Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
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  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
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so are these nuts
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"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

Raven Jones

Presenting the PRA and Wolfpack NPCs I introduced in my last post.

Interactions: Sloane (@Atrophy), Luca (@FernStone), Jack (@Blizz), and Kali (@Damycles).
Flowers and Canvases.

Drake didn't get his Peanut Buster.

It seems Sloane has some strong opinions about it all. She spoke about how she had zero confidence in Auri as a leader, the Coven's goals, and whatnot. Personally... Drake was done playing cult, and he had zero interest in the Sycamore Tree Coven past defeating Father Wolf even if they aligned with his goals. That ship has, unfortunately, sailed.

"Heh, I don't think a bunch of kids singing under a tree had that much legitimacy either."

That was the first thing that Drake said. He leaned a bit over the table, his hands together, fingers interlocked. He watched as Sloane handed out her cards, but he didn't take one. He dwelled over Sloane's words about Auri, and while she was friendly, Drake knew better than to trust her unquestioningly. At the same time, this partnership (which is what Drake called it for now) won't work if they don't trust each other just a little. Then Sloane dropped the golden question at them all...

“Maybe I’m out of line. Maybe I'm missing something obvious. I’m curious what you all think. Do any of you even have a desire to actually rejoin a Coven, let alone a Coven exclusively controlled by Auri? Are you interested in protecting this city? Are you just here for revenge?”

Before he could speak, however, Drake finally got his peanut buster. The parfait was slid across the table and landed right in front of him, and he looked up to see Jack.

”Consider it a peace offering, for ambushing you earlier,”

"Hmph, thanks."

Kali and Luca shared their opinions, and DraKe was somewhat inclined to agree with Luca... at the same time, what Kali said made a lot of sense. Kali said what Drake was thinking when he said...

"Or anyone else really. Nobody here's fit to take charge of everyone in this situation, so I'm not even going to bother suggesting anything like that."

That hit the nail on the head. Sadly, there wasn't anyone better in this situation. If Drake took charge, people like Tayla would be on his neck. While Drake's philosophies aligned with hers, Sloane was bent on alienating everyone in the Coven. There was no way that the Coven would follow behind Britney, especially given Stormy's reaction to seeing her after ten years. He'd place some stock in Simone being the only reasonable choice, but Drake doubted she would even want to be the leader! The others were not leadership material.

Well, it was time for Drake to air out his thoughts.

"Honestly, I think that the Coven should have disbanded after the Stygian Snake was defeated... afterward, it was nothing but a shitshow," Drake started. I don't have anything against Auri or her leadership... right now, that is. But, no matter who calls themselves the leader, things aren't going to be any better or worse. It's still chaotic as it was when we were fighting the Stygian Snake. Just look at that meeting!" Drake laughed, then shrugged.

"But, I'm all for giving people chances... you all are being a bit too hard on the gal before she even had a chance to prove herself!" Drake dramatically waved his hand up into the air. "Have you considered bringing some of this stuff to Auri? All know she's a reasonable gal... I doubt she'll flip out over this like Daisy or Ashley used to do."

"So I'd say we should at least set up a line of communication with each other. None of us here trusts everyone, but I can imagine we can all at least figure out one or two people who we trust enough to have our backs. Having a chain where one person checks up on the next in a loop like this during a daily designated time will at least minimize some of the risk of getting caught out alone for whoever this father wolf figure is to pick us off. Alternatively making small groups that can wander around together might also be fine though it will interfere with any of your daily lives if you choose that route but once again, it's your own lives we're talking about here. The main point is that there's safety in numbers. Father wolf's an unknown quantity. Could be a severely powerful individual or a whole organization and we don't even know what they want aside from all of us dead. I'm not saying we need to organize into a proper coven again but I do heavily recommend we at least try to lay low for a bit and stick together until we have more information on the situation. After all, St. Portwell's already a powder keg waiting to burst. I'd rather not stir the pot and start a war whilst we're in the middle of this mess just because we have a few tenuous leads that might be red-herrings all-together."

Drake shrugged.

"I'm down with this plan, but this reminds me of something I thought about..." Drake rubbed his chin, looked at everything, then raised his head.

"... How do we even know that it's Father Wolf in the first place?"

