Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11037 (2.81 / day)
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4 days ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
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so are these nuts
24 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

@Estylwen No one should know about the church yet.
As stated in Discord, Leon is accepted:

WEAKNESSES ⫻ Being an Apparition created by the belief of Werewolves, Lady Lelou's abstraction makes Leon susceptible to all the standard werewolf weaknesses. The primary weakness of Leon is silver, as the mere touch of the substance (whether or not it's a silver blade or silver fork) will cause severe burns that will heal very slowly - not even healers will be able to help him. If he's exposed to Wolfsbane, it will also cause the same effect - but it's highly toxic if ingested. Fire-based attacks are also extra-effective against him, and Leon instinctively fears fire - even a candle will cause him to be unnerved. However, whoever is Leon's "Handler" will have full control of him.

Auri Auclair.
Interactions: No one in particular.
Flowers and Canvases.

Drake let Sully swing him around as he returned the same energy to his old friend, and he vociferously laughed. It was like old times! Sully set Drake down, and it was time to hear Kali's big old speech... while he was talking, Eve threw Drake a cigarette, and he caught it without even looking. He kept it between his fingers and hoped to avoid Simone's wraith again because he was confident the pack in his hoodie was crushed. To confirm, he dug in, and it was flattened, and a little tear escaped Drake's eyes as any other time he would have just lost his cool when people messed with his smokes. A lot of what Kali was saying was bullshit government shit, and he droned on and on and on about it - shit about spies, statues, and so forth. If Lady Auri wouldn't rip him a new one with these fancy butterflies, he would have lit one in the store.

A lot of what Kali was saying, Drake dismissed as bullshit, as he knew just a little bit better than to believe everything he's told just because it was phrased nicely. Nice option my dick. Drake thought to himself with a roll of his eyes. When Kali made that vague threat about the people who would come to replace him, Drake took a step forward to make his voice known and tell Kali to shove it...

... When Kali pulled out a gun, Eve just walked over and put it to his head.

In less than a minute, this whole thing went from one to a fucking hundred. Drake didn't particularly like or trust Kali, but he would never agree to spraying his brain matter all over this gay little flower shop! Drake stepped forward, hands together, preparing to cast the Electromagnetic Barrier... when Eve just tucked the pistol in her waistband and Drake sighed in relief.

Holy shit.

Drake was expecting this meeting to be a clusterfuck, but this was something else entirely. He looked to the left, and then the right as everyone cast their votes... and the majority of the vote seemed to be for keeping Kali here for their reasons (Though there was that urge to tell Simone to shove it). It was time for Drake to give his vote, and it may surprise people with the stance he took,

"... I vote that he stays," Drake started, "Look, I don't like the guy, and I don't buy that FBI bullshit, but there is something wrong with the guy. I mean, he just pulled out a gun and let Eve over here place a gun against his head! I don't think it'd be right for us to throw the guy out into the street!"

"I agree, and while I abstain from voting..." Auri said in her usual chipperly tone, unfazed by Kali's stunt. She tapped her staff against the floor and said, "... The majority has voted that he stays! He'll be safe in our care."

"... Does that mean we can finally get this meeting back on track?" Drake asked, turning towards Auri with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes! Sorry about that, everyone!"

"So you mentioned Emily earlier in the meeting like you had more to say about her?" Drake asked, crossing his arms and Auri's eyes briefly landed on the cigarette between his fingers to ensure it wasn't lit.

"Oh, yes... So, we aren't the only Coven group out there. From what our good friend Lynette tells me, there are two others..."

Drake raised an eyebrow. "... Surprised she didn't show up." Drake thought out loud. Then again, his opinion wasn't good of her because she excused Britney's actions every chance.

"One started by our lovely friend Emily G. Reed, the 8th Street Coven. Vashti is her number two, and her two little sisters are the third in command. From what I am told, they have been trying to gain control of St. Portwell's magical scene and have been bullying people for their Apparitions and artifacts. I am certain that they have absolutely nothing to do with Father Wolf, but..."

Auri awkwardly laughed.

