Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11035 (2.81 / day)
  • VMs: 42
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
    2. ███████████ 1 yr ago
    3. ██████████ 2 yrs ago
    4. ███████████ 3 yrs ago
    5. ███████████ 3 yrs ago
    6. ██████████████ 4 yrs ago
    7. ██████████ 5 yrs ago
    8. █████████ 6 yrs ago
    9. █████████ 7 yrs ago
    10. █████ 7 yrs ago
    11. ██████████ 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
4 days ago
so are these nuts
23 days ago
"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

Ten years ago, Downtown St. Portwell…

She tripped, falling on one knee as she fell in a puddle. Splashing water in all directions and soaking her grey jeans, she panted, turning her head around to see if she had finally lost the bastard… before she heard footsteps approaching her; then she saw it… or did she? She only saw the puddles of water getting splashed as if something was approaching her. She hopped to her feet by her hands and ran through the dark alleyways of St. Portwell. It was only the end of the day, as were the streets so… empty? She glanced up at the cloudy skies so thick that it appeared to already be night, with only glimpses of sunlight piercing through the dark and foreboding clouds.

She turned right as she heard the footsteps approaching, getting closer and closer, and she tried to pick up speed… only to feel something slash her back, and she loudly yelped as she hit the ground. She could feel the hot blood drip from her back as she desperately crawled forward, her heart racing… then it grabbed her leg. She flipped over, and then she finally saw it.

It’s otherworldly glory.

It was unnaturally tall, with no features other than its unmoving white eyes that appeared to be holes through its body. It pulled her closer to itself… creating a black portal in which it attempted to pull her into. The girl screamed at the top of her lungs as she desperately attempted to break free.


The creature’s body was suddenly sliced clean in half, top to bottom, as someone appeared before them both. A young teenager with black hair, holding a jet black scythe in his hands like the grim reaper. He was dressed in a grey and gold robe that fumed with black smoke, which clung to him as if it had a mind of its own.

The monster he attacked stumbled back as its two halves split apart and evaporated into smoke.

Something landed before her, and she desperately hoped it was not another one of those things… but definitely a monster of some type. A grey jumping spider, except instead of being the size of a pen tip, it was enormous. It was the size of a UPS Truck… and on top of it was some black girl wearing a black robe with golden spider webs weaved into it, riding it like it was some type of horse, with a saddle and handlebars and everything. She pulled out a walkie-talkie and said into it,

“Stygian Snake’s monsters are everywhere downtown! We’re - we’re gonna need some Backup!”

“We’re fighting the Stygian Snake in the woods right now! But, we can divert some help that way!” Someone replied.

Then she looked down and awkwardly smiled before talking… fast.

“Hi, I’m Lisa! It's great to meet you! I know it’s scary; I am riding a giant spider, you almost got eaten by a monster, and I just fell out of the sky! But we are the good guys! We are going to get you out of here!”

She dramatically paused before giving the scared girl a wide smile.

“... Trust me!

That was when more of the shadow monsters began showing up… and the girl stopped smiling and cupped her hands together to shout.

“Someone get her up on me!”

“Here, let me help you,” an older Asian teenager leaned down with a far too relaxed grin for the situation, hooking her arm around the girl’s back. “I’m Bianca- hey, Qianqian, help me get her up!”

”Don’t call me that,” a scowling teenage girl - Linqian - huffed, even as she reached down to help the girl. Between the two of them, they could lift the girl towards Lisa and onto the spider.

“You didn’t mind it last ni-”

”Shut up! There’s more of them, we don’t have time for this, Bea!”

“... Could you two, uhhhhhh, focus?” Lisa raised an eyebrow.

Appearing in a shadowy blur on the other side of Lisa’s giant spider, Jack cut in. ”I can’t get all of you out of here the easy way, but I can keep them distracted. When you’re clear, I’ll get help here quicker. Go on, I’ll meet out of here.”

”Oh shut up, Jack,” Linqian rolled her eyes at him. ”Who put you in charge, I swear-”

“Not the time, Linqian!" Bianca cut her off. "Yell at him all you want when we're safe."

”Fine, go get help,” Linqian waved dismissively at Jack. Her body temperature began to drop, lower and lower, till a chill could be felt coming off her in waves. ”We can handle this. Bea, boost me.”

With Bianca starting to boost her, tendrils of ice crawled out from underneath Linqian’s feet as her body temperature plummeted, and she stepped forward to intercept the shadow monsters coming towards them.

“Does somebody have one of Greta’s potions?! Aw, never mind!” Lisa weakly called out to the group before she waved her hand and commanded her spiders to wrap webs around the girl; she thrashed a bit as Lisa said,

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, I’m holding you down so you don’t fall off! Now awaaaaaay we go!”

She commanded her giant spider, and they lept through the air, landing on the side of the building as she scampered away to safety.


The Stygian Snake’s minions were swarming the downtown area… They were flooding the alleyway Linqian and Jack were holding out in.

The shadows writhed and came to life around Jack, lifting in thick clouds of smoke, and lashing out like an endless tide of spears to skewer, impale and maim the creatures. The Stygian Snake wasn’t the only one who ruled the darkness.

”He’s getting lazy, this is nothing.”

“Nothing, huh?” Came a call out from behind. A tear opened in the alleyway, and Alizée and Void stepped out, smirking and ready for action. Phantom hands flew, knocking aside the monsters, trying to leap over the spears Jack had sent forward.

“I dunno, looks like a lot of monsters this time around.” Alizée huffed.

"Nothing we haven't handled before! But still, nice to have more backup!" Bianca called out cheerfully from where she was sheltering just behind Linqian. Linqian dealt with each monster that came their way, hitting them with ice-cold fists or freezing them entirely by grabbing them. Bianca was boosting her to entirely bypass their emotional fields, letting her freeze them to death.

“I’ll crush as many as I can, but we need better ground, Bea!” Alizée called out, doubling the size of her phantom hands to scoop up a handful of wriggling monsters, squeezing until she heard several pops. White specks of light flurried around her as Void worked alongside, smashing monsters into the wall and pavement hard enough to leave cracks in his wake.

"It's alright, we can- shit!" A monster got past Linqian, knocking Bianca to the ground. She rolled out of the way just in time, and Linqian spun around, kicking it in the back and freezing it solid.

"Less chatting and more staying alive," Linqian gritted out, lightly panting. Having Bianca boost her was invaluable, but at the same time, it put her in danger - which Linqian didn't like. She shook her head, facing another one. "Fuck, they just keep coming."

The hail of shadowy spears continued to pelt them as Jack decided not to waste time warning them all about his next move. He flickered out of existence, reappearing beside everyone as he laid a hand on their shoulders. One by one, he used his Gloomy Step spell to teleport his comrades up to a roof where they could easily keep their assault up without being trapped. Once the last of them was at higher ground, shadows began solidifying and wall off their exit like a cage.

”You know what to do,” he said.

"Oy," Linqian snapped, attention swapping from the monsters to Jack. She took a step forward, frost coating the roof underneath her. "Just you fucking try to teleport me again without warning."

Another step, and she was close enough to him that he could feel the cold radiating from her body.

"Next time, I won't-"

"Thanks, Jack, you really saved us; just ignore her!" Bianca cut in, jumping in between them. Linqian immediately backed off, not wanting to hurt her girlfriend. "They're starting to climb onto the roof, soooooo…"

As Bianca spoke, one of the hollow-eyed monsters leaped up, trying to slash Linqian. That was, before a phantom hand wrapped around its shadow form, squeezing until it burst into seeping smoke.

“They’re coming, guys. Try to focus!” Alizée spoke, a hint of panic in her voice as three phantom hands cut swathes along the building wall, destroying the brick face as she and Void tried knocking down the alarmingly high number of monsters coming up.

"I had that," Linqian rolled her eyes at Alizée, even though she hadn't had it. She spun around to face the monsters, catching another one's claws before they hit her shoulder, freezing them off.

"We definitely need more help," Bianca shook her head, stepping back out of the way and looking at Jack.

The Stygian Snake’s minions paused… As a monstrous growling and thunderous footsteps appeared. They cleared a path for the shark among little fish… a monstrous hellhound that easily stood twenty feet tall. It growled as it walked down the alley, roared, and lunged up to the roof as the other minions continued their assault - scaling the walls like it was nothing.

”…Yeah. Yeah. I’m grabbing Reza. Don’t die, got it?” Jack jumped off the edge of the building into the dark alleyway below and teleported to somewhere far away, well before he was in danger.

"Jack! Be quick-" Bianca started, but Jack was already gone… leaving just the three of them to face the hellhound. "Fuck, fuck, this is bad."

As soon as the hellhound appeared, Linqian backed away, breathing quickening and temperature rising back to normal as she dropped her spell. Her hands shook, and her chest heaved, practically beginning to hyperventilate. She squeezed her eyes shut so she didn't have to see it.

"Shit," Bianca grabbed Linqian's hand and pulled her behind her - it just had to be a hellhound. She didn't have time to calm her down right now… Bianca dropped her boost on Linqian and swapped to Alizée, layering them up - boosting her abstraction strength and ability to penetrate elemental fields. At the same time, she began to back away, preparing to run. "She's not going to be able to do anything like this. Can you hold them off till Jack gets help?!"

Alizée glanced at Linqian, grimacing before leveling a hot glare at the massive monster approaching them. Her phantom hands flexed, razor tips glinting.

“Dammit, Jack. I'll do what I can, Bea. Just get ready to run, kay?”

Just in case.

She took a step towards the hellhound and almost instantly regretted it. A massive claw swiped down, blocked by phantom darkness, her shoes scraping the cement as she was pushed back.

Before, the remains of an air conditioner were uprooted by Void's hands, smashing across the terrifying face of the hellhound. It was enough to cause a slight distraction, letting Alizée leap out of its claws’ reach.

They were losing ground. Minions on all sides. Void was about to check on Alizée before minions pounced on him. Immediately, his hands and jagged teeth were busy shredding minions apart, leaving Alizée on her own.

The hellhound was staring at Bianca and Linqian, maw barred. But before it could snap its jaws around the duo, a massive void hand smashed across its face.

