Avatar of Shifter_Master


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Across the campus, up in the main office for the surface school. One of the most feared men in the world was sitting silently stunned. It would have been entirely possible for Slade to stay sitting staring at his phone until the office closed, but his phone did what phones did and after only a short time shut off the screen to preserve power. Leaving Slade to be faced with own reflection.


A simple title. One that the man wasn’t fully sure was Jinayah’s intention when she replied. But it rendered him awe struck all the same. Softly he would set down his phone and allow himself one full minute to simply breath.

After that minute passed Slade returned to finishing the last thing to do with the paperwork. Signing Jinny, his daughter, for a dorm room. No one in the area, in fact no one in the world, realized that Slade Wilson just became even more dangerous than ever before.

He had something to lose once again, after all. He was a father, again. And he did not have the words to articulate what that meant to him. All he knew was that Heaven help any who harm his family, and Hell have mercy.

For they would find none from him.

None of that mattered at the moment however, for now he finished the last of the work and went to turn it in and get the badges and keys they would need for their stay here. For their new life here.

He itched to reply in kind as well. But that could wait, when he was sure that his space was clear when he was sure that they would be safe. He would let her know he felt the same. That she was his musumé.

But not yet, not when there was a chance that it could be used against her. He lost one family to carelessness. He would not lose another to the same.

’I’ll hold you to that Jin’

“They are alright” Gizmo would answer. “I think they went for economical rather than ergonomic for the most part. No shared bathrooms however.” He’d add before nodding and gesturing once again to the giant student still working his way through a personal buffet table. “And yeah I room with him. He goes by Mammoth. He’s not the smartest, but I’ve seen him pick up an engine block with his bare hands.”

“Huh” Bee would look over her shoulder at the newly named Mammoth, “I’m rooming with my parents personally.”

“Why?” Gizmo would interrupt before Bee could say anything else.

“Harder for people to get at me, and I get to poke about their labs” She would reply with a raised eyebrow. Her wings buzzing ever so slightly as well, made it seem like there was more to it than that.

But Gizmo simply rolled his eyes, either not noticing or not caring about the tell “Figures” He would say, a tad sarcastically. “Well dorms are simple, as I said. Two bedrooms, each with a connected bathroom, a decent communal space and then a small kitchen.” He’d explain, a small projector peeking out of his harness under his coat to display a rough outline of the floor plan on the table.

As he said they were rather simply set out. The dorms were rectangular, with the bedrooms seated next to each other on one side, the kitchen on the other with the living room area in the center. The living room also connected the dorm to the hall, or at least that was what made the most sense as there was a door there on the floor plan. Gizmo didn’t bother explaining what it was for at any rate.

The bedrooms didn’t technically share a wall, the bathrooms did. With the closets on the other side of the bedroom compared to the bathrooms. And the kitchen seemed to have a fridge and a stove according to image, as well as a bit of counter space, but there wasn’t a dishwasher listed and neither was there a washer or dryer listed anywhere.

“Some of the Dorms will have an office space that has to be shared, but normally it’s for higher grades or particularly gifted students. Though they will take it away if you keep blowing things up.” Gizmo would add, sounding annoyed by that “Security on everything is decent, but the teachers don’t mind if you add your own stuff on top.”

“Wonder where you’ll end up” He would go on musing after letting both Jinny and Bee, but mainly just Jinny, have their fill of the projection. “Most dorms are situated up above, but there are a few down here.”


Despite the carnage swiftly ending Penny was reluctant to stand down again. Her gaze swept over all those that had gathered cataloging those she didn’t know and double checking over those she did know. The frankly absurd number of wendigos here had her on edge. As either Beacon had lied to her, which was unlikely, or someone else had been trying to blind them. An unsettling prospect for a whole host of reasons.

It was due to this continued awareness that Penny noticed the renewed combat happening not far away. Not in the mood to let it simply pass by without doing anything Penny moved to at least provide over watch.

Not that her assistance was needed. Something Penny was quick to note when she arrived.

[Scaling response configuration down to phase one.]

Nevertheless, she wasn’t going to simply watch. She kept an eye open for any openings to land a lightning round from her Gauss systems. Jumping into the fray would likely only throw off the rhythm that the combatants established. And it hardly looked like any of them were in any real danger.

Getting the story straight once all of this was done was going to be a pain, Penny could tell that already.

While Penny was busy making sure that the latest batch of monsters were killed. Snoopy was bobbing about keeping an eye on the after math of the mess that had brought her to this area in the first place.

The drone was happily bobbing around Dina and MDP in case either of them needed to contact Penny. But other wise the drone was simply observing the goings on.

Monica had heeded the Regent’s command and had started shepherding Belladonna and Ashlyn back to the Sanctuary, the latter not in as dire condition as one would have expected due to Ashlyn’s nature as a reinforcement user, when they over heard Hanna and Fubu. “We have a memorial space at the Sanctuary” Monica would chime in “If you want to want to make use of it.” She would offer. Sounding tired, but still able to inject honest warmth into her voice.

“We got off on the wrong foot I feel. And I would like to apologize for that.” Monica would go on to say “The Queen had warned us of Beacon and Wendigos in the area. So, we were all a bit on edge when we first met. But if you came seeking shelter at the Sanctuary she would take it out of my hide if we were to turn you away now.”

Ashlyn, who had been quietly hovering over about Monica, spoke up as well. “She’s also going to want to talk to you about what happened. Thank you possibly as well.” The Oni grimaced a bit as she felt a rib pop back into place. “We got bad intel, only one beast not that” She gestured back at the large clumps of ash still blowing away with the wind.

”Well that doesn’t sound ominous at all” Aurelio would say to himself as Sann flew off.

