Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11038 (2.81 / day)
  • VMs: 42
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Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
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so are these nuts
25 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

Jennifer Caspin
Interactions:Zeltzin (@Bartimaeus), Ophrenia (@silvermist1116), Eugene (@Drag), & Jordan/Olivia (@NoriWasHere).
The Webb Family Coffee House

"If we can get a meeting with her, I'll go with...Ziltzen, you said your name was?"
Spooky Ho 1

"Assumin' we ain't bringin' 'Mary-Louise' our whole circo, I can go. I'm good at questions."
Spooky Ho 2

"How about you two just go together?" Jennifer suggested. "Now, um, I don't want people splitting up... but, how about you two go there pretending to work for some business that isn't in Quintin, and offer some type of... uhhhhhh, business deal, yeah? Then drop the question asking for Eleanor Black."

It was a tad overwhelming. So many people were speaking to her, asking her questions... it wasn't something that she wasn't used to and she could feel anxiety well up. She swallowed it to the best of her ability and addressed everyone one at a time.

“What did they say about that area? What makes it cursed? And by ‘this place’ do you mean this place,” she paused as she pointed to the skull marker, “or this place,” she paused as she pointed to the whole of the city.

Jennifer shrugged.

"... I don't know... some, uh, people say that the swamp is haunted while others say that the entirety of Quintin is haunted... but I don't know what exactly is out there... and do you really want to find out?" She finished the sentence with an awkward laugh.

” Jen, what’re some of the places circled here? If upsettin’ the local population’s an issue, might be worth spreadin’ ourselves a lil thinner. Cover more ground without attractin’ as much attention. hm In theory anyway.”
Eu-FUCKING-Gene Watson
“I am inclined to agree. We have a big group and a lot of ground to cover, so it only makes sense that we split up and knock out as many of these points as possible.”
Jordan Fucks

"Well..." Jen trailed off as she looked at the map. Thankfully, the group had the wise idea not to go spelunking in the haunted swamp, so that was a win. However, there were a lot of different leads that Jennifer had found during her initial arrival to Quintin: some that were probably going to lead somewhere, and others that were simply a waste of her time. However, the idea of covering more ground was... not one that Jennifer liked. There were some things out here that were... strange and dangerous. It was best, if one of those strange things came their way, if Jennifer was there to handle it because far as she could tell she was the only one capable of handling it. Yet Jennifer knew that the odds of controlling the group were slim-to-none so it was probably ideal to simply let them go about and hope they don't go too crazy.

There are contingencies in place in case they do.

"There are other leads in case you all... You all want to tackle them... I, uh, have a couple." Jennifer's finger went to the map and pointed towards one of the circles on the border of the town, "For starters, if you don't want to... uh, talk to Mary-Louise, there's uhhhh a man named Blake Thornton. A veeeeeeeery longtime butler for the Black Family who got fired a few days ago... for some reason. If anyone would talk, it'd definitely be him because he's prooooooobably still pissed off. If he doesn't know about Eleanor, maybe he'd know something helpful about the Black Family."

Her finger drifted to another circle that was more in town and surrounded an L-shaped building, and then Jen explained, "So, um... howdoIsaythis... we aren't the... uh... first people to come here looking for Eleanor Black. There was a group of five girls that went missing last night... I didn't get a chance to speak to them, but they were staying in a place known as the Moss Motel. It's nothing more than a-a short walk from here. They all stayed in room 105... just keep your eyes peeled when you go there."

Then the finger drifted to another circle, one that surrounded a smaller building, "There's also the new doctor in town... a native of this goddamn place that left and came back after passing her bar exam - Doctor Harkness - but, uh, I heard that the last group of girls talked to her before they all went missing sooooo I would be very careful around her. Don't trust her."

