be so easily pulled form it, hardly noticed to deep kiss that the Endsiger had pulled Leena into or the blades that were currently sticking through her undead flesh.

All she could see was the taunt lines of muscle on the Endsingers neck that called to her. She wiped a hand across her mouth to clean away the drool at such a feast being displayed to her and as she did such her veins would pulse with corrupted magics twisting her jaws into a monstrous mockery, filled with serrated fangs and caustic spittle.

Without any preamble she launched herself at her meal. Her gun was held at the side, ready to open fire on anyone who tried to interrupt her meal. or even her meal itself if it tried to fight back.

-=ƎIn Plain SightE=-


Off in the stands Aurelio was doing his best to stay still. The emotions in the hall were as charged as they ever were within these halls. Yet he knew that there wasn’t much that he could do. He could be something of a character witness if either side needed him to be, but his overall time spent with either Alicia or Penny was limited, but that was really the extent of his usefulness within this trial. He hadn’t been around for any of the inciting incidents that were being thrown around.

It was interesting to hear some of the topics that were brought up, and were it not such a tense situation he would have more than likely already asked a few questions or even tossed in his two bronze on the topic. He just hoped that he would still have the chance to do that later, the emotions in the air coming from Rachel gave him reason enough to believe that she would be doing everything in her power to get a guilty verdict, even if that meant twisting the rules.

That was something that he might be able to help out with however. So in the interest of keeping this trial as clean as it could be, Aurelio very slowly and very, very, carefully started weaving his presence into the emotions throughout the room. It wasn’t a spell in a true sense, it wasn’t even something he would be able to explain with any clarity to anyone outside other Empathy mages, but it would allow him much greater acuity into the emotions that people were giving off.

He made sure that his cane was dismissed before he start this delicate process as well, no need to bring attention to himself by it starting to glow and in the long run he wasn’t even sure that anything would come of it. He just needed to be doing something.

.:⋮Echoes of the Past⋮:.

@Ariamis@Majoras End

Before the utterly alien looking girl ever spoke Penny was on edge. Something about the other girl triggered a feeling of unease within the normally laid back robotic girl. It felt like she was looking in a broken mirror, one that magnified her own perceived flaws. Plus there was something that she could not put to words that had her hackles rising.

Then the robotic insectoid spoke, and the mystery was shattered. For in a way Penny was looking at a broken mirror, a reflection of what it was that she had felt Laat had turned her into, and all it took was hearing her old Patron’s name for her to know that this was a fight where only one of them was going to be walking away.

The soft clicks of her hidden limbs releasing there restraints, was hidden by her opponents short declaration, as was the sound of a metal latch being thrown, and the soft hum of her Gauss system powering up. In fact the only sound that came from Penny that could be heard was the revving from the chain blade in her arm that flared to life as she raced her replacement.

And thankfully for the Beacon based monster girl, her chainsaw’s rev is also what kept her from being surprised by the sudden inclusion of a third member to this grudge match. For the kinetic waves of sound it released paired beautifully with her new Specialization, granting her a near perfect understanding of where everything in this alleyway was.

Because of that Penny didn’t falter in her charge when Valerie appeared to block the incoming sword swing, and instead just continued on, flowing up and over her newfound ally, as she sought to pin the Alien girl between them, raining down a barrage of strikes on the interlopers as she went.

>>Beat of her own Drum<<


Viva staggered to her knees as she felt the full fell might of the lich’s magic pressing down on her mind. She struggled to keep her thoughts amidst the roaring riffs that rung in her mind that sought to drown her in the rhythm and tempo of someone else tune. Try as she might to summon up her anger or focus it continued to simply scatter in the face of the psychic onslaught.

She was nearly lost to the music’s sway as she brought her hands to her head. As she grit her teeth in a desperate attempt to maintain control, she found salvation. Not from the pressure or pain that the act caused but from the blood that it brushed against her tongue, blood that sparked a single to run through her mind.

'I'm Hungry'

Latching upon that moment of clarity she unwound the curse in her hand, lessening it from a mindless frenzy to an amplification of desire at let it overcome her. Seeking refuge from outside influence inside her own insanity. The look of anger bled away and was replaced with one of manic hunger, as she began to see Endsinger as nothing more than a meal waiting to be consumed.

A glass beaker would appear in her off hand filled with a clear substance, a wave of her corrupted magic would engulf it, blackening the glass and changing the liquid to a violent, hissing, green sludge. A moment later and she threw it at the musical lich.