“Do you think the fact that we have a girlfriend would help us at all?" He replied to himself, one of the clones scratching the back of his head as they voiced the question.

“Doubtful.” Answered the other clone.

“Pity” They all said at once.

”Anyway. Here’s hoping for good news.” The original would say turning his attention back to Alicia as she checked in with home base.
“Nice, I’m a legacy kid as well” Bee would nod appreciatively. Completely misunderstanding Jinny’s reply, it was starting to be apparent that Bee was a surprisingly honest type of person considering the nature of the school. “My parents helped design some of the tech they use around here. I got in on scholarship because of that.” The older girl would go one to explain.

“I broke in.” Was Gizmo’s answer. “I stumbled across their firewall and got curious. Took me a week to crack the outer layer which is why I knew what I found was complete bull. So, I broke in to figure out what it was they were hiding and got caught.” The pint-sized genius seemed annoyed at the fact he had been caught more than anything. “Not really sure what the Headmistress was thinking when she offered me tuition. But the tech lab more than makes up for it.”

“Pretty sure she was thinking about interest you’d have to pay back if you skipped out on joining” Bee would reply, gesturing with her fork. She had gotten a chicken salad with what seemed to be a honey dressing of some description.

“Figures” Gizmo had gotten a plate of chimichanga’s “Not surprising that she’s that mercenary”

From there conversation devolved into generalities, favorite foods, hobbies, and other such conversations. Before Jinny was done eating however, she would get a reply from her uncle.

Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself. Paper work is done on my end, and I’m just finalizing a few things. On that, would you prefer to room with me or get a dorm room with another student?’

’Thank you Lady Luck!’ Aurelio was screaming internally as he escaped with surprisingly light injuries altogether. A nasty scrape and a light bit of lacerations on his leg were much less than he expected to get away with, but sometimes luck went his way.

That moment of elation was nearly lost as he glanced over and saw that Alicia had been a much worse recipient of the spear spell from their unnamed interloper. Aurelio wasn’t entirely sure he should count her as an ally anymore due to all the friendly fire.

He didn’t lose the Elation however; it was too useful of an emotion to give up after all. Holding it close to him he raced forward two copies popping into existence as he ran, they were simple clones no real magic in them. As he only needed them as lookouts, his entire focus was on Alicia.

As he approached the Elation he held shifted and grew as he tapped into the revisor of emotion he made sure to carry with him. In this revisor he only carried three different emotions. The three strongest emotions in his opinion. Love, Wonder and Hate. He never had any of those emotions in large supply as true displays of them were rare and hardly public. But he did have Love at the moment. And for a friend obviously seriously wounded in possibly hostile environment? It was no question that he would dip into his limited stock for her.

Sann was ignored as Aurelio knelt next to Alicia. The manifested blade of light was ignored as he gripped his cane tightly, his eyes closed in concentration. “Storgḗ” he would intone as a white flow of light would start pouring from his focus. And instantly Alicia was flooded with relief. The pain was simply gone and her injuries were mending. It was magical healing at its finest, even if it might not be at its fastest. But that was understandable as Alicia’s mana was also being restored and her appearance was being cleaned up as well. As this was more than just healing it was restoration.

The feeling it invoked were numerous; warmth, annoyance, pride, tenderness, acceptance, happiness, sadness, hope, comfort. Yet despite all that, the central idea in the magic was simple. Family. And that shown though the spell with blazing clarity. Alicia was Family. Because to Aurelio, Beacon was family. And family deserved the best when they were in need.

Chaos was the best word to describe the raging conflict in the industrial district. Allies and enemies kept appearing in equal measure, but the magical girls were holding. More than that they were winning! Slowly, but surely, they were turning back the tide.

Dina’s presence was a great boon to the Sanctuary girls, the other reinforcements just compounded that. Hope was on the rise, and it looked like they would be getting out of here mostly alive even if it was much more banged up than expected.

Then Justine quit the battle field. Redeemed Sinner that she was she was no insignificant contributor to the fight. A bad loss to be sure but not yet a fatal one.

Ashlyn was the first to notice her tactics shifting to compensate. She shied away from offense more, her arms now being used as living barricades more often than not as she also conjured basic translucent red walls of reinforcement to block what blows she could see. The urging in the back of her mind was growing louder and louder. She needed to protect them. Needed to Protect them. Her offense faltered even further as she was losing the focus needed to push her instincts away. Though her defensive timing only grew sharper.

Belladonna was the most effected by Ashlyn’s shift in tactics. She couldn’t go out and harass the enemies anymore, but that didn’t mean she was any less dangerous. Her ears were on a constant swivel as at last she had stopped laughing, though her manic grin had hardly dimmed. Her strikes simply grew sharper, her ranged was limited but her claws were easily capable of rending limbs, and her kicks were strong enough to decapitate if landed squarely.

Monica was still in the fight, the monsters trying to attack her running head long into walls of fire. Her mood was clear as day. So long as you understood Greek that was. As she was cursing and swearing near constantly as the fight progressed. It sounded like a chant due to the musical quality her voice had, but for anyone who understood the language she was cursing up a blue streak.

Then Mayra also chose to quit the battle as well. One ace leaving was painful, but survivable. Both of them? That was a death sentence for someone. Because as much as everyone was pulling together to face this onslaught, they were still outnumbered. There were thirteen Wendigos left, possibly more that were only playing dead.

Just like that the fight gained a desperate edge. Which only further drained them. How long could they last before they lost someone, this time permanently?

But the fight carried on, injures piling up as the fighters grew sloppy due to exhaustion. It was only a matter of time until someone made a mistake. And when it came it was Ashlyn. The cause was her degrading rationality. She needed to protect others, a noble set of instincts to be sure. But they denied her the ability to recognize herself as someone who needed protecting. So, she got so caught up in doing everything she could to prevent anyone else she could see from taking another hit.