"... We all know Emily. She's going to try us."

"Good grief, I thought one Emily was bad enough..." Drake rolled his eyes. "And the other."

"Oh! The Greenwood Coven, Lynette told me about that, too. From what I'm told, they're another Coven formed after we defeated the Stygian Snake that aims to protect the natural beauty of St. Portwell... They're the arch-Nemesis of the 8th Street Coven, but I doubt we have nothing to worry about from them."

"Good, let them deal with each other, I only want Father Wolf and that's it," Drake said as he threw a thumb towards the door, "Let's get a mo-"

The door opened again, and Drake turned around and looked over his shoulder curiously - and the person who was standing in the door made Drake grit his teeth.

Britney Williams.

Drake thought she looked uncomfortable, as she should, as she had zero place in the Coven. She took a few steps forward, fiddling with her fingers as she said,

"Hey guys," Britney started, closing her eyes and then sighing,

"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Veni Vedi Veni.
Interactions: Alizée (@Estylwen)
Veni Vedi Veni.

The mysterious redhead awkwardly chuckled as she stared at the beer. Her phone dinged again with another incoming text, and she looked at Alizée and declined, "Sorry sister, I'm good." Then she laughed again, as she didn't so much as touch the bottle. Her eyes glanced over to the stage and watched the two girls begin her routine and then she briefly twisted her face up before her gaze landed on Alizée. As in, the mysterious woman did not so much as let Alizée out of her sight for obvious reasons.

She was probably glad she didn't take the drink after Alizée threatened to drag Violet off stage.

"Oh, well, in that case..." The bartender made unblinking eye contact with Alizée, made a U-shape with her thumb and middle finger, and stuck them in her mouth. She loudly whistled, then shouted, pointing at Alizée,


The DJ stopped, and the two girls on stage stopped dancing as all eyes landed on Alizée as a team of some burly bouncers made their way to Alizée. The two strippers were very vocal about how people stopped throwing money at them. Pink slapped a hand on her hip as she rolled her eyes, loudly saying,

"Oh God, it's always some crazy bitch,"

"Hey, whitey! We're trying to make some fucking money here! Go act crazy somewhere else!" Violet shouted at Alizée, shaking her fist dramatically.

"Yeah, kick rocks, hoe, you're killin' the vibe here!" Pink shouted. "Weirdo!"

The red-haired woman grabbed her beer and cell phone and walked away before she got caught in the crossfire. She typed another text away, only to get several dings in response.

Interactions: Simone (@QueenBea), Jack (@Blizz), Eve (@LanaStorm), Eksa (@Bartimaeus) Sully @Atrophy, and Kali (@Damycles).
Flowers and Canvases.

The blast of sound hit Drake and utterly caught him off guard; he quickly dispelled the blade made out of electricity and created a long halberd made out of lightning. He slammed the blade into the ground to quickly stop, looked up at Simone, and gritted his teeth. "What the hell?!" Drake shouted as he dispelled the spear. "Can't you see I'm trying to-" Drake tried to protest, but he heard Jack's name among the chatter.

"Wait-" Drake turned towards Jack, finally being reminded of his existence. He had completely forgotten about the guy! Though... "There's such a thing as a door, you know." Drake felt a little bit justified in his actions, given that he was probably not the only one who had a little bit of PTSD from fighting the Stygian Snake and its bullshit minions coming out of the shitter. He sighed as he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes - his hair was probably ruined! He looked down, and his hoodie and jeans were covered in dust and debris from Simone's blast. He looked around, and it also knocked a few plants on the floor and broke a few paintings. Drake knew that Auri was gonna be pissed when she got done with her smooching session with Kali.

There was that urge to go out and smoke a cigarette, but he didn't want to miss a second of this. He took a deep breath and looked around... Alizée left, and Drake wasn't sure, just when she left, probably between when Mr. FBI flashed the badge and Drake whipped out his sword. Not that Drake blamed her, but there was that urge to go out and ensure she wasn't terrorizing these streets. He noticed that Finn had discretely entered the flower shop, and leaning against him was... Eve? God, she looked waaaaaaay different. Drake almost didn't recognize her for a moment. Though, it was very disrespectful of her to smoke indoors like that... and it caused a damn near coughing fit on Eksa.