“Pick on someone your own size!” Alizée yelled, preparing to punch the beast again.

Before its teeth came crashing down, trying to swallow Alizée whole. Alizée was pushed to the ground, void hands trembling on the top and bottom of the hellhound's snapping jaw, trying to keep it steady as the beast tried to press through and eat Alizée.

She sweated, glaring hard at the beast, trying to will away the scattering hallucinations clouding the edges of her vision.


Her grip tightened on the jaws of the hellhound.

“The hell…”

Fingers started to pull apart instead of back.


In one fell swoop, Alizée heard a crack as bone snapped back, and the hellhound howled. It recoiled, its jaw dislocated and hanging at a sickening angle…

… Only for it to snap back, seemingly automatically.

Dread set in the pit of Alizée's stomach. ”Shit.”

Void was busy sweeping the roof clean of shadowy minions, hands frantically cutting swathes in the numbers that kept coming back.

Linqian and Bianca were behind Alizée, counting on a miracle she didn't have. Jack was nowhere to be seen.

They needed more options.

Alizée called out to the duo behind her without taking her eyes off the beast.

“Linqian, Bea, get outta here!” She cried, phantom hands shoving against the beast, trying to stop its advance.

She cursed under her breath, taloned fingers pulling at the rippled shoulder of the hellhound, through the sinews and tendon, until she had a good enough grip that she tore the arm right off the monster.

"Shit, come on," Bianca turned around and started shoving Linqian. It was enough to jolt her out of her panic slightly, letting go of Bianca's hand and temperature dropping enough to push away the apparitions blocking their way. Bianca kept up her boost for Alizée, straining to concentrate on that and getting the fuck out of there.

A burst of black smoke filled the air, and a white blur shot out of it directly toward the apparitions surrounding Linqian, Bianca, and Alizee. A metallic ring filled the air as all of them fell to the floor dead. As quickly as they were assailed, they were saved. Cloaked in white and gold, there stood a boy with tan skin, holding a sword etched with a red blade. He was fast as a whip crack and looked far too confident for someone surrounded by eldritch horrors.

Reza Cabrera, one of their gayest.

He smirked as he took in the scene. Now that he was here, everyone would be going home today. It was either that or he would be the last.

“Reza, you son of a bitch.” Alizée said, wincing as she picked herself up. The grin on her face betrayed a tone that was relieved more help had arrived.

“Reza!” Bianca let out a sigh of relief, halting her fleeing footsteps. She squeezed Linqian’s hand, slowly coming down from the intense panic she’d been feeling - it would be there as long as the hound was, but at least now there was a chance to calm her down. Bianca kept her boost up on Alizée - Reza didn’t need it. “I’m so fucking glad to see you.”

Alizée’s grin widened, listening to Bianca, before they fell on the hellhound, hobbling on three legs. However long that would last. She flexed her phantom hand, hovering above her, watching the minions gather themselves and preparing to continue the onslaught.

There, her eyes fell on a smile. Reza’s smile.

That smile meant one thing and one thing only: Victory.

”Backup’s here, ladies. Let’s win this and get out of here!” Reza lifted his Noble Vow sword and rushed the apparitions, clawing their way up the roof. He weaved between their claws, fangs, and their everything with uncanny grace, beyond anything the world’s greatest fencers could dream of, as he cut them down one by one. His sword cleaves through their supernatural bodies as if they were ordinary flesh and bone, dropping like flies.

A bright flash filled the environment as a monstrous bolt of lightning came from one of the adjacent rooftops and struck the giant hellhound on the side of its monstrous body. It let out a yelp as it stumbled over, craning its head around to see two girls standing on one of the other rooftops… the Coven sisters Zoey Gray and Elsa Connor.

Zoey raised a fist in the air, then cupped her hands together to shout,

“Take that asshole!”

While it was stumbling, someone ran up, holding a hockey stick… it was none other than Claire O’Sullivan, one of the Old Coven’s most frontline fighters. She lept into the air, hockey stick primed, surrounded by an opaque, dim-blue aura, and whacked the Hellhound with it, sending it spiraling over.

“... You get it, Claire!” Zoey shouted.

The Hellhound made a complete roll and charged her. Claire blew a bubble with some bubblegum as she spun the hockey stick around her back. The beast opened its mouth unnaturally wide and attempted to swallow Claire whole, only for her to stick her hockey stick in its mouth… and it could not close it as hard as it tried. Claire managed to hold it back…

… For a younger Amy Nakamura to valiantly leap into the air, her kanabō overhead, screaming as she brought it down on the hellhound’s skull, shattering it into a billion pieces… and it stumbled over… before exploding into darkness and fading away.

“Good job, homegirl!” Claire shouted while laughing,

“Well, the fight’s not over; we gotta take care of the…” Amy said as she prepared to fight off the others… only to see a massive shadow cast over her. She looked up to see…

… The Stygian Snake.

The spider, Lisa, and their reluctant captive leaped from rooftop to rooftop.

Lisa had no clue where she was going or why, just that she was getting this girl out of there. She heard a bang in the distance. Glancing over her shoulder, Lisa saw the hellhound appear and pounce the group… her eyes shot open as her jaw dropped due to shock. She started panting, holding her chest as she commanded her spider to stop. She quickly reached for her walkie-talkie in the saddle's pouch while affirming herself, working up the courage…

“Okay… k-keep it together, Lisa, yo-you’re strong. You’re b-brave. You’re loved. Like what Adora says!”

She took a deep breath.

Then she pressed the button.

“... H-hello? Mission control? Headquarters? Mother base?

"Yes?" A slightly sharp male voice - Jinhai - came from the other side of the walkie-talkie. He sounded calm, but it was a cold calmness, and his words diplomatically pushed her towards getting to the point. "Has something happened, Lisa?"

The walkie-talkie shook in Lisa’s hands as she said, “S-someone’s h-hurt! N-no one has Greta’s potions, i-is t-there somewhere I can take her before she bleeds out on my spider!?”

There was silence on the other end of the line, then quiet talking between at least two of the people there. “Can you get her back here? We have plenty of potions. If not, the closest to you with one is… Olivia. I can put you through to their channel.”

Lisa looked over her shoulder at the girl bleeding out, and the webs were not good gauze. She could ideally get back to the lair, but with all the monsters… That was a risk.

“I-I don’t think she w-will last long enough for me t-to get back! Where is Olivia?!

“She’s in front of the Five-Star theater. Five streets over, by rooftop, you can get there quickly.” There was a pause on the other end, then Jinhai added, “she’s with Luca, keep the injured away from him if they’re blind.”

Lisa glanced over her shoulder at the girl… she had no clue if she had an abstraction, but probably, given what she just went through. She raised the walkie-talkie to her lips and said,

“C-copy! I am on my way!”

Then she gave her saddle a good grip and commanded her minion to leap until she got there. Then she looked around for them…

Olivia and Luca were backed up against the theater’s entrance, fighting off another group of apparitions that had swarmed them. Olivia had all the ones closest to them bound in thick, thorny vines. At the same time, Luca moved between them as quickly as possible, grabbing whatever limb was closest and corroding these weaker apparitions.

One had managed to free a hand from the grasping vines and lunged towards Luca before a cartoonish-looking arrow slammed into the creature's eye socket, forcing the head back before the arrowhead exploded. From down the road, The Ranger limped towards the theater. Its artwork was more comic book-inspired than not, and its jagged lines starkly contrasted the surrounding area. Its right leg was wounded, and the paint was bleeding off onto the ground below. Behind it was Jasper, Evelynn, and Michael. Blood was pouring down Evelynn’s face, and she was drifting between consciousness and out. Michael had her arm over his shoulder, pulling her along with her. Evelynn limped and was dragged. Above them Michaels crows flew a tight circle, their orders were to attack the eyes of any monster that got too close.

“Olivia, Luca,” Jasper looked up from the canvas he was furiously painting on, “Lisa, I got Evelynn she’s hurt pretty bad, does anyone have a potion?”

A snarl was heard behind them, and before anyone could react, the Ranger had notched another arrow, turned around, aimed, and let it fly down the road.

Heeeeeeeeey!” Lisa called, commanding her spider minion to scale the wall downwards. She didn’t want to scare anyone again, so she quickly made it to the street level with the others and looked at Olivia. “Do you have an extra potion!?”

“I do!” Olivia pointed to the bag around her waist. Looking at the two injured, she furrowed her brow, retracting the vines binding individual apparitions and having them form a large, thorny cage around the seven people. It trapped them inside, but it also kept the apparitions out. “Here!”

She pulled two potions from the bag, handing one to Jasper and the other to Lisa.

“Thank you!” Lisa quickly said as she took the potion.

“Thank you, Olivia. You’re the best,” Jasper said as he stopped painting and grabbed the potion. He turned his attention towards his two friends, “Michael, get this in Evelynn as quickly as possible; we’ll need her foresight before long.”

“Got it,” Michael said as he laid Evelynn down on the ground, propping up her head with a random brick that was strewn about. “Here, drink up.” Evelynn started by just sipping, which soon transitioned to her potion drinking.

“That shit,” Evelynn paused as she caught her breath, “is nice.” She finished the potion and leaned up.

“Evelynn, look to the possible futures for me,” Jasper paused as he returned to his painting. He was halfway through painting a paladin. “I need to know if we’re going to have any company soon, Michael if anything gets close, have your crows go for their eyes and their throats,” he paused as he shifted his vision and watched his ranger finally melt down completely, forming a giant puddle of oil on the ground, “what can we do to be helpful here while I finish this,” he asked Luca, Olivia, and Lisa, “once I can get it summoned we’re going to run around looking for more wounded.”

While this was going on, Lisa had popped the top of the potion, grabbed the girl by the nose (rather roughly), and said, “Open wiiiiiiiiiiiiide!” Then shoved the potion in her mouth while tilting her head backward, force-feeding her the potion. In a few seconds, her wounds were all healed. Lisa smiled, and the girl looked at her.

“... What? What is going on?!” She shouted.