Her gun would let out another retort a moment later, this time aimed at the glass projectile. As she was under no delusion that her throw beaker would hit, but shattering it midair to spray the corrupted acid everywhere? That was much more likely to cause some damage, and besides she liked her food spicy.
Random assortment of potential ideas.

Hard angle turns for in flight spells. Delayed activation on spells. Aura's that either buff or damage. Projectiles that can only contact the target and just phase though everything else. Non-visible light spectrum access? Manipulation of ambient light sources. Light based pseudo-clones.

Avenues of thought; You can either play up the Light = Holy aspect, or you can mess around with light as a particle/wave formation.
Ah A2, she was nearly Penny's FC if I'm being honest. Spent a fair bit of time trying to find a good piece of art that I liked but never did. looking forward to the robots running into each other.

-=Ǝ Push Back E=-


Back into the interrogation room, as that was what it was regardless of how they wanted to rename it. Aurelio just sat there for a long while looking at Rachel with a stern searching gaze. “You are playing with fire Rachel.” He would say eventually shaking his head slowly before taking off his top hat and monocle, the articles of clothing simply vanishing into air as he set them down, his stern visage never wavering as he did so.

“Any inroads that I might have made are likely gone with my absence and your actions. As I’ve never hidden that I am Beacon to the community here. And the one girl that I expect does have the connections that you have accused me of having is likely on your black list.” He would continue as he slowly stood. “I only hope that your quick to judgment stance hasn’t turned her against us. For Penny is a force to be reckoned with and you are currently holding everyone she considers a friend in Beacon in captivity. She may hold a Spark, but that won’t stop her if you aren’t careful. Because I’ve seen your work before, and this could easily backfire on you in ways that we simply aren’t prepared for right now if you don’t take caution”

Aurelio would carefully walk closer to the leader of The Ascendency “But I will still take you tracking device” He would say as he gently picked up the rather intricate piece of magic “And I will do my best to find out the location of this party, as you might have a point, as we once again have more enemies then friends here in Penrose. But,” It was time to let them know that Kindness didn’t mean push over. “I will not wear this until I know for sure that is that case.” He would openly place the relic into his inner jacket pocket before turning around to walk back to the other side of the table. “I will not further your abject assault without cause. There is no Kindness in genocide after all.”

He let his gaze linger on Rachel for a few moments after he said his piece, wondering if anything he said would have any impact. He wanted to say more, wanted to tear into her for destabilizing Beacon now, when it needed that solidarity the most. Wanted to rail at her for destroying what work this branch had done in restoring its public image. He wanted to tell her that the only one would could judge him was his own Beckoner; for he knew damn well knew what was in his contract. Instead he said nothing and after a few moments he simply winked out of existence, teleporting himself back to the containment room, not bothering to care if it was rude or not, he would spend what time he could with his friends before the trial.

.:⋮Side tracked⋮:.


Penrose had been turned into a desolate city and little drove that point home more than Penny’s travel through the city. It was hardly a few hours after dark, but the city felt empty of humans. There was no one out on the streets, everyone one still here knew better then to go wandering out once the sun set now a days, alongside the increased trash that was left lying about due to the trash collectors not wanting to endanger themselves and the scores of abandoned cars all added together to give the city a very bleak atmosphere.

The worst part of it all? Monsters seemed more than willing to simply wander around looking for unfortunate souls, which was why Penny wasn’t currently dealing with any of the lich attacks. ‘This was not what I was expecting when I went out looking for monster s to hunt’ The robotic girl would muse to herself as she ducked under another crazed swipe before stepping into the creatures guard and punching her arm through its torso. ‘Twenty six’

She had exited the sewers a few blocks into downtown Penrose, and had almost on accident stumbled into a mob of beasts that had been prowling about the city looking for prey. Granted none of them had been more than a mook class threat, but there was something to be said about the sheer number of them she had stumbled across. The fight, if it could really be called that, had proven to be one sided very early as Penny simply tore through the creatures, as most of them had been too weak to really have a classification of any kind and it had quickly devolved into Penny hunting down as many as she could once they had scattered, before they could vanish into the night.

A part of her was vaguely disappointed that she was more or less stuck on grunt clean up duty due to stumbling into them, and hopped that the more major fights were going decently, but knew that leaving this pack alone would likely have spawned even more trouble down the line.

She leaned back wards nearly folding in half to dodge a pair of attacks from either side, before transitioning into a hand stand to kick off the heads of her attackers Twenty seven and twenty eight’ just to flow into a back hand spring to continue the chase.

