Avatar of Shin Ghost Note
  • Last Seen: 0-24 hrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Mr Allen J
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 11034 (2.81 / day)
  • VMs: 42
  • Username history
    1. Shin Ghost Note 5 mos ago
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Current You have to live every day as if you've dropped your pants and told the whole world to suck your dick.
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so are these nuts
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"We have got to try and find DOOM!" "Good luck!"
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1 mo ago
just buy another cord? 🤷🏿‍♂️
3 mos ago
Sex and love, sex and love...


"You're a fine warrior. Call me sentimental..."

Currently updating...

"I'm a dominant..."
@Spoopy Scary
@Luminous Beings
@Lord Wraith
The Tyrant Shell Universe - Mechapunk (Mecha and Cyberpunk mixed together).
The Black Fall Universe - Modern-Superhuman tale.
The Collective - My Discord Server.
The Ghost Lounge - My 1x1 Thread.
The Ghost Archives - Character storage.

Most Recent Posts

A few days after that eventful night at the Devil’s Fortune (And Saskia just finding a peculiar, glowing rock on the ground), it was time for the group to plan their next move—especially now that they had information on Morningstar’s lair, where his lackeys make their evil schemes. Lisa opened the door, where Kimberly and Jordan were standing over a table with a large piece of paper with some drawings on it she couldn’t see from across the room.

The two turned towards the trio.

“Ah, you’re all just in time,” Kimberly said. “Come here! We have been tracking the movements of the Endless Seven…”

“... Up until they found the tracking devices,” Jordan rolled her eyes.

“We’re gonna scope them-”

"What do you mean by scope them?" Ella tilted her head in confusion.

“You know… Give them a look to see if it's worth our time and not go in guns blazing,” Jordan answered.

"Oh, are we drawing together?" Saskia asked, walking right up to the paper. ”Let me join."

“No! No! It's good!” Kimberly bubbly said, laying her torso over the paper.

"Shame," Saskia shrugged, looking at Lisa. "I don't think they think I'm good at art, isn't that cruel?"

Lisa smiled.

”Not everyone can comprehend art, after all!” She said to Saskia.

Kimberly got up and pointed at various locations on the paper, which turned out to be a map of Mirage Springs. Some locations were circled, and others were crossed out.

“Now, by bugging them we have tracked the members of the Endless Seven to these locations,” Kimberly explained, pointing at several different circles on the map. “After the Devil’s Fortune fiasco, each member of the Endless Seven went to a different location… one of which being Morningstar Banking.”

“… Before they noticed the bugs and they all went offline one by one.”

“One went to this restaurant, and another to a warehouse,” Kimberly explained. “We’re going to go there, and do the same thing we did at the Devil’s Fortune, bug the place and see what we can glean. No fighting this time, hopefully.”

"We could do that, Orrrrr…" Saskia walked up to the table and slapped down the piece of paper, with the address and ‘Morningstars’ lair on it. "We go bug his evil lair."

”Don't worry, it's not a drawing!" Ella piped up.

Kimberly and Jordan looked between each other.

“… What’s this?” Kimberly asked as she grabbed it and examined it.

“Yeah,” Jordan looked at Saskia, “Where did you get this from?”

"I passed out from blood loss a few days ago, and when I woke up it was just beside me," Saskia said with a completely straight face. "I suppose a good Samaritan gave it to me."

They looked between each other.

“… You really think we were born yesterday?” Jordan raised an eyebrow. “Really? Really?

“Yeah, this is really sus,” Kimberly added.

”Look," Saskia said, holding their hands up. "I can't tell you where I got it from. You'll just have to trust me."

“Remember the other day you were complaining about us not keeping you three in the loop?” Jordan asked, raising an eyebrow at Saskia. "Now, you want us to trust a note someone just left on you? We aren’t stupid.”

“... Who gave it to you?” Kimberly asked.

”I can’t tell you," Saskia shook their head, grimacing. ”But fine, it wasn’t left on me. It was given to me, I know who gave it to me, but I can’t say who. They’ll probably shoot me if I do."

“... We’re not going to let them hurt you,” Jordan asked.

“Tell us who, because if we go here, we might be walking into a trap,” Kimberly explained.

”Fine." Saskia pinched the bridge of their nose. ”But it doesn’t leave here. It was the Dollhouse. They want Morningstar dead too.”

Both Kimberly and Jordan’s jaws dropped.

“... You know who Dollhouse are, right?” Jordan raised an eyebrow. “Shady motherfuckers. Doing shady-motherfucker things.

”You think I’m stupid?" Saskia rolled their eyes.

“When did this happen? You know what?” Kimberly said before turning back to the map on the table, “It’s not important. So, let’s get back on track. These are the locations we are going to check out and bug today.”

”If you don’t want to use the information, fine, we’ll do your plan." Saskia held up their hands again. ”But don’t blame me if we go there later..."

"Wait, wait, but if they got rid of the bugs before, won’t they get rid of these ones too?" Ella piped up.

“They found the bugs we planted on them,” Kimberly clarified. “Unfortunately, in the fight the other bugs we planted in their dining room were destroyed. So we’ll have to bug it again later.”

Lisa quietly listened to them go back and forth… nodding her head as she absorbed all of the information. And man, Saskia should have waited just a lil bit before coming out with it! Lisa didn’t know what Dollhouse had to do with this, or if they could be trusted, but she is putting all of her love and faith in the hands of the other two magical girls. So, she turned her head towards Kimberly and said,

”I mean… we’re just checking out some places, right?” Lisa asked.

“Right,” Kimberly answered.

”Then, what’s the difference if we scope out the place Dollhouse told Saskia?” Lisa answered. ”I don’t trust Dollhouse either… but, can we just look at the place? That’s it?”

"Yeah, we should scout it out! If it's a trap then we'll have foiled it, and if the information's right then we'll have found has evil lair!" Ella grinned.

"Right,” Saskia intoned. "I said we go bug it, not raid it. I don't trust them either."

“Fine,” Jordan said. “But, if this blows up in our faces… heh, don’t say we didn’t tell you so.”

“Get ready; we’re going to head out in an hour,” Kimberly told them. “I think it’s going to work out fine, but we shouldn’t rush in there. Take things slower this time.”

Lisa fist-pumped, then grinned like an idiot. She wrapped her arms around Ella and Saskia, and said, ”See girls, I did it!” She began. ”Let’s find out where Morningstar does his evil schemes!”

"Yeah, let’s beat his ass- I mean investigate it!" Ella shouted, hugging Ella and Saskia back and practically lifting them into the air.

Saskia smiled slightly. "I can’t wait.”

The Morgenstern Manor was a secluded location outside of Mirage Springs. They couldn’t find it because it was placed in someone else’s name. Clever… Unfortunately, the issue was that it was on an open plain with little to no cover or concealment. It didn’t matter much since they approached under the veil of darkness, and Kimberly demanded that they dress like ninjas… and also had to buy them clothes that made them look like ninjas. Lisa was wearing a Balaclava with a hoodie and some leggings… and of course her boots. They approached on a giant spider… a massive huntsmen spider the size of an entire car! Jordan sat up as she looked through the binoculars.

“There’s not a whole lot of activity,” Jordan began, continuing to look through it.

“But, let’s not teleport inside and get caught off guard,” Kimberly said. “Remember, we’re just bugging some locations like the bedrooms, dining rooms, any place they would have a conversation over the phone….”

”You know you’re probably going to hear them having sex at least once?” Lisa said.

Both of them looked at Lisa.

“... Moving on,” Jordan said.

"There’s no way Morningstar gets any action,” Saskia muttered, narrowing their eyes at the looming mansion they were approaching. They were dressed in all black - black sweater, black jeans, black Balaclava.

”What if he has like a harem? A room of naked women? Wouldn’t that be amazi- crazy, I mean crazy!” Lisa said.

"Couldn't we wear something less… black?" Ella whined. She looked completely different from normal with an oversized black hoodie, black skirt and tights. Jangling could be heard from their arms - probably covered in bright jewelry like normal. "I hate this!”

Saskia rolled their eyes, ignoring Ella to ask, "Before we go in… what’s the plan if we’re caught again?”

“We immediately teleport out,” Kimberly answered. “If that’s not an option, we run. We’re not going to be fighting anyone.”

"That worked so well last time."

”… Can I at least put spiders in his underwear?” Lisa weakly asked.

“No,” Jordan answered, lowering her binoculars. She pointed at a room on the second floor, “Let’s go, take us up that wall.”

With a nod of her head, Lisa commanded the giant spider to scale up the wall. They climbed up to the desired window, and Jordan used her telekinesis to pop the lock. The window slid open, and Kimberly unholstered her pistol then climbed through. Then gestured for the rest, Lisa was the second one through…

It was a study, with a red carpet and fancy wooden walls. Massive bookshelves on both sides of the room held what had to be hundreds of books.

"Whoa," Ella gasped, coming right after Lisa. She looked around, hands on her hips. "I wonder if he has-"

"He does not have anime," Saskia rolled their eyes, climbing in after Ella. They went over to the bookshelves and narrowed their eyes, reading the spines but not touching anything. "I wonder if he has any interesting magic books…"

Kimberly had crawled underneath the desk, and planted the bug there with some tape… As Jordan gently pushed the door open and stuck her ear out.

Saskia was still looking at the bookshelf. They paused in front of a slightly out-of-place book, frowning, before reaching out to pull it out…. Some gears could be heard turning on the other side as a section of the bookshelf lowered, unveiling a torch-lit stone pathway that led downwards.

“... Oh, you gotta be fuckin’ kidding me,” Jordan said.

“Cliche…” Kimberly shrugged.

"Well," Saskia turned around, holding up their hands. "We have to go down there."

