Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
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  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
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Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
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just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
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Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
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The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

Not Petty Patty being hated by Adora. Lol. Georgie's not the only one to think she's awful.

It's a pandemic going on because Patty's about to catch some hands.
Some characters that I think Esty might remember


27 | Jake Daniel Valos | He/Him
"The Valos have fought for a lot of things: Money, pride, honor, love, retribution... Can we add the "right thing" to the list?"

One of the children of the illustrious Jason Valos, a Casino, Restaurant, and Hotel tycoon who owns businesses all over the West Coast. Jason was a billionaire and could shower his children with wealth and the life he never had! Leaving Jake, his twin sister Gabe, and their various siblings in the hands of maids and butlers - with loads of money. Hilarity ensues.

Jake was technically born in St. Portwell but only spent his summers there with his twin sister and younger brother, Jaska. The Valos didn't have a high standing in the city or wherever they went mainly since, wherever the Valos went, chaos followed. Jake and his sister Gabe were inseparable. They were known for causing trouble, partying, and having adventures on their daddy's dime. Things were great... until their newest little brother, Jaska, was thrown through the window.

While Daddy Valos was known for sleeping around, Jaska had wings! Alongside another secret, magic was real, a factoid they were made well aware of when Jaska transformed into a hulking monstrosity when a trigger phrase was mentioned around him. Jaska went on a rampage throughout the Valos Mansion, causing Jake and Gabe to undergo their Kindling Events, but Daddy Valos came in to restrain Jaska long enough to transform back to normal. Naturally, the Valos twins were confused... but now they had magic to elevate their hi-jinks!

Such as fighting the Stygian Snake! As one faithful summer, darkness overcame St. Portwell, the Stygian Snake. Jake and Gabe were at a party with the "commoners" that was attacked by a monstrous brute known as Scott Reese. They survived and fought him off using their magic, but one of the people they partied with, Claire O'Sullivan, roped them into the Coven to fight the Stygian Snake.

And the Valos were never ones to miss out on an adventure.

They saw it all... met friends that died the same day, fought against a demi-God, and more! Usually, they stuck to their clique, which eventually ended up being the rich kids (Except Sloane; all of them hated Sloane). However, as the battle with the Stygian Snake intensified, they did something drastic: Roped Jaska in. He was a powerful force but a difficult-to-control one similar to Vashti and her Leviathan. With the help of Pink Lux, they managed to temper Jaska's Outer-Devil and help defeat the Stygian Snake!

However, they were harshly criticized by the other members of the Coven for their decision to use a nine-year-old as a superweapon. With the Old Coven also becoming a clusterfuck as various secrets came to light, the Valos twins decided to step out and move on with their lives simply. Jake was built up to be the successor for his father's empire in the coming years, and he got into a relationship with his fellow Coven-mate, Lin. Life was good... until the murders started, and he felt like he was on the chopping block. He rejected Auri's invitation, however, as he wanted nothing to do with Sycamore anymore.

That phase of his life was over.

Adept - Red Lux. Channeler: Gold Pocketwatch.
Photomancy: Jake's primary spell, one that he had been practicing since the battle with the Stygian Snake. He can create durable constructs made of light and illusions that he used to fool the Stygian Snake's minions.

Aquamancy: Jake can manipulate water in a wide radius and throw a tidal wave the size of a one-story house.

Pyromancy: A spell group taught to him by Gabe that he's not that good at because pyromancy was the exact opposite of his personality. He can create little fireballs, but nothing spectacular... he rarely uses it anyway.

27 | Gabriela Mya Valos Jr | She/Her
"Give me a reason, and I'll burn your urethra shut!"

Where her twin-brother, Jake, is a calm and reasonable person... Gabe is the exact fucking opposite. She is very firey and passionate and will fight tooth and nail for the people she cares about (which was the wealthy clique in the Old Coven). Gabe is known for being practically glued to her twin brother and was by his side during all their major life events. She was there for Jaska's first rampage through the Valos mansion, for the fight against the Stygian Snake, and when Jake proposed to Lin.

Let's take it back to the fight with the Stygian Snake: Gabe wasn't precisely a well-liked member; in fact, she was an asshole. However, they could not argue with the fact that Gabe was a powerhouse that managed to stagger the Stygian Snake at some point. She was the primary enforcer and protector in the Rich Clique and protected the softer members, such as Lin, Sage, and her brother, from assholes like George Nelson and Emily G. Reed. However, she and Jake made the conscious decision to drag their little brother, Jaska, into the Old Coven, and their already shitty reputation in the Old Coven somehow got worse. Having enough of these annoying dumbasses, Gabe and Jake left the Old Coven.

While Jake was built up to be the next ruler of the Valos Enterprise, Gabe decided to spend her life partying! She parted from her brother, who had gotten with fellow Old Coven member Lin and spent the next leg of her life partying, traveling the world. While they were known for being joined by the hip, her brother was busy training to become the next big tycoon and eating out his girlfriend. However, while Gabe was out partying, something felt off... this wasn't her true calling, and she felt like she needed to go home after this many years of doing nothing of value with her life.

The murders began, Auri extended the invitation to her, and she told Auri to eat her ass.

Adept - Red Lux. Channeler:
Laser Beam Emission: Much like her brother, her primary spell has something to do with light. Unlike her brother, it focused more on raw power... She could gather the light around her and project it as a deadly beam that moves at the speed of light that burns the air around her. This laser beam was hot to say the least. She can control the size of the laser - the wider the beam, the larger the radius, but the smaller the beam, the more focused it becomes. This spell, when boosted, was powerful enough to damage the Stygian Snake enough to force it to retreat in one instance, but otherwise, it allowed her to cleave through the Stygian Snake's minions.

