Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11037 (2.81 / day)
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    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
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5 days ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
5 days ago
so are these nuts
24 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

@Tyler Night I noticed that but thought that maybe if they saw a notification in their email they might check back.

But also, would you be interested in something like this?

You don't get email notifications for thread replies, only pms if you have that enabled.

At this point, just make something similar bruh. lol

[hider=**Character name here**][table][row][cell][h1][b]First Name Here[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Last Name Here (If applicable)[/b][/h1][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center]
[img]NO ANIME, and try not to use an oversized ass photo please[/img]

[b]Age | Name | Pronouns [/b][hr//][i]"Optional quote here."[/i][/center]
[indent]Describe their appearance, backstory, etc, being as concise as possible.[/indent]

[indent]While this [i]is[/i] a private rp, don't go too crazy[/indent]

Complete Lore Here.

TYPE-YELLOW Physical-Powers.
Examples include: Animal mimicry, super-strength, regeneration/healing, etc.

TYPE-RED: Elemental-Powers.
Examples include: Fire-manipulation, Sound-Generation, etc.

TYPE-BLUE: Mental-Powers.
Examples include: Telekinesis, Telepathy, Memory manipulation, etc.

TYPE-GREEN: Power-Altering Abilities.
Examples include: Power negation, augmentation, replication, etc.

TYPE-WHITE: Dimensional/Other Powers.
Examples include: Teleportation, and any other abilities that don't fit the categories above.

TYPE-CHROMATIC: Hybrid-Powers.
Examples include: Elemental mimicry, having two separate powers from each type, a fire that burns thoughts away, etc.

In the summer of 2015, the Delta-Storm happened, an event where tens of thousands of crystals rained from the sky and landed on the earth. These weren't ordinary crystals (Named Delta-Crystals), however, as they radiated with strange otherworldly energy (Nicknamed Delta-Point Energy) that granted strange abilities to those who were exposed to it. These can range from teleportation to super-strength to manipulating the elements and even replicating the powers of others; the possibilities are endless. These superhuman entities are called Deltahumans (The older term was Metahumans, and sometimes they are referred to as Deltas/Metas). There are five different types of crystal/delta-point energy (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, and White), each granting another ability. Still, there's also the chance that someone may get two different types of energy (Known as being Chromatic, which is rare). However, powers are completely random within those categories, and someone can get a completely useless power. Only a select few are compatible with the energy (stated to be about 15% of all humanity). Still, once they are exposed (from the crystals or contact with other Deltahumans), it'll rapidly spread to the rest of their body.

This is known as an Exposure-Event. Once exposed, a person either develops their abilities Naturally (over time, ability will manifest) or Under-High-Stress (in high-stress situations, ability develops faster). The energy within a Deltahuman is invisible to all except special equipment. When they use their power on the environment, they project a bit of it (only to fade away once they've ended their ability). Every person's ability is different and unique to them. However, some powers are Hereditary. These are few and in between but are more likely to occur if the mother is a Deltahuman and Deltahuman children usually take after the mother power-wise. There's an enormously high chance if the parent was compatible with the energy, the child would also be consistent with the energy.

Deltahumans are naturally drawn to one another through the Black-Fall Effect. It's a subconscious draw to one another that's so subtle that nobody can notice - but even the shyest introvert will be drawn to other Deltahumans. If a Deltahuman touches a Delta-Crystal, they'll receive a massive power boost if the crystal corresponds with their type. For example, a Red Deltahuman will get boosted from a red crystal, but it'll only be slight if they touch a yellow. However, there are a few drawbacks, as powers are linked to the body and mind, and overuse can result in exhaustion and physical pain. A Deltahuman pushing themselves too far will result in Ashing, which is best described as the body self-destructing. They'll fade into ash, and the survival rate is also meager - around 4%. There's also another side effect that makes it risky for Deltahumans to use Delta-Crystals.

