Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11038 (2.81 / day)
  • VMs: 42
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
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Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
6 days ago
so are these nuts
25 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
1 like
1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

@KremeSupreme accepted

The Reception Room - Bar.



... Were the words that got Justin out of his self-pity stupor... He lifted his head and turned to see a giant ball of stone flying directly at him. His eyes shot open as he decided to act quickly - he hopped out of his chair and stuck his hand out as it glowed with a vibrant blue color. It shot a blast of blue ki and hit the stone ball and it exploded in mid-air before it could hit anyone. Justin sighed in relief... before he turned his attention onto the little creepy girl and the tall weirdo she was with.

"Hey! What's the big idea!" Justin shouted, "Tryna kill someone!?"

World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room Stage.


"When you say Nin, I say ja! …Ja!... Ja!”

Jaden's eye twitched for a hot second as he stared at this goofy-ass airhead motherfucker, a lot of what he said barely even registered to Jaden. What did register was the fact that his performance was ruined - Jaden looked over his shoulder and saw people excited and happy! He needed to fix things now before things were too late! He shook his head as he said,

"There's gon' be a real "issue with my sound" when I stick my mic up ya' ass!" Jaden started before his hand out, "Now gimme the wire and stop playin' with me boy! And hope I don't get a fight with you because I'll slam you in the face with my nuts."

He grinned as he blew out a puff of weed smoke and said,

"Yeah that's right, I'll hit ya' with the ol' flyin' teabag."

World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room.

@Kamen Evie

If Oh-Seven weren't already smiling; she would have been smiling more and more as Jill gushed about Gerard. Oh-Seven was quite familiar with his exploits; she knows everything that man did that has an internet footprint, after all! However, there were some things that Jill didn't know that would change the very idea of that man... possibly for the worst. That smile slowly crept off her face by the time Jill finished gushing about Oh-Seven's creator and her face was flat.

”But it really sucks we lost him so soon, gotta wonder what else a guy like that coulda come up with… Ah, sorry! Guess my mind went on a bit of a detour… Say, why’d ya wanna know? If you don’t mind me askin’, anyways.”

It was finally Oh-Seven's turn to speak, and she realized that perhaps the best way to do this would be to be upfront and direct about it. "I was his assistant, you probably never heard of me because I worked strictly behind the scenes as opposed to his other assistants, and...." Oh-Seven simply spoke with a completely flat tone as her eyes drifted downwards a bit. "... MIRAGE's leader, Pariah, killed him. I don't know why, but I do know that he was working with them. But that isn't the issue."

She sighed as she took a few steps off to the side and then she continued, "He was working on a revolutionary project: the One-Hundred Series. One hundred robots were designed to uplift and assist humanity... and right before the Pariah killed him he released them - completed or not. However, there was a prototype he had shackled before working on the One-Hundreds: Oh-One, he called him. He was deemed a failure and kept as an assistant AI..."

There was the feeling that Oh-One was already here, she looked around - eyes briefly flashing red as she scanned the fighters again. There were a few robots in the crowd much like her and she was worried one might be Oh-One in disguise. "He escaped into the internet and somehow made himself a body. Which he has been using to hunt down the One-Hundreds... and he's incredibly powerful." She gently grabbed onto Jill's wrist as she looked her in the eye.

"Whoever wins or loses this tournament; I need your help to stop him. Because he seeks to "perfect" humanity... and God knows what that entails."

World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room Bar.

@Kamen Evie

The automaton didn't need her Scan Mode to tell her that Jill was not even suspicious! In her opinion, this was a great thing as she needed Jill's trust more than anything. If the superhero in the flesh couldn't help her with Oh-One, then it was unlikely that anyone would be able to! The issue came from convincing her to help her in a way that wasn't dead obvious. Oh-Seven's eyes went up and down Jill's body in the least subtle way possible as her systems processed a thousand different ways this could go. Her smile on her face remained as she said,

"I had a question for you, however," Oh-Seven said, "Are you familiar with the genius known as Gérard Delacroix?"
I don't mind lengthening the time. How long do you think it should take?

Let's just say a couple minutes and call it good. lol

He's not a furry but also furry adjacent.

@Punished GN Well, the shield isn't actually impenetrable. A powerful attack/offensive Super Move would punch right through it, but if you still think it's too much, I'll happily remove it from the move's description.