Superheating: Gabe could heat a part of her body, or an object she touches, up so much that it glows orange. With this ability, she is the hot knife that cuts through people like butter, and she can heat metal enough so that it melts.

Over-Friction: Gabe can enhance the friction she creates to the point where it creates fire. She can create fire by manipulating air friction to enhance her strikes through this spell.

Flammable Liquid Manipulation: Gabe can manipulate flammable liquids such as gasoline, alcohol, oil, and other volatile liquids and cause them to combust at will... these flames will be far hotter but somehow burn much, much, slower.

26 | Linda Adelle Liu |
"What in the world did Mika get us into...?"

Known as Lin.

A wealthy member of the Old Coven was the second (known) daughter of the magnanimous Jiao-Long Liu. The Liu family comes from money from Hong Kong, and Linda was fortunate enough that her father was a genius who owned the Liu Biomedical Company. He was a successful company with the resources to shower Lin in everything she wanted. However, she grew up sheltered, and in addition to her social skills, the girl was always timid, never having the backbone to stand up for herself as someone typically did for her. That someone was usually her older sister, Mika, but she was working on herself through therapy.

However, even from high up on her tower, Lin could feel the darkness cast over the city by the Stygian Snake. Over the summer, her parents went on vacation while Lin elected to stay home and noticed a suspicious amount of people turning up dead in the news due to a "natural disaster." That natural disaster turned up on her front door as it was the Stygian Snake, and it famously flattened the Liu Estate in which Lin stayed. It caused her Kindling-Event, and she would have been killed if it wasn't for her peer, Sage Pimm. Sage roped her into the Old Coven, and she felt like an alien - the Old Coven was a wild beast primarily comprised of people she wasn't used to dealing with normal teenagers.

So, Lin stayed in the little clique of affluent peers that valiantly offered to fight the Stygian Snake, which were the Valos twins, Jaska, Sylvia, Sage, and Trisha. Lin didn't branch out beyond that; she was otherwise just a footsoldier in the war against the Stygian Snake. She was close to Jake Valos, and it fostered a friendship between them that eventually blossomed into a relationship. However, once the Stygian Snake was defeated, Lin wanted nothing to do with magic and was among the first to hit the door - serving herself afterward.

Lin was pretty content living the rest of her life in her father's shadow and being Jake Valos's girlfriend. However, as she grew as a person and became more than just the timid, wealthy daughter of Jiao-Long, she regretted her choice to live without magic. She wished she had kept it, but there wasn't much she could do about it now that she was severed. Recently, Jake proposed to her, and now they are getting married!

And she is getting her chance of regaining magic...

The murders began, and suddenly, Lin found herself regressing. She got an invitation back to the Coven from Auri, but unlike Trisha, she gave Auri a polite "no" and kept it moving. Her father's security detail would do more for her than the Coven ever would. Lin is a pureblooded Chinese woman who stands at five-seven and is very bony and nerdy-looking. She is very unassuming and unthreatening.

Lin was originally a Red Adept and used fire and light magic during the fight with the Stygian Snake. After it was defeated, she decided she wanted nothing to do with magic and severed herself, one of her vast regrets.
Here is the description for curses and artifacts so you scrubs won't get confused anymore

Here is the first batch of NPCs, a collection of dead guys I wrote up for reference. I have five more on the way that will be members of the Old Coven.


51 | Nathaniel Adam Thorn | He/Him
"The battle for St. Portwell will be dictated by whoever's ambition is the strongest. A bunch of children playing witch will not stop me. I will ensure that."
The terrifying former leader of the Das Sonnenrad cult.

Kaiser Draeger was a terrifying force in St. Portwell that absolutely ruled St. Portwell's magical scene from the shadows. He wielded so much power through himself and his followers that he could wave his hand and eliminate almost anyone in St. Portwell. However, only Kaiser Draeger's top followers knew his face, as Kaiser Draeger wore an armor that concealed his identity. Underneath it all, Kaiser Draeger was known as Nathaniel Thorn, who was merely a supervisor at an accounting firm. Even as a boy, Nathaniel yearned for power and wanted more for his life and his family than simply working under another asshole, hoping that he made it big.

However, one day, the top bosses invited him to a dinner party at the Vanburen Estate (The Vanburens owned the company Nathaniel worked for). He wandered the estate drunk and eventually saw the Dragon Slayer on display. There was something about the set of armor and the sword, and he opened it, and as a joke, he put it on, intending to fool around with it... and immediately felt the power it granted him as it contorted to fit him perfectly.

Nathaniel didn't want to give up this power, so he disappeared at night without a word and kept the armor in his home. He didn't believe in magic at first, but that "natural disaster" overtook St. Portwell and killed thousands of people not so long ago didn't seem all that "natural" anymore. Nathaniel broke into the Vanburen Estate again; using the Dragonslayer, he made off with several artifacts and James' journal that told stories of his adventures and the wonders of the world of magic. It was not meant for Nathaniel's eyes but opened something inside him. Nathaniel learned about the infinite potential of magic and yearned to gain that power that it hid away. However, this was Nathaniel's chance to be more than a simple accountant finally

It was his chance to rule St. Portwell and beyond.

Nathaniel wanted to gather others to work for him... and he saw how heavy the Alt-right/skinhead movement was in St. Portwell and decided to take advantage of it. Nathaniel started small, inducting his coworkers and close friends into the organization he would form. Eventually, he gave them the artifacts he had stolen from the Vanburen estate, and they became the top members of his organization... Das Sonnenrad, and Kaiser Draeger, were born. He didn't personally believe in the ideologies he spouted but used them as a tool to manipulate others. In a few years, Das Sonnenrad seeped their claws into every corner of St. Portwell, including the PRA. He has an entire army armed with magic and simple mundane firearms at his beck and call. It seemed nobody could stop Kaiser Draeger.