”... It could be where he keeps all his whores!” Lisa added.

Jordan facepalmed.

“I’ll go in first, you three are behind me,” Kimberly said, as she walked over to a torch, grabbed one, and then added, “Jordan, you’re in the back.”

With a shrug, Lisa followed behind Kimberly as they descended into the labyrinth that she was hoping wasn’t a trap. Eventually, they made it to the bottom, and there were three stone paths. This place was massive! Really raised the question of how he got this place made but magic.

“Okay let’s-” Kimberly tried to say before they were cut off by some guttural screaming. Bright red lights and a loud buzzing sound could be heard down the hall to theit right.

"... oh, I think they’re torturing someone down there," Saskia said with a hint of excitement.

"We can’t let him get away with whatever evil thing he’s doing!" Ella shouted. She pushed past Kimberley and Lisa and ran right down the hall the screaming was coming from, Channeler already out. Lisa just followed after them.

“Wait- fucking…” Jordan hissed as she chased after them.

“Assess the situation!” Kimberly said. “Aw screw it!”

As they got closer, the screaming and electricity came to a pause… Then they approached a massive chamber. Morningstar and his remaining Endless Seven gathered around a seemingly bottomless pit, in front of the wall, on the opposite side of the room. Looming over the wall was , a tall, mixed woman bound to the wall by metal restraints.

“Now Monica, you're not making it easy for us,” Morningstar said, one hand behind his back and the other drinking wine that looked suspiciously like blood.

“Fuck you, Morningstar!” Monica spat out at him.

“... Dr. Cross,” Morningstar turned to Dr. Cross, who reached out in the air, and several glowing runes appeared in front of her. Then she gave it a touch as Monica was violently electrocuted.

“Find the All-Blade! Comply!” Morningstar demanded.

Ella went to run out, but Saskia shot out an arm and pulled her back.

"We can't just rush in against that many," she whispered.

"But they're going to kill her! And there's almost as many of them as there are us!"

Saskia shook their head, turning it towards Kimberley and Jordan. "Do you think we can take them?"

Kimberly smiled.

“... No.”

“But we are not going to leave her there,” Jordan shook her head. I can teleport her out... but it will be a few minutes before I can teleport us out.”

“So get ready,” Kimberly said.

"I'm always ready," Ella brandished her channeller.

"You need to transform first," Saskia pointed out. They pulled out their knife and sliced their hand, blood pooling around it in a light armoured coating.

"Oh yeah!" Ella's eyes widened. She step back so she was at the back of the group, quietly muttering to herself about light and beating darkness as a soft glow coated her body and she spun around to transform.

Saskia, meanwhile, was forming a long blood blade. "I'm ready. Let's save her."

Well, it was Lisa’s turn as she made a wave of spiders appear… however, five of them, the limit for her Enlarge spell, were wrapped in a glowing cocoon that grew to sizes far larger than average. A few moments later, they burst out, and three of the spiders had dragonfly wings, and the last two had mandibles like ants. Lisa grinned ear to ear, as she said….

”... Let’s kick their ass!

“Alright, get ready,” Jordan said as she stuck her hand out… a swirling coral-pink orb of energy appeared around the woman as various members of Morningstar’s inner circle made sounds of shock…

… Then she was gone.

Jordan grinned, and Lisa thought they could just walk out....


Dr. Cross shouted… as various members of the Endless Seven turned off their glamour, and converted into hellish monsters, a familiar rush of adrenaline surged down Lisa’s spine.

”We're here to end your evil plan, Morningstar- again!" Ella shouted. Her legs lit up with a rainbow light that contrasted the rest of her dark clothing. She pushed herself back in front - next to Lisa's spiders.

”Just a few minutes" Saskia said softly behind her. From the back of one hand was a blood blade, and she raised the other.

A blood bullet shot out of it, right towards Dr Cross, hitting her in the titty.

Morningstar sighed, wiping a hand across his face.

“… Can somebody tell me why they haven’t been dealt with yet!?” Morningstar complained.

Interactions: Linqian/Luca (@FernStone), & Vashti (@Atrophy).
Kari's House > The Slugfest with 8th.

Emily wants Britney and Lila.

If it was just Britney on the line, she would have gladly given herself up for the good of the group. After all, just like what Kenshiro, Sloane, and Clancy said, this was all her fault. The issue was that they wanted Lila, too. That was just not going to happen... she gave the Noble Vow a little flourish in her hand; if she got close enough, this should be enough to kill Emily and Vashti in one hit and end the threat of the 8th Street Coven for good.

”We’re not handing them over, Emily. Can’t we talk this out? Was there any need for all of this?”

Ooooh, Luca.

So painfully naive. There was no way this was going to end without blood. Britney let out a sigh.

”You should run.”

Luca spoke to her.

She didn't have the right to be spoken to, but he told her to run. Britney thought that the entire Coven should just cut and run. A fight like this was absolutely stupid. She couldn't find one valid reason that would benefit either side. Alas, Emily G. Reed didn't see the world the way they did (like a normal, rational, human being) and had to cause needless violence and bloodshed. It was clear that Emily wanted Lila more than anything, however, and maybe if both of them just fled out the back...

”... Look who it is, the pettiest fucking bitch in the city! You’re not taking anyone, so fuck back off to the hole you came from.”

Britney's facial expression crunched up as she saw fucking Linqian and Aryin just marching out of the house half-naked. She stared at them as they just walked up to Emily, and the color drained from Britney's face as she realized that, regardless of how this goes, they're going to have to fight. They activated some spell, and then they were fully butt-ass-naked as Britney saw the heat shimmering from their body and started boxing with 8th Street's heavy hitters. Okay, sure, a fight was obvious.

Britney gave Luca a look and said,

”... I'm not running, Luca.

That was when Britney climbed off the porch and landed on the ground.

Connection to the earth established. Grounding with Gaia. Tapping into the essence of Edafosmancy...

The soil raised off the ground underneath her feet and formed a miniature hill, one that she used to glide across the ground into the fray. She could use her soil manipulation to counter attacks from even the likes of George. She focused on Vashti, however, who was duking it out with Linqian, and Linqian dived to wrap her arms around her waist. Britney figured that she would give her home-girl some help.

Channeling flow of life into Floramancy.

Several thick vines sprouted out of the ground and wrapped around Vashti's legs. They would then attempt to tie her legs together to limit her mobility.

Interactions: Luca (@FernStone), & Stormy (@Blizz).
Outside Kari's House > Straight Into the Fight.

”... Well, that escalated quickly.

In less than a minute, Linqian and Aryin ran out and started throwing hands while naked, and the house caught on fire. They wanted Lila and Britney... well, Drake didn't care if they took Britney, but he wasn't going to stand by and let Emily think that she could boss them around. If you gave someone like her an inch, she was just going to keep pushing and pushing, and pushing, just to see how far she can take it. Though, he was glad that they had the sense to stand up and fight - except, Tayla, who didn't want any part of it. That was fair, if she didn't want to fight then who was he to make her? And that's why Drake's here.

To fight for the people who can't fight.

"Take this, get in their faces and Emily can't burn you. Do it quick, before they can start throwing more magic out and make it less effective. Luca's going to get himself killed and I do not trust Linqian to take on that many people alone, I'll be right behind you."

Drake grinned and gave Stormy a fist pump to gain the Phantombane Aura. That was when he created his Thunderguard and his Thunderlance... and without a second thought, Drake charged in. He flew through the air, keeping close to the ground, at lightning speeds. However, he kept his eyes on the group... and saw that kid shoving Luca. He knew that the kid meant well, but Jesus! Didn't he know that one solid blow would be enough to kill Luca?!

Drake changed course, flying through the air, dispelling his lightning weapons, and caught Luca, wrapping his arms around him. He went with Luca's direction and motion so the sudden stop didn't hurt him. However, Luca's decaying touch was a bitch and rotted away at Drake's favorite leather jacket and the skin underneath it. He hissed in pain, as he said,

”... Got you, buddy.”

The 8th Street Coven.
Interactions: The Entire Coven - also Linqian (@FernStone), Aryin (@NoriWasHere), & Kenshiro (@AtomicEmperor).
In front of Kari's House.

” You’re as pathetic as I remember. Was the thrashing you had the other day not enough? Is Emily fucking Reed a fan of getting her ass kicked? And the rest of you, y’all okay hate criming someone? Carol?”

George quickly scoured the environment, putting a flat hand on his eyebrows as he searched for something before he laughed and said.

"... Looking for someone who cares, dumbass!"

"Believe me," Aaron said as he took a puff out of his cigarette. "I'm here because I'm getting paid. Put money in my pocket and maybe I'll walk away. Maybe..."

"Long as somebody fixes me, I don't give a fuck!" Carol quickly snapped back as she dug into her rain jacket pocket and pulled out a glowing blue potion. She chugged it, before using her Time-Reversal Abstraction to fill it up again. She kept at it over and over again while Linqian and Aryin walked up.

Emily casually flicked her hand towards Aryin as if she was an annoying child, not even so much as looking at her, and turned her head towards the tree lines. They were better looking than these freaks. "... And last time I checked, George chucked you into the sky like Team Rocket." She quickly snapped back, putting a hand on her hip. "Shut the fuck up and just bring me Lila... and Britney." She said.

”Lets fucking go.”

Emily flicked her hair out of her face as she grinned. She looked at Aaron Sawyer, who nodded and tossed his cigarette away. He reached into the waistband of his jeans and pulled out a Glock 17. Emily turned back to Linqian and Aaron.