“Shhhhh, shhhh, shhhhhhhhhh!” Lisa put a finger to her lips and said, “Everything is going to be all right… alright!

The strange girl looked around… and realized they were on a giant spider. She went stiff… before she screamed at the top of her lungs.

“C-calm down! Calm down!” Lisa shouted.

Before she fainted.

Lisa shrugged.

“... At least she stopped screaming!” She said to herself. “Okay Lisa… what do… I…”

Lisa’s train of thought was interrupted by a shadow getting cast on them… her jaw dropped as she saw it.

The Stygian Snake.

Interactions: Eve (@LanaStorm), and Layla (@Estylwen])
The Church of Ass.

At this very moment, Layla caused the group to devolve into petty bickering over leadership over solving the important shit, like the murder. Adora merely took a few steps from the group, faced away, and crossed her arms as she listened to everyone speak. For starters, if memory served Adora correctly, Layla was that little kid that other weird girl dragged into the Coven - and Adora remembered giving Alizée loads of shit for it. Naturally, that Layla girl had a problem with Adora being here. Without even looking at Layla, she said,

”... Weren’t you a goddamn kid when all of this went down?” Adora started. ”I don’t care who the leader is, as long as we get to the bottom of this… but I’m not voting for you.”

Then Adora whipped around and put a hand on her hip as she said,

”I’ll vote for whoever the fuck promises to get my damn rings back.”

Then she laughed.

Things got increasingly chaotic as a fucking kid entered the fray with an axe, causing Adora to tilt her head at the kid. Then, another girl started rambling about killing people last night and how some didn’t make it. Adora recoiled as she raised her hands, saying,

”Okay, okay, okay, everyone slow the fuck down for my sake, please,” Adora started, ”I was not here last night. So could someone enlighten me on what the fuck happened? Like, what the fuck happened to Alizee? Who the fuck died? Who the fuck did ya’ll kill?

She let her question hang in the air as she continued.

”Because I was under the assumption that we got back together to solve this whole debacle we got ourselves in. Not… whatever the fuck ya’ll are on. Jesus.” Her heart started fluttering as anxiety crept down her spine.

”I can fill you in if you’d like,” Lila spoke up from her spot in the pews. She stood up, shuffled past Lynn and Jasper before she reached the center aisle and moved towards Adora. She motioned for an area off to the side, offering at least a more private conversation.

”Please…” Adora said as she followed Anya’s lead and walked off. ”My fucking anxiety is about to go crazy. She said with a roll of her eyes.

”I feel that,” Lila said as she led Adora to the end of the furthest back pew. ”Honestly, it is one of the reasons I stayed away today.” Lila smiled as she finished her sentence. “It is good to catch up with some of the people, and it is good to see you again,” she paused as she looked back at the rest of the coven, before returning back to Adora, ”I never got to chance to thank you back in the day for everything you did, you saved my life more times than I could count,” she paused as she looked down, ” and I wanted to say sorry that we weren't there for you when you needed us most.”

Adora sighed.

”Thank you… I needed that,” Adora sighed. ”I know, I ghosted you all after… you know, but it was just so hard. It’s… hard being back here, too…” Her heart started fluttering harder as she took a step back; her heart rate went up as she leaned up against the most adjacent wall before she fell on her ass.

”Oh shit,” Lila whispered as she looked around to see if anyone saw her fall. ”It is almost miserable to be back,” Lila said with a sign. She offered her hands to help pull her up, ”If you need anything here, let me know. You’ve done so much for us, might as well repay the favor while how I can. Now, for the recap,” Lila paused as she exhaled deeply, “I was at the Dairy Queen when everything went down. Drake decked Sloane, broke her nose, and then 8th Street rolled up and tried to poach Lynn and I, and they wanted to kill Britney. Across town, Alizée was at the strip club and picked a fight with a gang. A kid got shot,” she paused as she looked at the kid with the axe. ” After the kid got shot, from what I was told, the groomer over there got pinned down, and Alizée tried to save him. She got shot, and it devolved from there.”, Lila paused as she took a deep breath. ” Britney came over to my place after covered in blood, and told me all that before she sealed my apparition.”

”That should catch you up to this morning at least,” she paused as she looked around the Coven, ” Something tells me we have more to come.”

Adora tilted her head, jaw slack.

”... In one fucking afternoon?!?!

”In one fucking afternoon., Lila paused as she looked out the door and noticed a half dozen crows outside looking at her. ”Just like the good old days.”

Adora stared at her, awestruck for a few moments. ”I mean… you’re just gonna have to explain to me who the fuck 8th St is because remember… I’m a little out of the loop.”

” Emily Reed, remember her?” Lila paused as she let the question hang in the air, “After the fall of the Coven, she formed a crew out of the remnants; George, Greta, and Carol were who we ran into last night, and there are a lot of former friends of ours in their ranks,” she paused as she tilted her head, ” which makes the fact that they are actively trying to control the towns magic scene through force and violence, and have been waging war on all the other groups all the more conflicting,” she paused again as she scratched her chin. ”I don’t know much more about them than that; I have kept a low profile since our coven days.

Adora crossed her arms.

”... How could I forget Emily?” She asked. ”That bitch was Lisa’s biggest bully… George too…” She trailed off momentarily.

”... I’m surprised Greta is rolling with her… If memory serves me right, she didn’t like Emily.”

”I don’t know if you were around when Greta left, were you? We accused her of creating monsters to test her potions and stuff. She wasn’t, mind you, but she left soon after and was poached by Emily,” Lila laughed for a second, ”it turns out all it takes to get back on good terms with one another was how much each of those two hated our leadership. Bonding experience, you know?”

”I mean…” Adora trailed off. ”Not gonna join in on the “down with the leaders” circlejerk they got goin’ on, but Ashley and them let their friends do whatever they wanted. I get the whole bigger picture thing, but c’mon…” She shrugged and rolled her eyes.

”It felt like I was the only one keeping them in line.”

”Do we even need a leader?”, Lila paused as she eyed up Anya, ”Like I think we could get a lot more done if we had a centralized area to meet, get support, and stuff, but work together in smaller groups towards the bigger picture.”

”I mean…” Adora shrugged as she paused, ”... It don’t seem like it’d make a difference. Auri just talked big, walked here, and then dipped off for a wild threesome with Stormy and Brit in the bathroom or something.” She ended that sentence with a roll of her eyes.

”Yeah, feels like they’re keeping shit from us again, you know? I don’t like it. I never liked it, Lila paused as she looked back towards the group.

”Well, I heard from Vanessa and Clem how much it worked out for them in the end, so,” Adora sighed as she shrugged. ”Hopefully, it works out. And if it don’t… ” Adora trailed off.

”... It don’t. Unlike the rest of these assholes, I’m only here because everyone in this building, everyone who died and beyond, is important to somebody. And I can’t just stand by and let us all get cut down.”

Adora, naturally, left out the part where she was past the point of caring if she went down.

”Fair,” Lila said with a smile, ” You don’t have to do that alone, how about this,” She paused she looked over towards Lynn and Jasper. ”While you watch over everyone here, we’ll watch over you. Make sure someone has your back if and when things go south. You have a few people who care about you here.”

Adora was silent for a moment before she said,

”... Thank you,” Adora answered. ”So, what did happen to the old Coven? In your own words.”

”It died the death it deserved…. The Coven could have been special, could have been,” Lila shrugged, “instead, it went out with a whimper due to how it treated the average member.”

”Not surprised,” Adora shook her head. ”We were a bunch of dumbass kids trying to play cult. While the leadership was also playing a popularity contest while we were literally getting cut down by a demon… well, maybe it should have died. Maybe we shouldn’t have reunited.”

”You’re right, maybe we shouldn’t have, Lila said as she looked around the group. In truth, she did not want any more harm to come to anyone in the coven. No matter what clique they were in, how grating their personality, or how much she already hated them. She did not want to see another die. “At the same time, Father Wolf, the missing artifacts, and all the crazy that has happened in the past day already,” she paused as she looked Adora in her eyes, “feels like we’re on the verge of something awful again, and I’d rather face it with the devils I know, you know?”

”Well…” Adora knew that Lila had a point, but there was a point that Adora wanted to raise herself. She lifted her hand and showed Lila the sole Trinity Ring she had, ”At the moment, I can’t do much even if something awful happens… Clem and Vanessa are in DC right now with a fancy government job, and they gave their rings to that pissant Sloane before they left. I’m… I’m… just look….” Adora tried to will herself to fly like before, and she did! She raised off the ground very…




”I had the source of my power sealed away, I may be relegated to pulling wounded back to the healers again if something does happen, she nervously laughed, the memory of that was very much still present in her mind, ”If I still had my powers I’d say ‘hey crows, I want you to go across town and search for Adora’s missing trinity rings’ or something like that and have them ei-”


Lila looked towards the door and saw about five crows in the doorway. Each one had their eyes on Lila as if they were awaiting something. Lila recognized the look; it was the look they would give her if she asked them to do something without an offering in hand. She looked at Adora and chuckled. ”I guess they still have a thing for me.” Lila looked down at her hand, removed two of the cheaper rings she had, and jokingly offered them to the crows before one of the crows swooped in and grabbed the rings out of her hands before the small murder left the doorway of the church and took to the skies. Well, old habits and all. Doubt we will see them again anytime soon. Fuck me, those were important.”

Adora chuckled as she fell to the ground (which was like two feet at this point). She crossed her arms and said, ”Who knows,” Adora started. ”I kinda put more faith in those random ass birds to find the rings than them.” She nodded at the group.

”They were always reliable, if a little dumb ha,” Lila said as she leaned against the pew and let out a laugh of her own, ”I’ll tell you what, on the off chance that there is still any magic in those crows, and they find anything, you’ll be the first to know.”

”Yay,” Adora tried not to say sarcastically, but it probably came off that way to Lila. Nothing Adora could help, but she said, ”If they can do that, maybe you can ask them to get Clementine and Vanessa to rejoin, and we can throw Father Wolf through a building.” She chuckled, making clear it was a joke.

Lila could not help but notice the sarcastic ‘yay’, and it caused her smile to fade for a brief moment. She smiled again but it was not as warm or inviting as it was. ”Yeah, I can do that.”