A new nefarious chemical has developed in recent years - Power Serums. A mysterious organization known as REAPER is the prime distributor of these serums; these glowing vials of liquid can grant various powers once consumed. They can usually be bought by shady means. However, the REAPER organization sometimes distributes them for free for purposes unknown (either to drum up chaos or test out a new serum). While Deltahumans are a recent development out in the world, some suspect that Deltahumans could have appeared far earlier. It's only a suspicion, right?

There's a rare but extremely frightening transformation that anybody can go through if they touch a crystal. It is known as Chimerization, and any organic being in contact with a Delta-crystal can undergo this transformation. It's where an organism merges with a Delta-crystal and mutates into a powerful and freakish creature that is incredibly dangerous. There's no telling what form a being will take when they undergo Chimerization, and some Chimeras end up completely eldritch. They will always have a body covered in Delta crystals that'll continue to grow. However, Chimeras usually expire after a short period. What's dangerous about Chimera is that they gain an enhanced, jail-broken superpower that is insanely dangerous - but they're also dangerous for the Chimera. All Chimeras are mindless, vicious beasts that aggressively hunt down other Delta-Crystals, which they seem to have a mental link to. Deltahumans are also far more likely to become Chimera, so using Delta-Crystals to enhance their powers is hazardous. Strangely, the amount of Chimerization increases during natural disasters or other such events.

April 23rd, 2019
[REDACTED] Maplewood Avenue
Dear Parent or Guardian of [REDACTED]

Hello! If you receive this letter, your child (or children) has been selected for the Sparrowdale Academy for the Genetically Superior. It has come to our attention that your child(ren) has a unique gift that makes them superior to the common man. Our records indicate that your child may have a superhuman ability. Do not be alarmed; as a school, we are based around these unearthly powers and creating an environment where their skills can fit in among others like them. Below is a student form in which you must fill in all information from the boxes and any additional information required.

We strongly advise you to talk to your children about this matter because they may not want to partake in this intuition. Enhancing your child's curriculum and exceptional talent would be a golden opportunity. Bear in mind we aren't forcing you to do anything. This is merely a request, and we will handle your precious child with the utmost care. The safest place for your child is with us, given the hysteria building up against them.

You must also understand that you may not see your child(ren) for months as we believe that secrecy is security. We are sending from an anonymous address and request that you only send letters to this address. We will confiscate any unauthorized forms of communication with the outside world. We specifically handle these letters and ask that you eradicate this letter upon reading to keep our anonymity.

Yours Sincerely,


The year is 2019; these letters were sent to thousands of parents merely a few years after the mysterious Delta-Storm... an incident where glowing crystals (Known as Delta-Crystals) fell from the sky, and gave individuals superpowers (Creating Deltahumans) if they were in the vicinity of one. The letters started going out to the parents of these child Deltahumans, an invitation to a mysterious academy, and whoever replied had their child whisked away to this "Sparrowdale." Children were going by the boatload, but eventually, all contact stopped. Leaving it a mystery just what happened to them... however, the last group sent to the Sparrowdale Academy woke up in a desolate little town on an island with a giant, technological dome on top of it that blocks powers from being used. The entire academy is littered with bullets, dead bodies, and other such chaos that suggests the Academy was attacked... however, they quickly find out that they aren't the only people there as the island is also infested with monsters as they desperately attempt to escape the Academy.
dogs killed my parents

Interactions: Florian (@Drag) & Izzy (@Kamen Evie)
World Fighting Carnival - Reception Room.

That went well.

After fighting bravely in the tournament, Oh-Seven was defeated by Rosie... getting trounced due to her lack of melee options, and their zoning strategy did not work. The work was not over yet, as Oh-One was still around, and Oh-Seven would not be surprised if the mechanical menace was plotting something. Instead of returning to the reception room and keeping watch, Oh-Seven detoured after her loss. The automaton approached the office and approached... she saw the two guards sprawled on the ground. She quickly activated scan mode - doing her best not to hover in the event someone saw. From scans of their nervous system, they were hit with... nanomachines, and they killed them near-instantly by shutting off their organs.