"Wow, you sluts are as stupid as I remember!" Emily chipperly said, raising a hand at the very Kari's house. The plan was going perfectly now that two members of Sycamore were separated from the rest. However, the plan requires the sluts to fall into a false sense of security... which means she goads Stormy to hop to their protection. "So, I guess you sluts are opting for a bloodbath, then!"

Emily snapped his fingers, and the second floor of Kari's house ignited in hellfire—a raging fire that threatened whoever was still inside.

Then she leveled a hand at the front of the house, and she grinned like a maniac. A massive fireball formed—one that got bigger and bigger and bigger—until it was larger than her entire body and the screaming faces of Babylon's victims could be heard begging for mercy. Then...

Emily let out her vicious battlecry as the fireball flew for the house's front. As it flew, it took the shape of a skull and left a trail of fire that made it look like a shooting star! However, she quickly teleported behind the giant monster.

Meanwhile, George put his arm up and blocked Aryin's fist... and his skin sizzled as he loudly hissed in pain. "... Ffffffffffffuck!" He screamed, before he came around with a wide-arced kick, intending to send Aryin flying.

That was when Flora aimed the Aegis Piercer into the sky and let loose a barrage of arrows directly at Kenshiro.
@FernStone@NoriWasHere Weaknesses for Too Hot to Handle so you two virgins can leave me alone.

WEAKNESSES ⫻ (Fuck yo color gradient) By activating Too Hot to Handle, Linqian and Aryin's movement speed is slowed to a crawl, and they can only accomplish a leisurely walk. By glowing hot like magma, the two make themselves a very bright and noticeable target. The spell's super-heated state makes it highly vulnerable to cooling effects like water, ice, or cold/water magic - which can lower the heat and effectiveness of their durability. The Spell also doesn't differentiate between friend and foe, and can easily injure friends or disrupt their magic just as well as the enemies. Too Hot to Handle also poses a significant stamina drain, and can leave the two exhausted afterwards.

For fun, I wrote up Kari's relations.

Remember that she is definitely dead. Totally dead.

Interactions: Anya (@FernStone), Clancy (@Zombiedude101), & Kenshiro (@AtomicEmperor).
Kari's Basement

“You’re the psychopath who planted that tree!”

”She’ll come around,”

Britney couldn't help but roll her eyes at the overly dramatic display Sloane made on her way out. While Britney knew that Sloane wasn't wrong, the action seemed like something some teenager would do. Everyone here was an adult (well, physically, mentally was a whole 'nother discussion). Thus, she turned towards Anya and said,

”... I'm starting to think she likes the attention. She didn't say it softly; she didn't lower her volume at all. She spoke because she couldn't care about that control freak's little feelings or reputation here - Britney was still trying to figure out why she even came here in the first place.

Everyone was starting to clear out from the basement. Britney glanced at Adora, and she was still pulling it together. In a few minutes, Britney would help her up because they couldn't be hanging around in here. The Feds are more than likely watching them as they speak, and Britney doubted Stormy talked them into backing off (it's more likely Stormy was trying to get with the boss ladies than anything). That just left Kenshiro and Clancy.

... And boy, was the latter interesting.

"I'm sorry about your friend. It's shitty. But-.. only Kari would've known how to unlock this thing, right? And you- You said the one who died wasn't your Kari. I'm not saying it's her. Your other friend - Lionel? At the graveyard, I heard him call Father Wolf a 'he.' Yes, I was there when she told you where to go, too, but I don't care about that right now. So far, everyone who's been killed by this asshole has been part of your old group. Unless you still have enemies that aren't dead or gone, that makes it possible that it could be someone who was one of you. Or that someone of you is caught up in this too. Is that Kari? I don't know. But she's part of this now, and if she isn't dead it's obvious she's hiding or being hidden."

”... I don't know why you were acting like I was there,” Britney put a hand on her hip and shrugged. ”If I was there, we would have summoned everyone. It was stupid for them just to pull the spirits of just three people - especially with the inconsistency with Kari. Alas, not everyone can see more than what is before them.

However, Britney's face contorted as she thought about it. Some things weren't adding up, such as patterns Britney was starting to pick up on. The "kid" was mature and sensible for someone who looked to be about ten. What was extra suspicious was how he survived getting shot and just gave a weak-ass "I got better." Is he really a kid? Is he even human? He could just be some Apparition piloting a kid, which is all types of fucked up. The next thing that caught her eye was the kid practically admitting that they were spying on them.

The final nail in the coffin was what he closed with.

"I don't know what you did to people to make them something they're not, but I know what it's like to be on the other side of that." Cold condemnation sat in his gaze. "If you had done that to me, you'd be dead already. But I'm not her. I don't know what's going through their heads."

”Is that a thr-” Britney cut herself off... Chill, Britney. You have to be the reasonable one here. Britney attempted to affirm herself and calm herself down because the last thing this situation needed were more people flying off the handle. Especially against a kid, even though Britney knew if he turned out to be a kid, she would eat her shoe. So, she kept her mouth shut and observed. Nothing good would come from jumping the gun.

However, when Adora felt the need to go off the kid, Britney didn't need to hold her back.

"Oh, my friend... She's a Pactmaker! And the whole reason Emily G. Reed is a bitter, wretched fucking cunt today? It is because of you, Britney Williams. Because if it wasn't for you and your dirty deeds? She'd be a stain on the pavement of St. Portwell. And we'd all be better off for it... Including my fucking Kari! Now what is my fucking life, Britney!? Empty! I have you people! You! And you know what the worst part is? I never would've known were it not for Kari telling me... The only other woman I thought I'd ever be able to open up to truly is gone!"

Britney was silent.

Not a single muscle on her face so much as twitched.

The most stoic expression she ever had as Kenshiro ranted and raved at her... It hurt seeing someone that she thought so highly of come at her neck.

”... You trying to lowkey - but not lowkey - put the blame on whatever you think happened to Kari, on me, Kenshiro? Britney said in a completely monotone tone as she stared at him. Britney was done playing nice and keeping her mouth shut now that Kenshiro had come at her first. She narrowed her eyes at him as she just came out and said it;

”Because you do realize that, considering her abstraction and the pattern in the murders, she is more than likely to be Father Wolf, right? Right?

There it was: the ugly truth in all of its glory. She was putting a target on her back (and it was not the best thing to say to someone who was grieving and emotional), but someone had to say it. Before things could progress further, they were pulled into a Recollection...
Britney returned to reality and sighed.

She wondered why Emily would rear her head now of all times. It was ten years without personally dealing with her, and it turned out that Emily was making all of these moves. And it was all her fault. Britney shook her head, as it was becoming dead straightforward that the Coven would Covento deal with Emily sooner rather than later... and it was only fair for Britney to be the one to put an end to Emily's reign of terror.

However, everyone began warning that 8th Street was about to attack, and Britney couldn't help but-

A massive crash exploded outside, and Britney's eyes shot open as she quickly ran up the stairs. Instead of rushing outside, she glanced through the window to see 8th Street.

... With an undead monstrosity looming over them.

Interactions: Clancy (@Zombiedude101), & Jack (@Blizz)
Kari Wilson's Basement.

Thankfully, nobody bothered Adora while she was nearly ready to fall apart like Kenshiro. She knew that nobody cared. Thus, it was up to her to bring herself back to reality... though it was a pathetic sight for the mighty leader of the Old Coven's powerhouse Trinity, reduced to being curled up in the corner of Kari's basement.

It was not like she had a choice in the matter these days. Her heart fluttered, as she didn't even feel human at this very second.

"Okay... you can do this Adora,..." Adora quietly said to herself between breaths as what everyone was saying was just overwhelming her. She had to focus here, so she affirmed herself. "You're brave, you're loved... You can't fall apart now; you managed to work up the courage to come here. You. Can. Not. Fall. Apart. Now."

With those final words, Adora gathered the strength to push herself to her feet. That wasn't enough because she was still twenty. However, she could stand on two feet as she tried to return to reality. Her pride and ego were too enormous to ask for help, and she tried to focus on the conversation, which faded back into her mind's eye.

"I'm sorry about your friend. It's shitty. But-.. only Kari would've known how to unlock this thing, right? And you- You said the one who died wasn't your Kari. I'm not saying it's her. Your other friend - Lionel? At the graveyard, I heard him call Father Wolf a 'he.' Yes, I was there when she told you where to go, too, but I don't care about that right now. So far, everyone who's been killed by this asshole has been part of your old group. Unless you still have enemies that aren't dead or gone, that makes it possible that it could be someone who was one of you. Or that someone of you is caught up in this too. Is that Kari? I don't know. But she's part of this now, and if she isn't dead it's obvious she's hiding or being hidden."

”... Huh?” Adora raised an eyebrow as she listened to the kid. Typically, Adora wasn't too good with kids—being a woman who does not want any—but a few things in the kid's speech stuck out to her.

"...Yes, I was there when she told you where to go-"

One big thing.

”... Wait, what the fuck do you mean you were there?! Adora seethed, one hand on her chest, the other on the wall. As she took deep breaths, it was probably evident that she was trying to hide that she was coming down from a full-on anxiety attack, but, again, she was just too arrogant to let anyone here think she was showing weakness. As she looked at the kid, something clicked in her head, and she got mad... It was enough to distract her from her trauma for just a moment. ”... I think I saw you at the grocery store the other day, too! Have you been following me?”

She took a few deep breaths and couldn't hold it in any longer. Before, she continued.

”Kid... that is not fucking cute at all!” Adora said, ”That is sick. You're fucking sick. Stay the fuck away from me.”

Was it wrong to say this to a kid? Probably. But, kid or not, Adora was not in the right frame of mind to be reasonable right now, and she was going to put her foot down. Or up this kid's ass.

However, she was pulled into the Recollection...
”What the... fuck...”