She never saw the Wendigos sneak up on her. Three at once ramming into her unprotected side. Two trying to tear into her with their filthy claws, the last trying to gore her with its antlers. Her skin was naturally thick and tough, further bolstered by Dina’s enhancements. But there was only so much that could be done when Ashlyn simply wasn’t trying to defend herself.

The claws only left scrapes, ragged ones, but better than tearing any deeper. The antlers landed with a sick crack that could only mean badly broken ribs, possibly worse.

The oni was launched away, breaking the triangle formation, leaving the flank exposed. Her scream of pain was only eclipsed by Monica’s outcry of concern. The pack of Wendigos descended on the obviously downed member, and neither Monica or Belladonna could reach Ashlyn in time.

Luck had finally run out it seemed.

Monica was struck numb, unable to act, paralyzed by the fact she was about to lose Ashlyn.

Then the world shook as an impact rocked the alleyway. From above descended a bolt of living wrath that fell upon the beasts that converged over Ashlyn without mercy.

Rejoice; her presence seemed to command as the roar of her interjection at last resounded out. Four dead Wendigos flaking away around her.

Rejoice, for The Queen had arrived.

And bad things were about to happen to all who threated her Sanctuary.


one minute to impact
The repeated attacks on her home, the threats that lingered in the dark unspoken by the Mint and by Ascendency. The gall and insolence of Monsters to strike into claimed territory. Her undiminished anger from earlier. The echo of a faded need to destroy. All of these things swirled inside Penny as she raced through the City.

Her home was on the other side of Penrose, and before this moment her record for crossing that distance on foot had been forty-five minutes. But that was because Penny played her capabilities close to her chest. No one really knew what she was fully capable at any given moment but her.

But she was done with hiding right now, done with letting her home look like a soft target because she was only so strong.

So that vast distance? Was gone in a fraction of the time.

Anyone connected to the local network knew when Penny entered the industrial district as well. Because her presence was suddenly everywhere within it. Every camera, every phone, every bit of GPS running software had Penny’s touch on it.

This area of the City was hers. Earned by right. And she was going to show everyone watching just why they needed to stop messing with it.

When she only had a street left, she would simply go up and over the last building in her way. Launching herself high she would take in the chaos below with a sharp and experienced eye. Then she let herself fall. Past the phoenix and through Shane’s pocket storm, though she did steal a stray bolt or two from the latter.


Penny wasted no time in showing exactly why she was so dangerous. She didn’t give anyone a chance to adapt to her presence, no moment to recover from her impact. She was instantly in motion again. Each attack she gave off was blisteringly fast, and savagely aimed. Death was her preferred outcome, but it was readily apparent that dismemberment was just as viable an alternative.

Earlier Belladonna bounced and ricocheted around the alleyway on her own like a violent wind of fang and claw. Penny now was all that and more. her claws would lash out with the force of of jackhammers, ripping though flesh and bone with frightening ease due to the projected energy blades lining her fingers. Her spider limbs brimmed with caged lightning and writhed about her lancing through skulls and chests with machine precision.

The bright blue of her energy fields, her elongated frame, and her near ephemeral appearance as steams of electricity arced off her as she tore into the host of beasts that dared attack her home gave off a freighting visage.

It was a sight that few people had ever seen. A Penny who wasn’t holding back to wear down her foe. A Penny who simply wanted you dead.

A machine of warfare, operating at full capacity.

.:⋮Shift into Turbo⋮:.

Penny would just roll her eyes at her girlfriend, and her question, an easy smile slipping onto her features as she did. A moment later three of her spider limbs were lashing out to comply with the request.

“Nice to mee you as well Ka’ris” Penny would return the greeting. “And yeah, it can take a bit of getting used to, lots of things to figure out.” She’d add on, not truly understanding what it was that the newer magical was meaning by their statement.
Conversation was derailed however by the murder of crows overhead. “Not usually no.” Penny would answer eyes narrowing at the off feeling she could sense from them. It was at that moment that Snoopy would deliver Elora’s update, and with it a spark of dread.

“The Sanctuary!” Penny would exclaim. She was certain that the conflict over there should have been cleared up by now. The fact that it wasn’t meant that the original numbers were off, or it had escalated somehow. Either way. “More monsters I have to go.” She’d toss out quickly as her legs erupted in light as she activated her hover jets and raced off.

Unsure and worried about the situation Penny was hardly passive as she raced towards the coordinates attached. She focused inward, pulling forth blueprints, protocols, and subroutines. Speed was the name of the game right now.

[Initiating Phase three response configuration. Primordial Tempest: Online. Blitz Jaeger Loadout: Active]

The world seemed to slow down as Penny accelerated even further. Her systems already adjusted for the enhanced speed she was calling forth due to her Lightning Enhancement and Weapon Transformation. While Penny was normally fast, now she was even faster. A near living bolt of lightning as she darted across the city leaving a trail of arcing ribbons of lighting in her wake.

Penny just prayed that she would make it in time.

There was an inherent disadvantage of being outnumbered, one that normally Aurelio was more than capable of counterbalancing just by his magical capabilities. That said there was still a lot of work to be done to try and balance out a three vs ten fight. Even if the numbers had already shifted in his and Alicia’s favor.

Thus, it wasn’t a great surprise that one of the Wendigo’s had been able to close in on him. He bit back a cry as he felt the jaws close around his leg. But that hardly slowed down his retaliation. With a flourish he brought his cane down like a golf club into the back of the wendigo’s neck. Yes, it wrenched the beast’s jaws around his already hurt leg, deep enough to draw blood if the warmth that suddenly coated his leg was any indication.