Such a horrible way to go.

Breaking her previous rule about not approaching them, Oh-Seven knelt. She stuck out her finger, and a little needle came out, and she pricked one of the deceased guards with it. She took a sample of the inert nanomachines and deduced something horrible. Something terrible from the traces of information that she could gather from the nanoscopic machine.

Oh-One made it.

This meant he was likely already in the building and implementing his plan. Further scans deduced that the office was entirely devoid of life... the other office workers had suffered the same fate as the guards. She wanted to interface with the systems, but Oh-Seven could not risk someone coming in and believing she was responsible. Oh-Seven quickly deduced that the cameras were still working from a quick scan, which meant he was watching. It was unlikely that Oh-One would do anything except beeline for the exit once he got the Power Stone, but Oh-Seven knew he had a robotic army at his beck and call. Oh-Seven had faith in her capabilities, but not enough to fend off an entire army... or do any more than escape from Oh-One. However...

Oh-Seven quickly went back to the Reception Room with a renewed mission... there were some of the losers floating around. She activated scan mode to land eyes on Isabelle Levai quickly... the Black Knight of SHINING, they called him. Jill mentioned him in a previous conversation, and boy, was he edgy - just sitting at the bar, brooding. His exploits under SHINING and accomplishments were astonishing! Which made Oh-Seven wonder how in the world he lost his fight with... a quick internet search determined Lucas Miller? There was little to no information on that subject, so he was a nobody (or perhaps a future superstar in the Nomad world). That was irrelevant, as Oh-Seven figured he was one of the best bets to stop Oh-One (or allow her to get the Power Stone from him).

So, Oh-Seven stood before him, utterly motionless, with a smile and her hands held together in front of her (so he would not believe she was here to do something outrageous like assassinate him). Up until he acknowledged her, and she waved at him and said,

"Hello! I am Auri Auclair, a friend of Jill's," "Auri" started, "I am not certain if Ms. Breicen told you about me, but I am certain she has already informed you about Oh-One. I have rea- hold on just a moment."

That was when she detected Florian Wessington I in her scanners... and she reached over towards the bar, grabbed a couple of napkins, balled them up, and then threw them at Florian. Hitting him in the back of the head - and when he turned around, Oh-Seven gestured for him to come close.

"... Now where was I? Ah, yes; I have reason to believe that Oh-One is making his attempt to steal the Power Stone... I require your assistance to prevent that from occurring."

Interactions: Ophrenia (@silvermist1116).
Road To The Old Black Manor.

"Chica.... Chiiiiiiiica! I don't know how things are where you're from, but intestines don't do that." Lily was quick to say with a point of her finger at the weird intestines that were wiggling around like little worms.

Jasmine rolled her eyes at the two of them - she had a knife on her, but if Ophrenia wanted to get close to that... Well, that was on her. Crazy ass American girl. She quickly dug into her pocket, pulled out her knife, and promptly walked over to Ophrenia, handed it to her, and said, "Just get it over with so we can move on, please." Jasmine's accent somehow got thicker.

Ophrenia just grabbed the knife, and Jasmine watched patiently... she wanted her knife back, after all. Ophrenia walked over, stepped on the intestines like they were nothing (they squirmed underneath her shoe), and primed herself to mercy kill the poor little deer...

When she leveled her hand towards its mouth, intending to slash its throat, in the blink of an eye, the deer's mouth had inhumanly stretched open and had rows and rows of long, razor-sharp teeth coming out of its mouth. It bit down on Ophrenia's hand and wildly mashed back and forth like a dog trying to rip as much flesh off as possible. The intestines slowly wrapped themselves around Ophrenia, pulling her even closer.

"YO WHAT THE FUCK?!" Lily shouted as she immediately fell on her ass, rolling backward and getting mud all over her. Jasmine's mouth went agape... she stumbled backward - almost tripping over a tree root - but she managed to catch herself. Her back went up against a tree trunk as she could not fathom what the fuck she was looking at.
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