Adora hissed as she read the Recollection. As it turned out, Kari (or somebody) attempted to burn the notes that Kenshiro was so obsessed with. What was worse was that Emily was here with her goons... she couldn't recognize a soul there other than Vashti and Greta, but she knew Emily. She was Lisa's bully, and Adora held an irrational hatred towards her. Not only did she harass Kari, but she also looted her house after she died... for some unknown third party. Adora had no clue what was in the notes, but it must be important if Kenshiro and Emily were so obsessed with them - but that raised more questions. Just who could know about the notes? Just who would be willing to pay scumbags like Emily-

However, her line of thought was interrupted.

”... Lynn is almost certain we are about to be attacked by the 8th Street Coven. Be prepared, in case she is right.”

”... JESUS!” Adora's heart damn near jumped out of her chest as she fell to the ground. Jack had appeared out of the goddamn blue and gave this message that went over Adora's head because she was too busy getting her tits scared off - in addition to her other feelings clawing their way back into the fray. Adora grabbed her chest and looked up at Jack, ”... Don't fucking-

She began before realizing that Jack was already gone—crazy bastard.

Adora shook her head, dusting herself off. She knew bits and pieces about 8th Street, but she also knew that she was not equipped—magically or mentally—for a fight right now. However, like the crazy kid said, Emily might know something about what's happening.

That crash signaled that it was time to fight.

The 8th Street Coven.
Interactions: The Entire Coven.
In front of Kari's House.

A massive swirling portal opened above Kari's front yard, and seconds later, something fell through it. It hit the ground with a reverberating boom that created a massive dust cloud that obscured its body, leaving its frightening silhouette peeking through the dust and debris for a few moments. However, once it faded, its horrifying appearance was on full display for everyone present. It was a gigantic, towering monstrosity taller than Kari's house. It dripped with a green-brown liquid as its smell was overpowering. It just stood there...

"... Hi, sluts,"

Emily peaked her head out from its legs with a broad smile and gave everyone looking on a sarcastic wave. That was when she stepped from behind it, and following behind her were George and Vashti, and they formed a line in front of the monster. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Aaron, Flora, and Carol (Who was wearing a hockey mask and had a wooden bat with nails with CAROL'S GIRL crudely drawn on the side), and Maya hiding behind its legs just as planned. All of them were wearing various-colored rain jackets and pouches strapped to their hips, and Emily glanced further behind her and saw a circular ice wall condoning off a section of the yard near the treeline. Then, a transparent dome appeared, and Emily grinned.

A drizzle began sprinkling the area. She pointed to Maya, raised her hand, and said, "Volumne up."

And as instructed, Maya raised the volume of Emily's voice so all of these sluts could hear her. She took a few steps forward, but before she could begin her speech...

"... Yo," Aaron caught her attention, taking some final desperate puffs of his cigarette before Vashti's storm made that impossible. He then pointed at the treeline where Drake Blackmore, Sully McPhearson, and Stormy Carson were - and two other sluts she didn't recognize, but long as they stayed over there, they could die for all Emily cared. Then he pointed at the sky, where Ken was... and Emily grinned. There was one person on Emily's mind, and one person only. They had to buy time first, so she finally began her speech as George stood by her side with his arms crossed and a cocky grin on his face.

"... It's been a while, hasn't it, sluts!?" Emily shouted, her voice loud enough to be heard all over the property. "Missed the reunion... Well, I wasn't invited! Well, I wouldn't have come either way - that unfair treatment I received at the Halloween Festival told me I made the right choice, anyway!"

She looked around, grinning like a fool. As she threw the hood up, the rain fell on her hair. "So, I'm going to be quick and to the point; we're not here to fight you sluts. I'm here for one person, and one person only, Lila Blackwood..."

Carol screamed, stepping from behind the undead monster's leg. Emily just rolled her eyes.

"... And Britney," Emily began, putting a hand on her hip. "So, just hand those two over, and we'll leave you sluts to rob a dead retard's house - do you sluts have any shame or dignity at all?"

After she spoke, she glanced over her shoulder at Aaron... he was their best chance at reacting to any sneak attack these sluts might pull. However, she hoped the other group was doing their job without one of 8th St's leadership around to babysit them... keeping Phoebe and Maya separate was an excellent way to do that.

Emily grinned.

"... Chooooooooooose wisely. Because my patience might run out very fast."

She knew they weren't going to.

And that's where the fun began.
In Kari's Yard by the Treeline...

A considerable distance away, another portal opened, and the first person to step through was Phoebe Carmicheal, holding an empty potion bottle - at the bottom remained some remnants of a glowing blue liquid. When she stepped through, her abstraction was boosted, and she raised her hands and, using her Blizzard-Inferno Spell, erected a massive of ice in an area around them... it was thick enough to stop all but the most powerful abstractions, and if one of them tried shooting through it? They might as well have been throwing pebbles at a tank!

She stepped to the side as the other members of the 8th Street Coven stepped through, starting with Greta Faust, who walked in holding a crate full of glowing potions. Trailing behind her were several of Nadine's minions, also carrying crates full of glowing potions. Then Brianna Wallace, Cynthia, Malik Jakane, and Lee Evans followed through, followed by Nadine, who held a book underneath her shoulder, an oversized rain jacket... and sunglasses. Behind her were two undead minions that weren't carrying supplies but a folding beach chair and a tent. These undead minions erected the tent and unfolded the beach chair. Nadine laid down on it and opened her book... as the Baron materialized beside her.

The last one through was Amy Nakamura, who had the Oni Club strapped to her back and wore a bright yellow rain jacket. He had his hands in her pockets as the portal closed. Brianna raised both hands, and a pillar of light appeared and touched the sky. Out of this beam, a transparent, spinning dome appeared around their makeshift encampment, leaving some space between themselves and Phoebe's ice walls, which was none other than the Teleportation Nulification Veil... one that would ultimately prevent all attempts of teleportation and portal creation.

Lee and Amy stuck close to Brianna, while Malik and Phoebe stuck close to Nadine.

Greta placed the crate down, and Nadine's undead minions pulled out the glowing red potions—Greta's explosive potions—within them and raised them into the air. They walked over to the edge of the teleportation nullification veil, closer to the ice wall, and stood there with the functional hand grenades ready. Greta flipped the crate over, sat on top of it, and pulled out her cell phone—only to notice Cynthia standing over her.

"The Pack Leader told Cynthia to protect Pack Member Greta," she said, getting close. Cynthia will protect Pack Member Greta with life. Eat anyone who gets close to Cynthia and Pack Member Greta."

"Thank you, Cynthia," Greta said. As the rain drizzled over her phone screen, she couldn't help but shake her head. She glanced up at Nadine and Baron. The latter was creating hordes of undead monsters that crowded their section of the makeshift fortress. There had to be dozens already... and Greta glanced over her shoulder and shook her head.

"... She drags us out here for a petty revenge scheme," Greta shook her head. "Don't we have bigger fish to fry right now?"

"Yeah, I know!" Phoebe rolled her eyes, "We could be bullying those Serpent Cult nerds again!"

"Cynthia obeys the pack leader," She said, "Cynthia has no complaints."

"Let's just hope they hand over the bird bitch, so that we can go home," Phoebe smiled. "Speaking of bitch, my bitch is out there!"

"Keep your eyes open," Greta rolled her eyes and wiped her screen. "Someone is bound to try something."

All they needed to do was wait.

Interactions: Luna (@Estylwen), Tayla (@silvermist1116), & Stormy (@Blizz).
Outside Kari's House.

The Recollection faded, and the mere sight of it made Drake wince his head.

Drake had no clue about Kari's notes or what anyone was trying to show him, but he knew that Emily G. Reed had something to do with all of this. He wouldn't be surprised if she were working with Father Wolf or something - that'd be in character for that bitch. Drake shook his head as he focused on what was important: getting Luna the fuck out of here, and he was losing his patience here.

”Listen, I’m not actually angry with you. Sorry if it sounded like it- We can talk about that later, but for now… You saw that too, right?”

”Yeah, I saw that too,” Drake confirmed that he did see it, but ignored the rest of Stormy's theories, because he was hyper-focused on Luna, ”Let's talk about it after we get rid of this spy.”

“How could I face you? You remember how I left. How could I face that again? So, I did what came easy to me. I watched from a distance. I documented the triumphs and tribulations, pretending I was there with you. I watched my family, my home, become rebuilt, and I thought… Maybe it was better this way. It was… easier this way. I realize now it was wrong. It was the wrong way to deal with how I was feeling and unfair to you. Especially given the current… situation. …I'm sorry. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I know why you’re against me. Why you’re against… this. You’ve been burned before, badly, so you’re expecting only bad can come from someone like…”

Drake almost projectile vomited.

This bitch can't be serious! Drake thought to himself as he could only smile at how foolish she was.

“You have every right not to trust me. Heck, I wouldn’t even trust myself. If you want me to leave, I will. But I want it to be put up to a vote.”

Drake immediately created a Voltblade. He kept one eye on Stormy and the other on Sully as he raised it at Luna. ”Nope, I'm good! We're good! You're playing an angle, and we're only going to get burned in the end,” Drake began his speech. ”I don't give a damn what Sully, Stormy, or the rest of the Coven thinks, you got ten seconds to get your ass out of here before I turn you into-”

Drake was interrupted by a giant monster falling from the fucking sky! He immediately whipped his head around towards it, and was about to jump into action... until he saw Emily G. Reed, and her goons - most notably Vashti. While he was drunk off his ass, Drake remembered some of the things that she said about Jade... and it took every ounce of restraint he had not to lung over there and decapitate her. Drake also eyed the fortress that was suddenly erected... the Voltblade disappeared out of Drake's hand, and he narrowed his eyes as he looked at Luna.