Until he crossed Dollhouse.

Dollhouse was a recent organization that moved from the East Coast to the West Coast... and Kaiser Draeger didn't respect or understand the power that the organization wielded. So, he robbed them of their artifacts and dared them to get them back. That was when Dollhouse manipulated the Greenwood and 8th St Covens into war with Das Sonnenrad. Kaiser Draeger was full of himself and knew they couldn't topple his organization; better men and women have tried. He watched his organization work hard on fall piece by piece, and James Carmicheal of the Greenwood Coven eventually killed him.

However, his actions have deeply rattled St. Portwell to his core, and even after his death, the city still feels the lingering consequences of his actions.

Kaiser Draeger wielded the Dragon Slayer, a powerful set of abstraction granting artifacts which he hid his identity behind. The New Thule Society recovered the artifact after his death. I'm not revealing what it does until we fight The New Thule Society.

56 | Porter Coleman Johnson | He/Him
"Director Alcott is a fool if they believe they can fix the situation in St. Portwell with the power of 'love' and 'compassion.'"
The PRA was a part of Porter Johnson's life, even as a child.

His father, Paul Johnson, was the previous Director of the PRA (ages before Director Alcott), and his father told him all about the world of magic... and how it was utterly dangerous, and he should want no part of it. However, his father also instilled certain prejudices in Porter Johnson that he carried to his adulthood, namely, that other races were problematic in one way or another. These prejudices were carried by Porter Johnson into his adulthood, as growing up, he felt uncomfortable around people who weren't like him. When Porter Johnson hit 18, his father got him a spot in the PRA, and it wasn't long before he retired and was replaced by somebody else.

Porter Johnson rose through the ranks because he was intelligent, not as brave as he presented himself as. Porter Johnson eventually made the rank of Regional Commander, and he went from place to place, eventually ending up in St. Portwell as Director Alcott felt he had the skills and experience to help quell the chaos of the city, and because the Stygian Snake killed the previous Regional Commander. The most chaotic element at the time? Das Sonnenrad.

At first, he was directing his forces to combat the organization, but he agreed with their ideology. Something that Kaiser Draeger learned about him and took advantage of, eventually befriending Porter Johnson in his civilian identity and eventually convincing him to help Das Sonnenrad. Porter Johnson not-so-subtly supported the Neo-Nazi cult and supplied them with weapons, armor, artifacts, and information. Eventually, when the war between Das Sonnenrad and the two Coven groups began, Porter Johnson sent PRA kill squads after both organizations.

That was until Jacqueline Reed used her abstraction to discover the truth about Porter Johnson and contacted Nakala Phillips with the evidence to expose him. Nakala Phillips got the information up to Director Alcott, who enacted an entire purge of Porter Johnson's Nazi-aligned PRA Agents and removed him from his position.

Then he fell out of a window.

Happens all the time.

Porter Johnson was a One-Eye-Open. Was, is the keyword here.

30 | Lyric Harmony Brown | She/Her
"I'm going to use Magic as a force for good! I'm going to use my magic to help people! The way it should be!"
A native of Houston, Texas, who moved to St. Portwell when she was just a little girl because her father had a better opportunity there. Her next-door neighbor? Ruby White. The two were glued together and close friends who did everything together. She was the one person that Ruby showed the Grove to, and the two had fun there and partied there with her. Though, the girl possessed a talent: an obsession with music. She was a prodigy at producing beats and believed that, through music, one can change the world itself by shifting culture! So, she was a music nerd in school, talented with beats, singing, and playing different instruments.

However, the state of St. Portwell changed for the worse after the defeat of the Stygian Snake, and some of its leftover Apparitions attacked her. This forced her to the Kindling Event, exposing her to the world of magic. Naturally, the first thing she did was tell her best friend, Ruby. Ruby had already formed the Greenwood Coven and told Lyric all about the world of magic and her organization. Lyric didn't have any particular love of nature as Ruby did, but she wanted to be by her side and have adventures, so she became one of the first non-Maiden members to join Greenwood.

At Ruby's side, Lyric was the Melody Knight, and she used her Lux to create several different artifacts for not just the Greenwood Coven to use but also to change the world and help people. Alongside the rest of Greenwood, the Coven clashed with their arch-rivals, the 8th Street Coven, the Elite, and other wackos, treating the Greenwood Coven as more than comrades, more than friends, but family.

However, one day, her fellow Greenwood members, Autumn and Felicia, were hanging out at her apartment when Das Sonnenrad goons barged in and brutally killed her and Felica (sparing Autumn because she was white). They ransacked the place for Lyric's artifacts, and this was the spark that triggered Ruby's personal vendetta against Das Sonnenrad.

While Greenwood eventually defeats Das Sonnenrad and kills Kaiser Draeger, Ruby seeks to track down the artifacts that they stole to honor her memory.

Adept - Orange & Pink Lux. Channeler:
Sonic Serenity Scepter: A staff that emits calming melodies that not only soothe chaotic energies but also project empathic waves, helping those within its radius understand each other.

Echo Earrings: These earrings enhance the wearer's empathy and psychic sensitivity, allowing them to perceive and interpret the emotional echoes of others through subtle sound vibrations.

Harmony Paintbrush: With this enchanted paintbrush, Lyric can paint scenes with emotional resonance. The colors carry psychic energies that evoke specific emotions in those who view the artwork, influencing their moods and perceptions.

Melodic Mirror: This mirror reflects physical appearances and the emotional states of those who gaze into it. Through haunting melodies, it offers insight and introspection.

Aurora-Aria Amulet: The wearer of this amulet gains protection from mental/emotional magic (whether Pink-Lux, Apparition, Curse, etc) as it creates a psychic shield imbued with magical melodies. It amplifies positive emotions while dispelling negativity.