He can also do all of this in twelve seconds lol
@Ponn Interesting character, my only problem is with Regenerative Restoration Mode as it basically will allow him to keep fighting forever and put up a shield nobody can do anything about (and that's boring). Make it fun by just ditching the shield entirely. lol

World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room Stage.

"When I say 'Nin', ya'll say 'Ja'. NIN!"

And nobody replied as the room seemed more annoyed with Jaden than anything. Well, that was lame. These fighters were all a buncha fuckin' squares, I swear! Jaden thought to himself as nobody was bouncin' or partying! And if things couldn't get worse; the fuckin' music cuts off! Jaden turns around to see some scrub holding the wire. Obviously, this dickhead decided to be a hater and unplug the whole ass speaker system, Jaden bared teeth as he didn't even so much as look at him.

Jaden disappeared in a cloud of smoke.


... Before reappearing right in front of Daniel. "Hey! What's the big idea, dickhead! Can't you see I'm preformin' here!?"

World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room Bar.

@Kamen Evie

When you are the strangest one, hiding in plain sight is easy!

Auri Auclair as she called herself "Oh-Seven" wouly attract the attention of her adversary, Oh-One, who merely sat at the bar drinking a caipirinha (a Brazilian drink she couldn't getet intoxicated but she had to blend in). She held the glass with her metallic hand and with her more fleshy hand she held the straw - her eyes glow blue as she discretely activated Scan-Mode. There was a lot of fighters here but she was confident that she could beat them - she didn't get fatigued after all. There were a lot of notable fighters here: the heir to Minerva, Jaden Raldo (who was a wanted criminal)... Justin Haggar. She swore that the newest Hatanaka was around here somewhere, hopefully not fighting. Most notably of course was Jill Brecian, better known as Justice Rider Blaze. There was so much easily obtainable information about her and so little about the other fighters, so she'll just have to gather it herself.

[i]PERHAPS[/iItit would be a good idea to introduce herself and maybe warn her about the impending threat of Oh-One. Win or lose, she was probably the only one that could help Oh-Seven defeat Oh-One. She placed her drink down and got up and began to walk over to Jill...

"... Where are you going, sweetheart?" Oh-Seven heard a feminine voie, and turned her head to see a half-naked woman in a white coat, legs covered in tattoos and wearing a thong. She was sitting down with her massive arms stretched across the bar counter. She grabbed the drink that Oh-Seven just put down, and her hands stretched out to Oh-Seven and said, "You didn't even finish your drink."

"Leave her alone, Violet," The man next to Violet said, he wore a suit and had obvious cybernetics, but Oh-Seven activated her Scan-Mode again and deduced who he was.

"... Captain Cole," Oh-Seven said,

Captain Cole cracked a wry grin as he leaned forward and put both hands together, fingers interlocked as he said, "In the flesh. Here to personally compete."

"They let you in here?" Oh-Seven said.

The two of them laughed as Captain Cole said, "They let EVERYONE in here, sweetheart. I've competed in every Fighting Carnival..."

"There's a massive bounty on you, I think I may claim it right now!" Oh-Seven noted.

"You don't want the heat, but here's the fun part about that," Captain Cole responded as he took a swig of his rum... he wiped his mouth and then said, "You see... there's a lot of criminals here. Lotta..." He finger quoted, "'Heroes', too." He tilted his head in the direction of Jill.

"You see, everyone loves a good villain, and they love to see the 'hero' stop the villain," Captain Cole said, "That's why every other Fighting Carnival had all sorts of criminals. I'm pretty certain when I leave here with the Power Stone, MAVERICK's little commando and sorceress will be right there waiting for me..."

He laughed as he nonchalantly waved his hand, "But, I dealt with them before, they're not as tough as they look. But, I have an offer for you..."

"There's nothing you can offer me - you don't even know me," Oh-Seven placed a hand on her chest as she spoke.

"No, listen," Captain Cole said, "I know more about you than you think-" His robotic eye flashed yellow as he continued, "-How about a spot with the Cole Pirates? At least with us, you know the Power Stone will just be another trinket in my... collection."

"No thank you," Oh-Seven answered, "I'm afraid I need help from one of the-" With a catty smile, Oh-Seven finger quoted, "-'Heroes'." She said as she slowly moved away towards Jill.