”You wanna really back up your big words?” He grinned. ”Go get rid of Emily and her goons for us.”
I decided to adjust Adora's stats a bit with the Trinity Rings.

ONE RING ⫻ Adora's current level. With just one Trinity Ring, Adora receives a slight boost to her physical capabilities. She can lift about 200 pounds with ease, enough to move heavier furniture or carry someone over her shoulder. In terms of durability, she can take a punch or two from a grown man before going down, and it takes more force to cause her harm with a knife or other sharp objects. Her speed increases slightly, allowing her to run a bit faster than usual, but nothing that anyone (not even herself) will be able to notice. The most paranormal aspect of having one ring is her ability to fly, which is quite slow, and anyone can outwalk it at a leisurely pace.

TWO RINGS ⫻ With two rings, Adora's physical capabilities increase dramatically. Her strength allows her to lift around 1000 pounds overhead, and her durability allows her to tank a few strikes from trained fighters and shrug off blunt force trauma far more easily. Adora's sprinting speed reaches about 20 miles per hour, and her flight becomes useful, allowing her to fly at about the same speed she can sprint.

THREE RINGS ⫻ When Adora wears all three Trinity Rings, she gains significantly enhanced abilities, but not to the point of invincibility. Her strength allows her to lift about 2000 pounds overhead, meaning she can move smaller vehicles with some strained effort. Her durability allows her to tank blows from trained fighters like it's nothing, but she's not impervious to damage. Adora's sprinting speed increases to around 30 miles per hour, and her flight speed reaches a maximum of 60 miles per hour.

Now, after adding the locations, I figured I'd rewrite the description of St. Portwell because I wasn't happy with it. Thus, I provided a full on description that should better describe the layout and vibe of the city + Along with adding a whole new section for locations unrelated to the factions.

So, I've been doing some updates to some of the NPC sheets, and I also came up with three new ones. Below are the updated sheets... Judas and Ruby got the big updates (I wrote their description and changed some of Ruby's spells), but I also completely changed Lynette's abstraction and did some major updates to Jacqueline's so that nobody can speedrun the story.

Oh yeah, I made three new NPCs. They're cool. Go look at them.

I also wrote up various Joint-Casting concepts based off of conversations on discord and ideas... these are not final and I'm willing to make edits.

In addition, you all are more than welcome to write some of your own. And by that I mean I want you all to do it.


Lisa shouted, chasing after Ella with her hands outstretched.


Ella yelled back, jumping between the beds with the laptop in her arms. It was playing some anime, which Ella seemed to be trying to watch while running away from Lisa.

Saskia watched all of this from the desk chair, feeling her remaining sanity quickly slipping away. She couldn’t handle this. Lisa had been chasing Ella around for at least five minutes! But it felt like a century! Her head hurt.

"I’m going out," Saskia said, standing abruptly. "For snacks. Want anything?"

"Ooo, some sweetheart candy, and lollipops!" Ella said cheerfully, still running away from Lisa.

”... Don’t make me get out the spiders!” Lisa shouted.

"Not the spiders!" Ella screamed.

Saskia rolled their eyes. Whatever. She’d just buy a bunch of chocolate, and whatever was most pink from the vending machine, with the ten dollar bill she had in her pocket. She quietly left the room… without a keycard, but eh, they’d probably let her in. There wasn’t a vending machine on their floor, which was annoying… but meant she could be out for longer. She hummed to herself as she walked down the corridor towards the elevator- swiveling around it and going down the stairs instead.

She didn’t like feeling trapped. And it was nice and quiet here.

Down on the ground floor, it wasn’t that long of a walk to a vending machine. It had pitiful options, and absolutely nothing that would fit Ella’s cuteness criteria, but whatever. She pulled out the crumpled ten dollar note (haha British) as she thought about what to get.

A woman—a tall Caucasian lady with long brown hair—wearing jeans and a white button-up—walked up and seemingly walked by…

… However, Saskia felt what had to be a pistol press against the back of her head as the woman came to a stop. “Saskia Otten,” She said, “You are going to follow my instructions to the letter, or I will blow your head off, then your friends are next.”

She pressed the pistol harder against the back of her head, then said, “… Are we clear?”

"... Clear," Saskia said without any change in expression, slowly putting her hands up. Her gaze stayed fixed on the vending machine, and the chocolate she wasn’t going to get to eat. She felt a little sad. "I’m very obedient."

The woman stuck her hand out, “Jewelry, accessories, whatever, put them all in my hand.”

Saskia sighed, because it was an absolute pain. They took off their four rings, multiple bracelets (including their channeler), and a chain necklace. They then gestured to their four piercings. "Do you want my earrings too?"

She pressed the pistol even harder against her head. “All of it.”

"Alright," Saskia rolled her eyes, reaching up to take out the four earrings and put them in her hand. "There you go."

The mysterious lady put it all in her pocket, “… Your channeler is in there, right?”

"Yeah, it's the death note bracelet," they said as if she'd know which one that was.

The woman quickly shuffled through her pocket until she found it. However, with the bracelet around her finger, she patted Saskia down. The first thing she pulled out was Saskia’s knife, and the next thing she pulled out was Saskia’s phone. She dropped them both to the ground and kicked them under the vending machine.

“... You can get those back later,” She softly said. “Now you are going to to turn to the left, and walk down the stairs until we get to the ground level. Then we are going out through a side door, where a car will be waiting for us.”

She explained,

“That meeting you interrupted the other day… Those people want to have a talk with you.”

”Oh, how nice," was all Saskia said. It made sense. The other group, Dollhouse, was dangerous. Of course they wouldn't be happy about them interrupting.

Saskia did exactly as the woman had said, going back to the stairwell and walking down the stairs to the ground floor. She pushed through the side door and took a deep breath of the outdoor air it felt like she'd not felt in a long time. Being stuck in a room with Ella and Lisa had that effect. She then squinted, looking for the car she was going to be shoved into.

A black Cadillac Escalade pulled up, and the woman stepped in front of Saskia, keeping the pistol aimed at her, and threw the door open.

“Get in.”

”I'm not going to run, you can put the gun down," Saskia rolled their eyes. After all… this was the most fun she'd had since laying low again. Should she be scared? Definitely. Was she? Not right now.

She got in the car very calmly, immediately going to do her seatbelt. Safety was very important. ”So… what torture methods are you planning to use on me?"

“… Hopefully none,” Shayton sat in the front seat, with both hands on the wheel.

“What do we think we are?” The woman asked as she got in next to Saskia. Still aiming the gun at her. “Animals?”

The woman’s body changed, changing shape as if she was a liquid. When she finished the transformation she looked the exact same as that woman who accompanied the Dollhouse leadership in the meeting.

“We’re better than that,” Shayton said.

The woman smiled, “… Are we?”

“Boss isn’t that pissed anyway,” Shayton shrugged as he hit the gas pedal and started driving. “So that’s one thing you have in your favor.”

”Aw, I was looking forward to it," Saskia said in a tone that made it really difficult to tell if they were joking or not. They looked out the window for a moment, then back at the gun. ”Is that for intimidation? I'm already in the car. I'm not jumping out without my channeller. Do you know how hard it is to find that bracelet now?"

She paused. ”Shouldn't you blindfold me so I don't know where we're going?"

“One, you can use magic without a channeler, so we’re making sure you don’t try anything funny, and two, it doesn’t matter either way,” The woman kept her eyes on Saskia. “Now, I have a question for you, Saskia Otten…”

She narrowed her eyes and asked.

SO GA, does that ring a bell at all?” She raised an eyebrow.

”No," Saskia tilted their head, eyes narrowing slightly. SO GA… was it some kind of code? SO were her initials, but why? ”Should it?"

“… That’s your name on their little memorial,” The woman said. “I have always been interested in the work of the Sycamore Tree Coven… I personally confirmed the deaths of every name on that memorial, including your three litle friends. So...”

She tilted her head, “... Why are you here? Are you just a shapeshifter assuming Saskia Otten’s identity?”

Oh. Of course, there was a memorial. If this woman could connect that to her specifically… she must know quite a lot. Why even bother kidnapping her?

”No shapeshifter could replicate my incredible wit," Saskia said in an incredibly dull tone. ”I’m the same Saskia on that memorial and I'm here because I really love killing shitty bastards."

They then pointed a finger at the woman, very bluntly saying, ”But who are you? I don't recognise you."

“You wouldn’t,” the woman answered. "My name is Shaquita Walker. I am a Green-Lux user just like you.”

She paused, “Green-Lux doesn't let you come back to life and the Hound gets pissy about resurrections. So how did you come back?”

"The Hound himself brought me back," Saskia shrugged. There weren't exactly any other reasons she could give or come up with, especially to another Green-Lux user. From what she remembered, even Black-Lux couldn't properly resurrect someone. ”He wouldn't get pissed at himself. That's all I know."

Bullshit,” Shaquita said.

“... I have a feeling she’s not lying.”

“Stay out of this, Shayton,” Shaquita answered, looking to the front seat.

Fine.” Shayton shrugged.

“... Why did the Hound bring you back?” Shaquita asked. “I did extensive research on your Coven, and there were far better options for him to revive than you.” She narrowed her eyes.

"Wow, that hurts," Saskia said, holding a hand to her chest. She didn’t look particularly upset. "You’re right, we weren’t the best. Someone called in a favour. He wouldn’t say anymore, believe me or not. Feel free to torture me to prove it."

“I might,” Shaquita said.

The car eventually, seemingly, left the bounds of Mirage Springs and drove into the Nevada desert. However, the SUV pulled into the parking lot of an abandoned gas station.