Jennifer's hand retracted and went back to her lap as she said, "Now if some of you have trouble with Mary-Louise, there's also her grandchildren: Genesis and Cody Black, they, uh, might be a bit looser lipped than Mary-Louise, but... have I mentioned Mary-Louise loves her both children and grandchildren? Don't do anything drastic to them.... please, we don't need the attention. Usually, they're at the Quintin market, bullying people into giving them free stuff, but if they're not there... they're exploring the swamp for some reason. I don't know who would go out there."

With that, Jennifer pushed her glasses up her nose and leaned backward, placing both of her hands in her lap as she gave the group a warning. "Now, again, pay attention to your surroundings... if something doesn't feel right, just leave the area and we're all going to meet at the King's Summit Motel that's down the street from here at seven, okay? Make sure to stay out of the swamp and to stay away from the Black Family Manor on top of the hill." She looked at the group as she glanced from left to right.

"I'm going to be following up on more leads... uh, I would prefer it if I worked alone, just this once. Trust me, it'd be easier for all of us. But, if... something goes wrong, call me, and I'll be right there."

She sighed as she said,

"... Stay safe."
@Blizz Accepted.

Interactions: Just an NPC
The Reception Room - Fighting World Stage.

Flying through the air with a yell, Justin hit the wall and slid down. He grits his teeth as he looks up at his opponent with her fist out. She stood straight up and smiled as she taunted,

"And you said I couldn't be a hero! You said I didn't have what it takes!" Justin's opponent said as he climbed his way to his feet.

"Look, Clementine, I didn't say you didn't have what it takes, What I said was you need to stop going around Gold City beating up every criminal you come across!" Justin grabbed the side of his head and cracked his neck.

"Oh... wait, I mixed you up with a diffe-" Clementine stopped herself as she said, "... Sergeant Haggar, just what happened to you...?"

Justin grits his teeth as he says, [color=cornflower]"This a fight or a polite conversation? We gonna fight or what, bub?"[/color] Justin sticks both hands behind him and shoots a blast of energy that launches him at Clementine - who leaped up into the air... and does a stomp downwards and lands directly on Justin, pinning him to the ground. Justin groaned - then stuck his hands out and used that same blast of energy he used to propel himself to get Clementine off of him. He sent her spiraling through the air as he launched himself up to his feet by shooting blasts of energy. Justin then jumped into the air with an uppercut that hit Clementine in her center of mass and then shouted.

"... SONIC BREAKER!" As his hands went faster than the eye could see, barraging Clementine with an assault of lightning-fast punches. He launched himself upwards again and shouted, "... "RECORD SPIN!"" He spun so fast that he transformed into a blue tornado that barraged Clementine with so many attacks that she could barely take it. When he stopped, his right hand glowed blue as he shouted, "... "RHYTHEM HAMMER!"" and punched Clementine into the ground with a blast of concussive force.

Clementine hit the ground so hard that she bounced, but Justin wasn't finished. He stuck both of his hands out and they charged with a light that grew greater and greater Justin called the attack:


A massive beam of blue energy came out of his hands and hammered Clementine for a few moments before it faded... leaving her a charred mess. Justin lands and hits the ground as he doesn't even face her.


"Hmph," Justin scoffed as he narrowed his eyes, "I'm one step closer to you, Abel."

Interactions: A Surprise Guest
World Fighting Carnival - Fighting World Stage.

Humming a random song that she came up with, Oh-Seven leisurely skipped into the arena. Once she got to her spot, she put her hands behind her back and waved herself back and forth. As if she was dancing to an invisible song - as she waited for her opponent her eyes lit up as she activated scan-mode...

... Then it fell out of the sky, creating a cloud of dust that she had to cover her face. Scan mode allowed her to see through the dust, and it revealed her opponent. Oh-Seven couldn't help but tilt her head over to the left as she (very incredulously) said...

"... It's a tank."

And that it was. The dust settled and revealed the mechanical monster that the tournament had chosen as her opponent. A literal, god-damn, tank.


A man in armor popped out and stuck his fist up.

"... You gotta be kidding me."