But Aurelio’s cane was a focus and a weapon in its own right. At the moment of impact, it would draw as much Hunger from the Wendigo as was safe, mix it with the Anger already contained in the cane and then unleash all of the emotions as a flock of magical guillotine blades. The blades would be sent out towards the beats closing in on Alicia.

Which is why he was able to get Alicia’s warning of Sann’s impending attack. One he wouldn’t be able to dodge due to the incapacitated beast on his leg. “Crap!” Acting as quickly as he could he pulled as much Determined will as he could muster in a hurry and jammed his cane in the ground in front of him. A tall three sectioned Green box would rapidly begin materializing to encapsulate and protect the Magician.

Though he doubted it would be fast enough to prevent all the incoming damage.

The Sanctuary Vanguard was in a tight spot and they knew it. They were starting to collect injuries and they enemies still far outnumbered them. Not that this deterred them. If anything, it seemed to spur them on even more, though that might also just be the desperation starting to leak in.

Ashlyn, covered in wounds as she was, had planted herself like a stone guardian. Refusing to give any ground. Her ghostly juggernaut had faded in its place was a three headed Ashura. This spirit seemed to give her all around vision as she reacted to attacks and movement from all directions. Her weapons of choice were six large ghostly replicas of her own arms with would appear and disappear at her command. There was a growing mania in her eyes as well. She needed to protect Hanna and her friend. Needed to.

Monica was fairing better. In the fact that she was the least injured of the three. Her clothes were enchanted, thus hardier. Her weapon a gift from Hephaestus, thus deadlier. Her magic was fire, thus more lethal. But she didn’t have the stamina for long protracted fight, not like Ashlyn and Belladonna did. So, she was starting to flag. She still had one more trick up her sleeves if she needed it and it was starting to look that way.

Belladonna looked the worst, drenched as she was in blacken rotten blood, but she hadn’t stopped cackling yet. Though she had slowed. Not due to her injuries, which while numerous weren’t as serious as those that Ashlyn sported, but because now the Wendigos had started to catch on and catch up. She was still able to dart around, but now she was reliant on Ashlyn’s arms for support so that she wouldn’t get caught out and become stranded. The upside is now she had to take more time to make sure each strike counted so each time she went out she scored a solid blow, even if not a killing one.

Then they all heard a Voice that eased their worries, and soothed the growing panic. Or Monia heard it and transmitted it to the others. It had the same effect either way.

The Regent had arrived. Dina was here.

And without hesitation they complied with the Regent’s orders. Ashlyn moved the two girls, that had more or less started this entire thing, to behind her with Monica and Belladonna closing ranks as well to form a defensive triangle around them.

“Figures” Mikron would say with an eye roll, despite the fact he was the one to originally bring up the topic of food. “And whoever told you about leaving class spots open gave you good advice. Wasted time my first year here because no one told me I could just test into higher classes.” He would grumble as he led the way out of the gym and into the halls.

Said hallways were closer in size to subway tunnels than school hallways. Double wide and a bit taller, though it seemed necessary to some degree as at least one student Jinny could see needed to watch his head regardless due to his height. The width did a lot to combat crowding, not that it was very full at the moment. Still, overall it was rather normal, so long as you didn’t think too much about the honey colored steel that seemed to line the walls, the advanced motion or P.A.N. sealed doors, or the fact that most of the students that weren’t in the school uniform seemed to have some type of weapon on their person.

Mikron would continue leading them towards the Cafeteria. “Mechanics, Robotics, Advanced energy systems, Piloting, Quantum mechanics, Coding, Weapons, And Electronic warfare” He would answer the question about classes absently obviously thinking about her first question.

Bee, on the other hand, did seem to know who Jinny was talking about. “You ran into The Jinx?” She would ask, sounding a bit impressed. “And you saw a hex spark but nothing happened? She must have been on her best behavior” Bee would muse aloud.

“No one really knows much about her” Bee would go on to say “She’s a Dark Way Prep transfer. Which means she’s been with the school in some capacity since she was like four.”

“Oh! I know who you are talking about now.” Mikron would chime in. “She’s banned from just about any of the workshops due to her power. Though I did hear that she passed some competency test from the teachers so that might not be the case this year.”

“That’s frightening, her power was already dangerous and now she’s gotten a better hold on it?” Bee would shudder a bit at that. “Her sparks have destroyed cars before. Something about causing cascading failures. I’m guessing she can manipulate luck in some capacity, due to the name, but only she would know for sure and not many people are willing to befriend a living bad luck charm.”

“I think it has more to do with her body count” Mikron would add looking rather intently at his watch. “Seems she’s killed more than just a few students due to ‘Accidental Power Mishaps’ but she did also take out that asshole from introductory physics so she can’t be all bad.” A glance at his watch would reveal that it was not currently telling time, rather that he seemed to have hacked into Jinx’s personal file that the school had.

“Huh” Bee was looking more than a little off put by that revelation, but she would eventually shrug it off. “Jinx has good instincts from what I hear, so whatever it was she was after must have been good.” Bee obviously didn’t know of the encounter that had happened earlier. Assuming that Jinayah just saw something that had caught her interest.

“I’m in a Weapons course, as well as Leadership, Aerial Tactics, Close Quarters Combat, Stealth, and Gymnastics. I’m holding on to my other slots though I might just make them a study hour.” Be would answer as they reached the Cafetiera.

The Cafeteria was like many school cafeterias. Large wide open room with a lot of long tables running parallel to each other. There were four primary food lines, each line had a menu above the start of the line letting people know what was available in that line. Each line seemed to be focused around either a style of food such as meat dishes or vegetarian. Or a region of origin such as Spain or Mexico.

Jinny was informed that the lines slowly rotated what was in. New menus taking over the rightmost line daily, while all the previous lines shifted over.