“Can you get the door, Shayton?” Shaquita asked as she pulled out her phone with her free hand. As asked, Shayton got out of the car and opened it, staring at Saskia as he said,

“... Get out.”

”Ohh, are there any vending machines here?" Saskia asked as she got out, hands stuffed into her trouser pockets. She looked around and grimaced. The desert was not for her. "I hope you’re not planning to leave me here."

“Shut up,” Shaquita said as she got out of the car and pulled out her cell phone. She lowered her pistol…

“... You’re not getting away from Shayton if you try anything funny,” Shaquita said as she put the cell phone to her ear. “We’re at the spot.”

Then hung up the phone. A few moments later, a swirling purple portal opened up in front of them. Shaquita pointed at it.

Wow, these guys were really boring. Maybe this wasn’t going to be the fun break from their two friends fighting that Saskia thought it was. They shrugged, and stepped through the portal. They were greeted to a dark room… The portal closed behind them.

The light switched on.

The first thing Saskia saw was Luis and Henrich.


Natalie screamed as she bashed Saskia in the face with the butt of an AK-47, knocking her out completely.

“... I had the situation under control,” Shaquita could be heard saying. “There was no need to do that.”

‘Under control’?” Natalie snorted. “Bitch had free reign to do whatever she wanted to!”

“She was cooperating,” Shayton said.

“Again. She. Has. Magic.” Natalie said, “What is this? Amateur hour?

“... Is that also why you felt the need to strip her naked?” Shayton said.

“Motherfucker you saw that other bitch!” Natalie shouted. “You know! The one that had the fire demon sealed in her panties!? I’m not taking chances.”

“... She’s waking up,” Saskia heard the cold whisper of Heinrich.

“Ooooooooooh!” Natalie laughed, as she turned towards Saskia, “Rise n’ shine, lil’ bitch!”

Saskia was, like they said, completely nude, with their hands binded by chains - which were hanging them from the ceiling. Natalie walked over to Saskia and said, “... How’s it hangin’?” She laughed.

Saskia slowly opened their eyes, squinting. Fuck, their head hurt. Didn’t seem to be bleeding. They were much more bothered by their lack of clothes than anything else- a hint of discomfort crossed their cold eyes.

”It’s just great," they intoned, twisting their wrists to check the chains. Of course, they could actually get out of them if they really wanted to by breaking their wrists… But that wasn’t worth it. ”Shame is an interesting form of torture. Effective. What else do you have planned?"

They almost seemed… excited?

“Well,” Natalie laughed, putting her hands in front of her and smiling like she was containing laughter. “For starters, we’re going to figure out why the fuck you thought it was cute to interrupt our million-dollar deal!”

“Then we’re going to figure out what you can do to make it up to us,” Luis said, leaning against a nightstand with his arms crossed.

That too,” Natalie said, before she walked over to Saskia, grabbed her side, and gave her a little spin. “So… let’s get to know each other…”

”Righhhhhtttt," Saskia said, voice elongated with the spin. They winced slightly. It would be more fun if they got out really torture devices… ah well. ”Well, my name’s Saskia Otten. I was dead for ten years. Bled to death, really fun. I’d honestly recommend it if you want a once in a lifetime experience."

“Been there, done that,” Luis rolled his eyes.

They shrugged as best they could. ”It was less about you, more about the other side."

“Oh, you mean those Society retards?” Natalie laughed. “I mean, I don’t like them either, but they got money and resources. So we make due.”

“I’m still trying to figure out why you’re back,” Shaquita said, narrowing her eyes and putting a hand on her hip.

Luis smiled.

... Even if she doesn’t tell us, time will tell,” He answered.

“Not important!” Natalie said as she walked up to Saskia, and squeezed her lips with her thumb and index finger. “Lemme tell you about us, sweetheart.” She laughed, raising a finger to her face.

“Dollhouse? Unlike those Society dumbasses, we don’t fuck around!” Natalie laughed. “Oh! Let me ask ya’ a question! Take a guess on how we found you so easily?”

”He," Saskia looked at Shayton, ”injected one of my friends with a tracker. Or maybe both- it’s not something that’ll kill them, is it?"

“Bingo!” Natalie laughed, then her expression went flat. “... Sort of.” She shrugged.

“... I slipped it in your two little girlfriends' pockets,” Shayton piped up. “Neither of you noticed.”

”They’re too busy fighting over a laptop," Saskia muttered. It wasn't like she'd felt up Lisa and Ella since the fight.

Luis pushed off the nightstand, and folded his arms behind his back, “But, we can forget about this… It's not like we can’t meet the Society later.” He spoke as he walked over to Saskia.

“How about we make a deal?” He said before he spun Saskia.

“... That's weirdly fun, right?!” Natalie laughed.

“Will this deal involve putting her clothes back on?” Shayton tilted his head.

“Why are you acting like you ain't seen a naked bitch?” Natalie laughed.

”I would appreciate clothes being part of the deal," Saskia said drily. ”Even a sheet. But sure, let me hear this deal."

“Maybe if you accept,” Natalie scoffed.

Luis clapped both of his hands together.

“We assist you…” Luis grinned. “... In your fight against the Society.”

”Oh?" Saskia tilted their head. That did sound like a good deal, on the surface. She was sure Ella would take it immediately if offered. ”And what do I do in return?"

They were silent.

“Eliminate Morningstar!” Natalie shouted. “It's that easy.”

”... Huh?" Saskia's eyes widened just slightly. That seemed too easy. ”What’s the catch."

“Well, how do I say there is no catch?” Natalie tilted her head. “Baaaaaaaaasically, Morningstar? He’s bad news. And while we are scumbags: at least we won’t lie to your face.”

"He is awful," Saskia agreed. She didn't really trust them - she wasn't the trusting sort. But they needed help with Morningstar, and if they didn't kill him they'd be dead again anyway. Plus this lot could've very easily killed her. "We plan to kill him anyway, so that's an easy deal to agree with- assuming there's no catches. And you keep my friends out of it."

Her lips then twisted down into an almost mournful look. "I lost the drawing of what we plan to do to Morningstar, it was very good… Maybe I can recreate it?"

“Whatever you plan on doing,” Shayton said. “Make sure it is solid.”

“We have something that can turn the tide in your little fight,” Natalie said, nodding her head at Shaquita - who walked out of the room for a moment, and then came back with a suitcase, which she opened and Natalie put on a thick leather glove, before she pulled out a orange gem wrapped in a necklace, and held it with her thumb and index finger. “This is just a random ass rock. Nothing important about it. It’s definitely not the incredibly powerful and dangerous Orange Stone.”

”Right, so normal you need a thick glove to hold it," Saskia said drily. They narrowed their eyes at it. Whatever it was, they'd take it and use it because they needed to… but they definitely wouldn't let Ella or Lisa touch it. For their safety. "Orange Stone as in orange lux, abstraction boosting? Or does it do something else?"

“It makes your abstraction sooooooo much stronger, like you might be able to topple buildings,” Natalie said. “Except… if you use it too much, you’ll become consumed by your abstraction.”

She grinned, “So, use it wisely. Lest you want to become a rampaging monster.”

”I see, sounds fun, I've always wanted to be a monster," Saskia said nonchalantly. She planned to use it very carefully, though. And she definitely wasn’t going to give it to the other two. If anyone was going to risk their sanity, it should be her. ”But of course, I’ll use it wisely… to kill Morningstar."

They then looked up at the chains still around their wrists. ”Since we’ve made a deal, can I get out of these? And get some clothes. Ah, if you want to see something fun, I can get out myself."

“We got you,” Natalie said, before turning to her bodyguard. “... Shaquita!”

The silent woman stuck her hand out, and a bladed tendril made out of flesh came out of her hand, and sliced through the chains, letting Saskia drop to the ground. Shayton walked over, holding her clothes neatly folded, and presented it to them.

“I'm sorry about that,” Shayton said. :The bosses wanted to make sure you weren’t hiding any artifacts.”

Natalie spun the Orange Stone around her finger. “Before we give this to you, two things!”

She raised one finger, “One, this conversation never happened. You never got this from us. Where would you have gotten this from? Who the fuck knows! Figure it out.”

Then she raised a second finger, “And two, when Morningstar is defeated. You return this to us… we’ll find you.” She smiled.

”You better be quick about it, the Hound might want us back right after," Saskia shrugged. They very quickly got dressed, immediately feeling more comfortable… if a bit disappointed that this talk had been more boring than they expected. The only cool thing was the bladed flesh tendril at the end. ”Agreed. Making something up is easy… ah, do I get my Channeler back too?"

Shaquita dug into her pocket and threw the Death Note bracelet at Saskia.

Saskia caught it and put it on. They twirled it around their wrist a couple of times. All good, still their Channeler. ”It was nice meeting you all, even if you could do with better methods of torture. If you'd been trying to get me to talk you wouldn't have gotten anywhere."

Natalie laughed as she glanced at Heinrich.

“Oh, we could have gotten you to talk, sugar,” Natalie laughed. As a swirling purple portal appeared behind Saskia, Luis scribbled something on a notepad. Then he shoved it into Saskia’s hand. Then Natalie handed her The Orange Stone.

Then Natalie shoved Saskia through the portal.

“... Hugs and kisses!” Natalie shouted. Before the portal closed, and Saskia was right outside the Holiday Inn where they took them.

Saskia sighed. She put the necklace around her neck and under her shirt, and looked at the note. An address… with a handy note that it was Morningstar's lair. Handy, but a bit of a pain to explain. She shoved it back in her pocket and headed inside. She went to the vending machine first, collecting her phone and knife. Then… she bought the chocolate bar she'd been really craving. Munching it, she went back up to her floor. Ah. She didn't have a key card.

With another sigh, Saskia loudly knocked on the door.