Interactions: Alizée (@Estylwen).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

Accusations, threats, and insults are being slung left and right.

Alizée claimed that she was jumped by these girls during her own "private investigation" (which warranted suspicion in and of itself). At the same time, the opposing side claimed that Alizée attempted to kidnap their friend out of the strip club. Stormy didn't help by jumping to conclusions based on old wounds (as he loved to), but he was missing the bigger picture. Britney looked to the left and then the right and spoke to Alizée (and sort of Stormy).

"Look, it doesn't matter who did what; it's over. Let's just get out of here before this..."

Then Alizée broke, attacking Stormy and the girl with the dreads with her shadow hands - screaming like a maniac!

"... Escalates."

Britney's heart rate went up as she watched. Thankfully, Sully managed to get the girl out of the way, and Stormy cast a spell that eliminated the shadow hand. That left Alizée, as Britney needed to calm her down, and she agreed with Stormy. However, Britney knew the perfect way to calm down Alizée.

"Alizée, STOP! Don't you know this is what they want?! They want to fly off the handle because you're proving them right. Don't let them control you and get you out of your energy like this!"

However, she heard a group of motorcycles approaching...

... Followed by a gunshot.

The Greenwood Coven.
Interactions: Stormy (@Blizz), Sully (@Atrophy), and Alizée (@Estylwen).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

”You know about the Sycamore. I feel like so should remember you, have we met before? I haven’t been in town since things broke down, back in the day.”

Naomi turned towards Stormy, slapping a hand on her hip as she said,

"We have not met before, sir, but we have a mutual friend," She tilted her head towards Sully, "And we're very familiar with your former Coven sister, Em-"

Naomi barely had time to process things and got shoved to the ground unexpectedly by Sully... she looked up and saw the shadow hands narrowly miss her as she felt a newfound appreciation for their friend. Only for that to get replaced with rage. She bared her teeth as she hopped up to her feet, getting ready to kick Alizée's ass.

"Alright, bitch, let's-"

"No, no, no!" Jessica quickly ran before Naomi, putting her back to the girl as she stretched her arms out. Acting as a shield to block the two parties from continuing fighting. "I'm sorry, but we are leaving."

Naomi narrowed her eyes, putting her teeth away.

"The kid's right; the Wolfpack's comin'! And the PRA might be on the way, too! I don't know if you guys know about them, but they are two groups that you don't want to deal with. Later!"

"Jess, where is your truck?"

"At my parent's house, heh, took the bus, sister!"

"Yeah, I don't care if we gotta walk, let's haul as-"


Autumn shouted, pointing down the street, when everyone finally noticed the motorcycle engines in all the chaos. There were several.

And it didn't take a genius to tell what that meant.

"Aw, fuck me!" Jessica shouted.

"Alright, we have to go,"

It was too late; the bikers stopped skidding, blocking them.

The PRA.
Interactions: Bianca (@FernStone).
The PRA Headquarters.

on the very outskirts of St. Portwell, a massive and official building stands tall. Outside of the building's gates is a sign that says Global Freight Solutions, but many would note that people rarely go in or out of the building - with some law enforcement vehicles (including a helicopter) occasionally flying in or out. Many conspiracy theorists have broken in only to mysteriously end up back home as if it were a dream.

That's because it's the PRA headquarters.

Deep within the halls of this PRA building, a tall, African-American woman with braids (not dreads you racists) sat in an office chair in a dimly lit office room wearing a suit. She had the backrest leaned back and had her feet (sans shoes) on the empty desk. The office room was empty - like literally, there were only the desks and the desk separators. She was typing away on her cell phone.

Someone opened the door, and she turned her head to see a a well-built African-American man that stood a few inches shorter than her. He leaned against the doorframe and had a shit-eating grin on his face as he said,

"... You know Meifeng will have your throat if she sees you sitting like Agent Phillips,"

Agent Phillips rolled her eyes.

"Meifeng- I mean, Agent Liao is off for the rest of the night and barely cares about what we do here as long as we don't burn down the building, Agent Brown," Agent Phillips answered as she stood straight up.

Agent Brown shrugged.

"Just teasin',"

"We have a problem; Agent Manolo said there's a Paranormal fight outside a strip club of all places, and then it went dark." Agent Phillips said as she walked over to Agent Brown.