Captain Cole took another sip of his rum, "See you out there..."

That was odd... Oh-Seven got the feeling that those two knew a bit more than what they let on - but how could they know about her? She was a stranger! Nobody would even know if she was a machine if things went well, but she had no choice but to press on. If anything, Jill Brecian wouly help her - or at the very least know somebody that could - with Oh-One. However, there was a crowd of people around Jill - most concerningly the cameras. Oh-One was everywhere, but long as she left long before he got here - she would be fine. She activated Scan-Mode and noticed that the cameras had cut off because of the music and Jill went into the crowd.... which was the perfect opportunity for her.

Oh-Seven discretely maneuvered her way through the crowd of people as she intentionally put herself in the path of Jill. She appeared to absentmindedly look around, as she just "accidentally" bumped into Jill.

"Oh! I'm sorry..." Oh-Seven said before she smiled and feigned a type of excitement by opening her eyes and having the stupidest smile on her face. She jumped up and down and clapped her hands as she said, "JILL BRECIAN, I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN!" She almost damn near shouted as she extended a hand.

"Oh, where are my manners?" Oh-Seven said using her inside voice and extending her hand, "I am Auri Auclair, and I will be fighting in the tournament this year."

Captain Cole

30 | Captain Cole | He/Him | American
"There's a place for you on my ship."

The notorious leader of the Cole Pirates, the man with a million-dollar bounty on him. He is the man responsible for leading the Cole Pirates primarily to steal treasure and priceless artifacts from around the world (He attempted to steal the Eiffel Tower and the moon at one point). He's known to be a world-wide villain and relishes in it; the way he sees it the world loves a good villain and in the process, he becomes filthy stinkin' rich. However, he's gotten that reputation for a reason; he's a formidable Nomad that uses his cybernetics to level the playing field with the more powerful Nomads and keeps his trusty flintlock at his side which he uses with a mixture of street fighting techniques he picked up When you see his pirate ship expect trouble or a spot on his crew. Captain Cole is after the Power Stone to add to his collection... but there's a bit more to it than that.

Signature Moves:
■ Dead Shot
Captain Cole loads a bullet into his golden flintlock with a special property. The bullets will either set the target on fire, freeze them, melt them with acid, electrocute them, etc.

■ Focused.
Captain Cole focuses for a few seconds as he aims down his sights.

■ Pocket Sand
Cole throws sand out of his pockets into the enemy's eyes.

28 | Marcia "Violet" Santos | She/Her | Brazilian
"Do I have something to live for? Or do I have something to die for? Hell if I know! I'm just here to kill you, love!"

The violent and psychotic #2 of the Cole Pirates (who got her position after playing jump rope with the last #2's intestines). Originally known as Marcia Santos who was shunned by her peers for being intersex, she ran away to Paragon Industries who promised her power and to become a Nomad. Unfortunately, this was a lie and she was experimented on and violently transformed into a cyborg - after MIRAGE attacked the facility she was in she went on a one-woman rampage and single-handedly destroyed Paragon. Which left her empty... until she "allegedly" met Captain Cole and was taken under his wing. Since then, she was enjoying herself causing chaos under his wing. With her cybernetics which allows her to stretch further than one would expect and her electrical powers, very few can tussle with her.

Signature Moves:
■ Yoink!
Violet quickly extends her claws and yanks her opponent or object right to her. She can do this regardless of where she is or where her opponent is and does it at lightning-fast speeds. After she grabs them, she can do all manner of things, such as snatch them towards her, electrocute them, throw them, or slam them into the ground.

■ Swing!
Violet grabs onto the nearest object by extending her claws and swings around from one place to the other.

■ Bitchslap!
Violet swings her massive arm like a whip and hits the opponent with a mild electric shock as she sends them flying.

■ Tickler
Violet digs her claws into the ground and they quickly emerge at the enemy's feet, where she can either stab them with her claws, grab them to electrocute them, or even yank them through the ground back to her.

■ Thunder-Ball
Violet charges her body up with her electricity as she grabs onto the nearest object and begins swinging on it like she is a wrecking ball. In this state, she takes the appearance of a massive orb.

■ Flash
Violet exposes herself to the enemy to distract or throw them off. It works... most of the time.
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