Lisa opened the door… the laptop in one hand. And Ella bonded and gagged with spiderwebs in the background. Lisa smiled.

”... Where were you! We were worried sick! Did you get lost?! Did you cut yourself on all that edge again?!”

Saskia looked past Lisa to the bound Ella, then back at her as if it was nothing strange, stepping into the room. "Yes, I lost so much blood that I got dizzy and fell over near the vending machine. When I came too I had this mysterious stone and handy note on me."

She pulled out the address and showed the Orange Stone.

Oooooooooooooooh! Lisa looked on with wonder. ”... What is it?”

"Well I feel stronger with it on, so an abstraction booster, maybe," Saskia shrugged. "Finders keepers, so it's mine."

”Well, sure!” Lisa shrugged, before she grinned, looking over her shoulder at Ella. ”Let’s watch anime alllllllllllllllll night long! But with our headphones on, so Ella can’t hear it!”

Saskia nodded with a small, evil smile. "Perfect, I know just the one… it's got loads of gore. Very fun."

Ella struggled in the background, eyes filled with despair.

Interactions: Luna (@Estylwen), Sully (@Atrophy), Tayla (@silvermist1116), & Stormy (@Blizz).
Treetops Outside Kari's House.


Drake screamed as he was slammed to the ground. It felt like his entire spinal cord was about to shoot out of his ass at four-hundred miles per hour. Like it felt like he was going to break in half under Sully's giant ass body. It was a conscious effort to not electrocute him, but as stupid as he was right now, he couldn't do that to the homie! Sully's large and sweaty body was on top of him, pinning him down; it felt like the Old Coven for a second! However, after a second, Drake came to.

”... Get off me, you big motherfucker! Jesus! You trying to kill your boy!?” Drake bitched and moaned until Sully finally got up off of him. Thus, Drake shook his head and then dusted himself off. He didn't know where his sunglasses flew off, but he had to complain some mo,re, ”... And this is my favorite jacket, too!”

Drake scanned the ground and found his sunglasses in some leaves. He picked them up and cleaned them with his shirt (he was doing laundry tonight anyway) before putting them back on his face. Stormy and Sully were defending Luna, despite it all, and it was pissing Drake the fuck off. Really? These two would instead turn their back on the squad for a literal traitor?! The time after the Stygian Snake made them soft and foolish, but not Drake. At least Tayla - who he knew didn't like him - had the sense to take his side.

"I think we would've caught Father Wolf sooner if it was this easy to capture her,"

”... Let me repeat myself since the last time didn't land,” Drake shook his head, trying his best not to look like he was about to attack again. Sully? Drake could be without magic, but Stormy? He was a whole-ass powerhouse, and Drake didn't have many tricks to counter his own other than outmaneuvering him outright. ”... There are different groups out here we can't fuck around when we're dealing with them.”

“You fucked off and left this coven in ruins; you have no right to say anything about trust and not to trust. You think I don't know about your habits when you fell away? Huh?!”

”Bet you think murder, extortion, and whatever the fuck else your corny-ass mob does is a 'Good habit', right?” Drake laughed, crossing his arms. He ignored the part about Tayla because whatever she did, that's in the past, and he hoped she'd be a better person now. ”And you do realize you're basically admitting you've really been stalking us, right? And you want us to trust you.”

He shook his head before he looked at Stormy, ”I was wrong, Storm-man. There's no way this idiot is Father Wolf.”

“This isn't fucking fair. I'm just trying to help you. Don't you know I have friends that can help with your little problem?”

“And Luna, while you should’ve just come up to the house instead of hiding in the bushes like a bashful little wallflower, it’s my bad that Drake ended up giving you the lightning lasso. We got a little riled up back there. Hell, I thought you were Tayl-uhhhh, anyway, look, I’m sure this is all just some big misunderstanding that we’ll all be laughing about in minutes. So why don’t we all go back inside and carry out this conversation where there’s a nice, comfy sofa and Aislin’s bong?”

"I know you've been drinking a little too much if you think taking her back to the house is a good idea. Didn't I just say she's off? That she has malicious intent? He shocked her ass for a reason. Let's not pretend she isn't dangerous just because we can defend ourselves. We shouldn't invite trouble. We have enough going on as is. Tsukino, fuck off back to your gang and forget we ever existed."

Drake shook his head at Sully. The dude has been huffing the same shit Auri has, hasn't he? Sunshine and friendship don't rule the world, and Drake was not going to trust Luna in any capacity even if Auri listens to her.

”Look, Luna, we don't want your help. You weren't trustworthy ten years ago, and you're even less trustworthy now,” Drake said, lowering his head and then shaking it. ”Fedboy was one thing, but I'm not going to stand by here and let you worm your way back in here.”

He glanced at Tayla before he turned to Luna and pointed at her, ”So... Turn your wings on, fly away, and never come back. Because if I catch you again, it's-”

That was when everyone at Kari's house was pulled into a Recollection...

... Oh God, not again! Drake shouted.

Recollection: The 8th Street Coven.
Interactions: None.
Kari's House. During Kari's funeral.

The Recollection began…

During Kari Wilson’s funeral… her house was peaceful. The warmth of the halls was still there despite its two inhabitants' unfortunate and tragic deaths. A few family members of Kari went through the place, but the plans were not to put the house up for sale, at least for now. So, it remained unperturbed, perhaps out of some form of honor of Kari’s memory.

A memory that was spat upon when an almost heavenly bright yellow portal exploded open in the main hall, right behind the front door. The first person to step through was Emily G. Reed herself; she stepped through and put her hands on her hips as she looked over her shoulder… as the rest of 8th Street came through the portal.

“Disturb as little as possible,” Emily commanded. “Remember… we were never here.

8th St went to work as Emily remained near Vashti, then shouted, “Find Kari’s notes! You-know-who is paying big money for them!”

As everyone scattered, Emily turned to Vashti and crossed her arms, smiling.

“... It’s a real shame what happened to that slut, Kari, ain’t it?” Emily asked, holding back laughter. “She should have taken my offer while she had the chance! Maybe her stupid ass would still be alive!”

“Huh?” said Vashti, popping her head out of the closet she was rummaging through with a long knitted coat in her hand.

“Oh, yeah, bro. Like, major bummer,” said Vashti somberly as she began to snake her arms through the sleeves of the coat. An excited squeal erupted from her mouth as she did a little spin and flashed the inside of the coat to Emily as if she were selling stolen watches. “Look at these pockets! They’re huge!” Another excited gasp burst forth as she grabbed around to try to find a nonexistent tag. “I think this is homemade!”

“… Vashti, we’re not supposed to leave any evidence we were here,” Emily facepalmed. “… Put that ratty coat back, you’re about to burst out of it anyway!”

Ffffffine.” Vashti threw her head back with a sigh and marched back to the closet like a tin soldier. After a struggle to get her arms out of the sleeves she slung it over a hanger, which it promptly fell off of the moment she shut the closet door. “But have you not watched a true crime show, dude? Nobody’s even wearing gloves. We’re leaving evidence all over.”

Vashti began drumming her fingers against anything within reach to emphasize her point

“… I mean evidence as in if any of Kari's thug family comes in, there’s no obvious signs someone was rummaging through here,” Emily crossed her arms then rolled her eyes.

“I thought Kari’s family was mostly social workers,” said Vashti, thumbing through a stack of unopened mail left on the entrance table. She held up a piece of mail addressed to Elsa Conner over her shoulder. “Oh man, do you know what’s fucked up, bro? Kari probably knew when Elsa was gonna eat it. I wonder if she was too scared to tell her. Wow, how tragic.”

However, she didn’t sound too upset about it. If anything she was kind of amused.

“You know, I asked Kari to read our auras a little while ago,” said Vashti, her voice lowering as she looked back at Emily with slitted eyes. “Do you wanna know how much time you have left?”

“I don’t, in fact,” Emily rolled her eyes. “It was probably as accurate as that dumbass Lynn’s “predictions”.” Emily finger-quoted.

Before she smiled and did a little twirl.

“... I’m going to live forever.”

“And get all old and crusty? Yuck!” Vashti made gagging sounds. “I’m trying to leave the hottest corpse possible.”

Maya had run off upstairs immediately, and ended up in the bedroom of one of the two girls. She didn’t know which, she didn’t care which, she just wanted to get shit done so she could get out of her and sleep. She immediately started going through the bedroom drawers- stopping at the second one.

“Holy shit, one of them wore nice as fuck underwear!” Maya pulled out a black, lacy thong with a grin. “This shit is expensive! I bet she hid it in here, too, everyone hides secret stuff in their underwear drawer.”

“What the fuck?! Maya!” Emily shouted as she teleported directly into the bedroom in a burst of flames. “Put that back before you catch herpes or something!”

Maya smirked, holding up the thong and holding it out towards Emily. “Ohhh, Emily, I’m flattered~ You think I don’t have herpes already?”

Emily’s jaw dropped as she stared at Maya in horror.

“... Make sure I never eat anything you cook ever again!” She shouted, pointing at Maya. “... Also, go and see if Greta can make something for that!”

Before she teleported back to Vashti.

“Heh, sucker, I always use protection,” Maya said quietly, smirking. She then shouted, “Hey, Phoebe, want to come try on Kari’s underwear! It looks clean!”

“… Sure!” Phoebe shouted as she ran in and slammed the door shut behind her. “Gaaaaawd damn, these are huge!”

“Oh man, I thought my ass might be big enough to fit in them, but you’re right,” Maya shook her head and raked through the drawer a bit more. She pulled out a nice looking, red lace bra and held it up against herself. “Ooo, maybe this one?”

“Come oooooon, Maya!” Phoebe laughed. “You know that’s way too big for you.”