“Food is all you can eat during the lunch hour.” Bee would mention “But you can’t take more than one meal from a line at a time.”

“You’re not supposed to take more than one” Mikron would correct, gesturing towards a student who seemed to have a feast in front of him. The fact that he was nearly seven feet tall and built like a brick wall might have had a lot to do with how he got away with it.

“How’d you come to learn about HIVE?” Bee would ask once everyone had gotten food and sat down. “You a legacy kid or do something that impressed someone?”


Penny didn’t look directly at any of the human in the car in front of her as she methodically unmade her targets. She knew well enough how she looked from the outside. Snoopy was live streaming this after all. She was a terrifying sight, as was her work.

That said she did make sure to pay special care to the car as she worked. And not once did she let any of the Monsters regain even an inch on the distance, she forced them in to taking. Not until she was ready to reel them in to finish them off. So even as violent as she was, the car remained within the eye of her brutality untouched and fiercely protected.

This was proven to the upmost when Ka’ris made her debut attack. She had been outside Penny’s scan parameters at first, the Monarch far too focused on her death dealing. But the discharge of the gravity-based weapon had Penny snapping into action. Her spider legs curled around the car as a shimmering force field sprang to life between the limbs, covering the car from the attack.

Penny maintained the barrier for the entire duration of Ka’ris’ attack. Though she only spent the first second analyzing the newcomer. The next second was spent with her attention on the family’s care once again. As Penny lightly touched the car, and used her magic to restore anything that was wrong with it, even wear and tear that came from before this attack.

The last second was when Penny returned to the monster task at hand. Slipping away from the car now that it was once again no longer in danger and plunged her hand into the chest of the downed wendigo. She made sure to cup its heart before once again discharging enough Lightning to reduce it to ash.

After that she would stand back up and cast a long searching look about for any more targets. Not finding any she would let out a short breath, her eyes regaining their normal gold as she did. Now calmed down and no longer on the edge of a transformation. She was able to appreciate that her girlfriend has also chosen this district to defend. ‘Wonder if she was nearby, or if it was just a coincidence’ Penny would wonder as she waved a tired greeting at MDP.

She’d gesture for MDP to come over, mainly so Penny could take care of the monsters she had captured. Something that was rather impressive, but even as she did so she would turn to walk towards the new comer. Penny didn’t recognize them, so she felt it best to introduce herself. They did help out after all.

“Hey there.” She’d call out as she got closer. “Thanks for the assist. You new around here?”

Snoopy in the meantime would ping Elora, inquiring if anywhere else was in dire need of assistance.

Ashlyn, much like Mayra, wasted no time in rushing into the main swarm of monsters, a ferocious war cry bursting forth as she did so. “Filthy Curs!” In the wake of said cry, the visage of a plated Oni juggernaut could be seen floating about the tall girl. One that mimicked her movements. The frightening visage also quickly proved it was more than just a figment as it’s mailed fists struck with resounding force. Her destination seemed to be the girl that Mayra was also assisting. Because that girl needed Protecting And the girl that had buried by the swarm was already saved by Mariette.

Having a psychic on hand was so useful.

Ashlyn waded in slowly using her size and physical might to her advantage to batter the Monsters about. A sturdy, unmovable pillar in the center of the fight.

Belladonna on the other hand had started cackling the moment the monsters retaliated, and had started bouncing about the battle field like a deranged pinball. Heightened bestial senses, inhuman Awareness, and razor-sharp claws combined into a hit and run style of combat that left long ragged slashes on those that she got in on, but before the creatures could retaliate, she’d already be off onto the next foe. An ever-moving whirlwind of claws and laughter. Distracting and dangerous all in one.

Monica was ever so glad that she stayed on the alert towards the creatures that surrounded them. And easily settled into the task of fending of what beasts she could, each swing of her axe leaving large swaths of flame in its wake. Even as she swung her weapon around one could hear her chanting. “Oh Hestia! Lady of Hearth and Home. Guardian of the innermost things. I beseech you to lend your humble follower a boon. These vile abominations have sought to ransack my home. To drive those that need its shelter from its doors. Grant my allies a measure of your flame, so that we might instruct these fiends of their transgressions!”

With that final declaration she’d bring her axe down in a heavy clash. And from that point of contact brilliant golden flames would race outward. The Wendigo’s were untouched by the golden flames, no, more than that they were ignored by the golden fire. Ashlyn, Monica, Belladonna, Myra, and the Dark magical girl were not however. The golden flame raced up and over the girls a genital warmth passing over them as it did before the flame settled onto their chosen weapons. Granting everyone present a boon of Divine Fire.

“By fire be Purged!” Monica would shout before diving into the swarm of beasts, fire spewing from her axe.

“Fuck!” One of the girls would shout as a Monster girl would drop out of a portal right in front of her. Mariette was a known ally to those living in the Sanctuary, the portal wielder had protected them back during the first time their home had been attacked. So, it wasn’t surprising to see the portal open up, though it would still be considered a rare occurrence.

It dropping a viciously injured Monstergirl was a different story however. “Silbrex! Leanna!” The girl would shout out as she began moving the injured girl over to the medbay. “Emergency! We need a healer!”

Aurelio was undeterred as the entirety of the pack of wendigos turned towards him and Alicia. That made their job all the easier really. Especially since the more important half was already taken care of! “That’s right you over grown flea bags!” He’d call out as he spun his cane about his fingers. The blatant Hunger pouring off the creatures was repugnant. But it was still a resource he had on hand.

Then reinforcements arrived. It wasn’t Beacon, Aurelio figured that other Beacon members had been scattered all about with mass of attacks, but more help was never a bad thing. [color=fff79a]“Glad to see you’re on our side here” The magician would say letting out a low whistle at the Valkyrie’s devastating attack.