"Hey, Eve," Drake said (a small part of him hoping that he was talking to the right person). He pointed at the cigarette and said, "Take that outside." He said firmly but calmly. His eyes landed on the giant motherfucker that entered the flower shop... and it was non-other than Sully. Then his inner frat boy came out.

"SULLY, YOOOOOOOOO!" Drake shouted, probably louder than anyone in the damn flower shop was speaking. He powerwalked over to Sully and said with a smile, "Tell me you brought it, tell me you brought..."

His eyes landed on the Chalice, and he threw his arms up into the air, valiantly shouting,
At this point, Auri and Kali concluded their "talk" in the backroom. Drake had desperately hoped that Auri was trying to convince Kali to kick rocks, but it was something (somehow) even worse.

"... We're going to hear Kali out and take a vote on it!"

With one sentence, that Fratboy in him utterly vanished, and he returned to the more relaxed and reserved demeanor he had exhibited during the meeting thus far. The first two to speak were Linqian and Everleigh, and while Drake's reaction wasn't as extreme as theirs.... he couldn't help but agree. The next person to speak was Eksa, who acted like a devil's advocate and wanted to hear him out...

"Hell no," Drake said to Eksa, trying his best not to sound hostile. Everything else she said besides hearing him out went over Drake's head entirely! "He's going to try and sugarcoat it, but at the end of the day, there's more to this. There always is. Do you guys remember all the other times people worked with the FBI and got screwed over? Like you said, why would the FBI care about some random murders?"

He looked between the entire group before he continued.

"Far as the world is concerned, the Coven doesn't exist. The fight against the Stygian Snake never happened. Unless somebody went blabbing, but I think as stupid as the old Coven got, people had a little bit more sense than that.." Drake started his valiant speech, before scanning the room, "I don't think we need to take it as far as some people want to-" He paused, briefly glancing at Eve, "But, I think it'd be best if you just saved us the bullshit and just made your exit."

He stared Kali dead on, utterly unafraid of him. His badge. And whatever the fuck this weirdo stood for.

Auri Auclair.
Interactions: Eve (@LanaStorm), and Kali (@Damycles).
Flowers and Canvases.

It was absolute chaos that Auri returned to! Auri remained with a calm smile on her face as she gazed at Simone, destroying half her damn sword to stop Drake from stabbing Jack. There was that urge to shove her staff so far up Drake's ass it was going to come out his mouth for being bullheaded and reckless again. However, something popped out despite the insults, threads, and overall anarchy overtaking Auri's harmless and quirky flower store. One thing made Auri lose her cool and almost blow a gasket.

Her eyes landed on Everleigh as she dramatically pointed a finger at her.


Auri shouted so loudly that it drowned out everyone else's speech and probably could even be heard from down the street. Catching people off guard who are always used to Auri being preppy and calm. Afterward, that frown quickly turned into a tooth-bearing smile, and she clapped her hands together, and then she said,

"Alright, I'm glad to see everyone has kept themselves occupied destroying my store like this stuff doesn't cost money! Hello, everyone that trickled in while I was gone! Snacks will be here... shortly, I hope - but let me get to the point; me and Kali have had our little talk, and I decided..." She dramatically let her words hang in the air before she continued, "... We're going to hear Kali out and take a vote on it!"

Presenting two irrelevant strippers that will totally not appear again.

29 | Marcia Zoe Santos | She/Her
"It's okay to stare, sweetheart."

Native of Los Angeles, Violet and her best friend Pink (though they call each other sisters) drifted from town to town and ended up in St. Portwell because once they turned 18, they were put out. Violet grew up the pariah and outcast of her family and peers because she was born intersex. She has a woman's general appearance and shape to the point where she's unmistakably female but was born with male genitals. When growing up, Violet was excessively mocked and shunned for this feature because regardless of what she did, people always found out, and she could never escape it. She, in time, learned that regardless of what was between her legs, she was a woman and dressed excessively provocatively and feminine to show the world.