"Do we know how many are fighting? What they can do...?" Agent Brown asked.

"I asked, but Agent Manalo went dark," Agent Phillips said.

"Maybe she got a lap dance, heh," Agent Brown chuckled.

"Go get ready, and I'm going to gather the others and tell them to get ready, too."

"Everyone else is in the rec room, I think," Agent Brown said, "But I could probably get over there faster in Phoenix form. You know the normies can't see it."

"Go ahead and make sure that Agent Manalo is okay,"

"Gotcha'," Agent Brown said as he took off, and Agent Phillips went to find her special and trainee Agents. The Recreation Room wasn't that far away; Agent Phillips was just in there, after all. The halls of the PRA building were quiet and dimly lit, as it usually would be full of activity. Agent Phillips found the activity when she approached the rec room and heard the sounds of a TV and the excitable and endearingly childish sounds of Agent Obott and Agent Mayfield, probably playing on the arcade machine. When Agent Phillips turned the corner, she saw Agent Obott and Agent Mayfield playing foosball.

"... I'm getting you back for that game of Mortal Kombat the other day!" Agent Obott, a short and very feminine guy with very long hair, wearing a tank top that was almost transparent and jeans tucked into some combat boots, was on one side.

"... Hey! That's not fair! I'm slippery!" Agent Mayfield, a short blonde-haired woman with bright green eyes, and some inhuman, frog-like features - webbed hands, padded toes and fingertips, and a mouth full of teeth, was on the other.

Agent Obott hit the decisive blow and sent the ball careening across the foosball field, landing in Agent Mayfield's goal and he threw his arms in the air, shouting, "Boo-yah!"

He turned over to Agent Barrett... the most inhuman out of the bunch, who appeared to be a humanoid mantis with a green exoskeleton, antennae, and two large eyes on the sides of her head. She was wearing grey sweatpants and a hoodie a few sizes too big.

"You want a round, Fiona?" Agent Obott said to Agent Barrett.

"Oh, um," Agent Barrett said, "I'm good."

That was when Agent Phillips took a step forward and shouted.

"Listen up! Everyone get ready, we got a situation on the north-east!"

"Hey, I'm off today," Agent Obott said.

"Well, too bad you're hanging around the building, so that must mean you want something to do."


"Gladly!" Agent Mayfield hopped to her feet. "Can I bring my sniper rifle?!"

"Of course," Agent Phillips said. "Agent Manalo reported a fight at the Veni Vedi Veni club between a bunch of Paranormals."

"What? Did somebody try to get out of paying for a lapdance?" Agent Obott said as he walked over.

"No clue, but Agent Manalo went dark; we have to get there immediately, and ensure that she is okay... I'd hate to have Regional Commander Liao go on the warpath."

"Again!" Agent Mayfield said in a chipper tone.

Stepping through the door was Agent Brown in full body armor... and next to him was Agent Page, a short blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman with spiky hair, also wearing armor. Agent Brown threw a thumb over his shoulder.

"... And look who I found, trying to hide!" Agent Brown stated, "She really wanted to catch up on her Candy Crush on the clock."

"Look," Agent Phillips said, "We need to hurry up and ensure Agent Manalo is alright. You all have ten minutes. Samson, you go ahead since you're way faster."

"Rodger!" Everyone said in unison before Agent Brown ran out of the room.

"... And it's Agent Brown!" He said before Agent Phillips facepalmed.

Everyone got ready, stuffed themselves into two different St. Portwell Police Department vehicles, and rushed to the Veni Vedi Veni strip club.

Hold on, Agent Manalo... Agent Phillips thought to herself as she sped off.

The Wolfpack.

(With little bits from Greenwood)
Interactions: Everyone presesnt, but especially Alizée's (@Estylwen) bitch ass.
Veni Vedi Veni Parking Lot

Many were used to the roar of the Wolfpack's motorcycles... especially those who lived in the northeasternmost part of St. Portwell. Many were smart enough to clear the streets the second they saw them coming - those even wiser stayed out of that part of St. Portwell, as the Wolfpack weren't the friendliest lot of people. The howl of their motorcycles rapidly approaching the strip club was not noticed as the group in the parking lot were more concerned with each other.