Harmonic Cuffs: The cuffs resonate with the wearer's magic (whether lux, Apparition, or Aberration), amplifying their abstractions. It acts as a catalyst, enhancing the effects of their Abstraction in both range and raw power without making them uncontrollable.

That Melody: Lyric's masterpiece, a pair of headphones that converted thought to sound... weirdly enough ended up in Dollhouse's hands and were given to Tayla Choi.

30 | Felicia Raquel Harvey | She/Her
"With this power, we can save St. Portwell from itself."
A girl who was a close friend of Ruby's that she went to school with.

Much like fellow Green-Wood Coven sister, she is not from St. Portwell but from Cherry Hill, New Jersey, who had family from St. Portwell. Every once in a while, she would visit the city, and eventually, her family decided to move there as they thought it was a better city to raise a little girl like Felicia. From the moment she could walk and talk, she was a very wild and headstrong little girl who didn't do the whole listening thing well. Her parents fostered this attitude as they thought it necessary for Felicia to stay alive in this cold, cruel world that just took and took. However, this attitude got Felicia in trouble more often than not.

In school, her rival was Ruby White; the two girls despised each other but couldn't help but respect each other deep down. So, their rivalry never came to blows or insults but a competition to see who could one-up the other. Even after graduating, the two always met somewhere, clashing egos like an invisible magnet connecting them. Felicia never hated Ruby, but she never liked her attitude... when the situation took a turn with the Stygian Snake's arrival, it left the situation tattered and countless people dead. The chaos that ensued after its defeat was no better, as Felicia was almost killed by one of its leftover thralls that the Sycamore Tree Coven missed.

However, the Greenwood Coven saved Felicia, and Ruby recognized her former rival. She unmasked herself before Felicia and told her everything, eventually extending an invitation to her old rival. Felicia had no clue about magic but was interested, especially after Greenwood presented an artifact they "recovered" from the Elite: The Unicorn Gem. Felicia accepted the Gem and joined Greenwood not out of love for nature but out of a drive for adventure. She found herself a group of friends she would have for the rest of her life! She eventually became the Unicorn Knight and battled Emily G. Reed while clashing egos with Ruby. She was the balancing act for Ruby's more headstrong and eccentric behavior and was vital in keeping Ruby in line.

It all went wrong one day when she was at Lyric Brown's apartment with Autumn Hayes... and Das Sonnenrad stormed the apartment and killed her and Lyric Brown before they had a chance to react, taking the Unicorn Gem. Their deaths sparked Greenwood's war with Das Sonnenrad and eventually spelled the end for Kaiser Draeger. However, the Unicorn Gem is still out there, and Ruby wants to recover it out of honor for her deceased rival...

... No, friend.

Agent - The Unicorn Gem.
A powerful artifact that granted the wielder the ability to fire powerful beams of energy out of it, the Unicorn Gem was a powerful abstraction-granting artifact that was passed from one hand to another (or more accurately, forehead). It was an artifact that could grow out of Felicia's head at will, and she could fire a barrage of golden beams that hit with concussive force. These beams could be fired machine-gun style, or she could charge up and create one powerful beam that could clear several city blocks if she charged it up to max.

Sabrina Vanburen.
Interactions: Vashti (@Atrophy), Linqian (@FernStone), Layla (@Estylwen), Edict (@AtomicEmperor), & Lynn (@NoriWasHere).
Cracker Island. The Halloween Festival.

Britney's phone buzzed; she reached down into her purse (which, to her admission, did not match her costume at all) and pulled out her phone. It was from Lyn... and she sighed when she saw it.

Britney sighed, then her eyes shot wide open when she realized that not only did the sealing not go as planned (to say the least), but Emily was here. At the very least, it was great to know that Emily had not grown or changed at all and was still as horrible as ever. But that also meant that it was a high probability that...

“Hey bro! It’s been so long. Am I happy to see that you’re well!”

... More of Emily's goons were here.

Britney looked up from her phone to see one of the people she had done wrong: Vashti Nour. The woman that she gave the Leviathan curse was just a little girl, but after the Stygian Snake went down, Ashley hit her with the Apparition Killer and got rid of the Leviathan. The idealistic part of Britney wants to say that meant that she was of no threat but given the sudden rainstorm... Vashti still had an abstraction. Britney stared Vashti down as she ranted on and on...

”... Great to see you're still unhinged as ever, Vashti,” Britney muttered under her breath as she narrowed her eyes at Vashti. There was that part of Britney that hoped that Vashti had the sense to realize that starting a fight here of all places was not the move. However, it seems ten years by Emily's side did not change Vashti for the better. She was probably worse. Far, far worse.

Britney had to weigh her options here... Talking Vashti down was not an option. She didn't have the Noble Vow on her - and then she regretted not dressing up as a knight to have the damn sword on her (she could cleave Vashti's head off in one blow), but it is what it is. Starting a fight here was not optimal with the amount of people nearby, but Britney was going to do anything to stay alive. Britney briefly glanced at Sabrina and Layla - especially after the latter grabbed her arm.

And she would ensure that her friends didn't get hurt in the confrontation.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, Vashti," Britney began, not breaking eye contact with Vashti for a moment. "I'm not scared of you, either. In fact. I'll kill you here and now if that's what you want." She smiled at her...

"Britney? Brit!"

Britney heard Edict's voice and had to resist the urge to break eye contact with Vashti, as that could spell certain death.

"Woah! Woooooah, God Damn, I guess you embraced life as Emily's pet lizard!? Clear the fuck off, Nashty Hoor, before someone calls animal control."
”Fucking back off, Vashti. You try fuck with one of us, you gotta fuck all of us. Fuck right off before I shove my knee up your fucking crocodile ass.”