The birds, there was something about Lila that she didn’t quite put her finger on… Adora walked over to Lila, closing the distance in a manner she hoped that Lila wouldn’t interpret as intimidating, as she looked at Lila… she grasped onto her hand (fingers interlocked), and then asked a question. One that was probably going to get interpreted as Adora being an asshole (again). ”My memory is a bit fuzzy…” That was a lie, as Adora was actively suppressing the memory of the Old Coven. ”... I need a reminder on a lot of things. Like… you look familiar but at the same time sooooo different.”

Lila blinked once, twice, and a third more at the statement. Yes, she should look both familiar and so different simultaneously. ”Ummm,” Lila whispered as she rubbed her hand against her other elbow, ”“yeah you probably knew me by a different name entirely back then,” she paused as she took in a deep breath, ”I am going to deadname myself here but does the name Michael ring a bell?”

”Oh shit… you’re…” Adora’s jaw dropped. ”... You’re Micheal? I thought your abstraction sounded familiar. You look…” Adora looked Lila up and down.

”... Different.

”That…” Lila paused as she rubbed her arm again, ”was the point,” she paused as she looked back to Lynn and Jasper. A small sense of panic began to brew deep inside her and she wanted nothing more than to run back to the safety of her friends. Yet that was what Michael would have done. He would not have confronted these feelings of fear, he would not have maintained the space he was taking up, and he would have apologized for any confusion he caused. ”I was Michael,” she kept her words short and sharp, adding an extra emphasis on the ‘was’,”Michael died during the battle with the snake. Lila was born anew in the time that followed.”

”Are you cool with all that?”

Adora smiled.

”... And why wouldn’t I be?”

”… thank you. It’s just a little weird coming out again after a while. Sometimes I just forget that I had a life before, is all.”

”Come now, it’s just-”

A window broke and Adora immediately whipped her head around, then she saw several canisters being launched into the room through that window. With a fun word on the side saying GAS. It wasn’t more than a second after that Adora experienced absolute hell. Her eyes burned, and she coughed as she fell to her knees, trying her damnest to hold onto Lila.

”... WHAT IN THE - *Cough* - FUCK?!

The door got kicked down, and people with guns charged in; at the corner of her eye, Adora could see one of them waving a badge around.
What the fuck did these assholes drag me into?!

The PRA.
Interactions: None.
The PRA Headquarters.

By the time Meifeng had returned to the PRA building, she had already changed into a suit. She stormed in, went to the elevator, and went up a few floors, and a short walk later, she was walking right into Cindy Keagan’s office… she was playing on her phone instead of working. She raised her head as Meifeng entered the office, put her phone down, and said,

“Gather everyone in the meeting room, fully armored,” Meifeng started, “it’s time.”

Cindy nodded.

Less than twenty minutes before Meifeng’s little agents were ready to go… she walked into the room, and everyone was wearing armor, with their helmets nearby. She looked to the left and right as she looked around. She wasn’t in armor yet, and she clapped her hands together and said,

“Good morning, team,” Meifeng started, “How have you all been today?”

“Good as we can be hearing the news last night,” Leon said as he leaned on his hand.

Meifeng was silent as she twisted her face up momentarily, then spoke,

“... We’re going to take care of that right now,” Meifeng started as she grabbed the remote control to the projector. She pushed the button, and a slide showing a collage of the various members of the Sycamore Tree Coven was shown. “As you all know, the Sycamore Tree Coven had their… reunion yesterday,”

She let her words hang in the air for a few moments.

“... And in less than two hours, they attempted to kidnap someone, attacked one of my agents, and got into an all-out gang war.”

“Heh,” Samson chuckled. “They got busy!”

“I have no clue just what they are doing, but I feel like it’s time we give them a nice, warm reception and show them that this is my city, and they can’t go around doing whatever the hell they want,” Meifeng calmly said.

Meifeng turned her gaze to Trevor Obott,

“Trevor, did you do what I asked?”

Trevor audibly gulped as he stood up, holding a stack of papers, “Yes, ma’am!” He walked over as Meifeng held her hands behind her back. He then said, “I tapped into all their phone records, internet history, and we are working on placing bugs in all their homes, but after going through it - and getting PTSD from their porn habits - I managed to track down their lair to this church.”

Meifeng pressed a button, and the slide changed to a photo of the Coven’s new lair, the church.

“Their dumbass leader doesn’t turn off her location services! And going off of her communication, she will lead the Coven to their lair today.”

“... We’re going to be there, waiting for them,” Meifeng said, “Once they get settled, we’re going to go in, hard and fast, and give them a good ol’ scare and find out which one of them is responsible for what happened to Agent Mahendra.”

“... And what about the one that attacked Agent Manalo?”

“I was getting to that,” Meifeng pointed at the projector screen and pressed the button, and it changed to various photos of Everleigh Thorn. “I don’t care what you all have to do; before my shift ends, I want her in a cell.”

“Can we waterboard them?” Leon playfully asked.

Meifeng chuckled.

“... Maybe if they don’t behave,” Meifeng started before she turned to Bianca. “Agent Manalo, do you have an issue with any of this? I’m giving you full permission not to participate and take the rest of the day off, but if you do…”

She chuckled again deviously as she looked off to the side, then said,

“... Maybe Everleigh ”resists”, and you have to employ more drastic measures to detain her?”

“Is that in regs?” Helena asked with her arms crossed.

“Nope, but who will shoot it up the chain?” Meifeng grinned. “I know you don’t care.”

"I've got no issue with this, much as I'd love a day off," Bianca shook her head before cracking her knuckles. "I'd love to give Everleigh back a little of what she gave me."

“Great to hear,” Meifeng responded before she spoke to the rest of the group. “I am authorizing strict use of taser rounds for this operation,” Meifeng started, “However if any of them get violent, switch to live rounds and send them to their God. Clear?”


“Now, let’s get ready. We’re going to hit them so hard and fast they will have no clue that we were even there,” Meifeng said, then narrowed her eyes at Trevor. “... If you shout ‘Just the Tip’ like a dumbass again, my foot is going sooooooo far up your ass!”

Trevor gulped.

“Now, the meeting is adjourned… we are…” Meifeng raised her fist into the air; everyone raised their fist as they shouted.

“Let’s get to work, everyone!” Meifeng shouted.
The New Coven’s Lair.

Long before the Coven arrived, most of the PRA were already set up in the bushes… in full armor, wearing gas masks as they patiently waited for the Coven to arrive. They had surrounded the church… while many were chatting, playing on their phones, and whatnot. Meifeng and some other agents were not in the bushes but in the enormous mobile command center parked on the opposite side to the church - completely hidden by the church itself. Meifeng was sitting in it, texting her husband while sipping some relaxing green tea. She turned her head towards Trevor and said,

“Trevor! I know our intelligencers are off, but if this information is faulty…” She trailed.

“Relaaaaaaax!” Trevor laughed as he put his hands up, “They’re coming, trust me!”

“You better be right…” Meifeng growled, “Or next time you hang out at HQ on your day off, you’ll be cleaning the entire building with a toothbrush!”


“... They’re coming!” Meifeng heard Helena announce on the earpiece, and Meifeng grinned as she pressed her earpiece.

“Let me know when they are inside.”

A few moments passed as Meifeng heard Nakala speak, “They’re inside.”

“Go in.”

Cindy gave Meifeng the side eye as she said, “You’re excited.”

Nobody hurts my Agents, Cindy,” She could hear the screaming and shouting, she turned the keys to their truck as she added,


It was go-time, and Nakala was selected to lead the insertion group… and the moment the door closed behind them, a team of herself, Maximilian, Samson, Akira, Fiona, Claudette, Sonya, Helena, and Bianca came out of the foliage and converged on the location from all sides. Each of them armed with the M4 Colt Assault Rifle save for Akira, who just stuck with a pistol at her hip, and Nakala… who had a tear gas launcher with only her compound bow strapped to her back and a pistol at her hip.

The Agents formed a line, leaning against the walls at the entrance, save for Nakala, who nodded at Sonya and Helena, who scaled the building and set up shop on the roof. Nakala took a few steps back, aiming the teargas launcher at the window with one hand and then raising her other hand and counting off.



… One!

Nakala quickly put her other hand on the teargas launcher and let out several teargas canisters that broke through the window, and she could hear them coughing and screaming inside. With a nod of her head, Maximilian kicked down the door, and the PRA Agents charged in, forming a line as they aimed their assault rifles at everyone. Nakala walked in after them, flashing a badge, her voice booming,


She walked to the front of the line of agents as she shouted, making it dead clear who was in charge here.


“I know it hurts, but just comply,” Maximilian calmly said. “It’ll be over before you know it.”

“Yeah, we don’t want this getting ugly,” Samson added. “Some of you seem like good people!”

Nakala raised three fingers as she shouted!


That was when her eyes landed on Clancy, and she tilted her head…

“... What the fuck?! Why is there a fucking kid here!?”

“Oh lord, we teargassed a white kid,” Samson awkwardly laughed.

“Wait,” Bianca squinted her eyes. “That kid got shot last night!”

“You sure?” Samson turned his head towards Bianca. “He looks fine to me…”

He then thought about what he said,

“... Well, except for, you know.

“Certain,” Bianca shook her head in confusion. What the fuck. “I got a real good look at him first.”

“Someone get him the fuck out of here! Agent Liao is going to have a fit!” Nakala ordered, pointing to the exit.

“On it,” Samson said as he slung his rifle over his shoulder, walked over to the kid, grabbed him by the arm, and prepared to drag him out of there. “Hey, little guy-” only for the boy to yank his arm back with enough strength to throw him off his footing. Samson landed on his ass, dropping his rifle in the process. He raised his head and raised an eyebrow from underneath his gas mask.

“... What the hell?!” Samson asked.

While everyone was pushing in from the bottom, Agent Page and Agent Mayfield would be the eyes in the sky. They both took position by the window that Nakala had just broken and knelt as Sonya aimed down the scopes of her M4, just itching to give someone who couldn’t follow instructions a taser dart. Helena just knelt beside her and summoned her birds, spreading them out as far as possible so they could have as many eyes on this operation as possible.