The lead biker hit the pedal and flew ahead of the rest of the Wolfpack - he was the first to appear on the scene with a skid, and he quickly brandished a Glock, aimed it into the air, and let off a shot into the air. It cut loader than the voices - the chatting, the fighting, and the yelling - as the rest of the Wolfpack skid on scene.

The leader of the bunch, a very tall, imposing, muscular man with blue eyes and spiky blonde hair, got off his bike, tucking his pistol into his jeans... still having it on open display as he walked up. He cupped his hands together and shouted,


"Fuck, it's Valjean," Jessica whispered, leaning into Pearl.

"Valjean, Elodie, Shayton, Cyril, Maggy, Dean, and Victor.... no Judas or Curs." Amelia quietly stated.

"He musta' sent all his goons," Jess said.

"This could get very ugly," Pearl whispered.

"Judas only sent his cronies."

Valjean, the second in command of the Wolfpack, walked into the chaos and shouted, "No one is going anywhere! The next person to move is going to get cut the fuck down!"

A scramy, tall, blonde-haired woman put a sadistic smile on her face as she pulled out a pistol. Many would be able to notice the track-marks up and down her arms, but few would likely have the street smarts to tell what they are. "Try me, you ugly motherfuckers! I look forward to putting some of you in the dirt!"

"Now, can someone tell me, who the fuck here killed Joe Skinner?! Don't give me any of that "Aw, we didn't do it, believe us" bullshit! Shit ain't happen until you motherfuckers showed up, thrashing the place! So, you guys have one fucking minute to decide who the fuck killed a member of our pack before we send all of you to your God!"

Valjean then stomped on the ground.

"So, who did it?!"

"We have no clue what the fuck you're talking about!" Naomi shouted.

"Well, you better figure it out now because Daddy Wolf is on his way... and trust me, if he gets here, all of you motherfuckers are dead!"

"Could it have been one of these guys?" Jessica asked.

"No clue, but we need an opening so Amelia can teleport us out of he-"

"Shut the fuck up and stop plotting like we can't hear you!" Valjean shouted at Pearl.

A member of the Wolfpack, an average-height man with dyed red hair, covered in tattoos, and had very shitty dreads... he pointed a Norse axe at Alizee and said,

"You there, come here. Before we get testy."

Strangely enough, the air temperature started gradually rising, the water in the vicinity started drying up, and sand began sprinkling all over the area.
Roll credits.

Interactions: Sully (@Atrophy), and Alizée (@Estylwen).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

It was chaos out here.

It didn't take a genius to tell that shit went down here - cars were flung, there were craters in the ground, ghostly webs, and more! Britney didn't know why Leon and Alizée were there or who these other strangers were, but they seemed calm with Sully, so they were excellent in Britney's book. Bianca was here, but by the time Britney had recognized her, she hauled ass out of there. Britney wanted to ask her what in God's name happened here, but she knew even if she called her Bianca was likely to ignore her and keep going.

Alizée ran over and gave her the second hug she received in over an hour - and this one didn't squish her titties that badly. Britney was happy to see Alizée, and it warmed her stomach to get such a warm reception from her friend. However, she listened to everything, even these people... they were throwing all sorts of accusations towards Alizée, who insisted that nothing happened here. Britney held onto Alizée by her shoulders as she smiled incredulously, saying,

"... It doesn't look like nothing happened here." Britney followed that statement with awkward laughter. "Alizée... have you been night stalking again? I thought you said you stopped."

Britney looked Alizée dead in the eye, as her expression did not slightly change.

"Do not lie to me."

Auri Auclair.
Interactions: Jack (@Blizz)
Flowers and Canvases.

Everyone trickled out in groups, and Auri hoped they would chase after their lead rather than just go fool around. It seemed like many people were not taking the threat of Father Wolf seriously and seemed more concerned with squabbling and wasting time. Her store was also in ruins, and she wondered if she should have just led the group to the base of operations where she had spent hours (well, it would have been hours without the butterfly staff) decorating! However, one person stuck around despite it all...

”It wasn’t a waste of time, calling us here. If I knew we were being picked off sooner, I’d have Father Wolf buried by now. And I know you had high hopes for reuniting us, but we haven’t been a family since we sealed away the Snake. The coven was a family for many of us, myself included, but what we have now is nothing more than memories. The longer we spend dwelling on the past, the less time we have to focus on what is happening. Give them time, they’ll return sooner or later, once they’re ready. They won’t let this stop them from finding who is trying to kill us all.”