Edict and Linqian came alongside Edict and said something that would have made her facepalm otherwise - but she found it endearing. Britney seemed to have the superfriends at her side, not that it emboldened her. She crossed her arms as she said to Vashti,

"Your homegirl Emily is probably rightfully getting her ass kicked right now, and I wish I were there to see it..." She began. "So maybe you should help her, and have a great night with the rest of your goons. Go bob some apples. I don't know. Finally, do something constructive in your life for once. Because I don't think you came out here for me."

... Then Sabrina stepped in.

The Vanburen girl had stepped forward and said,

"Hi, Ms. Nour, I'm Sabrina VANBUREN," Sabrina put a suspicious amount of emphasis on her last name. "We have some mutual contacts. Maybe I can phone them, and we can all sit down and discuss this...?"

Britney noticed that, in her hands, Sabrina was creating a black cloth...

Interactions: Trisha (@FernStone).
Cracker Island. The Halloween Festival.

Shayton remained standing at the boat's helm... or whatever the hell it was called, and Adora watched him.

She was suspicious of him, and right now, it paid to be suspicious of everything strange that happened to Adora: that dream, that man, and their conversation with Kari Wilson. Now, Adora believed that Lyss just made a little hiccup in summoning her due to the tear gas fucking her up, but at the same time... there was something odd about it all.

Also, they didn't have any leads at the moment.

Adora glanced downwards to her phone, then back to the man... Auri told Adora to keep it to herself, saying that she didn't want to tell the group just yet because she wanted everyone to lay low for a bit due to the raid. She also justified it by saying that weirdo Alizée Altieri rushed off by herself and got killed and put the Coven on the Wolfpack's radar. She wishes she fucking knew before she came here, but it is what it is. It is what it is...

The temptation to strike out on her own grew greater and greater.

For now, Adora was going to play along; at least (with her help), they finally have a lead. Because at this point, ANYTHING was a lead, and that was how the cookie crumbled. The boat finally docked, and Adora glanced at the stranger, Shayton, and saw him stand on the sides as he waited for everyone else to get off. Adora did the same and saw him calmly walk off the boat. It was go-time; Adora hopped to her wheels (?) and roller-skated off the side of the boat.

She glided on the boat's deck until she reached the ramp and gulped as she carefully used the railing to slide down. Adora tailed Shayton as the geriatric bastard had a stroll (Does he even need that damn cane?), and she stayed on the path; otherwise, she was going to fall on her ass. Where was he going...? Maybe she was just being a paranoid stalker, and Anya was right when she called her-

“Hey! Adora!”
This bitch

Adora instinctively whipped her head towards Trisha, then back to Shayton, and she saw Shayton turn over his shoulder to look at her. Adora grimaced.


Adora looked over to see Trisha Vanburen and sighed as she touched her hip. She barely remembered Trisha as she was one of the many that she suppressed the memory of.

For good reason...

“It’s been so long- wow! I did not expect to see you here. I can’t believe you’d come to something like this… You seemed like a complete loser ten years ago. Glad you’ve gotten better, really.”

... Trisha was a cunt.

Adora crossed her arms as she stared Trisha down... she could hear the bees that she probably hid underneath her shitty costume. That wasn't going to make Adora flee... while she knew that she was functionally just an ordinary person with an Emotional-Field, she wouldn't let anyone bully her. Even if she was outclassed. So, she smiled wide. She glanced in Shayton's direction - or where he was because the old bastard was long gone (Damn it!). She put her hands together by her face and began,

"... Oh, hello friend! It's great to see you again!" Adora began, then she felt a breeze and remembered that she typically covered herself up. This carhop outfit was meant to be cutesy, but she forgot it didn't cover much. Her well-toned thighs and arms were on full display (usually, she wasn't anyone's eye candy, but she made an exception for today) as she got assaulted by the late October, early November weather. She put a hand on her hip, "I was in the middle of something, thank you, but I'm more than happy to give you the attention your daddy never gave you!"

Adora chuckled as she did a little twirl; when she came full circle, she held both ends of her skirt by the tip.

"Oh! By the way, what do you think of my costume? Cute, ain't it? I know you're just salivating right now. Because why else would you come and bother me when there are other things you could be doing with your life? Maybe a lucky breeze will come by, and bless you! You'd LOVE that, wouldn't you, Triiiiiiiiiiisha?"

She narrowed her eyes as she smiled like a fool. This was so going to end in someone getting punched in the face and/or getting their feelings hurt.

And it sure as hell wasn't going to be Adora.

The PRA.
Interactions: Lila (@NoriWasHere), Stormy (@Blizz), & Luca/Bianca (@FernStone).
The Halloween Festival. Docks to the Drinkline. Cracker Island.

The ferry with the PRA Agents docked on Cracker Island, and they all assembled some distance away from the boat.

"Okay, enjoy yourselves, and officially you are all on duty, so you can't officially drink," Meifeng started, waving her feather duster around, "But, a few beers or some shots won't hurt anyone... except for you, Trevor. You can't drink anything."

"Awww..." Trevor slumped forward.

"I could use some shots," Samson put his hands behind his head, then glanced at Trevor and the others, "I guess we're sticking together because we're the Power Rangers."

"Of course!" Trevor did a fist pump.

"Let's go already; Momma needs some wine!" Cindy chuckled.

That was when the PRA Agents split up; Meifeng and Cindy went with the Power Rangers to the drink line... and the first thing that Meifeng noticed was the crows assembling and then screaming and shouting. The first thing that came to mind was that somebody was already throwing magic around... thankfully, it was already at the place that Meifeng was already heading. Hopefully, it was nothing or a problem she could wave her hand at and make disappear.

