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What about Nekos, Dragons, Cockatrice, Heartless (Kingdom Hearts) etc
That's 4 people including me. I'll see if I can get a few more first.
Very interested
@Morose understood. Thank you
<Snipped quote by ShinyEve>

Indeed. I was mostly thinking about a "young" Gorgon whose powers haven't fully developed yet, so instead of turning someone to stone it's just a temporary paralysis.

Sounds good. And he can then learn how to fully control his powers to use against his enemies and not use against his allies
I'm interested. Any chance you would let me play a gorgon?

Yep. Totally fine. We'd just have to make sure the stone powers aren't too op, or God mod. So we can say they can control it or something maybe
@KatherinWinter I might be interested in the dragon idea
@BlazingBark I'd love a cute PMD roleplay
@Cleveraptor I absolutely love Primeval. It honestly isn't talked about enough. We could do a Rp based around it?
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