"It's so hard being small," Maya pouted. "Maybe I could stuff it with some socks…"

“Boss! Boss! Come here!” Carol shouted, and Emily quickly ran back and ended up outside. Outside stood Carol Doyle, and behind her was George with his arms crossed. There was an old tin trash can right next to her. In her hands were the scattered ashes of some burnt papers. Carol had a wide grin as a magic blue tint surrounded them, and time was reversed until they were good as new.

Emily walked over with a smile and grabbed the papers. She laughed, raising it in the air.

“We got it!”

Vashti emerged from the house wearing Kari’s coat again, the pockets now bulging with makeup, hair products, and medications. A patchwork blanket was draped over her shoulders and her eyes blurred behind a pair of thick glasses. She hummed with delight as she sucked on a spoon, a pint of coffee flavored ice cream in her hand.

“Oh thank god,” said Vashti through a mouthful of ice cream. She pushed the glasses up to her forehead, “I think all this searching was giving me a headache.”

“… Put all that shit back!” Emily shouted.

“Here this one’s vanilla. Your favorite, bro,” said Vashti, pulling a pint out of the coat and offering it to Emily as a bribe.

Emily stared at it.

It ignited with Hellfire, turning in a bright red torch with screaming faces. Vashti was so used to Emily’s hair trigger that she didn’t even flinch. She just tossed the flaming ice cream tub up in the sky. It burned to ashes in seconds. She stuck out her tongue like she was trying to catch a snowflake and frowned when all she tasted was ash. What a waste of ice cream.

“I don’t get why you just don’t burn the whole house down,” said Vashti, dumping out some of the contents of her pockets and snapping a finger at a couple of 8th street goons.

“Hey dudes, you heard the boss. Go put this shit back,” she said with a wink. She turned back to Emily, “So what’s in Kari’s manifesto?”

“Oh man, wait, we gotta put shit back?” Maya had just walked out of the house in time to hear what Vashti said. She’d stuffed a whole bunch of makeup products that Vashti hadn’t taken in her bag (and underwear).

Emily’s face went red. Before she politely stated.

Emily’s vociferous roar could probably be heard further than she wanted. “Almost every other day, we rob way better people… of way better shit! Kari was just a regular dumb slut! Jesus!”

“It’s wrong to be wasteful, bro…”

“Who gives a fuck!?” Emily shouted. “We’re about to get paid enough so you all can afford shit a million times better than what the whore could afford!”

At this point, Jacqueline and Miranda came out of the house hand-in-hand. They both wore sunglasses and wide-brimmed straw hats (which belonged to Kari). Eating popsicles, they also stole.

“See, even your sisters think it’s a good idea!” Maya pointed to them. “Not like she’s going to use it! Plus, you never let us use the stuff we steal.”

“That’s because you dumbasses like to do dumb shit with it…” Emily facepalmed before shouting, “EVERYONE! Put everything back! We were never here! I don’t care! Put it back!”

“Erm, bud wuddabouda ishream?” asked Vashti through another mouthful of ice cream, looking down at the nearly empty pint in her hand. She swallowed and put her hand to her head in pain at the immediate brain freeze. You even destroyed one, bro. Her family will already know that someone’s been here.”

“Matter fact, just drop it!” Emily said, “Brianna open a portal! Everyone put everything down, I will put it back myself!”

As instructed, everyone put their stolen goods down and Brianna opened a portal. Emily walked over to it and pointed at it.

“Everyone inside!” She shouted.

With some grumbling, 8th St retreated into the portal. However, when Carol stepped through, Emily grabbed her by the shoulder and said,

“Not you, we gotta fix this!”

Fffffffffuck! I always gotta clean up after you all!” Carol shouted. “Fine…” she rolled her eyes.

The Recollection ended.

The 8th Street Coven.
Interactions: None.
The 8th Street Manor.

Earlier that day…

In 8th Street’s main hall, Emily had zipped up a bright neon-green rain jacket… heavy-duty that could withstand the storms and prevent Emily from getting wet. All of 8th Street was putting them on, along with a gas mask pouch around their hip. as Emily stood over a large blank sheet of paper that she had over their main hall table. She held a black marker in her hand as she gestured for 8th Street to get closer and announced, “Alright… everyone listen up!”

“What’s all this for?” Miranda asked, her eyebrow raised in curiosity. “Are we going to rob someone again…?” She punctuated her question with a sigh.

“This is our battle plan to put those sluts in their place,” Emily grinned widely. “We’re going to march right up to where those sluts are and take Lila right in front of them to show them how much power they have....”

“And Britney?” Carol piped up… already wearing a gas mask, which muffled her voice.

“... And Britney,” Emily said with a roll of her eyes. “And take that gas mask off!”

“No! It makes me look cool as fuck!” Carol laughed.

“Take. It. Off.” Emily seethed.

“Fine, Jesus…” Carol grumbled as she removed the gas mask and put it back in her pouch.

“Wait, you can’t be serious, Em,” Jacqueline’s face contorted to shock. “You started that!”

“I just made a mistake,” Emily shook her head. “Lila attacked me. Not only that, I got jumped by them when I was walking to the bathroom because I just so happened to have the Chalice on me—oh, that reminds me, we’re coming back with Drake and Kenshiro, too!” She grinned.

“Well, count me out,” Miranda shook her head. “You were in the wrong, and we’re not participating in it.”

“Yeah, count us both out,” Jacqueline said. “If that’s what you want to do today, we want no part of that.”

Fine,” Emily rolled her eyes. “Before you go, tell us where those sluts are.”

Jacqueline sighed, rolled her eyes, opened the Expert’s Book, and scanned it for a moment before she said,

“... They’re at Kari’s house,” Jacqueline shook her head before she turned and walked off with Miranda in tow. When Jacqueline made it to the door, she stood at it for a moment and said, “Let us know how that goes.” She slammed the door.

Emily didn’t react.

“Everyone of you slams doors, dude. Your parents, I swear,” said Vashti, shaking her head as she rummaged around with her pouch.

“Kari’s house…” She tapped the marker against her chin. “... What are those sluts doing at her house?” She asked out loud.

“Probably taking all the cool stuff we left, bro,” said Vashti, her voice muffled by a gas mask.

Emily facepalmed as Vashti removed the gas mask, using the reflective lenses to check her hair.

“... Vashti,” Emily began, taking her hand from her face. “Have those annoying strippers gotten back to you yet? We need them for our plan.”

“Huh? I thought you wanted me to stop inviting strippers after that last time when Cynthi-ooooooh! You mean V and P? Oh, yeah, totally, let me just check real quick, I definitely remembered to reach out to them. Highest priority, really,” said Vashti as she fumbled with her phone, her thumbs a blur. The swooshing sound effect of a text being sent played through her phone’s speakers. “Oh, weird, no, nothing yet. Don’t worry, I’ll keep them in the loop.”

Vashti nonchalantly tossed her phone onto the table and returned to doodling on her gas mask with a white permanent marker.

“You know it’s funny, bro. Between V and P the names should really be the other way around. What with the…” Vashti made a hole with her finger and poked the marker through it, making a loud popping noise with her mouth. She returned to drawing a tiny cartoon alligator and then paused, turning her head to Emily. “Wait, what were we talking about?”

Emily facepalmed again.

“... Jesus, Christ on a cross, Vashti, I love you, girl, but can we foc-

The door was kicked open.


Violet screamed as she walked in, wearing a black hoodie… but her exposed legs made it ambiguous whether or not she was wearing anything else. She danced as Pink followed behind her and briefly shook her ass.
“It’s been a while, my lovelies!” Violet screamed as she walked. “What’s the haps!?”

“Yaaaaaaaaaaas!” Phoebe laughed as she ran over and hugged Violet. “Where the fuck were you?! You know it’s boring as fuck here without you.”

Hey, that’s not what you were saying earlier!” Maya complained, scowling at Phoebe.

“We have jobs.”

“Shaking ass isn’t a job,” Phoebe laughed.

“Well, tell that to the people throwing them hundreds, yaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Violet looked at Emily and Vashti. “... Am I missing something?”

“A gas mask? Emily, what are we doing? I already handled the Lila situation,” said Vashti, kicking her legs up on the uncharted battle plans and rocking back dangerously in her chair. “Do you know how hard it is to catch birds, bro?”

“Vandalizing her house isn’t enough,” Emily answered, “I want her dead!”

“... And Britney, right?” Carol asked, with the gas mask back on.

“... And Britney. Both of them. Dead.”

Vashti stared through Carol with vacant eyes that suddenly widened in panic as her chair began to slip. She barely caught the table's edge with her hand to stop herself from falling. Without a moment of hesitation, she resumed rocking in the chair. Vashti nonchalantly gestured at Violet, “So that's the plan.”

Violet stuck her tongue out and posed, kneeling and putting her hands on her shins.

“That's the plan?!” Maya looked up from filling Phoebe’s gas mask with sand, narrowing her eyes. “I thought we were just going to shout at them, kidnap them, torture them, and then send them back with their tails between their legs.”

Emily facepalmed again.

“... She’s not the plan,” Emily seethed as she pointed at Pink - who also stuck her tongue out, knelt over, and put her hands on her shins. “She’s the plan… the escape plan in case things go south or if Agent Liao forgets our deal….”

Emily shook her head as she leaned over the table with the marker in hand… then quickly bent over and scratched out Vashti’s drawing before she stood up straight and said.

“But, if those sluts are at Kari’s house…” She trailed off, tapping the bottom of the marker against her chin a few times. “Everyone gather around!”

She grinned.

“... I have the perfect plan in store for those sluts. Now, Cynthia, Amy, Nadine....”

Their plotting went on until they were all in agreement on one plan.
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