When Meifeng penetrated the assembled crowd, she couldn't help but sigh. It was Miss Reed's people... the second she noticed Emily there, she could pick out various members of 8th Street from the crowd. But, there were various members of the Sycamore Tree Coven, including that one girl who couldn't seem to control her emotions, the child that got bottle-fed by Cindy (and Meifeng refused to let her live that one down), and some of the others. There was some bizarre exorcism scene going on here, all out in the open.

For the love... if she had to return to that office, there would be hell to pay.

"... Good grief," Meifeng said as she walked over, Cindy by her side, feather duster slung over her shoulder. She glanced over her shoulder and saw that Maximilian (dressed as the Blue Power Ranger) had followed behind her; the rest of the PRA Rangers were on standby. Not that Meifeng needed them. Meifeng turned towards the group and said, "You lot are as subtle as those goddamn teenagers..."

Meifeng rolled her eyes as she glanced at Emily... who was thrashing about something, and Meifeng narrowed her eyes at her. "Can you go one day without causing some trouble, Ms. Reed?"

"Hey now! He hit me and then made hi-"

"Go," Meifeng commanded.


"I said go."

Emily and 8th Street dispersed afterward before she turned her attention to Stormy and Luca,

"So, I take it the situation is under control? I hope so, because I'm hoping all of us can..." Meifeng started... before the various members of the Coven looked at her funny. Her eyebrow furrowed as she stuck her hands out.

"... Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Fiona waved at Jasper from the crowd. He probably didn't notice, or have a clue who she was.

The 8th Street Coven.
Interactions: Lila (@NoriWasHere), Stormy (@Blizz), & Luca (@FernStone).
The Halloween Festival, The Drink line. Cracker Island.

Emily grinned as Lila let her pull her strings and Luca too. He didn't say it, but Emily knew her words cut deep into the boy... because as much of an idiot he is, even he could see that she was not wrong. It was enough to let The Rot take him over, and maybe it would finally abscise him, and she'd have a helpful minion... but then she forgot about Lila and her goddamn birds. The birds began shitting on Emily...

... And one drop was unfortunate enough to land in her mouth.

"AH!" Emily gagged as she desperately tried to get the bird feces out of her mouth, getting on her hands and knees as she tried to wipe it out with this stupid costume. The tears disappeared as it was replaced with pure rage. "You fucking bitch, Micheal! I swear to God-"

Emily didn't care; she was about to use Babylon and torch the birds and Lila - but then Stormy stepped in. Mr. Hero... she twisted her face up at him as he activated the Phantombane Aura. Babylon put her hands up as she screamed,


She disappeared as Emily wanted to burn Stormy anyway, as he seemed concerned with Luca, and nobody takes power away from Emily G. Reed. Not if they wanted to live. She created a fire in her hands...

"... Good grief,"

It was Meifeng Liao, that bitch... she came in shaking her flat ass as if she owned the goddamn place. Emily narrowed her eyes as Meifeng came in and told her to leave.

That was when Carol rolled in, spinning as her eyes landed on Luca and Stormy.

"... Thank you for helping that motherfucker, Stormy," Carol narrowed her eyes. "I appreciate it. I appreciate it a lot."

"... Let's just go!" Miranda shouted as she yanked Emily by her sleeve. "I gotta get bird shit off me now."

Emily sighed as she let her two sisters pull her away, but she had some parting words for Lila and the Coven.

"Don't worry, Micheal!" Emily shouted as she left, "I'm going to get you back! Don't you worry! And I fucking dare the rest of those sluts to get in my way!"

"Yeah, sleep easy, pal," George said as he walked away... covered in bird shit. Carol was behind them, and flipped everyone off as she rolled away.

They disappeared into the crowd.

Auri Auclair, Justin Haggar, & Odessa Maxwell.
Interactions: Lynn (@NoriWasHere).
Cracker Island, Auri's stand. The Halloween Festival.

Auri had her stand... selling flowers and paintings she had drawn. However, there was that part of her that wanted to be out there enjoying herself!

But the Halloween Festival was too lucrative of an opportunity to pass up.

Auri's Flower Stand was cheap, with just three foldable tables with some clothes on top of them and various colorful flowers stacked on top of them. She also had her best paintings on display behind her... and she sat down in her chair with her hands together... wearing a robot costume that she had made by hand. There wasn't a steady flow of business, but occasionally, someone came by. However, she was content with sitting here relaxing and not getting murdered.

"... Hey," She heard the voice of Justin Haggar, her boyfriend, who stood over her with his hand on the table before her. "Can I come in?"

He had regular clothes, a navy-blue sweater, some jeans, sometimes, but he had a facepaint of cybernetics on his face.

"Free country," Auri said as Justin walked behind her stand with all her different paintings and leaned against one of the tables with his arms crossed.

"So..." Justin asked, "A detective approached me yesterday..."

"... Oh boy," Auri said with a roll of her eyes as she turned around.

"He asked about where I was a week ago and all these other questions because four of your friends who came to your little book club last week were murdered..." Justin trailed off, "Naturally, I told him to fuck off, but.."

He narrowed his eyes, "... Four people who were in your flower shop turned up dead. Four." Justin raised four fingers. "Why didn't you tell me this? What is going on?"

Auri bit her nails as she looked to the left and right. "I mean, I was going to, but... how about we talk about this somewhere private? There are too many people here who could listen, and I'm working right now and..." She nervously continued, but that wasn't the crux of this.

As Auri spoke, Justin noticed a strange sight... a robed figure rising from the other side of the stand. Smiling wide as she possibly could, and breathing. Not just lightly but deeply breathing as if she was Darth Vader. She slowly rose, and Justin looked over Auri's shoulders with his eyebrows furrowed, looking as confused as he could as Odessa stood to her feet. Placing both hands on the side of the stands.