The Announcer
Interactions: Everyone Present at the Tournament
The Reception Room

The first round of fights was completed, and the fighters that won were shunted back into the reception room with the stage.


Then the good times continued.

Interactions: This weird MF.
World Fighting Carnival - .

That fool was no match for the might of Hatanaka!

The Hatanaka spawn silently gloated as she was led back into the reception room by the staff of this stupid tournament. She didn't know what that idiot Shayton was talking about - she made easy work of that fighter and she would be more than a match for that ninja! Wait... that just reminded her and the second she made it back to the reception room she darted for the match-up board.


That means the bastard is in here somewhere! Yoko jammed his staff into the ground as she looked around - there had to be hundreds of different nomads in here. Well, Jaden wasn't gonna come to her; so Yoko turned on her heel and began walking around the room in hopes of finding him. However, Yoko didn't find that annoying ninja, instead, she found another annoyance! That bastard that bumped into her when she was walking up the stairs to the tournament. He walked across the room like a robot of some type and stood in the corner and Yoko followed him. He didn't even react as Yoko approached and looked up at him (Damn are all the Nomads this big? ).

"Oi! You bumped into me!" Yoko said but the bastard didn't even respond. "Can you hear me?!"

Again, no response. This time Yoko used her stick to "gently" tap him over the head (Well, Yoko's version of that word still hit hard as a punch).

"I'm talking to you!" Yoko gave him another whack that he just ignored. Before whacking him over the head again, and again, and again, and again...

... Until he suddenly reached out and grabbed the stick - stopping it with his hand- and lifted her by it and Yoko thrashed and resisted.

"Oi! What is wrong with you?! Put me down!"

World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room Bar.

After that fight, Justin simply threw his hoodie back over his head and sauntered his way back over to the bar (he didn't see that Ninja asshole being annoying, so that was a plus). Justin quietly ordered a glass of vodka and placed it against his lips... to feel nothing. Justin sighed as he leaned back in his chair... not noticing the hand on his forearm. He turned his head to see Oh-Seven caressing his arm and his brow furrowed.

"Are you okay, friend?" Oh-Seven asked.

Justin looked down at Oh-Seven's hand, and just sighed, "... I'm good, pal."

"Are you?" Oh-Seven asked. "You seem distraught... like something is bothering you."

"How about you tell me your name first?" Justin asked.

"Oh, where are my manners?" Oh-Seven said in a sing-song voice as she stuck her hand out, "I am Auri Auclair... and I just fought a tank. A literal tank."

Justin chuckled.

"That's funny, I got a wannabe superhero," Justin chuckled as he looked over his shoulder. "Lotta weirdos in-..." Justin was cut off by a scene taking place right next to them.

"Ma'am calm down!"

"You call this crap Oni sake?!" The Oni slammed the bottle of sake that was covered with cartoony pictures of Onis with "ONI SAKE" written across it. "Not only do you... mock my people with this bottle; this stuff tastes like warm piss! I couldn't get drunk off it even if I tried!"

"It's-it's just a bottle!" The bartender said as he snatched the bottle away. "How about this?! I'll get you a different drink al-altogether!"

"Get me your strongest drink," Aiko said as the bartender tried to pour her a glass of their strongest drink before she pulled it out of their hand and just downed the whole bottle in less than a minute. She loudly burped as she looked at the bartender. "I said your strongest." She damn near growled.

"That is our strongest."

"I just downed all of it and I don't even get so much of a buzz, is that too much to ask for?" Aiko started as she climbed up onto the table to face the bartender eye to eye. "... You think because I'm short I can't take a drink or two? Well, I'll have you know that just a sip of real Oni sake will put a human in the emergency room."

"I wasn't saying that at all, ma'am!"

"Then go get me a real drink."

"Right away, ma'am," The bartender said as he ran off to the back

"... Well, ain't she something?"
Can we post in the OOC if we act like it's still 2014?