If the weather allows it, Violet would dress in the most racy outfits possible (booty shorts, crop tops, mini-skirts that, if they were shorter, would get her arrested for indecent exposure), except she would keep that little shame in between her legs hidden. Violet is used to living on the fringes of society, as she had to steal, cheat, and other unspeakable things to ensure that she and her sister had food in their stomach and a place to sleep (even if it was the floor most of the time).

Violet and Pink finally settled in St. Portwell, where the two became strippers at some trashy gig named Veni Vedi Veni, where she had to shake ass to put food on the table. Violet is half African-American, half Brazilian, with light-caramel skin, and usually has her hair dyed some color (before, it was lavender, but she dyed it hot-pink). She stands five-seven feet tall and is very skinny due to her ridiculous genetics and her... career choice. The woman is flirty, firey, and loves to make jokes... frequently taking things too far.


28 | Abigail Taya Howard | She/Her
"Step into the mist, daddy. You won't forget it."

Pink is Violet's best friend (though they call each other sisters) and, much like her, was born and raised in Los Angeles. Her parents weren't the best, so Pink spent her youth rolling with other troubled youth. Pink was very used to the inside of a police car that usually took her home to her parents after she committed a crime or two. She's also used to Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall as sometimes the judge wasn't so lenient on the young girl. Eventually, her parents just gave up on her, and the second she turned 18, she was put out. With her best friend, they drifted from place to place and ended up in St. Portwell.

She does not like to think about what she did for food and shelter, and staying in homeless shelters gave her a lot of things to forget. Eventually, she and her sister became a stripper at Veni Vedi Veni, where she worked with her sister, Violet. Pink is African-American and usually keeps her hair natural, albeit dyed hot pink. She's skinny and dresses conservatively, making the two stick out more.


Veni Vedi Veni.
Interactions: Alizée (@Estylwen)
Veni Vedi Veni.

The bartender lady gave Alizee a very narrow look as she stared at her in complete silence. She didn’t even get her the drink yet, but she pushed the hundred back across the counter with the tip of her fingers. She tilted her head as she said,

“Well, your boss is going to be very disappointed; she found work elsewhere. That’s all I heard.”

She turned around and finally got Alizee her gin and tonic, and a Bud light beer - much like the redhead sitting next to her. Who got done typing out another text. She got a text back, read it, and then looked up at Alizee.

“Hell yeah, sister, chug that shit!” The woman said.

“We have other performers who might be interested, but otherwise, go be normal and watch the girls shake ass and stop acting like human traffic-.” The bartender said before she was interrupted at the worst time by the worst person in these circumstances…

The DJ.


The bartender sighed and mumbled, “Oh lord…”


Walking from the back were two women, both African-American with pink hair. The one in front was a caramel-skinned woman with a pink afro. She wore tall, pink, sparkly boots that went up to her knees and a matching thong and bra.

The one behind her matched the first one, and she wore a sparkly pink dress that was so short it exposed the bottom of her buttocks. She was a slightly taller woman with straight pink hair and tattoos.

“Lotta newcomers tonight! Well, I’m Pink…” The one with the afro said as she leaned forward and grabbed the pole with both hands.

The other one did the same as Pink, except she shook a little ass and said, “… And I’m Violet.”

“Together we make…” Pink grabbed Violet’s hands as they shouted in unison…


Interactions: Drake: Jack @Blizz.
Flowers and Canvases.

Now Drake really got why Victoria and the others passed.

This was a clusterfuck.

More and more people trickled in one at a time... starting with the weird-ass Kali walking in with a suit. It took Drake a minute to recognize the guy... he was this skittish, eccentric guy ten years ago, but he stuck out enough for Drake to commit him to memory. Naturally, Kali stumbled over his own words for a minute before he pulled out a fucking badge and said that he was with the FBI. Drake's jaw fucking dropped as he damn near fell out of the chair that he was leaning back in. He shouted...