"Uhhh..." Justin's jaw dropped as, naturally, he was at a complete loss for words, then he pointed at Odessa and Auri turned around and said with a smile,

"Odessa! Friend!" Auri hopped around and grabbed Odessa's hands. "How have you been doing!?"

"Great!" Odessa said as she held hands with Auri, smiling back in a way I hope won't make this interaction sound gay, "I saw you looking sad and I thought you could use some cheering up, friend!"

"You have some weird ass friend, Auri..." Justin groaned as he narrowed his eyes at Odessa. "Yeah, I'm calling you weird."

"Weird?" Odessa tilted her head with that unhinged smile on her face. "I guess that could be used to define me. Possibly. To me, I'm normal. I am like an alien. It's not an incorrect assessment, but still! Am I weird because I am unnatural, or is it because I am something that you are not used to? It's all about perspective. And you could expand your own!" She smiled.

Justin was awestruck.

"... I've seen enough," Justin immediately left after seeing that. Odessa stared at him as he left... then rotated on her heel to face Auri.

"So now that he's gone..." Odessa said, "What would you like to talk about? I saw you looking a little bit sad... What is on your mind, Auri Aeriel Auclair? Could it be..." She laughed, holding a hand to her mouth.

"... Could it be what you told me about the other day with Kari? And friend Alyssa?" Odessa asked.

Auri put a finger to her mouth, shushing Odessa,

"Sssssssssh! Don't say that too loudly!" Auri said, "My... Coven sisters -and brothers- are everywhere. I don't want them to hear this!"

"Why hide things from them, Auri?" Odessa said, tilting her head. "Is a major breakthrough on the murders something you should hide from your friends? The people who love and trust you?" She laughed.

"I am not hiding things from them, well... I am, but I don't want them to know I'm telling you about this," Auri said. "And I don't want anyone to get anxious, jump the gun, and get into more trouble when we should really be laying low after the disaster that was last week. I would at least like to be with them this time so we can avoid incidents like last week."

"... That's not going to make them trust you, you know!" Odessa smiled at Auri. "I bet at least one person will ask you why you didn't tell them sooner..."

Auri was silent.

"But, let me stop here," Odessa rolled her eyes with that catty smile. "That's not what's on your mind... Unfortunately, I was blessed with this amazing body and personality but not the gift of telepathy..."

Odessa laughed, and Auri shook her head from underneath that robot mask.

"It's... It is Kari," Auri started as she leaned over her counter, sighing. "I just... I don't... none of it makes sense. Adora thinks that Lyss summoned the wrong spirit, but Lyss claims that it has to be Kari's soul that she summoned. But that leaves too many questions... why exactly would it be a different Kari? To my knowledge, Kari was a White-Adept. That can't change dimensions, can it?"

Odessa put a finger on her chin,

"Hmmmmmmm... well, there are infinite possibilities here," Odessa began, raising a finger in the air, "It's possible that Kari did something to erase her own memories - maybe she wanted to forget the horror of the Stygian Snake - but outside malfeasance is just as likely!"

Odessa began her explanation before she continued, "Someone could have kidnapped Kari; she certainly does seem like a super useful and powerful Adept I would love to have on my side - if I had a side! But, if what you told me is correct..."

Odessa trailed off, "... It's possible your killer, Father Wolf, kidnapped Kari to help him with his or her murders. It would make too much sense, wouldn't it? She had Spells that could remotely observe people! It would explain how he or she can come at the perfect time and vanish without a trace. Alternatively, it could be Kari... Could not be Kari at the same time!"

Odessa then shrugged.

"... Bottom line is that maybe the only way you can get to the bottom of this is to find your Kari," She smiled, laughing at how cheesy that line was.

"How do I find my Kari?" Auri asked.

"Well!" Odessa started, "Only you have the answer to that! Let me tell you something... Magic... it has a funny way of leading people to places, helping people find their destiny. Magic and fate are practically one and the same! You just need to find Kari's scent..."

Odessa smiled.

"... And then magic will do the rest."

"I..." Auri was at a loss for words before she nodded and said, "... I will find Kari Wilson."

"That's the spirit!" Odessa shouted, "Not like you have any other options! Or leads!"

"Will you help me, Odessa?" Auri asked.

"I wish I could..." Odessa trailed off, "... But, this is your battle, your destiny; it would be doing you a disservice to rob you of this! Your fate! But beeeeeeee careful, as it's possible this could go beyond mere murders! This could change the world itself! Regardless of where it starts or where it ends, I am rooting for you nonetheless, friend! You have no other option other than to win."

Auri smiled... then her phone buzzed. She pulled out her phone and read the text messages... Naturally, Emily was still as horrible as ever, and Auri was glad she wasn't a hellspawn in her flower shop and beyond. The issue was that something about sealing that involved Lila; her hand was a monstrous talon.

Auri Auclair did not know about this.

Naturally, Lynn didn't tell Auri where this was going on - however, even she could see the chaos the crows left in the distance. There was that part of her that just wished that the Coven could just chill for just one day. Auri didn't want to leave her flower stand, but... she dove underneath the counter, pulling out a triangle-shaped CLOSED sign and then the Butterfly Staff.

She ran towards the eye of the storm, unaware that Odessa was skipping after her.
The Temple

The Wolfpack

The 8th Street Coven.
Interactions: Lila (@NoriWasHere), & Luca (@FernStone).
The Halloween Festival. Cracker Island.

“keep that name out of your mouth,or this crazy bitch will do it again.”


Emily hopped behind Jacqueline, pointing at her as she dramatically shrieked. Tears still soaking her face as she looked at the huge crowd. "Look, he's threatening me again!" Emily said to the crowd of people. "He's dangerous! Put him away!"