“I can’t see shit in this damn gas mask…” Sonya hissed to herself as she scanned the room. “That tear gas burns the fuck out of my skin any-”

When her sight landed on Clancy, her jaw dropped.

“... There’s a fuckin’ kid in there!

“Hostage?” Helena asked.

“Don’t look like it!” Sonya started,

“I can get him out of there,” Helena calmly asked.

“No need, Agent Brown is on it!” Sonya said as she patiently watched the scene unfold… and Samson got put on his ass.

By a kid.
Since ion feel like PMing Esty, I decided to use the OOC like it's 2012! I did a big ass update to the OOC stuff starting with adding the mural to the Sycamore Tree Coven section, and adding a whole new area of St. Portwell, a new faction devised by our @AtomicEmperor, and brand new NPCs!

If you're too lazy to go check, imma post them here!

Sounds like Ghost is trying to stop democracy again.

did you forget about the Collective's communism era?

Interactions: The Pancake Ass Squad (@Fern & @Atrophy).
Tranquil Haven Park.

It wasn't long before this other jackass whom Adora vaguely remembered stuck her nose where it didn't belong, calling her unstable. You're about to find out how unstable I am if you don't get your Goddamn hand off me. Adora thought to herself and kept these thoughts internalized. The rings were given to Adora by her Grandfather, and as far as she was concerned, they were rightfully her property. That was mistakenly given to Sloane. However, not so much as flinching at the fact that Anya was still touching her, Adora turned to Anya and gave her a quick and concise,

"Mind your business."

Then, she turned back to Sloane, allowing Anya to keep her hands on her. It was not that she looked like she could do anything to stop Adora if she wanted to put her hands on Sloane. Then, Sloane, after possibly shitting herself, just came out and admitted the truth. She gave a long and honest spiel about how she lost the rings - she could care less about the other rings. After all that posturing, it turned out it was all just bullshit to cover up the fact that she didn't have the rings in the first place. Adora cracked a smile. At the very least, Sloane did own up to it once called out, so Adora could respect that.

Well, Sloane didn't have the rings, and flying off the handle at her was not going to make them magically come back (or maybe it would, but it was not an avenue that Adora was willing to explore). There were plenty of people here, and she didn't want to make things worse... Some people were saying things to Adora, other people were bitching she could hear, but they mostly ended up getting treated like background noise. Adora's body pivoted slightly, and she pulled her keys out of her car and said,

"You don't got my rings?" Adora started as she pointed her keys at her car and pressed the unlock button to accentuate her next point, "Cool. Get in my car; we are going to find them."

”You’re not going anywhere with Sloane, Adora,” Anya said in a calm tone, smiling at her - completely unbothered by essentially being told to fuck off. However, this situation could have been avoided if Sloane hadn’t let slip that she didn’t have the rings… Though, at least, Adora didn’t seem violent in response to it. She then lowered her voice so only the three of them could hear. ”I don’t think Lisa would have approved of you being like this, would she?”

At the mere mention of Lisa, Adora’s entire demeanor changed. Adora let go of Sloane, turned towards Anya jammed a finger into her chest, and very curtly said,

”... Keep Lisa’s name out of your mouth, bitch, Adora started, hands shaking, ”I bet you never so much as had a single conversation with her…” She narrowed her eyes at Anya.

”I had a few,” Anya shrugged, letting Adora jab her chest. She felt safe in the knowledge that she knew more than enough to get Adora to back down if needed. ”At least I didn’t form a friendship with her out of my own selfish desires, like you did, right? No wonder you feel so guilty.”

Adora narrowed her eyes and quickly defended herself.

”... You don’t know what you’re talking about, I became her friend because she needed one. You didn’t see what people like Emily were doing to her.”

”Really?” Anya raised an eyebrow. ”Did she need one, or did you need to be needed? You wanted to be her savior. I’ve seen the thoughts you try to deny..”

Anya reached up and gently pushed Adora’s finger away from her, before delivering the final blow. ”But Adora, would you have really cared about Lisa if she wasn’t going to kill herself?”

In less than a second, Adora's previously tough demeanor completely evaporated... her jaw dropped, and she froze. A complete loss for words as she stood there, staring at Anya, unsure if she should clock her or scream at her. Then... it wasn't long before Adora took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and tapped her fingers together as she quietly counted a bunch of random numbers...

... Before, she simply walked away, crossed her arms, and hung her head. Nothing else left her mouth as she waited for Auri to get on with things.

Interactions: Tayla (@silvermist1116), Layla (@Estylwen), .
Tranquil Haven Park.

Britney was stirred awake by a need to take a piss.

Groggily, her eyes slowly opened as the rays of sunshine hit her skin and reminded her that she had not set her alarm for today. She looked around and realized that she was asleep on Lila's sofa... and realized that she was only in her white bra and panties. Then it hit her; last night, she decided to take a shower, and then her clothes were dirty, and she didn't want to get back into dirty clothes, so she had her little festive... half naked. It was not embarrassing; there was nothing Britney had that those two probably hadn't seen before. However, she was trying to remember what she had done last night... She was nauseous as all got out, and her head was pounding, so that made focusing on remembering just a little bit hard.

Something about spinning the bottle and summoning a demon?

Uh... maybe she should have stopped at three bottles of wine instead of escalating to ten; she knows Stormy would get on her case if he found out she got drunk when they had issues to handle. There was also that incredible urge to go home and take a shower... she looked around and saw her clothes neatly folded on the table. Then she quickly went over, grabbed them, threw on her jeans and shirt (not bothering to button it up), and just hauled ass out of there before she had a very awkward morning.

She got in her car, and she was off...
Tranquil Haven Park.

After handling business at the mural, Britney was quick to make it over to the Gazebo where Auri said to meet... at this point, her hangover had died down a bit due to making some quick remedies (and a hot shower solves all problems). She had on sunglasses, a wheat-colored sun dress, a similarly colored sunhat, a brown purse hanging off her shoulder, and the most out-of-place item of clothing was her black combat boots. They weren't regular combat boots, but like those old-school army boots, and she was hoping that nobody questioned her sense of fashion too much. Britney made sure to slink off to the side, sitting away from Luca (because she was not ready to cross that bridge) and the others, and just watched. This time, Britney wanted to see the meeting for herself and hoped for Auri's brand-new Coven...

... Only for most of it to get dashed in an instant.

Britney heard from Auri first that literally three people were dead, and their first reaction? Start bickering and throwing shade at each other. Britney rolled her eyes as she just watched the whole thing, as it seemed to make her headache worse. She massaged her temples as she remained quiet... and then sighed.

Looked like Britney was going to have to play the adult.

Just like the good ol' days.

“Alizée hasn’t even been dead for twenty four hours and you’re already onto the next girl. Layla, you’re young and dumb so I can forgive you for being tricked by this parasite, but he’s not your buddy.”

Britney cracked a smile and, for now, glossed over the fact that Sloane just told someone to die. Britney spoke...

"Yeah, he just couldn't wait to lead another lamb to slaughter," Britney chuckled, "So tell me, Voidy, how many little girls have to die a senseless death before you're finally satisfied?"

Then Britney spoke to Layla,

"Whatever he's telling you, don't fall for it. You're just one in a line of many to him. Alizée literally died less than a day ago, and tell me: what is the first thing he does?" Britney started, raising an eyebrow, sassily putting a hand on her hip, hoping that Layla would get the hint. "It couldn't be a redder flag."

"Cause I could be dying at home and not with you assholes."

"... And I thought we were friends."

Britney felt like she should address Tayla, who seemed to be furious that Auri was wasting her time... and Britney was starting to feel the same way; this Coven was a huge waste of time, as it seemed. But Tayla's bitching was making Britney's headache unbearable, and she ended up massaging her temples even harder before Britney sighed and said,

"Look, Tayla, I get where you're coming from - but there's nothing we can do about that now," Britney monotonously started, gazing at Tayla with a completely neutral expression on her face. "Getting angry isn't going to change anything because, at the end of the day, you decided to come here. We all did. So, let's just move on."

That was the nicer way of saying that because Britney wanted to grab Tayla by her shoulders, violently shake her back and forth, and say...


Britney didn't care if Tayla left; she didn't seem to care at all about the news that three people died. So why should anyone give a damn about her? She could get fired for all Britney cared. However, she was not defending Auri, as Britney turned her head towards Auri and said, "That said, Auri, please keep in mind we aren't teenagers on summer break anymore; be more considerate of everyone's time. Please and thanks."

Then she sighed.

Hopefully, that would be the end of it.

It wasn't.

“Who invited Adora, Auri? How can we put faith in you when you can't even control your own Coven? What about our safety in the public eye?!”

Britney raised a finger,

"Layla, it is not your place to talk about control when you literally just threatened someone a minute ago."

Britney raised another finger.

"Nor can you talk about control until you show you have a leash on that Ethereal Testicle you have floating next to you."

Then she raised a final finger.

"... And The Void Heart is a flying threat to our safety in the public eye. Do you remember what he was making Alizée do? What he's trying to groom you to do? See-through his bullshit. You're a tool for him. Trust me."

It wasn't Britney's place to speak, but she would not let all of this slide - it was dead straightforward that Layla was letting the Void Heart pollute her brain. If Britney had her way, she would seal the Void Heart in Alizee's coffin so he could be close to his precious for the end of time. However, the one thing that Britney agreed on was that maaaaaaaybe Adora shouldn't be here if she were going to act like this.

But she had to play her cards right.

Then, the grand revelation came to light: Sloane had lost her artifacts. Britney raised her sunglasses to look at Sloane... only to roll her eyes and put them back down. Sloane lost her artifacts before this went down and didn't tell anyone until she was pushed to. If Britney didn't know any better, she would have thought that this was the good old days. People fucking up and not telling anyone until it had become a problem. It was a high possibility that these artifacts were being used against them at this very moment, and she was making excuses.

But Adora wasn't helping.