"... It wasn't," Auri agreed.

She sighed as she walked over to one of the paintings she had for sale. A little witchy piece reflecting her time in the Coven, and she held it with both hands as she sighed.

"It was a family for me, too... despite the issues I had with Daisy and Ashley," Auri awkwardly laughed, hoping Jack didn't want to pry that up because that was not a bridge she wanted to go down right now. She placed the painting down. "I'm just worried that either the killer is lurking among us or... a part of something bigger."

She awkwardly tugged at her collar as she thought about her conversation with Kali in the back room.

"This obviously has something to do with the Stygian Snake, and from what I hear from Lynette, there are lots of other organizations of Paranormals out there - not just in St. Portwell! Maybe someone out there wants the Snake; who knows."

She sighed.

"If only we still had Kari... we probably would have found this Father Wolf and been about our day... but, I digress. These are the cards we have been dealt..."

She looked off to the side.

"But, you should get a move on," Auri grabbed onto her butterfly staff and tapped it on the ground, releasing a swarm of glowing butterflies; they quickly cleaned up her poor flower store that had been ruined during the debacle earlier. "I'm going to head to that strip club to see if Judas and his Wolfpack are behind this... and hope nobody does anything too brash or stupid."

However, Auri knew that she was aiming a little bit too high here. It was the Coven, after all. Even if it's been ten years, they haven't changed much.

The Greenwood Coven.

(Except Naomi)
Interactions: Sully (@Atrophy).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

“Need a hand, Doc?”

The healing aura was doing its job, but Kashmira would like some assistance if a fight restarted... which she felt would happen given how passionately Naomi behaved. Not that Kashmira would blame her because what in the world was wrong with this girl? Kashmira kept her eyes on Alizée. She was a pacifist, but Shiva allowed her to defend herself and the people she cared about if necessary. Kashmira grabbed the chalice, briefly halting her healing, as she opened Jess' mouth and poured it inside - then went back to healing.

Jess swallowed, then her eyes shot wide open as she triumphantly hopped to her feet, flexing while shouting,

"... I live, bitches!"

She stood there momentarily; Pearl and the others sighed in relief.

“What the heck happened here?”

Autumn, however, walked over to Sully and whispered in his ear,

"... We were trying to take Judas out. Jess was supposed to stand guard inside, but then she-" Autumn made sure to point at Alizée to ensure she knew she was talking about her. "-just... walked out with Jess, and a fight broke out because you know we couldn't let that happen."

She glanced at Naomi and the others, then at Alizée before she continued to whisper.

"... Do you know her? Do you know why she tried taking Jess?"

However, Jess was standing there, with her hands on her hips, smiling like a fool as she said,

"C'mon, Autumn, you know you can't whisper worth shit!" She said as she extended a hand towards Sully. "I can show you what happened if you took my hand! Don't worry, you won't get the cooties... this time."

Sully took Jessica's hand, and she pulled him into a Recollection, one where he would be a third party seeing everything from the second Alizée walked in to now. Afterward, Jess crossed her arms as she said,

"I'll let you make your judgment..."

"How... How the hell do you know each other?"

Pearl and Amelia then looked at Sully, trying to quietly tell him not to expose them as Greenwood while they were out of disguise. They trusted Sully...

... They didn't trust the others.

Naomi Rodgers.
Interactions: Sully (@Atrophy), and Alizée (@Estylwen).
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

"Alizée, Leon. The Sycamore Tree Coven, or at least, well, it's complicated. And who the hell are you talking about?"

Naomi put on a shocked face as she sarcastically responded,

"Oh? You mean that Coven that broke up ten years ago?" Naomi tilted her head as if she was astonished by Alizée's stupidity. The child that seemingly ended the fight wasn't receptive to Alizée, as he should, so maybe the goofy ass kid had some sense, unlike Alizée here. "Bull. Shit."

However, Sully and others arrived and Alizée ran into the tall-ass girl's arms. Sully came to help out Kash, and Jess was quick to rise to her feet... rather dramatically, Naomi might add. It was great seeing that Jess was okay, but there was still the matter at hand. Sully and the others asked what in the world went down here, and Alizée was quick to play dumb - even asked how he knew them.