That wasn’t to say she was doing nothing else, these creatures hardly required any real focus to deal with. So she was simultaneously looking into the Beacon network, or more accurately its new firewall. It did come as something of surprise to see a majority of the network was closed off to her, and since she had logged on through the normal channels that meant a majority of Beacon’s members was locked out of the deeper parts of the network. She wondered why, she knew that it was the fault of the Ascendancy, the error messages when she tried to go somewhere that was locked told her that much, but that didn’t explain why.

Made her wonder if they were hiding anything and if- her train of thought was cut off as a monster landed a blow to her back. One that did little more than leave scratches on her and which both her and the creature watched heal near instantly. ‘Twenty nine’

She took a quick glance around the alleyway she had been in before sighing. Some had gotten away, but she had culled a fair portion of them. She doubted that moving to join any of the other attacks would prove any help at this point seeing as it was possible to have too many people trying to fight something at once.

‘Perhaps I can go check out Brittney’s?’ she would wonder to herself before pausing in her internal planning to turn around, as she could hear the echoing of footsteps of something heading her direction.

>>Stage Rush?<<


There was a running string of curses flowing though Viva’s mind as she touched back down. And it took her a few moments to realize that despite landing near front and center to the entire mob nothing was moving to attack her. She even double checked her surrounding to make sure that nothing was creeping up on her before letting out a quiet “Huh” that was lost in the wall of sound.

Slowly she dismounted from her bike, the vehicle vanishing in a ripple of light shortly afterwards. She continued to survey the surrounding, more than a bit bemused at the lack of hostility being directed at her. Until she noticed that she had been tapping along to the beat that is, the lack of proper indignation at being hypnotized also went a step towards realize that she was in much more danger then it first seemed like.

Closing her eye’s she took a deep breath, a moment later a pair of industrial strength earmuffs appeared in her empty hand, which she quickly put on. Then she proceeded to bite down on her lip. Hard. In fact she didn’t stop biting until she felt her teeth click and she could taste blood. When she once again open her eyes it was easy to tell that she was mad, but it was a cold anger. Kneeling down she placed her off hand against the ground and focused, carefully planning on the shape in her mind.

Normally the barriers and walls she conjured would shatter at the lightest touch of anyone but her, raining down either damaging or debilitating magic on whoever was unlucky enough to come in contact with it, but with a bit of time and effort she could restrain the destructive inclination of her magic and make the standard barriers her Specialization was more commonly known for.

A pair of moments later a glittering translucent ramp appeared leading up on to the stage, one that her allies in the battle could also use. Not waiting another second Viva raced up the ramp opening fire upon the Endsinger the moment she had a clear line of sight on her. A part of her hopped that part of the mob would follow after her, for if they did a curse of frenzy would turn them against the Endsinger as well. A translucent black sphere would appear in her off hand holding just a curse in case she got the chance to use it.
@Majoras End Eliza is one of the two that it would make sense to be able to stumble across the Sanctuary, since she's been there before, so if my word has any say on it I say it's fine for that to happen.

I've also got no problem with there being another Robot waifu either, the Aigis/Metis type angle would be interesting to play around with if you wanted to do such. Especially as Aigis was at least partial used for inspiration for Penny.

-=Ǝ Trouble in the Wings E=-


Aurelio was outwardly unphased by Rachel’s rough attempts to get the truth from him. He was after all speaking the truth, regardless of how bizarre that it might be. Inwardly he was doing his best to mitigate his own annoyance. The Ascendency always took things so seriously and it was really rather off putting to the laid back magician.

He opened his mouth to continue his defense, but softly closed it when he heard the teleporters going off. After all it meant more information, and hopefully an update on his friends, seeing as only one of them had texted him back. So once again Aurelio quietly followed after Rachel, though he was hoping that it wouldn’t turn into a habit as he could feel the unease in the halls as she walk through them.

He was always impressed with the containment room. It was such an effective mix of all the rooms that he tended to hate mixed with a near ever presence of fear. Making it no surprise that he tended to avoid the places as much has he could, to say nothing about how his Vow tended to place him in uncomfortable situations when mixed with these rooms.

“Please, give me some credit” He would quip as he walked closer to the group “I didn’t walk anywhere. I teleported.” Aurelio would explain with puffed up swagger, which quickly deflated. “I’m glad you’re all okay though” He would say sincerely as he met the eyes of all of them, even going so far to give Sally a light hug.