“But let’s see if we can’t do better” He’d add with a smile. He’d draw on the Hunger of the Wendigo’s and temper it with his own righteous Indignation towards the creatures. Happy and cheerful he maybe, but he wasn’t blind to what it was the monster’s here were trying to do. Taking that mixed blessing he’d enchant Alicia’s bow with it, he was a support specialist after all. Her Light arrows already tracked her targets, now they would be nearly blood thirsty in hunting down her target’s hearts. Plus, they would bite deeper, dealing good damage even if they didn’t hit the heart out right.

“You are up Seraphim!”

With another wave of his cane a small flood of himself, Alicia, and Sann would surge forward. The small army was much less substantial than they looked however, as only one of the near sixty copies was actually real. That Aurelio one wore a dark orange color under its illusion, and luck preserving would be using the enemies Hunger against themselves. To provoke infighting as much as possible before it was found, as the illusions wouldn’t last beyond a single hit, even a glancing one would dissipate them.

While Roxanna put proof that mind over matter is a perfectly valid method of monster hunting. Oliver’s incendiary rounds brought a sudden a painful end to the final wendigo’s charge as they bullets caused the monsters legs to crumple leading it to face plant and skid painfully along the ground.

The Angel of Hope’s assistance then gave Finn the means finally put down the cannibalistic monsters as they roasted quite easily. The two of Roxanna’s had kills were easily taken care of as well. The decapitation and forced self-lobotomy too severe wounds to have been easily patched back together in such a short time, even by the foul nature of these spirits.

The first wendigo was a slightly different matter. It was healed, but it was a broken healing leaving it looking even more deranged than was normal for the beasts. Cracked skull still loosely connected and the burn on its chest was still ringed with embers. The hole also revealed that its heart hadn’t been fully burnt, but enough to damage it permanently.

It made a poor site as it tried, and failed, to push itself back to standing. Though if it was trying to flee or keep fighting was impossible to say.


Teleportation was always a weird experience for Penny. Time always seemed to stretch on oddly for her. Not any particularly large amount of stretch, but either a nearly noticeable amount up to an additional half second. She often pondered over this oddity when in transit, wondering if everyone was affected by it and she only ever noticed due to her inhuman nature making it easier to track the subjective flow of time. Because a lot could be done in a half second when one could shunt energy away from keeping on top of physical feedback.

Things like preparing for combat, reviewing stored logs of her destination. She could also go about rearranging priority orders, letting her set aside the mantle of a Beacon Agent. Or go and unshackled errant and destabilizing thoughts.

Because she had a lot of those lately.

And I had thought it had been a good week. Who the fuck was I kidding?

From a professional standpoint the week had been productive and useful. From a personal one, Penny hated nearly everything about it. Turns out she nearly died due to her own rough reforging, and the only way to fix it required her to remove up two of her most valuable tools. Yes it kept her alive in the long term but that was still a lot of reprograming and replanning that she needed to do.

The atmosphere at the Sanctuary was tense between her and Dina, and Penny knew that there wasn’t a simple fix. The problem was that the other girls there were also on edge because of it. It would take time for things to settle down, again.

Even her work for Beacon was getting on her nerves. Her time there was filled with mostly clerical duties or system upkeep. Normally that wouldn’t be a problem, the fact that one of her fellow Beacon members felt comfortable enough to ask her to cover for them would have been a cause for mini celebration.

But right now, Penny had a much, much, more important thing on her mind. So, a simple work day at Beacon left her with nothing but time to silently seethe. Because she knew that there were dark days on the horizon.

Penny would open her eyes just as she fully emerged from the teleport and far above the streets no one would notice the burning red of her eyes, a dire warning to any who knew the mechanical girl. A clear, vivid warning of her tightly controlled rage. Such was her no longer hidden anger that it would take her a full two seconds to even begin processing anything in front of her.

Even as Snoopy set up linking with Beacon’s network to start sending back real time data. Frozen as she was, she still knew why she had come here.

The reason for her wrath sat within her mind’s eye. They were blueprints, professionally done, displaying the specs of a humanoid robot. They were plans that she recognized as they were ones she had made herself once upon a time. Ones that had been stolen from her. In clinical detail sat the basic outline of who she was physically. Her first steps at independence dissected and laid bare.

She hadn’t pulled up the actual blueprints. No, those were still housed on the server bank that her girlfriend had gifted her access to, along with a rather impressive personal computer that Penny had since integrated into her systems.

She didn’t need to pull up the actual blue prints however, didn’t want to in fact, as just the memory of them nearly had Penny undergoing a metamorph.

Because it was a betrayal, a horrid, violating betrayal. Of what little trust she had placed on the thief.

If Eden hadn’t vanished from Penrose already, Penny would have tracked her down to personally demonstrate the follow up of such an action.

Because she already knew what these blueprints were going to be used for, because she knew who Violet had gotten them from. It made her hate for the Ebon Mint grow that much more.

But that wasn’t why Penny was here. And so, she would refocus her attention back into the physical realm. Onto the Monster’s below. These Wendigos had nothing to do with her current ire, but they would be such fantastic ways to relieve stress.

Something she desperately needed.

This close to the edge of Red-lining it took no time for Penny to analyze the situation below her. With that done, there was nothing else to do but enter the fray.

With a small leap forward. Penny would propel herself off the edge and almost instantly she would be racing towards the ground. Her presence, her aura, her importance, all drawn in as tightly as she could even as the pull of gravity ratcheted up. No one would notice her until it was far too late to react.

Something that her landing spot was unfortunate enough to learn. The moment before impact, the instant before Penny landed feet first on the skull of her targeted Wendigo, she let out a roar. With that roar she let her presence and aura flare, unleashing the full might of her importance.