"Yo, what the fu-"

However, Drake fell backward and landed on the floor with a thud. Fortunately, this shitty folding chair took the brunt of the impact, but it was not something that Drake liked to do for fun. He was quiet momentarily before saying, "... Ouch." Drake ignored the various people asking if he was "fine" or "okay" or whatever as he got up and dusted himself off. At this point, Auri had done the smart thing and pulled him into the backroom, hopefully, to tell him what a moron he was. The FBI were the last people Drake wanted to oversee the group - they were a buncha dickheads who thought they were hotshit.

Drake needed his cigarette. Badly.

While he was dusting himself off... a fucking portal opened in the middle of the store. Now, while the rest of the so-called "Coven" took this lightly, Drake was just a little bit on edge due to the little thing known as that serial killer that was targeting them and the lingering memories of the fight against the Stygian Snake. On complete reflex, Drake had created a thick, long sword made out of crackling electricity, and the second that Jack stepped out - he was met facefirst with Drake's blade aimed directly at his face. Drake was standing sideways and gave Jack one helluva death glare.

It was years since Drake had even thought of Jack, so Drake had no clue who the guy was, and his own personal tunnel vision made it difficult for him to pay attention to the others.

Veni Vedi Veni.
Interactions: Alizée (@Estylwen)
Veni Vedi Veni.

The seedy strip club was picking up in activity... in the center of the room was the stage where there were two "performers" out. Making a U around the stage was the massive bar, which had many husbands there to hide from their wives and get a little attention from a stripper - at least before Judas' crew rolled in. Various couches and seats were all over the place with patrons and strippers. However, the second Alizée stepped in, everyone eyed her and continued to eye her (some blatantly, some subtly) as she walked up to the bartender and asked about Violet.

The bartender she asked was a slightly chubby caucasian woman wearing a black dress that was just a little bit too short to cover everything. When Alizée asked for Violet, the woman grimaced... before she asked,

"... Sure thing, babe! But, Violet doesn't work here," She started, then pointed off to the side as if trying to direct Alizée to anywhere but here, "She quit a few weeks ago, but I'll get you your drink if you still want it."

However, right next to Alizée was a similar conspicuous sight. A very muscular redhaired woman who wore a white button-up, jeans, and brown cowboy boots with a leather cowboy hat on her head. She had her phone on the bar counter, and when Alizée asked for Violet... she looked down and sent a quick text.

Before she went back to drinking her beer, she kept her eye on Alizée.

Auri Auclair.
Interactions: Kali (@Damycles)
Flowers and Canvases.

The door opened almost immediately after she explained the plan. Standing in the doorframe was Kali! Auri was happy that he was alive and well but looked a bit… different. Then she remembered it was ten years. Auri smiled, and then she got ready to greet him…

… Then he announced to the whole group that he was with the FBI. Auri’s smile went flat, then her jaw dropped. She realized that this would cause the group to throw more vitriol her way. Tayla and Drake audibly protested and she could see the shock on everyone else’s face.

Auri quickly got up, and all the butterflies disappeared. She walked over to Kali and said, “Can we have a word in private?”

Kali agreed.

She turned around and threw up the “time out” hand signal, announcing, “Meeting on hold! I will be right back!”

That was when she pulled Kali into the storage room, slash break room. In here there were various paintings that Auri wasn’t ready to put up for sale, pots, and so forth. In the middle was a table with various chairs up against it. This was where she and Laurey would go on break.

Auri closed the door and turned on the light, she smiled at Kali and said,

“It's so great to see you again, and it was also suuuuuuuuuuuper that you decided to make your grand entrance by announcing to the entire group that you are with the government! But, wouldn’t it have been smarter to, you know, tell me about this beforehand? Or at the very least not announce it to the entire group?”
@Punished GN Should we all make sheets like this?

It’s not a requirement but something for fun. To keep track of relationships
Alright, here are the relationships for Drake and Britney! I took a few liberties here and there but I'm willing to make some edits if someone has an issue.

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