I'll eat your ass

Ever since the dawn of time, there was something inside of everyone... and it is known as Fighting Spirit. This is the legendary tale of warriors and fighters which begins with you

Welcome to the greatest tale ever told: Nomadic Odyssey: Find Your Heart.A reboot of an RP that I ran so long ago that amassed such a community that it absolutely had to return. It's the story of a group of warriors known as Nomads - supernatural fighters that journey for whatever dream or goal they wish to accomplish - going on adventures throughout this strange world.

The RP will be a supernatural martial arts story mixed with a fantasy-kitchen sink. Where the players more or less will get to forge the lore through their characters. Everything's possible and allowed in this wacky tale of martial arts. It won't be an arena RP, but instead, it'll have the vibes/aesthetic of a 90's fighting game or anime. Think of stories like Dragon Ball Z, Street Fighter, One Piece, One Punch Man, and so on.

The story will begin with the legendary fighting tournament that takes place in Brazil: The World Fighting Carnival! An annual fighting tournament where Nomads and the best fighters get together and battle it out for whatever prizes the tournament offers this year. Usually, it's money and fame - however, this year the tournament is offering a prize like no other: An almighty Power Stone. The Power Stones are a group of different crystals that emit incredible power; whoever holds it will have their abilities increased a hundredfold. With just one crystal, a Nomad will hold incredible power and thus, this year's Fighting Carnival attracts warriors from all over the world.

However, a new threat will take the world stage and spring off a brand new adventure! The mechanical being known as Oh-One, a powerful and nigh-unstoppable automaton that desires human emotion and the perfection of mankind will make itself known. Oh-One plans on attacking the tournament and stealing the Power Stone for his own goals and will begin a new adventure as the Nomads will travel from place to place attempting to track down the machine. The Nomads will experience new and exciting journeys as they travel the world attempting to be the one to defeat Oh-One. However, there's more than what meets the eye to this journey and Oh-One is simply more than just a simple machine - he cannot be defeated alone. The Nomads will have to come together if they hope to stand a chance against Oh-One.

The theme of the RP will be Following your Dreams, Don't be Afraid to take the Journey, and Not Doing Everything Alone.

That's it. I'm hoping to recruit a few people to replace the ones that flaked out, we're still in the opening arc of the RP so we can still incorporate new and interested players. If this RP interests you at all, just come over to the OOC: The OOC
<Snipped quote by Punished GN>

Only if you don't kick me if the rp ends (or dies)

no promises but like I said before actually using an OOC for OOC chatter is soooooooooo 2014.
@EpicRoleplay oh yeah join the discord
<Snipped quote by Punished GN>

I was going to say the book covers folk lore but nothing relating to recollections supernatural stuff?

Then that's cool, he's accepted.

Jennifer Caspin
Interactions: Charlie (@FernStone) and Neko @Atrophy
The Webb Family Coffee House

Neko and Charlie were the two who inquired about the skull on the map. Jennifer anticipated that somebody would inquire about the skull instead of her suggestion. So the girl pushed her glasses up her nose and bluntly answered :

“It’s death.”

That was her answer though she figured that she should add more detail to it or else everyone would ask her a million questions. So she continued;

“Look, uh, I talked to a lot of people in Quintin and out of- Quintin, yeah, Quintin. There’s something wrong with this place, it has to be cursed or haunted or something… I mean, there's a reason people stay out of here...”

She trailed off before she backtracked,

“… Not that curses or magic or anything is real. But there’s something in the swamp that terrified all the locals. I don’t know what, and I don’t want to know. We should try to stay in town if necessary.”

Then Jennifer finished.

“… Uh, the only problem is that I may have put a lot of attention on us asking all these questions. A lot of people here don’t… take too kindly to strangers. Especially not strangers asking questions.”

Now Erik is an interesting character but my only gripe is the Lexicon of the Occult. My idea is that everyone is new or relatively oblivious to Magic and the Paranormal and learn about it through the ic (and the hard way). You can keep the book but maybe he doesn’t believe in it?
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