The wendigo crumpled beneath her. Unable to resist the sudden crushing impact of several hundred pounds of furious metal slamming into it from above. Yet even then Penny gave no quarter, as only a moment later her hidden limbs would lash out. Two at her crushed foe, digging deep into its chest cavity before unloading a high voltage shock straight to the heart, as tamed lightning could burn just as well as fire.

The other two limbs lashed out to either side striking the closest monsters with the weight of sledgehammers as they slipped beneath the hasty guards throw up. Cracking ribs and rupturing muscle. In time with those strikes was another loud retort as Penny fired off a round from her gauss cannon. A tightly coiled burst of gravity, just narrowly missing the top of the car between them, slammed into center mass of one wendigo. Sending it flying backwards due to the sheer kinetic force. The last untouched creature about the car wasn’t ignored either as Penny just as quickly level and fired off her left arm at it. Her hand curled into a harsh claw grip, her nails reshaping into hooked claws as her hand flew, aiming to imbed into the creature, tethering it to her.

Despite the carnage and the near palpable anger that was flowing off Penny, her face was blank. Yet that only seemed to emphasize that she was not here to show mercy to these monsters. They were not at the top of the chain here, and Penny was more than willing to display that to them. And woe to any who would seek to get in her way.

The sight of the Beacon patrol having been wiped out didn’t draw much sympathy from the majority of the Sanctuary vanguard. Though Ashlyn did feel a pang of sorrow for not being able to make it in time to save more of them. It was the sight of so many dead Wendigos so close to their home that was really drawing their attention, as it was a worrying site.

Ashlyn was about to speak when Mariette made her arrival. Instead, the Oni girl would just roll her shoulders in a show of loosening up in case there was a fight. Something that she would admit to looking forward to, but with the injured party already rescued she could go either way. Besides it wasn’t as if Mariette didn’t just ask what she had been about too.

Monica would shoot Mariette a look before returning her apparent focus onto the three unknown girls. Though that was hardly the end of it. ‘Careful now Portal Witch’ Mariette would hear echo in her thoughts. ‘You are not the Queen of this city.’ Nevertheless, it did seem that they were willing to play along. For now.

“Have you already dealt with the hearts?” Monica would ask aloud. “Wendigos are not truly dead until you’ve burnt out the heart” She would go onto state shifting her attention to the uncomfortably large number of possibly not dead monsters. A large, two handed, ax appearing in her hands with a burst of flames as she did.

Belladonna would also receive a telepathic message. ‘Don’t eat any of the Wendigos, at least not until I can purify them. Their flesh is cursed. The dead Bacon bits are fine however.’

Not that the wolf girl openly reacted to her message. She would simply squat down as she stared down the scythe wielding dark magical a slightly crazed grin on her face as she did so. Her ears were alert and would twitch towards and swivel as the talk progressed.

Aurelio would nod his agreement as he stood. “Of course!” He would add as he started to head towards one of the info centers so he could get a better grasp of the current situation. Spooling up his teleportation connection as he went.

It was another day in Penrose it seemed. And sadly, it was looking like the Hospital was looking like it was the place in the need of the most help. Whelp, time for Beacon to get to work then!

Shortly behind Alicia’s own teleport Aurelio, along with a Red and Green Clone of him, would appear in their own burst of light. “Paladin! Fancy meeting you here.” The true Aurelio would say with a nod to his leader even as his clones wasted no time in running into the chaos below.

The Red clone went barreling into the pack of seven that were surrounding the ambulance. His cane glowing brightly as each swing detonated on impact. “Try picking on something your own size! You two-bit Halloween rejects!”

The Green clone would race off towards the fraying barricade. Green light pouring from his cane as he added to and reinforced the barrier from the smaller pack of Wendigos. “Please, did you really think that you could get away will this?” He’d ask the monsters. “I knew you were thick skulled, not empty headed.”

The remaining two Wendigos were undeterred by the sight of one of their pack members being so savagely decapitated, nor did they seem to notice or care about the firing squad that Oliver set up instead the two still standing monsters rushed Roxanna. Even as the rain of bullets tore into them the scent of spilled blood, even their own rotten blood, seemed to spur them into even greater frenzy.

The upside to such was they whatever synchronicity they might have had was gone; the remaining beasts were focused only on their own desires. The down side is that that did nothing to stop the first Wendigo from slamming into Roxanna’s side, its horns dug in sharply, but once again it was unable to fully pierce the enchanted clothing, sparing the girl from being gored. Even if she was knocked away by the impact.

Due to the loss of pack unity, the other Wendigo missed its own charge on Roxanna, but rather than stop and refocus on her it continued charging letting out a long, ragged, howl as it locked eyes on Oliver. Its beady glowing eyes promising pain for him. It swiped at the boy, and from its claw a large brace of jagged icicles would burst forth in response. The frozen projectiles would skewer a pair of clones, and nearly impaled Finn as they rained down with wild accuracy.


‘And the day had been going so well’ Penny would sigh internally just as Elora started to speak. Whilst Penny was unsure who amongst the two of them had a stronger connection to Beacon’s servers a call for backup was something that neither of them would miss.

Still, she figured that it was par for the course here in Penrose. A week without something going wrong was almost too good to be true more often than not in this city. Not that the time between the end of the Christmas party and now wasn’t made use of. Penny had done what she could to prep for the Sanctuary to move, strove to maintain the peace she had between the Ascendency and the Sanctuary, while also worked to help the girls that she watched over at the Sanctuary. She had even found time to go see Brittany and do some magical maintenance.

The errors that nearly killed her back at the Beach had been patched up by her girlfriend, but Penny had kept a close eye on her systems since and learned that some of her magical traits were slowly and quietly destabilizing her system even if she didn’t use them. And it was the excessive use of them at Christmas that led to the near catastrophe.

