A war between Humans and Magi, people who possess magical abilities. Using their ingenious technology powered by the souls of the Magi, Humans are leading the victory in the war but it isn't over yet. Magic Society has begun a school to train Magi of all ages and species for the war in secret, away from Human Eyes.
So, this is an Academy roleplay, which will later become a war against Humans and their Magi-powered technology. Magi can be anything from Dragons, Griffins, Humans with magic, etc.
Magi's Arcane Academy
Academy Rules
1: You must be at class on time, if not you will get a warning, three warnings until you are punished, though you shall not be taken off the island. If it carries on, then you will be excluded.
2: Do not use your powers outside of the training room, and do not fight other students unless a staff member is supervising.
3: No vandalism!
4: What the master goes at all times!
5: You may leave the campus and explore the island however will do expect you back before midnight
That is all for now, we hope you enjoy your stay.
Game Rules
1 No character limit.
2 No arguing, fighting or anything else in the OOC, feel free in IC, your characters can be as mean as you want.
3: At least a paragraph, please.
4: Two types of magic maximum, the more you have, the harder it is to control them. Teachers has Three powers.
5: You can be as old as you like. However, the older you are, the more likely it will be that this is your second or third or fourth year. Etc etc. Either that or you could make a teacher if you ask me.
6: Please include pictures of your characters / pets
Staff Room
Storage Room X 3
Training Room
This is a room for training your magic, do not use your powers outside of this room!
Grand Hall
This is where all students shall meet at 13.00 hours, do not be late.
Dorms, left hand side is for males, right hand side is for females.
Storage Room X 3
Training Class
Socialize Class
This class will give everyone a chance to learn about each other.
Dorms, left hand side is for males, right hand side is for females.
Dorms, left hand side is for males, right hand side is for females.
Storage room X3
Time Table
Assembly: 9:00 Am Socialize Class: 9:10 Am Training Class: 10:00 Am Lunch: 12:00 Pm History: 13:30 English: 15:30 Maths: 16:30 Training Class: 17:30 Socialize Class: 19:30 Bed: 22:00
Training Class: 9:00 Am English: 11:00 Am Lunch: 12:00 Am Maths: 13:30 History Class: 14:30 Socialize Class: 16:30 Training Class: 18:30 Astronomy: 20:00 Bed: 22:00
Wednesday Training Class: 9:00 Am Socialize Class: 11:00 Am Lunch: 12:00 Survival Training: 13:30 Astronomy: 16:00 Training Class: 18:00 History: 20:00 Bed: 22:00
Thursday: Training Class: 9:00 Am Team Building: 11:00 Lunch: 12:00 Survival Training: 13:30 Team Building: 16:00 Training Class: 18:00 History: 20:00 Bed: 22:00
Friday: School Trip: 9:00 Am Bed: 22:00
Training Class: 9:00 Am Team Building: 11:00 Am Lunch: 12:00 Pm English: 14:00 Maths: 15:00 Survival Training: 16:00 Team Building: 18:00 Astronomy: 20:00 Bed: 22:00
Sunday: Free Lesson: 9:00 Bed: 22:00
Free Lesson meaning you can do anything you wish. Socialize Class is basically doing anything Social. Bar, exploring while getting to know each other. Often including team building activitie.
As characters explore, they will discover new locations and secrets about the island! This includes events, bosses, story and plot.
Cs Name: Gender: Age: Species: Room Number: (will be assigned to you before roleplay) Alignment: Appearance:
Main Magic: Sub Magic: Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other:
Pet Name: Pet Age: Pet Gender: Pet Species: Pet Apperance:
Pet Personality:
Pet's Main Magic: Pet's Sub Magic:
Human forms/disguises are allowed if you want your character to have them.