Like Greenwood was the bad guy here.

"How... How the hell do you know each other?"

"... Maybe because all of us are good people, and we like hanging out with other good people," Naomi chuckled as she glanced toward Sully. "Psychopaths like you wouldn't understand."

Naomi had a lot of mouth and was not going to let Alizée get even a second of figurative breathing room.

"Nothing... nothing happened here."


Naomi hissed as, again, she would not let up on Alizée even for a second and narrowed her eyes at her. She wondered if she would use her little shadow hands on her because she was speaking so out of tone to her. Naomi pointed at Alizée, ensuring she kept her eyes on her to dodge any attacks.

"This fuckin' psycho tried walking out of here with Jess, then squeezed her like she was some fucking chew toy over and again," Naomi pointed at the small crater that was left in the ground, then continued. "Then tried killing Autumn when she dared to try and pry our friend free."

Naomi put a hand on her hip and then rolled her eyes.

"I'm not sure if she's a part of your Coven, but you guys really need to get her on a leash because, trust, there are lots of people in St. Portwell who would have done a lot worse to her."

Interactions: Luca (@FernStone), Sloane (@Atrophy), Simone (@QueenBea), and Kali (@Damycles).
Flowers and Canvases > Dairy Queen.

"Oh also," he pointed his finger at Drake and Sloane. "You two sit in the front of the car. Well, Drake will; it's his car, but yeah. Back seats mine, gotta have room to manspread and all."

Drake laughed.

"Go right ahead, bro! Just warning you know there are some "stains" back there, though!"

He laughed again, but he noticed that Simone wanted to drag Kali along... while Drake was open for Kali remaining in the Coven, he wasn't perfectly comfortable with bringing Kali along. With Luca and Sloane (Maybe Simone), they can say whatever they like, but with Kali, they'd have to remain hush-hush. Especially about Sloane and Drake's little deal. On the other hand... Drake could keep a close eye on the guy and ensure that he didn't do anything (well, anything else) weird or crazy. He briefly narrowed his eyes at Simone, before just shrugged and said.

"The more the merrier, let's blow this joint."

He gestured for everyone to come along as he led Sloane and Luca to his fancy Dodge Charger, which they all entered... and Luca, true to his word, manspread. Drake chuckled as he adjusted his mirror and saw Simone's cr in the back mirror, tailing them. It was about a ten-minute drive before they got to Dairy Queen. Drake pulled into a spot, and they got out and walked into the building - Simone and Kali were right behind them. They got in line, and Drake turned to Sloane with a smile as he said,

"I just want the peanut buster, you know. I'm not going to drain your bank account."

Interactions: Edict (@AtomicEmperor), Sully (@Atrophy), & Stormy (@Blizz)
Flowers and Canvases.

"Wait, Grayson-"

Britney saw Edict cry and wondered if she had gone just a little bit too far; he left. There was that urge to go after him, but there was that situation with Stormy threatening her. He wasn't backing down, and Britney devised a strategy to pierce his calve with a wooden spike to slow him down and dip before things got worse. However, Auri and Sully came to her defense and managed to talk Stormy down. Britney sighed in relief, though there was that one thing he said that irked her.

”If she makes one wrong move, I’ll deal with her myself.”

"... Don't have anything to worry about, then." Britney said under her breath as she calmly walked away from Stormy. There was that part of her that wanted to say it out loud, but she knew better than to try and get him riled up again. Eve and the others began to trickle out of the flower store, and Britney wondered if she had come too late - or if everyone despised her that much. However, she had no idea what went on during this meeting or what was even discussed; all she was told was that everyone had decided to go to a strip club. Britney couldn't help but shrug.

"We're going to that strip club, right?" Britney asked. "Good. I could use some titties right now. My car can hold like six people...."

She turned towards Sully, then to Stormy. The last person that was going to get in her car was Stormy - not that he was even going to get in anyway - because Britney was a courteous person, she wasn't going to extend that to someone who threatened her. She then said, "Come with me, Sully, let's catch up,"

She finished the sentence with a wave and gestured for whoever would come along to get into her fancy GMC Yukon.