He felt compelled to try and actively heal Kimble, as leaving her there hurt was such an act of cruelty that it near appalled him, but he knew that the Ascendency wouldn’t care that he was simply following his Vow and would condemn him for the simple act of Kindness. Still he couldn’t just do nothing; thus a soft blue light would start emanating from his cane as gentle waves of Compassion would start pouring off of it. With luck it would sooth Kimble’s injuries and promote quicker healing for them, but at the least it would offer some amount of comfort to her.

“I’ll try to be here for the trial” He would explain “I told them about Dan already, but she’s not buying it” he would explain with a nod towards Rachel “I admit a Lesser force being able to do what Dan did is odd, but I get the feeling that the two girls who showed up at the end might have had something to do with it. Also got a text from Penny as well, she seems to be fine for the moment, but got caught up in a monster attack already.” Which if the Magician was being honest was likely for the best, it wasn’t much of a stretch to assume that Penny would react poorly to the Ascendency, or that they would react poorly to her.

.:⋮Back to Reality⋮:.

@Rune_Alchemist @Ariamis

“I don’t think Cindy is the bossy type” Penny would say as stood up as well ”She does have the best understanding of what needs to be done at the Sanctuary though” Penny would continue, leading the way towards the door so she could open it back to the hidden Monster girl nest for the both of them.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can, but I just can’t shake the feeling that I might be a security risk right now” And that was at the top of her to-do list one the Monsters had been taken care of. She suppressed the urge to groan once again there was so much for her to do and it didn’t seem like she a lot of time to get it all done. ”Because of that I’m gonna head out as soon as we get back” she continued, obviously a bit down at the fact she had to leave so soon after she got back.

“I’ll call you when I learn anything” Penny would promise as she opened the door back to her Lair. She would stand in the doorway, making sure it stayed open, just long enough for Chloe to step through as well. Before she would begin heading speed walking towards the hole that lead to the other floors.

“Cindy!” She would call out as she walked “Back with Chloe” She would add gesturing towards the petit mage that was the robotic girls girlfriend. “I can’t stay however. Realized that I might be a security risk, so I’m off to deal with a Monster and make sure that I’m not a danger to the safety of this place.” Penny would summarize as she reached the edge of the hole. Turning towards the electrified girl Penny would accept the Red Coin before apologizing “I’m sorry I can’t stick around longer to help, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. I promise” Without another word She would drop down into what once was a bolt hole. Her hover jets would flare to life before she touched down and without looking back she would race off.

The first layer of pipes, the ones that Penny had set up to be actual Bolt holes were connected across all of the building in this area, but most of them were too small for anyone to traverse. A few of them were large enough to walk through if one was careful, and the one that Penny was currently racing through connected to the sewer system. It was also one of the few that had a door, of sorts. Reaching out magically the slab of metal at the end of the pipeline would drift open just wide enough for Penny to slip out before it quietly swung closed again. From the outside the entrance would once again go unnoticeable as Penny had painstakingly made sure that the section of wall that covered this escape was indiscernible from any of the other walls.

She would travel down here for a while before popping back up to the surface to help track down a Target. At the moment any of them would be a good way to de-stress.

Here Come A New Challenger!

@ERode @FamishedPants@BrokenPromise

Across Penrose Chaos had sprung up. Three separate Monster attacks were currently ongoing not to mention any number of lesser confrontations being forced by low members of Beacon and the so call dark forces they hunted. Thus it wasn’t as much of a surprise as it could have been that one such dark magical girl went unnoticed, even as she was racing through the City’s streets on her Motorcycle, a steel gray Kawasaki Ninja.

If one had an aerial perspective they would be able to tell that this new comer to Penrose wasn’t driving around randomly. They were following a simple search pattern, and thus obviously looking for something, or someone. Unfortunately for the newcomer this search pattern soon placed her driving head long into the writhing mass of Ghosts called to mosh by the Endsinger. “Of course I wouldn’t have any bloody luck today either!” The girl on the bike would curse to herself as she noticed the confrontation she was rapidly closing in on.

A translucent wall would appear in-between the girl and the hoard of dancing ghost and just a moment later it would shatter, due to the girl had drawn her revolver and fired it at the wall, sending destabilizing shards of magic into the teeming mass spirits. This would repeat itself three more times before the girl and her bike would finally reach the edge of the horde just in time for a translucent ramp to appear launching her above the spirits on the ground. Giving her a better line of sight on the lich causing this mess, at which she fired off the last two rounds in her gun, before gravity started to pull her back towards the ground.
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