"EMILY!" Miranda shouted as she tugged on Emily's sleeve. "That's enough. Let's just go."

"And run from these sluts? Never." Emily seethed before going back to tears.

”You chose to stay attached to Babylon. Vashti sealed hers. Only Carol and I are still living with the consequences of it, and what have you done to help either of us? Why is Carol still living with that after ten years?! Why the fuck are you spending more time plundering than helping her?!”

Emily raised a shaky finger with an equally shaky hand as she used her opposite hand to wipe away tears. Before she could say anything, she had her mouth open...

"... Well, do you believe in fate, poor Luca?" Babylon faded into existence, floating in mid-air as if she were lounging forward. With her hands up against her face. "You see, deep down, Emil-"

"Babylon!" Emily's tears briefly disappeared as she hissed, "Remember..."

"Oh, right!" Babylon's head went straight as she stood upright (as much as a floating ghost could). "MUHAHA! Do you think I'd ever leave a host like this? I'm going to bleed her dry just like the Rot will do to you, and then I'm going to move on to the next one!" Babylon laughed like a maniac.

"Maybe it'll be one of your Coven sisters! Some of them are gorgeous!" Babylon traced her hands across her cheeks.

"See! You forgot, Luca! I've been trying to get rid of Babylon for YEARS, and she won't go away! No matter how hard I try!" Emily said as she cried.

”We were in this together! I didn't want to leave 8th Street! But you wouldn't listen when I asked you to stop making everyone go around stealing and hurting people. I loved 8th Street, and I'd still help most of them in a heartbeat. But not you- fuck, Lila’s my friend. She’s not Britney… And honestly, Emily? You’re just as bad as her.”

"Bad as her?!" Emily cried. "You're saying I'm bad as that rapist-adjacent bitch?! What is wrong with you, Luca!?"

Tears (and shitty wine) had soaked this stupid onesie she was forced to wear as she put her hands on her chest and said, "And made people go steal things?! The audacity, Luca!"

She couldn't resist the sly grin as she made one little point...

"... They do as I say of their own accord!" Emily started as she pointed at Luca and said, "YOU are proof of that!"

She let the words hang in the air as she added on, "Do you know just what lurks in this city, Luca?! You're acting like the city isn't full of monsters that do worse to innocents! I was just trying to fight fire with fire!"

However, sneaking up behind Lila and Luca was the monstrously tall George, who held a comically large mug of beer. He had a devious grin on his face as he sauntered over...

... And poured the beer directly on Lila's head.

He broke out laughing as he said,

"Oops, sorry pal!" George shouted, "You looked a little angry, so I thought I'd help cool you off!"

Doesn't Remember | Odessa Kayla Maxwell | She/Her
"Life is a wheel... and I just want to make sure it keeps going."

The mysterious traveler... a woman who met her end eons ago and returned as an Apparition. This Apparition was known as the Nurturing Will, as Odessa, at the time, did not remember the name of her past life. The Nurturing Will went from place to place, enriching barren lands and helping people until she latched onto a woman named Adaeze Okafor and adjoined to her until the woman's death. After she died, The Nurturing Will took her body and, using her abstraction, formed a younger version of Adaeze. The Nurturing Will made an alias to blend in with humans, then Odessa was born.

Thus, Odessa drifted from place to place, universe to universe, seeing herself as a broken "balancer" or "protector" of mankind, battling malicious forces and solving supernatural situations. The woman's demeanor is odd; she always smiles and rambles about something. She is unpredictable and strange; however, underneath that veneer is a being that is utterly cunning and devious, perhaps harmless. Perhaps the most dangerous woman or "thing" in St. Portwell.

Odessa can be seen around the streets of St. Portwell, giving flowers to people she finds interesting. She has a particular interest in members of the Sycamore Tree Coven and has been stalking them from a distance for quite a while. Odessa usually looks like a tribal African girl who always wears an orange robe with some dreads that hang off her head. She is short and skinny, standing at five-even, and what is odd about her body is that she's cold as a corpse and has no heartbeat.

Weird, ain't it?

The only thing abnormal about her is her desire to boop Scottish people.

Miranda, Jacqueline, & Emily G. Reed
Interactions: Luca (@FernStone), Lila (@NoriWasHere) and kind of Stormy (@Blizz)
Cracker Island. The Halloween Festival.

Naturally, these Sluts come out of the woodwork to gang up on her.

First, Luca blocks her kick towards Lila, and then a bottle of red wine spills all over her. She loudly shrieked out of anger as she just knew one of those sluts were behind it. However, Luca's threat was promptly ignored, and she hopped to her feet - however, she felt Jacqueline and Miranda pulling at her as she (attempted to) lung towards Lila anyway! She was pulled back as she felt the fucking red wine seep into her stupid little onesie that she didn't want to wear anyway. She bared her teeth as she looked down and felt it press against her skin. It felt all weird and gross. She shook her head as Stormy walked up, and then she shook her head and pointed at Lila and said,

"This crazy bitch hit me!" Emily started before looking up at Lila's feathered arm and then pointed at her nose. "What is wrong with her!? Here, of all places, she chooses to put her dirty hands on me?" Emily placed a hand on her chest.

Before she crossed her arms and looked at Luca, she said, "And what happened Luca? I had your back when you were in 8th Street! Did you fucking forget what Britney did to you? Did to us?"

Tears started running down Emily's face as she started pounding a fist in her alternate hand.

"She violated both of us! Then the rest of the Sycamore sluts let her walk scot-free to shake her ass down a runway while people like you, Vashti, Carol, and I have to live with the consequences of it!"

More tears ran down her face as she finally put the finishing blow on her rant.

"You should have my back here! Why are you acting like we aren't in this together?!"
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