Finally, Jasper spoke up; it had been years since she had seen him, and the years had caused him to mature. As he spoke to the group, what was all on Britney's mind... even though she didn't agree with everything he said (Adora deserved some heat for her stunt). She would have told the group not to dogpile on Sloane if it wasn't for the fact that Sloane didn't just tell someone they should have been murdered.

However, it was at this moment that Auri finally lost it.

Auri Auclair.
Interactions: These little bitches.
Tranquil Haven Park > The New Coven Lair.

Auri ground her teeth.

That bottle of wine at the bottom of the cooler was starting to speak to her as everyone bitched and moaned, threw insults at Auri, and actively attempted to undermine her leadership. Auri did not move; she just sat there against the railing as it got more and more and more and more and more grating. Until she reached her boiling point, she grabbed the butterfly staff, and then screamed,
Auri slammed her butterfly staff on the ground, and the entire gazebo was overtaken by thousands of her butterfly Apparitions. They danced, taking up everyone's vision for just a moment before they all faded away. She panted, her throat on fire because she screamed so loudly and savagely.

"I am not going to let this meeting get derailed again because you all cannot act like adults," She pointed off into the distance, presumably where their lair was. "We are going to our lair before someone does something stupid and starts a fight. You either come or don't; I don't care." That was mostly directed at Tayla, who only got a roll of Auri's eyes as a response.

Then Auri walked off the gazebo's stairs, saying, "Now, let's go."

Auri commanded the butterflies to grab the cooler, which floated as Auri led the group some distance from the park. They approached a long road flanked by trees on both sides; a chain gate blocked that... she simply walked around it, making her butterflies bring the cooler underneath the gate. She walked down the pathway, and not a word escaped her mouth, but she heard some chattering from what was behind her. As long as they weren't bickering, she couldn't care less!

Their lair could be seen in the distance... She was tempted to talk about how this place was recently abandoned, and they should be careful because they wouldn't be here for long, but Auri knew that these people wouldn't care. However, her eyes caught sight of a... glowing blue bird. It was only a glimpse before it disappeared. Maybe she was just seeing things.

That was before Auri opened the door, which had no locks, and revealed the main hall of the church. She walked down the aisle... commanding her butterflies to leave the cooler by the door, and then slung her staff over her shoulder. She looked back at the group as she said,

"I touched up a little bit on the place as you can see..."

However, before she could say anything, Stormy approached her and said, "We need to talk. I shouldn’t have exploded when I first entered the flower shop. I was not fully prepared for this reunion, and I simply reacted. I do not want to continue that. Can we talk in private real? Just you, me, and Britney?"

Auri looked back at her impatient group, before she said, "Gladly."

Britney chuckled, "... I thought you'd never ask!"

That was when the three of them walked into one of the rooms on the side...

Interactions: No one in particular.
Tranquil Haven Park.

Adora quietly trailed along the group's rear... she kept her head down and mouth shut. She didn't care about Auri's blow and only wanted to know how to get to the bottom of this. These people were, so far, insufferable... and she had only been here under ten minutes. She wondered if her aversion to coming here was a subtle sign that she should have just stayed home and painted... but Adora would hear Auri out. Auri opened the door, let everyone in... aaaaaaaaand then just got pulled off before she got to the point. Adora clenched her fist, gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and sighed, frustrated. She spoke to the group without looking at them as she put her hood down.

"... All that just to fuck off and leave us twiddling our thumbs?"

She (rhetorically) asked.

Auri Auclair.
Interactions: Anya and Luca (@FernStone), Jack (@Blizz), and Sloane (@Atrophy)
Tranquil Haven Park.

It wasn't long until after the announcement that Auri was barraged with different questions. Auri was still forcing her chipper demeanor only because if she didn't, she would be downing that bottle of wine she had stashed at the bottom of her counter. She leaned against the railing of a gazebo with the Butterfly Staff right next to her. So, she addressed things to the best of her ability...

”As our new leader, how are you proposing we stay alive? Do you have any plans or only leads?”

Auri was silent for a few moments before she calmly answered,

"Like what Layla suggested, a buddy system-" Not like any of you will follow it anyway. "-seems to be the best action. Nobody goes anywhere alone, as it seems only those alone are targeted."

”When did they die? ”Was… was it Father Wolf, like the others?”

"The Police say they died within hours of going to our meeting... and I am not sure if it was Father Wolf, but it's likely."

"Do we have any valid, legitimate leads to find our murderer? Or do we know anyone who could point us in a meaningful direction?”

“Come on, leader, keep this meeting on track. I take it we’re done chasing around strippers and bikers, yes? What are your leads?”

Auri was silent momentarily, resisting the urge to glance at Layla and Void Heart... who was not even being subtle about moving on to the next poor innocent girl to manipulate. You'll be rid of that monster soon enough. Auri mused to herself as she remained silent.

"... The leads involve our deceased members, Kari Wilson, and Lionel Hunter - but there are some matters I need to settle before we go there as a group. Mainly, getting us to our home base to establish where we will meet from here on that I don't mind you all destroying!"

There was that urge to add on: Because some people ran off on their own, caused problems, and got themselves killed. But the goal was not to upset the Void Heart at the very least... unlike Sloane, she refused even to address Layla or the Void Heart. She knew that the Void Heart wasn't all that smart, but smart enough to pick up on her words and quietly plot against her.

She just needed to be the one who outmaneuvers him.

However, another guest had appeared... walking up with a hoodie over her head; it was none other than Adora. Auri recognized her height, body shape, everything!

"Why hello there, Adora, welcome to our..."

Then Adora beelined for Sloane.

Interactions: Sloane's Pancake Ass (@Atrophy).
Tranquil Haven Park.

"Okay... game day."

Adora muttered to herself as she faced the gazebo... she could recognize some faces from here, but she wondered if anyone would recognize her. She stood there... and if anyone noticed someone standing there with their hands in their hoodie and hood up, they would probably find the sight to be very strange. However, Adora was, internally, working up the courage to come here. In her head, she always just told herself she would find the strength to do it, but now that she's here, it's another discussion. Looking at them from a distance just reminded her of bad times.

Adora forced herself forward, one awkward ass step at a time, until she managed to walk up the stairs to the gazebo. She stood there, looked to the left and the right... and then her eyes landed on a special somebody.


That anxiety was quietly replaced with rage upon seeing Sloane's very punchable face. She turned her nose upwards and twisted her lips up... before she walked over to Sloane and put a firm hand on her shoulder, ignoring everyone as they did not simply exist to Adora. There was only one thing on Adora's mind at this very moment.

"Now that you can't hide behind your phone anymore..."

Adora trailed off before she put her hand out.

"My grandfather's rings, cough 'im up. I don't care if we gotta ride to your place; my car's right here."

She narrowed her eyes at Sloane.
Strange Beings

Here are the NPCs that debuted in the previous post.

The 8th Street Coven
The Pendleton Manor.

Far on the outskirts of St. Portwell, there exists a mansion of a family known as the Pendletons… a family with long and deep roots in magic, one of the many to be blessed by the Ancient known as the Spider. They had aspirations, like many, of taking over St. Portwell’s magical scene, and to that end, they amassed a collection of different magical artifacts. They were making a museum in their mansion, where an artifact is on display at every corner of the mansion!

A silver fox of a man, wearing a robe, with his hands behind his back, inspected his artifacts. He systematically checked every one of them...

Until he noticed that one was missing.

“Huh?!” He leaned forward as he opened the case. “Where is my Amulet?!”

He shook his head and quickly dialed a number on his cellphone.

“Charlotte!” He shouted. “One of the artifacts is-”

An arrow came out of nowhere and dug itself directly into his forearm. He hissed in pain as he grabbed onto the arrow, then instinctively whipped his head around to see a Caucasian woman with reddish brown hair that held a particular crossbow made out of marble. She had it directly aimed at him.

“I would hang up that phone if I were you,” Another girl, a tall African-American girl with dyed yellow and green dreadlocks said as she walked up to him, waving an amulet around in her hands. “Your life may depend on it, Lucius.”

“Go to hell!” He shouted as he swung his hand and erected a green barrier between himself and the two girls.

“... That’s not going to work,” The girl said, shaking her head, then she turned towards the gal with the arrow and said, “Flora.”

Flora aimed her crossbow at Lucius and fired off another arrow…. The man expected the barrier to stop it, but it had wholly bypassed it and nailed him directly in the shoulder. He hissed in pain as he fell over on his display case.

“Hang up the phone,” Flora said, “Or the next one’s going in between your eyes.”

“Who the fuck are you two?”

“We’re…” The tall black girl said…

The wall behind the girl exploded, bursting into a mess of debris and dust as a horde of undead minions emerged. They shuffled their way through the mess as someone came out by the time the dust cleared…

… It was Emily G. Reed, with her two little sisters and Vashti behind her.

“... The fucking 8th Street Coven!”

Emily shouted.

You bitches?”

“Yes,” Emily smiled, “Us bitches.”

A tall woman with an afro and plenty of jewelry coughed as she walked up, wearing a black sweater and bright blue jeans. However, floating over her shoulder was a Skeleton in a suit with a cane; he tipped his hat. With a wave of his hand, his undead minions were smashing open all the display cases and taking all the artifacts as Emily and the 8th Street leadership watched.

Lucius grits his teeth as he fights his way to his feet.

“So… Flora here can shoot through your little barrier,” Emily said, putting her hands on her hips and doing a little dance as she swayed them from left to right, “Are you going to be smart and drop the barrier, or she gonna have to turn you into a pin cushion?”

“Like hell...” Lucius said before he closed his eyes in pain. He could feel little bits of blood dripping down from the arrows. “This is my life’s work! I’m not going to let some cult take it from me!”

“And it’s about to be this cult’s life work!” Emily replied; she stopped swaying her hips, then looked at her fingernails as she said, “My little cultists are subduing the rest of your family… we’re going to put a tragic end to your little plans to join the Elite. So drop the barrier, and we can all make this quick.”

“I swear to God if you touch my family…”

Emily snapped her fingers. “Flora put an end to him.”