@Punished GN@Fernstone@Estylwen@AtomicEmperor

Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot

Some of them had converged around him, much to his chagrin. The presence of a humanoid silhouette, like a walking void in the world, had given Clancy some pause, if only momentary. The woman with the ashen hair approached him, but he didn't move or respond.

"Hey, are you okay? You look hurt. Let me see your hand.""

The words were numbing for a moment; he couldn't quite understand why. His attention was on the silhouette circling him, the one that reeked of a familiar, cold presence.

Then, he recoiled - drew his palm back hard to see the blood - the biker's blood - half-smeared off his fingertips. She'd touched him. He'd been oblivious to it for a few seconds, but the realization had sunk in as he snapped back to reality.

"Do not touch me." Clancy's fingers closed inwards, almost into a fist. He shot her a cold glare, his lips creased tight.

"I like this one." The silhouette was talking about him, and that provoked a certain sense of distaste. That's funny, he mused, because I don't like you. A contemptuous "Fuck. You." was all he could muster, barely a whisper - but enough for whatever it was to understand.

He now realized that almost none of the people here were normal, at least not in the traditional sense. All touched by power or harboring power of their own. Possibly even the would-be samaritan, the Latino lady, judging by her generally calm demeanor in all of this. He backed up and shook his head, uncharacteristically impatient "Just get out of my way. I need to go, and I don't have time to wait for you to kill each other."

The Greenwood Coven.
Interactions: Sully (@Atrophy), Alizée (@Estylwen), and Leon (@AtomicEmperor)
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

It was finally over; the psycho-crazy bitch had let go of Jess, and the girl stopped threatening her - or was it her Apparition that was pulling the strings? Whatever, they quickly ran over to Jess and pulled her as far the fuck away from the psycho as possible. Kashmira knelt and placed both hands on Jess' chest. A green wave of energy overcame Jess, wrapping around her as it mended the various wounds she had received. She had taken a lot of damage... and meanwhile, Pearl, Naomi, Autumn, and Amelia made sure to return the eye contact that Alizée was giving them. Naomi leaned over to Pearl as she whispered,

"... You should put an ice spike through her face like you did to that Nazi bitch."

"I should," Pearl whispered back, "But things are ended."

"... Are we going to let her do whatever with that kid?" Autumn asked with a raised eyebrow. "You know how she was talking about Jess..."

"Look," Naomi said, "I'm not worried about a stupid-ass kid. I'm worried that these two are going to try something else. Amelia, teleport us-"

"I would advise against that," Pearl stuck her nose in. "Someone may recognize our abstractions... and we can not allow that to happen."

"I need time to stabilize her!" Kashmira said, "I've... I've never seen anything like this before!"

"Great," Naomi rolled her eyes. "The Wolfpack are going to be here soon."

"And as far as we can tell," Pearl started, "They have no reason to single us out."


"Alizée! Not here, Fille, we need to go! We've fucked everything up now, let's go find you a meal in the Temple! Vite!"

"... HEY!"

Naomi shouted at them to catch their attention. "Hold up! You motherfuckers think you can do all this shit, try to fuckin' kill our friend, then try to kill us for trying to stop you from killing our friend, and then just up and leave."

"Naomi-" Pearl tried to interject.

"Who in the fuck are you two? Who the fuck are you two with? And please don't tell me you're the leftover Nazis."

A big truck pulled into the parking lot, and getting out of the car was Britney Williams and a few others... the giant gal walked over, looking confused as she asked, "... Alizée? Leon?" She looked around at the chaos as she asked, "... What happened here?"

However, Pearl and Amelia's eyes landed on Sully as the two asked, speaking in unison,

"... Sully?"

Pearl took a few steps forward.

"How are you doing, friend? It is great to see you that you are doing well, friend. I'm also sure that Ruby will be happy to see you as well."
@Punished GN

*anxiously waiting for a GM post*

Working on it. I'm busy. It'll be out before the weekend.
If I had more free time I would be down but alas

Interactions: Luca (@FernStone).
Flowers and Canvases.

Drake rolled his eyes.

