Zabar Ruins - Southern Region
@Rezod92As soon as Garrick crossed over to the ring of sand that the worms were making around their would-be meal, their attention turned to him, the sudden threat, but all the same an additional serving to them. These young Aldugan Sand Worms were worked up, and given their size, as well as the shallow spikes forming on their backs, they'd leave the nest in just a few years for the open sands where they'd have room to grow into an adult. In short, they were the teens of the species.
Garrick would be dealing with some troublesome foes, not for their sturdiness or strength, but rather elusiveness, taking preference to strike from unawares. Though, their spiked spines would reveal their location in the sand, before they would dive for an attack, though the speed they moved made these spines just as dangerous, an adult's would split small ships in two, though in this case if Garrick was in the way of a speeding worm he would suffer only a few cuts.
The worms themselves possessed one last ditch effort should they find themselves outmatched, and that is a toxin they spew from within their saw-like mouths. It has a paralyzing property, but doing so also expends the worm's strength, forcing them to retreat if not handled properly. As adults, they lose this ability and focus entirely on growth. It was fortunate for Garrick though, that they had yet to develop the thick sand-coated skin of their adult forms, perhaps it would not take long to dispatch of them.
Underhull, Mayleaf Orphanage
@Letter Bee@RenoseMs. Mayleaf required silence as she treated the man. She saw how distraught Kazue and Ken were, or rather, riled up was perhaps the right word. She urged them to stay put, at least for now. Even if they wanted retribution, they would not know where to go or how to do it. This man in bed getting treatment was their only lead if they wished to go about it.
A bit of time passed, and the man's condition was stabilized. He was cleaned up, and he was no longer twitching, just sleeping, although there was still a great deal of worry about how he may be. This drug was known to change a person's psyche to some extent as an after effect, and from how much it looked like he consumed, it was beyond a safe dose. Well beyond. He didn't even seem cognitive at that point.
"Kellen was someone who helped around this area of the Underhull every so often, he disappeared some months ago. This drug here, that he was holding, he said he was going to find the ones responsible, and I told him not to. I know how dangerous these sorts of things and investigations tend to be. He was not versed in fighting, but he was so passionate about helping people here...", she sighed, sitting down and pressing her forehead, relieving whatever stress was building up in her.
"I know you both feel a need to do something about this but... I'm afraid it would be better to not pursue it. Most suppliers seem to be the Aldugan Spines, that much is common knowledge, and they're not afraid to slit a few throats, if their operations are threatened", there was a tangible seriousness to her voice. It wasn't unbelievable, in fact earlier they seriously injured or even killed some people at the coliseum. The casualties were not high but killing was something they were more than willing to do.
"So, please, just stay here, stay safe", she urged them. She felt it may have been a futile effort, she knew types like Ken, in fact Kellen and Ken seemed a little similar, in some regards. Well, either way... It didn't seem she was willing to talk further about it. An investigation into whatever trail Kellen left behind, or waiting and hoping he wasn't addle-brained by the drugs.