“Wait, Emily-” Jacqueline said as she reached forward towards Flora, who fired the Aegis Piercer shot that would have ended Lucius…

… A glowing pink barrier was launched and sent Lucius flying.

Emily whipped her head around to see two girls; one was an older girl with freckles and black hair, she had her hand outstretched. The other was a younger one, a teenager, who stood scared behind her wearing pajamas.

Emily narrowed her eyes, pointed a finger at them, and said,


Vashti glanced over at Jacqueline and produced a bouquet of heavy-duty zip ties and a roll of duct tape from her hoodie.

“Okay, dudes, read the room. Now’s the time to stop being stupid bitches. B-b-but it’s my life's work,” said Vashti, mocking Lucius by shifting her voice up into an annoying, sniveling whine. “You’re rich, idiot. Buy new shit.”

A loud tear ripped through the air as Vashti unwrapped a length of tape to use as a mouth gag and stepped toward the two girls.

“So get on your knees and put your hands behind your back. Who knows? Maybe you’ll earn Daddy a second chance.” Vashti shrugged casually before she took another step forward and bared her teeth in a cruel smile, swinging the duct tape like a Morningstar. “Orrrrrr don’t, and I burn down your entire family tree.”

They looked at each other…

They stuck their hands out and launched a thin, rectangle-shaped barrier out of their hands directly at Vashti.

“Oh, for fu—” Vashti bounced off the barrier as the zip ties and duct tape scattered to the floor.

A skeletal minion was kind enough to act as a cushion and got dusted as her body impacted it. The hit was accompanied by a loud clap of thunder that shook the house as Vashti tumbled through the shower of bone dust and did a handspring, the floor tiles splintering where her palms hit. She landed on her feet and scampered behind a display case, moving to flank the girls as the rest of the 8th Street Coven moved into action.

“Where in the fuck are Greta and the others?!” Emily facepalmed before raising her hands into the air. “God, it’s so hard to find good help around here!” She exploded into an aura of flames and aimed both hands at the two sisters. They quickly put another barrier together that completely blocked her hellfire from getting close.

However, a giant of a man that was easily over seven feet tall walked up to the barrier with a smile on his face. The girls launched the barrier at him, but the man stuck his hands down, dropped his weight, and managed to slow down the advance of the giant obstacles. They dug up the dirt as they pushed him back, and he barked, “This is boring! Make this fun!”

“It’s not supposed to be fun,” A short, Asian woman with long reddish-brown hair scoffed, appearing at the other side of the girls; she was definitely not meant to be keeping out of the way (or subdued; however, Emily had phrased it). She pushed out her hands, sending a blast of sand toward both their eyes - hopefully, they only had one barrier between them… “Let’s get this over with so we can go home.”

The girls shrieked and covered their eyes, the barrier they erected proving that it was impossible to prevent sand from getting everywhere. Temporarily blinded, the girls wouldn’t realize that a veiled figure had emerged on their six until the younger of the two was already in the process of being taken down as Vashti pounced on her back and knocked her out cold by bouncing her skull off of the floor.

The older sister reached her hands out only for Vashti to catch them with her own as she leaped to her feet, Vashti’s nails slowly piercing into the back of the woman’s hands as she began to hyperextend her wrists back. She made the woman buckle with a couple of kicks and forced her down to her knees, dragging her back so that they were closer to her sister. Vashti put her shoe on the unconscious girl’s head and smiled viciously at the restrained one. She leaned in to whisper so that only her captive could hear.

“Sorry about my ungrateful friends. Thank you. This was fun for me,” she hissed before pulling back out. She gave a couple of playful taps to the head of the knocked-out girl with her shoe and then, loud enough for the group to hear, added, “Remember, you’re the ones who made this choice.”

Vashti raised her foot.

“... Vashti, no!”

Jacqueline shouted as she stuck her hand out, then walked over. “We don’t need to kill anybody!”

Emily crossed her arms and scoffed as she said,

“... Jacqueline, these people are going to come after us,” She narrowed her eyes, “They’re trying to join the Elite.”

“I know, I know,” Jacqueline answered, “But we’re responsible for a lot of deaths, and I can’t take it anymore.”

Emily put a hand on her hip.

Now you’re developing a conscience, after we killed… how many Nazis?”

Jacqueline narrowed her eyes,

”... You know what I’m talking about, Emily,”

“Yeah, let’s just take their artifacts and get out of here!” Miranda supported her sister as she walked over to Lucious, knelt, pulled the two arrows out of him, grabbed him, and transferred the wounds to her. She barely even felt pain as they were regenerated in mere moments.

Emily sighed,

“Fiiiiiiiiiiiine,” Then she spoke to the only conscious Pendleton sister while looking off to the side, “Look, you fuckers are going to forget this ever happened, and if you join the Elite…”

She pointed at her without even looking in her direction,

“We will come back, except we’re not going to steal everything; we’re going to come back and then burn this fucking mansion to the ground with all of you in it. Got it?”

She awkwardly nodded her head, then Emily whipped around and said,

“Nadine, grab ever-”

That was when a door to the side burst open, and tripping over each other were the other members of 8th St who were supposed to be handling everyone else and making sure they don’t get in the way. They fell on each other like a pile, and Emily couldn’t help but facepalm.

The first to get up was a [url=http://]well-built, blonde-haired guy[/url] who created a glowing sword made out of a mysterious energy and raised it in the air. “Emily! They snuck around us!”

“No shit,” Emily rolled her eyes.

However, a monstros four-legged beast with a mouth full of teeth, white leathery skin, and claws, lept over them, growling. It turned toward the two Pendleton sisters and raced like a savage animal, knocking over the display cases as it charged them. It lept on one of the display cases and hopped at them, jaws open and claws outstretched…

… Only to get bear-hugged by George.

“Heeeeeeey, easy there, girl!” George said, chuckling as the monster slashed its claws back and forth, snarling like crazy.

Ugh,” Emily facepalmed before she said, “Cynthia, heel!l

Then the monster exploded into a cloud of pink mist, and when it faded, it revealed an African-American girl with a blonde afro. Still waving her arms and legs forward like she was still in her… alternate form. At least briefly before she stopped and craned her head towards Emily.

“Pack leader,” Cynthia said, “Cynthia was told she could eat this time. Why is Cynthia not allowed to eat?”

“We changed plans!” Miranda shouted, “If you want to eat… I’ll give you one of my arms!”

“Cynthia wants variety,” Cynthia said as George put her gently on the ground, “Cynthia accepts these terms, but next time…”

She narrowed her eyes at Miranda,

“... Cynthia will eat.”

At this point, Nadine’s undead thralls had cleared the little museum of artifacts… of its artifacts. They all went back to where 8th St initially broke into the mansion, and standing there was a short, mousy girl with brown hair, holding her cellphone in hand. She nodded, put her hands together (with the cell phone in it), and stretched them outwards… creating a spinning portal back to the 8th St Manor. The undead minions went inside first, followed by Emily and her sisters, then the rest of 8th St, with Brianna being the last.

As fast as they appeared, they vanished.
The 8th St Manor, the very next day. 11:23, AM.

The next day, it was business as usual in the dining hall of the 8th St mansion… it was their usual hangout slash meeting location, and it was a massive wooden table with various wooden chairs pressed against it. At the head of the seat was Emily’s chair… a very particular throne that she took from Kaiser Draeger before they razed his “sanctuary” to the ground. Emily sat in it. And it was way too big for her, as she couldn’t comfortably put her arms on the armrest! She leaned back in the chair, put her fingers together, and observed her minions…. Chattering and talking as usual.

Greta had on massive oven mitts as she mixed various ingredients into mason jars and created her potions… with a smile that looked too excited. Carol was right next to her, complaining about how she was getting her ingredients on her. Nadine was sitting with her arms crossed, watching everyone else like Emily. Phoebe was looking over all the incredible supernatural artifacts they gained last night… Jacqueline and Miranda were quietly sitting beside her, across from each other. Talking about girl things…

“Hey bro!” said Vashti, striking from ambush as she suddenly emerged from behind Emily’schair and leaned against the armrest. “So I’ve been thinking—”

“... Ah, that was a great haul last night, wasn’t it?” Babylon said as she faded into existence.

“—that I’m just absolutely swamped and got just, like, so much to do today!” finished Vashti, visibly cringing at Babylon’s appearance. She vigorously waved her hands as she backed away towards an exit. “Love ya. Call me if a neck needs wrung!Byeeeeeeeee!

Babylon placed a hand on Emily’s shoulder and floated beside her. “Perhaps 8th Street will go further than the last cult I worked with!”

Then Babylon leaned back, shrugged, and said,

“If not, it’s not like I’ll end up with another group,”

“... And who are they?”

“Just a little group of nobodies!” Babylon started chuckling, “... That was coincidentally the biggest threat in the All-Verse!”

“... That doesn’t answer my question, Babylon,”

“Oh, just a little cult called The Inner-Circle… led by a supreme mad woman named Sunshine Jones. Their goal was to get to the very source of magic by any means necessary. And boy! Was Sunshine such a monster! I miss her…”


“Sunshine killed so many people in her pursuit to “drink the blood of magic,” and created monsters that could threaten entire universes,” Babylon explained. “However, they were defeated by a man named James Vanburen.

“... The rich manslut that knocked up every woman that bent over for him?” Emily raised an eyebrow as she gave Babylon the side-eye. “Probably died from all the STDs he probably got?”

“He is more than just the rich manwhore! Well, was, before you know he died,” Babylon chuckled, “Well, long before that, he was an adventurer, a king, a collector, a hero, and various other things… For whatever reason, he dismantled the Inner Circle piece by piece and defeated Sunshine in a climactic battle. However...”

“God damn it, Babylon!” Emily hissed, “Keep talking…”

“He didn’t kill Sunshine; he placed her before the multiversal council that was around at the time… The Accordance, they called it, and they stood around in robes and decided that the best thing to do was to throw her in The Pit for her list of sins so long that there was not enough paper in the All-Verse to list them all. However, I heard Sunshine escaped the Pit and killed James. Then I also heard that Sunshine died in the Pit, and her Apparition escaped… and killed James. Then I heard that she gave birth in the Pit and-”

“Babylon, that’s enough,” Emily interrupted. “You said James was a collector… of artifacts?”