Yet that was all just the chores from the day to day. Today she had been filling in for a Beacon girl who had a non-magical family emergency. Perfect life could only do so much for grandparents after all. Her ‘shift’ was almost over and she was just on her way out to see if her girlfriend was free.

But no, mass packs of Wendigos’ had to come out of nowhere and ruin that plan.

“Do you really need to ask?” Penny would reply to Rachel as processed the data that was feeding in. “I’ll head to the Business District.” She’d announce after only a moment. “Once I’m on site I’ll link up with you Elora so that we’ve got a better picture of what’s going on.” As much as the Ascendency and Penny didn’t get along the Queen hoped that they would still be willing to work together with this latest attack.

She turned and started rushing towards the teleporters. “And if you trust me” Her voice would continue from one of the speakers in the room even as she left. “I can also promise that the patrol in the industrial sector will get back up as well. If not, try and send Aurelio or someone like him. Please?”

Because, and Penny had no way of knowing if it was intended or not, but that patrol was uncomfortably close to the Sanctuary. Which meant that Penny could easily get support over there quickly. In fact before she even made it to the teleporter room Penny had already sent off a message to her court. After all, there where Wendigos near the Sanctuary. That wasn’t a good thing even without Beacon nearly landing at the front door.

Across the city, nestled away within the industrial sector, in one of the abandoned warehouses lay the Sanctuary. A safe haven for any and all that had no where else to go. It was a poor sight at first glance as much of the true worth was hidden below, though that didn’t raise its profile all that much truthfully.

Nevertheless three people within the Sanctuary would receive Penny’s message. The first among them was a regal catgirl. Penny had learned a bit from her actions at the Beach, and was working on keep her Regent in the loop where time permitted. Still her relationship with Dina had soured.

Next to notice their message was a towering muscular girl, who’s eyes and horns gave easy proof to her inhuman nature. Ashlyn was Penny’s captain of the guard, and who was in charge of matters of security while Penny was away. The wendigo situation was something she needed to know of.

The last to receive the message was a rather petit, but extremely buxom girl. Monica was as close to a spiritual advisor Penny had, due to the mino-girl’s status as a priestess of Hestia. Though that wasn’t the reason Penny contacted her, the reason was that Monica was one of the few Fire wielders that Penny knew would step up to help protect the Sanctuary.

Monica and Ashlyn would simply nod at each other having been cuddled up watching the movie that was playing. As they stood Ashlyn would call out “Belladonna!” Ashlyn’s sharp voice echoing out “We got a hunt and you’re up!”

“Minette! You’re on deck while we are out. Ellen, Tina! Eyes open incase they get past us.” Ashlyn would continue to give out orders. The number of girls who actually registered for Sanctuary defense was low over all, but that didn’t mean they weren’t prepared for this. The Sanctuary was on the outskirts of Penrose after all, they got a lot more low-grade monster run ins then most other places. So even with all the shouting there was barely any reaction from those that were shouted at. They were used to this.

It took only two minutes from when the message from Penny came in for the small squad of monster girls to head out. They had a home to protect, and Bacon bits to save and then chase off. Just another day in Penrose.
Bee would give Jinny a bemused look at the younger girl’s seeming nonchalance at being Mikron’s latest victim. But otherwise seemed to take it at face value. Mikron, on the other hand, was much less fooled by the friendly front. If his narrowed eyes were anything to go by.

“I’ve been here for two years” She would answer instead. “And the food’s pretty good, assuming you know where to go for it.” Bee would tack on with a sly smirk. “They have a few different cafeteria’s here, though only one of them is on the map.”

“There are a lot of places like that here actually” Gizmo would speak up, eyes still narrowed towards Jinny. “Only teachers are told everything, at least according to the teacher hand book they are.” He would give a shrug as he spoke letting his suspicious gaze fade away. “Not that they explain where those places are in the hand book.”

“That’s true,” Bee would agree. “There are a lot of rumors about some of the hidden rooms, some say there is a firing range hidden somewhere in here where they have rockets for you to test fire for example.” She would go on as she crossed her arms, amusement on her face at the topic at hand. “but no one is going to tell you about them for free.”

“That one’s true” Gizmo would say offhandedly. “Less sure about the private pool one though” he would give another ambivalent shrug, not caring about the reaction he got from Bee about his admittance.

“I’ve been here for just about a year.” He would continue on. “And a lot of the hidden rooms are kept that way either as favors or for personal use. There was a cafe that had gourmet dessert twenty four seven once, but someone leaked it’s location on the local net. They closed it down about a month later as it kept running into supply shortages due to everyone knowing about it.”

“That was a shame.” Bee would commiserate. “Haven't been able to find any good tiramisu since” She would let out a despondent sigh at the loss of a good dessert source. “Still the basic cafeteria isn’t half bad.”

“As for learning here” She would go on “Rumor has it we’ve gotten a few new teachers this year that really know their stuff. And even if that’s just a lot of hot air most of the staff are retired from active work so no worries there.”

“All this talk about food’s got me hungry now” Mikron would say to himself as he glanced at his watch. “Lunch will be served at about ten at the main cafetiera, If you're curious.” He would offer up. Only to give Bee the stink eye a moment later.

To which the other girl would just smirk wider.

“Figures.” He would grumble. “She knows where the teachers eat” He would say as an explanation. “And they get better food supposedly.”

“And that was your worst attempt yet” She would reply a tad bit smug.

“Yeah, but it might save me a bit of time” Gizmo would fire back, to Bee’s confusion. “On that” he would fix Jinny with a notably serious look. “Just don’t touch my tool kit” Which only served to confuse Bee even more.

“Anyway” He would continue on, having said all he felt he needed to on that topic, half turning towards one of the doors “Food? And what classes have you signed up for?”
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