This was a waste of his fucking time. Everyone was trying to play nice with Britney like nothing ever happened! Like she didn't ruin Luca's life, and creating more problems in the way of Emily and her sycophant Vashti. Drake didn't so much as look at Britney... however, he felt Greyson prodding him. His barrier was an impenetrable castle that Greyson would have zero chance of entry. Drake was about to punch Greyson in his dumb little face, but everyone else jumped on him - with his big old Ex Britney dunking on him. Even though Drake couldn't look in her direction, he thought that was brutal. Until Greyson starts crying, trying to garner sympathy and leaves, Drake can't help but roll his eyes. Typical.

It was about time for Drake to stop fapping around in this flower shop...

There was the loud sound of pills spilling and other things dropping on the ground. Drake whipped around to see Luca trying to exit quietly - not that Drake could even blame the guy, given that Britney showed up. Drake knelt, picking up everything and cradling it all in his arms.

"Need a hand, bro?" Drake asked, "Are you going to head to the strip club? Need a ride somewhere else?" He asked again.

The Greenwood Coven.
Interactions: Alizée (@Estylwen) and Leon (@AtomicEmperor
Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.

"She's mine!"

"Oh no, she ain't!"

Naomi spat back as her eyes drifted over towards Autumn. The psycho had created another hand made of magic and tried smashing Autumn. Naomi's heart skipped a beat as she watched Autumn backpedal and dodge the hand... leaving behind a fucking crater. This bitch was trying to kill them. However, the hand managed to grasp Autumn, and the girl yelped; her glasses hit the ground... but she disappeared in the blink of an eye. Naomi's head darted around until she managed to catch Autumn near the strip club, floating down to catch her breath. Fortunately, she had both of them bound in her webs, the same webs she had in her hands.

She squeezed Jess again, and the girl couldn't even scream! That filled Naomi with a new type of determination to end things with. However, it was at this point that Pearl had taken her side.

"... You couldn't wait two minutes for me to get here?" Pearl asked as she aimed both of her hands at the two.

"Sorry, the bitch is crazy!" Naomi answered.

"Who are they?"

"I don't know," Naomi started, "I think they might be Kaiser Draeger's leftovers. Really getting those vibes from her."

"... Traffic cone! Six o'clock!" Autumn shouted and drew both of their attentions towards the girl who was watching them, smoking a cigarette. Greenwood had a code system that, whenever Autumn spotted an Adept, they would call it out with an object the same color as their Lux. Shouting orange would have been unmistakable. Naomi looked at the girl, knowing she couldn't be one of the Nazis.

However, the girl resumed her attack and summoned two spinning hands, brushing aside cars like it was nothing. These two know nothing about subtly, it seems. Naomi thought to herself as she lept backward, and she saw Pearl backpedal immediately to dodge the attack. Kashmira did the same, while looking at Jess with a worried expression. When her feet hit the ground, Naomi focused and created a net of webs that would ensnare the two hands if they got caught - at least giving them a brief window even if she despawned and respawned her ethereal graspers.

Naomi noticed Amelia simply floating high above the two hands. She cupped her hands together and shouted,


The two immediately got what she meant and prepared to give it their all. However, the wolf man turned on his ally...

"Drop the fucking Ginger!"

"... That's what we were trying to get Sabrina, the Teenaged Nazi, to do!" Naomi shouted.

This was when Pearl took the lead... she stepped forward very slowly, raising her index and middle fingers on both hands. She had her left hand pointed forward and her right hand pointed to the right as she advanced... the air started getting cold as diamond dust surrounded the girl, and the air temperature visibly dropped. Naomi knew that Pearl would try and talk to them.

But Naomi knew that they were past that.

"We do not wish to fight! Please release our friend and we will leave! There are more of us on the way, and the Wolfpack is likely on the way as well; there is no way for you to win! We will do anything for our friends. If you do not stop... we will be forced to kill you! And trust me, everyone here has taken a life before, and we will show you no quarter!"

"... Not me!" Kashmira raised a finger.

"Kash, just get down!" Naomi said.

However, Leon gave Amelia just the opening she needed, and from the air she dove Jessica with her hand out as fast as her abstraction could will. Naomi knew what Amelia was trying to do, and all she needed to do was grab Jess, and she could teleport her out of there. It was a risky move, but obviously, the girl couldn't handle everything at once...

Naomi prepped to create more webs to protect Amelia if needed...
<Snipped quote by Punished GN>

well at least I still know more about linux

You’re about to know about these nuts
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