“Yes, he had many,

“Then, we’re going after the Vanbur-”

“No, no, no, no,.” Babylon quickly shut Emily down, then said, “James was a very cunning man. Very dangerous. Many allies. With our current situation, attacking the Vanburens would be…”

Babylon then trailed off,

“... Unwise.

"Can't we take a fucking break anyway?" Maya walked into the dining hall in time to hear the tail end of Emily and Babylon's conversation… wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her chest, barely reaching her thighs. It covered everything it had to. Her hair was wrapped up in another. Obviously, she didn't live here, but the showers were much nicer than her apartment's. "Some of us have day jobs outside of theft."

Emily didn’t even look at Maya; she stared dead ahead as she responded.

“... Can’t you fucking go put some God damn clothes on?” She started, “I told you this before; don’t come out here naked. Nobody wants to see your sweaty vagina.” She rolled her eyes.

“... Speak for yourself!” Babylon said.

“Babylon, fuck off,” Emily replied, and her Apparition faded away.

“Your day job is 8th Street, we have much work to do to get ourselves out of our current predicament… and put some fucking clothes on already!

She rolled her eyes at Emily, dumping a plastic bag she'd been carrying on the table. There was a whole bunch of Tupperware inside filled with misshapen cookies (definitely not practice for a stupid work thing). "I brought food." Then she glared at Greta. "Can you do that somewhere we don't eat?"

Greta lifted her welding mask and said, “You have plenty of room to sit elsewhere, my dear Maya. I have to finish these potions for the next mission.” Before lowering it and getting back to work.

Maya rolled her eyes and flipped Greta off as soon as her mask was lowered.

“... Food?” Cynthia heard and immediately came over with a grin on her face… which didn’t last long as she raised an eyebrow, looking at the bag. Then Maya. Then, back at the bag. Then at Maya. “Where is food? Cynthia heard food.”

While they were all distracted, a person entered their hall with a tray of desserts, sat down, placed their phone on the table, and began playing on it.

"Ohhhhh," Maya looked at Cynthia and then at the bag. Then back at Cynthia. Whoops should've remembered about the group's carnivore. This is what she got for being able to cook and bringing her food experiments to the coven to test (mostly meat dishes, incidentally). Completely deadpan, she said, "I must've forgotten the human meat cookies I'd made at home. If there's any meat around that isn't part of my body, I'll try to recreate them."

Cynthia looked at Emily, pointing at Maya,

“Pack leader, can Cynthia eat?”

“If she doesn’t go put some fucking clothes on,” Emily responded.

Nadine walked over, grabbed a cookie, then looked at it before taking a bite and silently walking back to where she was sitting and not reacting to Cynthia asking to eat Maya (she was curious if there was somebody that Cynthia didn’t want to eat).

"I know I look delectable, but I doubt I'll taste nice," Maya rolled her eyes. But she still walked out of the room to get dressed because the only thing worse than doing what Emily said was getting eaten alive.

Maya returned shortly after, appropriately dressed in a loose, blue-checked dress. She was still rubbing her hair with a towel and looked around to find a victim to talk to. She honed in on Phoebe and the ton of artifacts they'd gathered. "How much shit did we get this time? Was it worth the hassle?"

“You looked better in the towel.”

Phoebe chuckled.

“Heh, I know,” Maya snorted, shrugging. “But some people don’t appreciate it…”

“I think the Elite is going to pay top dollar for these… but there’s something I want to keep…” Phoebe smiled as she answered Maya, cradling a glowing potion. Then she lifted it by one hand, presenting it to Maya.

It was a glowing potion that pulsed with rainbow colors.

“… Wanna go pour this in the water supply?”

Maya took the potion, turning it over to get a good look. “What does it do, turn everyone gay when they drink it?” Probably something worse, but who cared as long as it didn’t affect them? “Let’s do it.”

Phoebe grabbed Maya’s hand (fingers interlocked), and the two skipped out of the dining hall… to the relief of Emily.

However, after they left, there was a groaning from one of the side halls… followed by slow footsteps as Emily’s head darted towards that hall. Stumbling out of the shadows was… a tall, spindly being almost as tall as the hall itself. She walked in, completely nude, one claw over her face as she walked into full view. She groaned as a line of drool came from her mouth, and she placed the other claw on the adjacent wall. She took in deep breaths as she stumbled forward, only to catch herself on one of her freakishly long limbs.

The second 8th Street saw her, they all dropped whatever they were doing and hopped up, staring at the woman.

Emily grits her teeth as she glances at Jacqueline and Miranda, and with a hint of worry, she says, “... Ge-get her back to her room! Hurry up! Before she does something!”

“On it!” The two twins said in unison as they quickly ran over to the creature. Miranda grabbed her hand, and the two coaxed her into the darkness of the halls. Emily sighed.

“... When are you going to help her?” Brianna asked with a raised eyebrow.

Emily was silent for a moment before she answered,

“I’m working on it.”

“Pack leader!” Cynthia shouted at Emily, then pointed at their mysterious guest they had not noticed until now. “We have an intruder.”

All eyes were brought upon the mysterious woman sitting at the end of their little dining table. She was wearing black jogging pants, a pink sports bra, and an armband that previously had her phone in it. Off her side, she had a nice metal tray of cupcakes covered in wax paper and plastic wrap. She continued playing on her phone for a few moments before she raised her head.

“... Oh?

She said in a curious tone and faced Emily down.

“... Am I interrupting something?”

Emily narrowed her eyes as the woman continued.

“I’m just having a seat; I’ve just finished with a long jog and thought I’d stop by for the… atmosphere.

The mysterious woman stood up and presented the tray of cupcakes. “I’ve brought you all cupcakes.”

All of 8th Street stared at her in shock, and Emily rolled her eyes as she sank back into her chair.

“... I thought you had your fill on bullying us, Agent Liao,”

The woman looked down, twisting her head slightly to the left and the right, then lifted her head to face Emily.

“‘Agent Liao’? Can’t you see I’m not on duty right now? Don’t call me Agent Liao, call me… Meifeng.’”

Emily rolled her eyes again,

“Whatever,” She started, “Can I help you with something? Can’t you see that I’m busy?”

Meifeng put a hand on her hip and scoffed as she said, “... Sitting on your little throne?” She playfully chuckled.

“Fuck this!” Carol shouted as she stood up, facing Emily but pointing at Meifeng, “Are we going to keep letting this asshole bully us! She’s by herself; we can take her!”

Meifeng was silent for a moment.

“... I imagine you can,” She started, raising her hands, “I left my gun in my car. And as you can probably tell, I’m not dressed for concealed carry. So…”

She let her words hang in the air.

Do your worse, Emily.

Emily stared Meifeng down before she sighed and sunk back into her chair.

“... Just get to the point, Meifeng.”

Meifeng crossed her arms before she spoke to the 8th Street Coven.

“I want to speak to your leader in private.”

There was a brief silence before Emily waved her hand in the air and said,

“Everyone go.”

“But I am working on my poti-” Greta injected.

“I said go!”

With that, the 8th Street Coven dispersed. Leaving the hall with only Meifeng and Emily, the former walked towards the latter. Not breaking eye contact for a moment until she finally spoke,

“Your follower attacked one of my agents.”

“Which one…?” Emily asked, putting her fingertips together.

“Everleigh Thorn,”

Upon hearing that name, Emily smiled.

“... She’s not one of us anymore,” Emily started, “She left us to go back to those Sycamore sluts. Go bark up that tree.” She rolled her eyes.

Meifeng did not so much as blink.

“Is that so?” Meifeng asked as she got closer to Emily until she was in her face. “Did you forget the deal?”

At this point, Jacqueline and Miranda returned, stopped, and looked around. Then, their gaze landed on the metal tray Meifeng left on the table.

“... Cupcakes!”

“Don’t eat those!” Emily shouted. “They might be poison!”

“Please,” Meifeng rolled her eyes, “Just what about me suggests that, if I planned on killing you all, I wouldn’t just come here and put a gun to your head?”

They were silent.


Emily slammed her hands on the handlebars of her throne and stood up. Putting her hands on her hips as she

“You keep coming over here to bully us! Don’t you remember just who got you your position?” Emily glanced at Jacqueline, who had helped herself to one of the cupcakes. Then Emily added, “Remember just who exposed Porter Johnson?”

Emily smiled and sunk back into her chair before she added,

“The PRA is just as responsible for Das Sonnenrad as Kaiser Draeger is…”

Meifeng sighed,

“While I am not responsible for the actions of my predecessor, and he has been taken care of, the PRA needs to take more action to weed out extremism in our ranks.”

“It goes high if Mr. Johnson was a Regional Commander!” Emily shouted, pointing at Meifeng before sinking back in her chair again. “You should be more appreciative, Meifeng…”

Meifeng scoffed as she walked up to Emily and jammed a finger into her chest.

“I am appreciative… I’m not putting a kill order on you and your cult as I should,” Meifeng started, fury in her eyes. “I am turning a blind eye to your antics only because I need that Stygian Snake and eyes in St. Portwell…”

Meifeng took a step back and walked towards the door; as she spoke,

“But if I find out that you’re still associated with Everleigh Thorn or had something to do with that shitshow last night…”

She paused right before she walked out of the door and finished with, “... It will be the end of you and everything you know.”

She closed the door, and Emily sighed in relief.

“... Isn’t Eve spying on Sycamore for us?” Miranda cut the silence with a knife.

“Yes, but Liao doesn't have to know that,” Emily chuckled. “It's good that Eve is causing trouble for them and not us… Oh!”

A lightbulb ignited in her head.

“The PRA is probably going to fuck those sluts up! Grab some popcorn, and grab some cameras!
We can not miss this!” Emily said as she got up.

“... Didn't they do the same thing to us?” Miranda raised an eye.

“Shut up about that; that never happened,” Emily said as she walked off to find some chairs, popcorn, and cameras!

She wasn’t going to miss those sluts getting theirs!
And here is the rest of the PRA Agents minus one key individual...


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